# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: AJ Christensen () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../resource" require_relative "../provider/ruby_block" require "chef-utils/dist" unless defined?(ChefUtils::Dist) class Chef class Resource class RubyBlock < Chef::Resource unified_mode true provides :ruby_block, target_mode: true description "Use the **ruby_block** resource to execute Ruby code during a #{ChefUtils::Dist::Infra::PRODUCT} run. Ruby code in the `ruby_block` resource is evaluated with other resources during convergence, whereas Ruby code outside of a `ruby_block` resource is evaluated before other resources, as the recipe is compiled." examples <<~'DOC' **Reload Chef Infra Client configuration data** ```ruby ruby_block 'reload_client_config' do block do Chef::Config.from_file('/etc/chef/client.rb') end action :run end ``` **Run a block on a particular platform** The following example shows how an if statement can be used with the `windows?` method in the Chef Infra Language to run code specific to Microsoft Windows. The code is defined using the ruby_block resource: ```ruby if windows? ruby_block 'copy libmysql.dll into ruby path' do block do require 'fileutils' FileUtils.cp "#{node['mysql']['client']['lib_dir']}\\libmysql.dll", node['mysql']['client']['ruby_dir'] end not_if { ::File.exist?("#{node['mysql']['client']['ruby_dir']}\\libmysql.dll") } end end ``` **Stash a file in a data bag** The following example shows how to use the ruby_block resource to stash a BitTorrent file in a data bag so that it can be distributed to nodes in the organization. ```ruby ruby_block 'share the torrent file' do block do f = File.open(node['bittorrent']['torrent'],'rb') #read the .torrent file and base64 encode it enc = Base64.encode64(f.read) data = { 'id'=>bittorrent_item_id(node['bittorrent']['file']), 'seed'=>node.ipaddress, 'torrent'=>enc } item = Chef::DataBagItem.new item.data_bag('bittorrent') item.raw_data = data item.save end action :nothing subscribes :create, "bittorrent_torrent[#{node['bittorrent']['torrent']}]", :immediately end ``` **Update the /etc/hosts file** The following example shows how the ruby_block resource can be used to update the /etc/hosts file: ```ruby ruby_block 'edit etc hosts' do block do rc = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/hosts') rc.search_file_replace_line(/^127\.0\.0\.1 localhost$/, ' #{new_fqdn} #{new_hostname} localhost') rc.write_file end end ``` **Set environment variables** The following example shows how to use variables within a Ruby block to set environment variables using rbenv. ```ruby node.override[:rbenv][:root] = rbenv_root node.override[:ruby_build][:bin_path] = rbenv_binary_path ruby_block 'initialize' do block do ENV['RBENV_ROOT'] = node[:rbenv][:root] ENV['PATH'] = "#{node[:rbenv][:root]}/bin:#{node[:ruby_build][:bin_path]}:#{ENV['PATH']}" end end ``` **Call methods in a gem** The following example shows how to call methods in gems not shipped in Chef Infra Client ```ruby chef_gem 'mongodb' ruby_block 'config_replicaset' do block do MongoDB.configure_replicaset(node, replicaset_name, rs_nodes) end action :run end ``` DOC default_action :run allowed_actions :create, :run def block(&block) if block_given? && block @block = block else @block end end property :block_name, String, name_property: true end end end