# # Author:: Richard Manyanza () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Richard Manyanza. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/exceptions" require "chef/platform/priority_map" class Chef # # Provider Resolution # =================== # # Provider resolution is the process of taking a Resource object and an # action, and determining the Provider class that should be instantiated to # handle the action. # # If the resource has its `provider` set, that is used. # # Otherwise, we take the lists of Providers that have registered as # providing the DSL through `provides :dsl_name, ` or # `Chef.set_resource_priority_array :dsl_name, `. We filter each # list of Providers through: # # 1. The filters it was registered with (such as `os: 'linux'` or # `platform_family: 'debian'`) # 2. `provides?(node, resource)` # 3. `supports?(resource, action)` # # Anything that passes the filter and returns `true` to provides and supports, # is considered a match. The first matching Provider in the *most recently # registered list* is selected and returned. # class ProviderResolver attr_reader :node attr_reader :resource attr_reader :action def initialize(node, resource, action) @node = node @resource = resource @action = action end def resolve maybe_explicit_provider(resource) || maybe_dynamic_provider_resolution(resource, action) || maybe_chef_platform_lookup(resource) end # Does NOT call provides? on the resource (it is assumed this is being # called *from* provides?). def provided_by?(provider_class) potential_handlers.include?(provider_class) end def enabled_handlers @enabled_handlers ||= potential_handlers.select { |handler| !overrode_provides?(handler) || handler.provides?(node, resource) } end # TODO deprecate this and allow actions to be passed as a filter to # `provides` so we don't have to have two separate things. # @api private def supported_handlers enabled_handlers.select { |handler| handler.supports?(resource, action) } end private def potential_handlers handler_map.list(node, resource.resource_name).uniq end # The list of handlers, with any in the priority_map moved to the front def prioritized_handlers @prioritized_handlers ||= begin supported_handlers = self.supported_handlers if supported_handlers.empty? # if none of the providers specifically support the resource, we still need to pick one of the providers that are # enabled on the node to handle the why-run use case. FIXME we should only do this in why-run mode then. Chef::Log.debug "No providers responded true to `supports?` for action #{action} on resource #{resource}, falling back to enabled handlers so we can return something anyway." supported_handlers = enabled_handlers end prioritized = priority_map.list(node, resource.resource_name).flatten(1) prioritized &= supported_handlers # Filter the priority map by the actual enabled handlers prioritized |= supported_handlers # Bring back any handlers that aren't in the priority map, at the *end* (ordered set) prioritized end end # if resource.provider is set, just return one of those objects def maybe_explicit_provider(resource) return nil unless resource.provider resource.provider end # try dynamically finding a provider based on querying the providers to see what they support def maybe_dynamic_provider_resolution(resource, action) Chef::Log.debug "Providers for generic #{resource.resource_name} resource enabled on node include: #{enabled_handlers}" handler = prioritized_handlers.first if handler Chef::Log.debug "Provider for action #{action} on resource #{resource} is #{handler}" else Chef::Log.debug "Dynamic provider resolver FAILED to resolve a provider for action #{action} on resource #{resource}" end handler end # try the old static lookup of providers by platform def maybe_chef_platform_lookup(resource) Chef::Platform.find_provider_for_node(node, resource) end def priority_map Chef.provider_priority_map end def handler_map Chef.provider_handler_map end def overrode_provides?(handler) handler.method(:provides?).owner != Chef::Provider.method(:provides?).owner end module Deprecated # return a deterministically sorted list of Chef::Provider subclasses def providers @providers ||= Chef::Provider.descendants end def enabled_handlers @enabled_handlers ||= begin handlers = super if handlers.empty? # Look through all providers, and find ones that return true to provides. # Don't bother with ones that don't override provides?, since they # would have been in enabled_handlers already if that were so. (It's a # perf concern otherwise.) handlers = providers.select { |handler| overrode_provides?(handler) && handler.provides?(node, resource) } handlers.each do |handler| Chef.log_deprecation("#{handler}.provides? returned true when asked if it provides DSL #{resource.resource_name}, but provides #{resource.resource_name.inspect} was never called!") Chef.log_deprecation("In Chef 13, this will break: you must call provides to mark the names you provide, even if you also override provides? yourself.") end end handlers end end end prepend Deprecated end end