# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../package" require_relative "../../resource/dnf_package" require_relative "../../mixin/which" require_relative "../../mixin/shell_out" require_relative "../../mixin/get_source_from_package" require_relative "dnf/python_helper" require_relative "dnf/version" class Chef class Provider class Package class Dnf < Chef::Provider::Package extend Chef::Mixin::Which extend Chef::Mixin::ShellOut include Chef::Mixin::GetSourceFromPackage allow_nils use_multipackage_api use_package_name_for_source use_magic_version # all rhel variants >= 8 will use DNF provides :package, platform_family: "rhel", platform_version: ">= 8" # fedora >= 22 uses DNF provides :package, platform: "fedora", platform_version: ">= 22" # amazon will eventually use DNF provides :package, platform: "amazon" do which("dnf") end provides :dnf_package # # Most of the magic in this class happens in the python helper script. The ruby side of this # provider knows only enough to translate Chef-style new_resource name+package+version into # a request to the python side. The python side is then responsible for knowing everything # about RPMs and what is installed and what is available. The ruby side of this class should # remain a lightweight translation layer to translate Chef requests into RPC requests to # python. This class knows nothing about how to compare RPM versions, and does not maintain # any cached state of installed/available versions and should be kept that way. # def python_helper @python_helper ||= PythonHelper.instance end def load_current_resource flushcache if new_resource.flush_cache[:before] @current_resource = Chef::Resource::DnfPackage.new(new_resource.name) current_resource.package_name(new_resource.package_name) current_resource.version(get_current_versions) current_resource end def load_after_resource # force the installed version array to repopulate @current_version = [] @after_resource = Chef::Resource::DnfPackage.new(new_resource.name) after_resource.package_name(new_resource.package_name) after_resource.version(get_current_versions) after_resource end def define_resource_requirements requirements.assert(:install, :upgrade, :remove, :purge) do |a| a.assertion { !new_resource.source || ::File.exist?(new_resource.source) } a.failure_message Chef::Exceptions::Package, "Package #{new_resource.package_name} not found: #{new_resource.source}" a.whyrun "assuming #{new_resource.source} would have previously been created" end super end def candidate_version package_name_array.each_with_index.map do |pkg, i| available_version(i).version_with_arch end end def magic_version package_name_array.each_with_index.map do |pkg, i| magical_version(i).version_with_arch end end def get_current_versions package_name_array.each_with_index.map do |pkg, i| current_version(i).version_with_arch end end def install_package(names, versions) if new_resource.source dnf(options, "-y", "install", new_resource.source) else resolved_names = names.each_with_index.map { |name, i| available_version(i).to_s unless name.nil? } dnf(options, "-y", "install", resolved_names) end flushcache end # dnf upgrade does not work on uninstalled packaged, while install will upgrade alias upgrade_package install_package def remove_package(names, versions) resolved_names = names.each_with_index.map { |name, i| magical_version(i).to_s unless name.nil? } dnf(options, "-y", "remove", resolved_names) flushcache end alias purge_package remove_package action :flush_cache do flushcache end # NB: the dnf_package provider manages individual single packages, please do not submit issues or PRs to try to add wildcard # support to lock / unlock. The best solution is to write an execute resource which does a not_if `dnf versionlock | grep '^pattern`` kind of approach def lock_package(names, versions) dnf("-d0", "-e0", "-y", options, "versionlock", "add", resolved_package_lock_names(names)) end # NB: the dnf_package provider manages individual single packages, please do not submit issues or PRs to try to add wildcard # support to lock / unlock. The best solution is to write an execute resource which does a only_if `dnf versionlock | grep '^pattern`` kind of approach def unlock_package(names, versions) # dnf versionlock delete on rhel6 needs the glob nonsense in the following command dnf("-d0", "-e0", "-y", options, "versionlock", "delete", resolved_package_lock_names(names).map { |n| "*:#{n}-*" }) end private # this will resolve things like `/usr/bin/perl` or virtual packages like `mysql` -- it will not work (well? at all?) with globs that match multiple packages def resolved_package_lock_names(names) names.each_with_index.map do |name, i| unless name.nil? if magical_version(i).version.nil? available_version(i).name else magical_version(i).name end end end end def locked_packages @locked_packages ||= begin locked = dnf("versionlock", "list") locked.stdout.each_line.map do |line| line.sub(/-[^-]*-[^-]*$/, "").split(":").last.strip end end end def packages_all_locked?(names, versions) resolved_package_lock_names(names).all? { |n| locked_packages.include? n } end def packages_all_unlocked?(names, versions) !resolved_package_lock_names(names).any? { |n| locked_packages.include? n } end def version_gt?(v1, v2) return false if v1.nil? || v2.nil? python_helper.compare_versions(v1, v2) == 1 end def version_equals?(v1, v2) return false if v1.nil? || v2.nil? python_helper.compare_versions(v1, v2) == 0 end def version_compare(v1, v2) python_helper.compare_versions(v1, v2) end def resolve_source_to_version_obj shell_out!("rpm -qp --queryformat '%{NAME} %{EPOCH} %{VERSION} %{RELEASE} %{ARCH}\n' #{new_resource.source}").stdout.each_line do |line| # this is another case of committing the sin of doing some lightweight mangling of RPM versions in ruby -- but the output of the rpm command # does not match what the yum library accepts. case line when /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/ return Version.new($1, "#{$2 == "(none)" ? "0" : $2}:#{$3}-#{$4}", $5) end end end # @return Array def available_version(index) @available_version ||= [] @available_version[index] ||= if new_resource.source resolve_source_to_version_obj else python_helper.package_query(:whatavailable, package_name_array[index], version: safe_version_array[index], arch: safe_arch_array[index], options: options) end @available_version[index] end # @return [Array] def magical_version(index) @magical_version ||= [] @magical_version[index] ||= if new_resource.source python_helper.package_query(:whatinstalled, available_version(index).name, version: safe_version_array[index], arch: safe_arch_array[index], options: options) else python_helper.package_query(:whatinstalled, package_name_array[index], version: safe_version_array[index], arch: safe_arch_array[index], options: options) end @magical_version[index] end def current_version(index) @current_version ||= [] @current_version[index] ||= if new_resource.source python_helper.package_query(:whatinstalled, available_version(index).name, arch: safe_arch_array[index], options: options) else python_helper.package_query(:whatinstalled, package_name_array[index], arch: safe_arch_array[index], options: options) end @current_version[index] end # cache flushing is accomplished by simply restarting the python helper. this produces a roughly # 15% hit to the runtime of installing/removing/upgrading packages. correctly using multipackage # array installs (and the multipackage cookbook) can produce 600% improvements in runtime. def flushcache python_helper.restart end def dnf(*args) shell_out!("dnf", *args) end def safe_version_array if new_resource.version.is_a?(Array) new_resource.version elsif new_resource.version.nil? package_name_array.map { nil } else [ new_resource.version ] end end def safe_arch_array if new_resource.arch.is_a?(Array) new_resource.arch elsif new_resource.arch.nil? package_name_array.map { nil } else [ new_resource.arch ] end end end end end end