# # Author:: Joshua Timberman () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Opscode, Inc # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/provider/mount" require "chef/log" class Chef class Provider class Mount class Mount < Chef::Provider::Mount provides :mount def initialize(new_resource, run_context) super @real_device = nil end attr_accessor :real_device def load_current_resource @current_resource = Chef::Resource::Mount.new(@new_resource.name) @current_resource.mount_point(@new_resource.mount_point) @current_resource.device(@new_resource.device) mounted? enabled? end def mountable? # only check for existence of non-remote devices if (device_should_exist? && !::File.exists?(device_real) ) raise Chef::Exceptions::Mount, "Device #{@new_resource.device} does not exist" elsif( @new_resource.mount_point != "none" && !::File.exists?(@new_resource.mount_point) ) raise Chef::Exceptions::Mount, "Mount point #{@new_resource.mount_point} does not exist" end return true end def enabled? # Check to see if there is a entry in /etc/fstab. Last entry for a volume wins. enabled = false ::File.foreach("/etc/fstab") do |line| case line when /^[#\s]/ next when /^#{device_fstab_regex}\s+#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ enabled = true @current_resource.fstype($1) @current_resource.options($2) @current_resource.dump($3.to_i) @current_resource.pass($4.to_i) Chef::Log.debug("Found mount #{device_fstab} to #{@new_resource.mount_point} in /etc/fstab") next when /^[\/\w]+\s+#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}\s+/ enabled = false Chef::Log.debug("Found conflicting mount point #{@new_resource.mount_point} in /etc/fstab") end end @current_resource.enabled(enabled) end def mounted? mounted = false # "mount" outputs the mount points as real paths. Convert # the mount_point of the resource to a real path in case it # contains symlinks in its parents dirs. real_mount_point = if ::File.exists? @new_resource.mount_point ::File.realpath(@new_resource.mount_point) else @new_resource.mount_point end shell_out!("mount").stdout.each_line do |line| case line when /^#{device_mount_regex}\s+on\s+#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s/ mounted = true Chef::Log.debug("Special device #{device_logstring} mounted as #{real_mount_point}") when /^([\/\w])+\son\s#{Regexp.escape(real_mount_point)}\s+/ mounted = false Chef::Log.debug("Special device #{$~[1]} mounted as #{real_mount_point}") end end @current_resource.mounted(mounted) end def mount_fs unless @current_resource.mounted mountable? command = "mount -t #{@new_resource.fstype}" command << " -o #{@new_resource.options.join(',')}" unless @new_resource.options.nil? || @new_resource.options.empty? command << case @new_resource.device_type when :device " #{device_real}" when :label " -L #{@new_resource.device}" when :uuid " -U #{@new_resource.device}" end command << " #{@new_resource.mount_point}" shell_out!(command) Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is mounted at #{@new_resource.mount_point}") else Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is already mounted at #{@new_resource.mount_point}") end end def umount_fs if @current_resource.mounted shell_out!("umount #{@new_resource.mount_point}") Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is no longer mounted at #{@new_resource.mount_point}") else Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is not mounted at #{@new_resource.mount_point}") end end def remount_command return "mount -o remount,#{@new_resource.options.join(',')} #{@new_resource.mount_point}" end def remount_fs if @current_resource.mounted and @new_resource.supports[:remount] shell_out!(remount_command) @new_resource.updated_by_last_action(true) Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is remounted at #{@new_resource.mount_point}") elsif @current_resource.mounted umount_fs sleep 1 mount_fs else Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is not mounted at #{@new_resource.mount_point} - nothing to do") end end def enable_fs if @current_resource.enabled && mount_options_unchanged? Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is already enabled - nothing to do") return nil end if @current_resource.enabled # The current options don't match what we have, so # disable, then enable. disable_fs end ::File.open("/etc/fstab", "a") do |fstab| fstab.puts("#{device_fstab} #{@new_resource.mount_point} #{@new_resource.fstype} #{@new_resource.options.nil? ? "defaults" : @new_resource.options.join(",")} #{@new_resource.dump} #{@new_resource.pass}") Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is enabled at #{@new_resource.mount_point}") end end def disable_fs if @current_resource.enabled contents = [] found = false ::File.readlines("/etc/fstab").reverse_each do |line| if !found && line =~ /^#{device_fstab_regex}\s+#{Regexp.escape(@new_resource.mount_point)}\s/ found = true Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is removed from fstab") next else contents << line end end ::File.open("/etc/fstab", "w") do |fstab| contents.reverse_each { |line| fstab.puts line} end else Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} is not enabled - nothing to do") end end def network_device? @new_resource.device =~ /:/ || @new_resource.device =~ /\/\// end def device_should_exist? ( @new_resource.device != "none" ) && ( not network_device? ) && ( not %w{ cgroup tmpfs fuse }.include? @new_resource.fstype ) end private def device_fstab case @new_resource.device_type when :device @new_resource.device when :label "LABEL=#{@new_resource.device}" when :uuid "UUID=#{@new_resource.device}" end end def device_real if @real_device == nil if @new_resource.device_type == :device @real_device = @new_resource.device else @real_device = "" ret = shell_out("/sbin/findfs #{device_fstab}") device_line = ret.stdout.lines.first # stdout.first consumes @real_device = device_line.chomp unless device_line.nil? end end @real_device end def device_logstring case @new_resource.device_type when :device "#{device_real}" when :label "#{device_real} with label #{@new_resource.device}" when :uuid "#{device_real} with uuid #{@new_resource.device}" end end def device_mount_regex if network_device? # ignore trailing slash Regexp.escape(device_real)+"/?" elsif ::File.symlink?(device_real) # This regular expression tries to match device_real. If that does not match it will try to match the target of device_real. # So given a symlink like this: # /dev/mapper/vgroot-tmp.vol -> /dev/dm-9 # First it will try to match "/dev/mapper/vgroot-tmp.vol". If there is no match it will try matching for "/dev/dm-9". "(?:#{Regexp.escape(device_real)}|#{Regexp.escape(::File.expand_path(::File.readlink(device_real),::File.dirname(device_real)))})" else Regexp.escape(device_real) end end def device_fstab_regex if @new_resource.device_type == :device device_mount_regex else device_fstab end end def mount_options_unchanged? @current_resource.fstype == @new_resource.fstype and @current_resource.options == @new_resource.options and @current_resource.dump == @new_resource.dump and @current_resource.pass == @new_resource.pass end end end end end