# # Author:: AJ Christensen () # Author:: Tyler Cloke () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2017, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/resource" require "shellwords" class Chef class Resource class Service < Chef::Resource identity_attr :service_name state_attrs :enabled, :running, :masked description "Use the service resource to manage a service." default_action :nothing allowed_actions :enable, :disable, :start, :stop, :restart, :reload, :mask, :unmask # this is a poor API please do not re-use this pattern property :supports, Hash, default: { restart: nil, reload: nil, status: nil }, coerce: proc { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? x.each_with_object({}) { |i, m| m[i] = true } : x } def initialize(name, run_context = nil) super @service_name = name @enabled = nil @running = nil @masked = nil @options = nil @parameters = nil @pattern = service_name @start_command = nil @stop_command = nil @status_command = nil @restart_command = nil @reload_command = nil @init_command = nil @priority = nil @timeout = nil @run_levels = nil @user = nil end def service_name(arg = nil) set_or_return( :service_name, arg, kind_of: [ String ] ) end # regex for match against ps -ef when !supports[:has_status] && status == nil def pattern(arg = nil) set_or_return( :pattern, arg, kind_of: [ String ] ) end # command to call to start service def start_command(arg = nil) set_or_return( :start_command, arg, kind_of: [ String, NilClass, FalseClass ] ) end # command to call to stop service def stop_command(arg = nil) set_or_return( :stop_command, arg, kind_of: [ String, NilClass, FalseClass ] ) end # command to call to get status of service def status_command(arg = nil) set_or_return( :status_command, arg, kind_of: [ String, NilClass, FalseClass ] ) end # command to call to restart service def restart_command(arg = nil) set_or_return( :restart_command, arg, kind_of: [ String, NilClass, FalseClass ] ) end def reload_command(arg = nil) set_or_return( :reload_command, arg, kind_of: [ String, NilClass, FalseClass ] ) end # The path to the init script associated with the service. On many # distributions this is '/etc/init.d/SERVICE_NAME' by default. In # non-standard configurations setting this value will save having to # specify overrides for the start_command, stop_command and # restart_command properties. def init_command(arg = nil) set_or_return( :init_command, arg, kind_of: [ String ] ) end # if the service is enabled or not def enabled(arg = nil) set_or_return( :enabled, arg, kind_of: [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] ) end # if the service is running or not def running(arg = nil) set_or_return( :running, arg, kind_of: [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] ) end # if the service is masked or not def masked(arg = nil) set_or_return( :masked, arg, kind_of: [ TrueClass, FalseClass ] ) end def options(arg = nil) set_or_return( :options, arg.respond_to?(:split) ? arg.shellsplit : arg, kind_of: [ Array, String ] ) end # Priority arguments can have two forms: # # - a simple number, in which the default start runlevels get # that as the start value and stop runlevels get 100 - value. # # - a hash like { 2 => [:start, 20], 3 => [:stop, 55] }, where # the service will be marked as started with priority 20 in # runlevel 2, stopped in 3 with priority 55 and no symlinks or # similar for other runlevels # def priority(arg = nil) set_or_return( :priority, arg, kind_of: [ Integer, String, Hash ] ) end # timeout only applies to the windows service manager def timeout(arg = nil) set_or_return( :timeout, arg, kind_of: Integer ) end def parameters(arg = nil) set_or_return( :parameters, arg, kind_of: [ Hash ] ) end def run_levels(arg = nil) set_or_return( :run_levels, arg, kind_of: [ Array ] ) end def user(arg = nil) set_or_return( :user, arg, kind_of: [ String ] ) end end end end