# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # Author:: Jamie Winsor () # Author:: Tim Smith () # # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../resource" require "fileutils" unless defined?(FileUtils) class Chef class Resource class ArchiveFile < Chef::Resource unified_mode true provides :archive_file provides :libarchive_file # legacy cookbook name introduced "15.0" description "Use the **archive_file** resource to extract archive files to disk. This resource uses the libarchive library to extract multiple archive formats including tar, gzip, bzip, and zip formats." examples <<~DOC **Extract a zip file to a specified directory**: ```ruby archive_file 'Precompiled.zip' do path '/tmp/Precompiled.zip' destination '/srv/files' end ``` **Set specific permissions on the extracted files**: ```ruby archive_file 'Precompiled.zip' do owner 'tsmith' group 'staff' mode '700' path '/tmp/Precompiled.zip' destination '/srv/files' end ``` DOC property :path, String, name_property: true, coerce: proc { |f| ::File.expand_path(f) }, description: "An optional property to set the file path to the archive to extract if it differs from the resource block's name." property :owner, String, description: "The owner of the extracted files." property :group, String, description: "The group of the extracted files." property :mode, [String, Integer], description: "The mode of the extracted files. Integer values are deprecated as octal values (ex. 0755) would not be interpreted correctly.", default: "755" property :destination, String, description: "The file path to extract the archive file to.", required: true property :options, [Array, Symbol], description: "An array of symbols representing extraction flags. Example: `:no_overwrite` to prevent overwriting files on disk. By default, this properly sets `:time` which preserves the modification timestamps of files in the archive when writing them to disk.", default: lazy { [:time] } property :overwrite, [TrueClass, FalseClass, :auto], description: "Should the resource overwrite the destination file contents if they already exist? If set to `:auto` the date stamp of files within the archive will be compared to those on disk and disk contents will be overwritten if they differ. This may cause unintended consequences if disk date stamps are changed between runs, which will result in the files being overwritten during each client run. Make sure to properly test any change to this property.", default: false # backwards compatibility for the legacy cookbook names alias_method :extract_options, :options alias_method :extract_to, :destination action :extract do description "Extract and archive file." require_libarchive unless ::File.exist?(new_resource.path) raise Errno::ENOENT, "No archive found at #{new_resource.path}! Cannot continue." end if !::File.exist?(new_resource.destination) Chef::Log.trace("File or directory does not exist at destination path: #{new_resource.destination}") converge_by("create directory #{new_resource.destination}") do # @todo when we remove the ability for mode to be an int we can remove the .to_s below FileUtils.mkdir_p(new_resource.destination, mode: new_resource.mode.to_s.to_i(8)) end extract(new_resource.path, new_resource.destination, Array(new_resource.options)) else Chef::Log.trace("File or directory exists at destination path: #{new_resource.destination}.") if new_resource.overwrite == true || (new_resource.overwrite == :auto && archive_differs_from_disk?(new_resource.path, new_resource.destination)) Chef::Log.debug("Overwriting existing content at #{new_resource.destination} due to resource's overwrite property settings.") extract(new_resource.path, new_resource.destination, Array(new_resource.options)) else Chef::Log.debug("Not extracting archive as #{new_resource.destination} exists and resource not set to overwrite.") end end if new_resource.owner || new_resource.group converge_by("set owner of files extracted in #{new_resource.destination} to #{new_resource.owner}:#{new_resource.group}") do archive = Archive::Reader.open_filename(new_resource.path) archive.each_entry do |e| FileUtils.chown(new_resource.owner, new_resource.group, "#{new_resource.destination}/#{e.pathname}") end end end end action_class do def require_libarchive require "ffi-libarchive" end def define_resource_requirements if new_resource.mode.is_a?(Integer) Chef.deprecated(:archive_file_integer_file_mode, "The mode property should be passed to archive_file resources as a String and not an Integer to ensure the value is properly interpreted.") end end # This can't be a constant since we might not have required 'ffi-libarchive' yet. def extract_option_map { owner: Archive::EXTRACT_OWNER, permissions: Archive::EXTRACT_PERM, time: Archive::EXTRACT_TIME, no_overwrite: Archive::EXTRACT_NO_OVERWRITE, acl: Archive::EXTRACT_ACL, fflags: Archive::EXTRACT_FFLAGS, extended_information: Archive::EXTRACT_XATTR, xattr: Archive::EXTRACT_XATTR, no_overwrite_newer: Archive::EXTRACT_NO_OVERWRITE_NEWER, } end # try to determine if the resource has updated or not by checking for files that are in the # archive, but not on disk or files with a non-matching mtime # # @param [String] src # @param [String] dest # # @return [Boolean] def archive_differs_from_disk?(src, dest) modified = false Dir.chdir(dest) do archive = Archive::Reader.open_filename(src) Chef::Log.trace("Beginning the comparison of file mtime between contents of #{src} and #{dest}") archive.each_entry do |e| pathname = ::File.expand_path(e.pathname) if ::File.exist?(pathname) Chef::Log.trace("#{pathname} mtime is #{::File.mtime(pathname)} and archive is #{e.mtime}") modified = true unless ::File.mtime(pathname) == e.mtime else Chef::Log.trace("#{pathname} doesn't exist on disk, but exists in the archive") modified = true end end end modified end # extract the archive # # @param [String] src # @param [String] dest # @param [Array] options # # @return [void] def extract(src, dest, options = []) converge_by("extract #{src} to #{dest}") do flags = [options].flatten.map { |option| extract_option_map[option] }.compact.reduce(:|) Dir.chdir(dest) do archive = Archive::Reader.open_filename(src) archive.each_entry do |e| archive.extract(e, flags.to_i) end archive.close end end end end end end end