# # Author:: Thom May () # Copyright:: 2016-2017, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/resource" class Chef class Resource class AptRepository < Chef::Resource resource_name :apt_repository provides(:apt_repository) { true } description "Use the apt_repository resource to specify additional APT repositories. Adding a new repository will update the APT package cache immediately." introduced "12.9" # There's a pile of [ String, nil, FalseClass ] types in these properties. # This goes back to Chef 12 where String didn't default to nil and we had to do # it ourself, which required allowing that type as well. We've cleaned up the # defaults, but since we allowed users to pass nil here we need to continue # to allow that so don't refactor this however tempting it is property :repo_name, String, regex: [/^[^\/]+$/], description: "The name of the repository to configure, if it differs from the name of the resource block. The value of this setting must not contain spaces.", validation_message: "repo_name property cannot contain a forward slash '/'", name_property: true property :uri, String, description: "The base of the Debian distribution." property :distribution, [ String, nil, FalseClass ], description: "Usually a distribution’s codename, such as trusty, xenial or bionic. Default value: the codename of the node’s distro.", default: lazy { node["lsb"]["codename"] } property :components, Array, description: "Package groupings, such as ‘main’ and ‘stable’.", default: lazy { [] } property :arch, [String, nil, FalseClass], description: "Constrain packages to a particular CPU architecture such as 'i386' or 'amd64'." property :trusted, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Determines whether you should treat all packages from this repository as authenticated regardless of signature.", default: false property :deb_src, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Determines whether or not to add the repository as a source repo as well.", default: false property :keyserver, [String, nil, FalseClass], description: "The GPG keyserver where the key for the repo should be retrieved.", default: "keyserver.ubuntu.com" property :key, [String, Array, nil, FalseClass], description: "If a keyserver is provided, this is assumed to be the fingerprint; otherwise it can be either the URI of GPG key for the repo, or a cookbook_file.", default: lazy { [] }, coerce: proc { |x| x ? Array(x) : x } property :key_proxy, [String, nil, FalseClass], description: "If set, a specified proxy is passed to GPG via http-proxy=." property :cookbook, [String, nil, FalseClass], description: "If key should be a cookbook_file, specify a cookbook where the key is located for files/default. Default value is nil, so it will use the cookbook where the resource is used.", desired_state: false property :cache_rebuild, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Determines whether to rebuild the APT package cache.", default: true, desired_state: false default_action :add allowed_actions :add, :remove end end end