# # Author:: Bryan McLellan (btm@loftninjas.org), Jesse Nelson (spheromak@gmail.com) # Copyright:: Copyright 2009-2016, Bryan McLellan # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/log" require "chef/mixin/command" require "chef/provider" require "ipaddr" class Chef::Provider::Route < Chef::Provider include Chef::Mixin::Command provides :route attr_accessor :is_running MASK = { "" => "0", "" => "1", "" => "2", "" => "3", "" => "4", "" => "5", "" => "6", "" => "7", "" => "8", "" => "9", "" => "10", "" => "11", "" => "12", "" => "13", "" => "14", "" => "15", "" => "16", "" => "17", "" => "18", "" => "19", "" => "20", "" => "21", "" => "22", "" => "23", "" => "24", "" => "25", "" => "26", "" => "27", "" => "28", "" => "29", "" => "30", "" => "31", "" => "32" } def hex2ip(hex_data) # Cleanup hex data hex_ip = hex_data.to_s.downcase.gsub(/[^0-9a-f]/, "") # Check hex data format (IP is a 32bit integer, so should be 8 chars long) return nil if hex_ip.length != hex_data.length || hex_ip.length != 8 # Extract octets from hex data octets = hex_ip.scan(/../).reverse.collect { |octet| [octet].pack("H2").unpack("C").first } # Validate IP ip = octets.join(".") begin IPAddr.new(ip, Socket::AF_INET).to_s rescue ArgumentError Chef::Log.debug("Invalid IP address data: hex=#{hex_ip}, ip=#{ip}") return nil end end def whyrun_supported? true end def load_current_resource self.is_running = false # cidr or quad dot mask if @new_resource.netmask new_ip = IPAddr.new("#{@new_resource.target}/#{@new_resource.netmask}") else new_ip = IPAddr.new(@new_resource.target) end # For linux, we use /proc/net/route file to read proc table info if node[:os] == "linux" route_file = ::File.open("/proc/net/route", "r") # Read all routes while (line = route_file.gets) # Get all the fields for a route iface, destination, gateway, flags, refcnt, use, metric, mask, mtu, window, irtt = line.split # Convert hex-encoded values to quad-dotted notation (e.g. 0064A8C0 => destination = hex2ip(destination) gateway = hex2ip(gateway) mask = hex2ip(mask) # Skip formatting lines (header, etc) next unless destination && gateway && mask Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} system has route: dest=#{destination} mask=#{mask} gw=#{gateway}") # check if what were trying to configure is already there # use an ipaddr object with ip/mask this way we can have # a new resource be in cidr format (i don't feel like # expanding bitmask by hand. # running_ip = IPAddr.new("#{destination}/#{mask}") Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} new ip: #{new_ip.inspect} running ip: #{running_ip.inspect}") self.is_running = true if running_ip == new_ip && gateway == @new_resource.gateway end route_file.close end end def action_add # check to see if load_current_resource found the route if is_running Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} route already active - nothing to do") else command = generate_command(:add) converge_by ("run #{ command } to add route") do run_command( :command => command ) Chef::Log.info("#{@new_resource} added") end end #for now we always write the file (ugly but its what it is) generate_config end def action_delete if is_running command = generate_command(:delete) converge_by ("run #{ command } to delete route ") do run_command( :command => command ) Chef::Log.info("#{@new_resource} removed") end else Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} route does not exist - nothing to do") end #for now we always write the file (ugly but its what it is) generate_config end def generate_config conf = Hash.new case node[:platform] when "centos", "redhat", "fedora" # walk the collection run_context.resource_collection.each do |resource| if resource.is_a? Chef::Resource::Route # default to eth0 if resource.device dev = resource.device else dev = "eth0" end conf[dev] = String.new if conf[dev].nil? case @action when :add conf[dev] << config_file_contents(:add, :target => resource.target, :netmask => resource.netmask, :gateway => resource.gateway) if resource.action == [:add] when :delete # need to do this for the case when the last route on an int # is removed conf[dev] << config_file_contents(:delete) end end end conf.each do |k, v| network_file_name = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-#{k}" converge_by ("write route route.#{k}\n#{conf[k]} to #{ network_file_name }") do network_file = ::File.new(network_file_name, "w") network_file.puts(conf[k]) Chef::Log.debug("#{@new_resource} writing route.#{k}\n#{conf[k]}") network_file.close end end end end def generate_command(action) common_route_items = "" common_route_items << "/#{MASK[@new_resource.netmask.to_s]}" if @new_resource.netmask common_route_items << " via #{@new_resource.gateway} " if @new_resource.gateway case action when :add command = "ip route replace #{@new_resource.target}" command << common_route_items command << " dev #{@new_resource.device} " if @new_resource.device when :delete command = "ip route delete #{@new_resource.target}" command << common_route_items end return command end def config_file_contents(action, options = {}) content = "" case action when :add content << "#{options[:target]}" content << "/#{options[:netmask]}" if options[:netmask] content << " via #{options[:gateway]}" if options[:gateway] content << "\n" end return content end end