# # Copyright:: 2011-2016, Heavy Water Software Inc. # Copyright:: 2016-2018, Chef Software Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific slanguage governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/resource" class Chef class Resource class Locale < Chef::Resource preview_resource true resource_name :locale description "Use the locale resource to set the system's locale." introduced "14.5" property :lang, String, default: "en_US.utf8", description: "Sets the default system language." property :lc_all, String, default: "en_US.utf8", description: "Sets the fallback system language." action :update do description "Update the system's locale." if node["init_package"] == "systemd" # on systemd settings LC_ALL is (correctly) reserved only for testing and cannot be set globally execute "localectl set-locale LANG=#{new_resource.lang}" do # RHEL uses /etc/locale.conf not_if { up_to_date?("/etc/locale.conf", new_resource.lang) } if ::File.exist?("/etc/locale.conf") # Ubuntu 16.04 still uses /etc/default/locale not_if { up_to_date?("/etc/default/locale", new_resource.lang) } if ::File.exist?("/etc/default/locale") end elsif ::File.exist?("/etc/sysconfig/i18n") locale_file_path = "/etc/sysconfig/i18n" updated = up_to_date?(locale_file_path, new_resource.lang, new_resource.lc_all) file locale_file_path do content lazy { locale = IO.read(locale_file_path) variables = Hash[locale.lines.map { |line| line.strip.split("=") }] variables["LANG"] = new_resource.lang variables["LC_ALL"] = variables.map { |pairs| pairs.join("=") }.join("\n") + "\n" } not_if { updated } end execute "reload root's lang profile script" do command "source /etc/sysconfig/i18n; source /etc/profile.d/lang.sh" not_if { updated } end elsif ::File.exist?("/usr/sbin/update-locale") execute "Generate locales" do command "locale-gen" not_if { up_to_date?("/etc/default/locale", new_resource.lang, new_resource.lc_all) } end execute "Update locale" do command "update-locale LANG=#{new_resource.lang} LC_ALL=#{new_resource.lc_all}" not_if { up_to_date?("/etc/default/locale", new_resource.lang, new_resource.lc_all) } end else raise "#{node["platform"]} platform not supported by the chef locale resource." end end action_class do def up_to_date?(file_path, lang, lc_all = nil) locale = IO.read(file_path) locale.include?("LANG=#{lang}") && (node["init_package"] == "systemd" || lc_all.nil? || locale.include?("LC_ALL=#{lc_all}")) rescue false end end end end end