# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Nuo Yan () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Seth Falcon () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "chef/run_list/run_list_item" require "chef/run_list/run_list_expansion" require "chef/run_list/versioned_recipe_list" require "chef/mixin/params_validate" class Chef class RunList include Enumerable include Chef::Mixin::ParamsValidate # @run_list_items is an array of RunListItems that describe the items to # execute in order. RunListItems can load from and convert to the string # forms users set on roles and nodes. # For example: # @run_list_items = ['recipe[foo::bar]', 'role[webserver]'] # Thus, # self.role_names would return ['webserver'] # self.recipe_names would return ['foo::bar'] attr_reader :run_list_items # For backwards compat alias :run_list :run_list_items def initialize(*run_list_items) @run_list_items = run_list_items.map { |i| coerce_to_run_list_item(i) } end def role_names @run_list_items.inject([]){|memo, run_list_item| memo << run_list_item.name if run_list_item.role? ; memo} end alias :roles :role_names def recipe_names @run_list_items.inject([]){|memo, run_list_item| memo << run_list_item.name if run_list_item.recipe? ; memo} end alias :recipes :recipe_names # Add an item of the form "recipe[foo::bar]" or "role[webserver]"; # takes a String or a RunListItem def <<(run_list_item) run_list_item = coerce_to_run_list_item(run_list_item) @run_list_items << run_list_item unless @run_list_items.include?(run_list_item) self end alias :push :<< alias :add :<< def ==(other) if other.kind_of?(Chef::RunList) other.run_list_items == @run_list_items else return false unless other.respond_to?(:size) && (other.size == @run_list_items.size) other_run_list_items = other.dup other_run_list_items.map! { |item| coerce_to_run_list_item(item) } other_run_list_items == @run_list_items end end def to_s @run_list_items.join(", ") end def for_json to_a.map { |item| item.to_s } end def to_json(*a) Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(for_json, *a) end def empty? @run_list_items.length == 0 ? true : false end def [](pos) @run_list_items[pos] end def []=(pos, item) @run_list_items[pos] = parse_entry(item) end def each(&block) @run_list_items.each { |i| block.call(i) } end def each_index(&block) @run_list_items.each_index { |i| block.call(i) } end def include?(item) @run_list_items.include?(parse_entry(item)) end def reset!(*args) @run_list_items.clear args.flatten.each do |item| if item.kind_of?(Chef::RunList) item.each { |r| self << r } else self << item end end self end def remove(item) @run_list_items.delete_if{|i| i == item} self end alias :delete :remove # Expands this run_list: recursively expand roles into their included # recipes. # Returns a RunListExpansion object. def expand(environment, data_source="server", expansion_opts={}) expansion = expansion_for_data_source(environment, data_source, expansion_opts) expansion.expand expansion end # Converts a string run list entry to a RunListItem object. def parse_entry(entry) RunListItem.new(entry) end def coerce_to_run_list_item(item) item.kind_of?(RunListItem) ? item : parse_entry(item) end def expansion_for_data_source(environment, data_source, opts={}) case data_source.to_s when "disk" RunListExpansionFromDisk.new(environment, @run_list_items) when "server" RunListExpansionFromAPI.new(environment, @run_list_items, opts[:rest]) end end end end