# # Author:: Bryan McLellan # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../../mixin/uris" require_relative "../../resource/windows_package" require_relative "../package" require_relative "../../util/path_helper" require_relative "../../mixin/checksum" require "cgi" unless defined?(CGI) class Chef class Provider class Package class Windows < Chef::Provider::Package include Chef::Mixin::Uris include Chef::Mixin::Checksum provides :package, os: "windows" provides :windows_package require "chef/provider/package/windows/registry_uninstall_entry.rb" def define_resource_requirements requirements.assert(:install) do |a| a.assertion { new_resource.source || msi? } a.failure_message Chef::Exceptions::NoWindowsPackageSource, "Source for package #{new_resource.package_name} must be specified in the resource's source property for package to be installed because the package_name property is used to test for the package installation state for this package type." end unless uri_scheme?(new_resource.source) requirements.assert(:install) do |a| a.assertion { ::File.exist?(new_resource.source) } a.failure_message Chef::Exceptions::Package, "Source for package #{new_resource.package_name} does not exist" a.whyrun "Assuming source file #{new_resource.source} would have been created." end end end # load_current_resource is run in Chef::Provider#run_action when not in whyrun_mode? def load_current_resource @current_resource = Chef::Resource::WindowsPackage.new(new_resource.name) if downloadable_file_missing? logger.trace("We do not know the version of #{new_resource.source} because the file is not downloaded") # FIXME: this label should not be used. It could be set to nil. Probably what should happen is that # if the file hasn't been downloaded then load_current_resource must download the file here, and then # the else clause to set current_resource.version can always be run. Relying on a side-effect here # produces at least less readable code, if not outright buggy... (and I'm assuming that this isn't # wholly just a bug -- since if we only need the package_name to determine if its installed then we # need this, so I'm assuming we need to download the file to pull out the name in order to check # the registry -- which it still feels like we get wrong in the sense we're forcing always downloading # and then always installing(?) which violates idempotency -- and I'm having to think way too hard # about this and would need to go surfing around the code to determine what actually happens, probably # in every different package_provider...) current_resource.version(:unknown.to_s) else current_resource.version(package_provider.installed_version) new_resource.version(package_provider.package_version) if package_provider.package_version end current_resource end def package_provider @package_provider ||= begin case installer_type when :msi logger.trace("#{new_resource} is MSI") require_relative "windows/msi" Chef::Provider::Package::Windows::MSI.new(resource_for_provider, uninstall_registry_entries) else logger.trace("#{new_resource} is EXE with type '#{installer_type}'") require_relative "windows/exe" Chef::Provider::Package::Windows::Exe.new(resource_for_provider, installer_type, uninstall_registry_entries) end end end def installer_type # Depending on the installer, we may need to examine installer_type or # source attributes, or search for text strings in the installer file # binary to determine the installer type for the user. Since the file # must be on disk to do so, we have to make this choice in the provider. @installer_type ||= begin return :msi if msi? if new_resource.installer_type new_resource.installer_type elsif source_location.nil? inferred_registry_type else basename = ::File.basename(source_location) file_extension = basename.split(".").last.downcase # search the binary file for installer type ::Kernel.open(::File.expand_path(source_location), "rb") do |io| filesize = io.size bufsize = 4096 # read 4K buffers overlap = 16 # bytes to overlap between buffer reads until io.eof contents = io.read(bufsize) case contents when /inno/i # Inno Setup return :inno when /wise/i # Wise InstallMaster return :wise when /nullsoft/i # Nullsoft Scriptable Install System return :nsis end if io.tell < filesize io.seek(io.tell - overlap) end end # if file is named 'setup.exe' assume installshield if basename == "setup.exe" :installshield else raise Chef::Exceptions::CannotDetermineWindowsInstallerType, "Installer type for Windows Package '#{new_resource.package_name}' not specified and cannot be determined from file extension '#{file_extension}'" end end end end end action :install do if uri_scheme?(new_resource.source) download_source_file load_current_resource else validate_content! end super end # Chef::Provider::Package action_install + action_remove call install_package + remove_package # Pass those calls to the correct sub-provider def install_package(name, version) package_provider.install_package end def remove_package(name, version) package_provider.remove_package end # @return [Array] new_version(s) as an array def new_version_array # Because the one in the parent caches things [new_resource.version] end # @return [String] candidate_version def candidate_version @candidate_version ||= (new_resource.version || "latest") end # @return [Array] current_version(s) as an array # this package provider does not support package arrays # However, There may be multiple versions for a single # package so the first element may be a nested array # # FIXME: this breaks the semantics of the superclass and needs to get unwound. Since these package # providers don't support multipackage they can't put multiple versions into this array. The windows # package managers need this in order to uninstall multiple installed version, and they should track # that in something like an `uninstall_version_array` of their own. The superclass does not implement # this kind of feature. Doing this here breaks LSP and will create bugs since the superclass will not # expect it at all. The `current_resource.version` also MUST NOT be an array if the package provider # is not multipackage. The existing implementation of package_provider.installed_version should probably # be what `uninstall_version_array` is, and then that list should be sorted and last/first'd into the # current_resource.version. The current_version_array method was not intended to be overwritten by # sublasses (but ruby provides no feature to block doing so -- it is already marked as private). # def current_version_array [ current_resource.version ] end # @param current_version one or more versions currently installed # @param new_version version of the new resource # # @return [Boolean] true if new_version is equal to or included in current_version def target_version_already_installed?(current_version, new_version) version_equals?(current_version, new_version) end def version_equals?(current_version, new_version) logger.trace("Checking if #{new_resource} version '#{new_version}' is already installed. #{current_version} is currently installed") if current_version.is_a?(Array) current_version.include?(new_version) else new_version == current_version end end def have_any_matching_version? target_version_already_installed?(current_resource.version, new_resource.version) end private def version_compare(v1, v2) if v1 == "latest" || v2 == "latest" return 0 end gem_v1 = Gem::Version.new(v1) gem_v2 = Gem::Version.new(v2) gem_v1 <=> gem_v2 end def uninstall_registry_entries @uninstall_registry_entries ||= Chef::Provider::Package::Windows::RegistryUninstallEntry.find_entries(new_resource.package_name) end def inferred_registry_type @inferred_registry_type ||= begin uninstall_registry_entries.each do |entry| return :inno if entry.key.end_with?("_is1") return :msi if entry.uninstall_string.downcase.start_with?("msiexec.exe ") return :nsis if entry.uninstall_string.downcase.end_with?("uninst.exe\"") end nil end end def downloadable_file_missing? !new_resource.source.nil? && uri_scheme?(new_resource.source) && !::File.exist?(source_location) end def resource_for_provider @resource_for_provider = Chef::Resource::WindowsPackage.new(new_resource.name).tap do |r| r.source(Chef::Util::PathHelper.validate_path(source_location)) unless source_location.nil? r.cookbook_name = new_resource.cookbook_name r.version(new_resource.version) r.timeout(new_resource.timeout) r.returns(new_resource.returns) r.options(new_resource.options) r.sensitive(new_resource.sensitive) end end def download_source_file source_resource.run_action(:create) logger.trace("#{new_resource} fetched source file to #{source_resource.path}") end def source_resource @source_resource ||= Chef::Resource::RemoteFile.new(default_download_cache_path, run_context).tap do |r| r.source(new_resource.source) r.cookbook_name = new_resource.cookbook_name r.checksum(new_resource.checksum) r.backup(false) if new_resource.remote_file_attributes new_resource.remote_file_attributes.each do |(k, v)| r.send(k.to_sym, v) end end end end def default_download_cache_path uri = ::URI.parse(new_resource.source) filename = ::File.basename(::CGI.unescape(uri.path)) file_cache_dir = Chef::FileCache.create_cache_path("package/") Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath("#{file_cache_dir}/#{filename}") end def source_location if new_resource.source.nil? nil elsif uri_scheme?(new_resource.source) source_resource.path else new_source = Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(new_resource.source) ::File.exist?(new_source) ? new_source : nil end end def validate_content! if new_resource.checksum source_checksum = checksum(source_location) if new_resource.checksum.downcase != source_checksum raise Chef::Exceptions::ChecksumMismatch.new(short_cksum(new_resource.checksum), short_cksum(source_checksum)) end end end def msi? return true if new_resource.installer_type == :msi if source_location.nil? inferred_registry_type == :msi else ::File.extname(source_location).casecmp(".msi") == 0 end end end end end end