# # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'chef/mash' require 'chef/mixin/deep_merge' require 'chef/role' require 'chef/rest' class Chef class RunList # Abstract Base class for expanding a run list. Subclasses must handle # fetching roles from a data source by defining +fetch_role+ class RunListExpansion attr_reader :run_list_items # A VersionedRecipeList of recipes. Populated only after #expand # is called. attr_reader :recipes attr_reader :default_attrs attr_reader :override_attrs attr_reader :environment attr_reader :missing_roles_with_including_role # The data source passed to the constructor. Not used in this class. # In subclasses, this is a couchdb or Chef::REST object pre-configured # to fetch roles from their correct location. attr_reader :source # Returns a Hash of the form "including_role" => "included_role_or_recipe". # This can be used to show the expanded run list (ordered) graph. # ==== Caveats # * Duplicate roles are not shown. attr_reader :run_list_trace def initialize(environment, run_list_items, source=nil) @environment = environment @missing_roles_with_including_role = Array.new @run_list_items = run_list_items.dup @source = source @default_attrs = Mash.new @override_attrs = Mash.new @recipes = Chef::RunList::VersionedRecipeList.new @applied_roles = {} @run_list_trace = Hash.new {|h, key| h[key] = [] } end # Did we find any errors (expanding roles)? def errors? @missing_roles_with_including_role.length > 0 end alias :invalid? :errors? # Recurses over the run list items, expanding roles. After this, # +recipes+ will contain the fully expanded recipe list def expand # Sure do miss function arity when being recursive expand_run_list_items(@run_list_items) end # Fetches and inflates a role # === Returns # Chef::Role in most cases # false if the role has already been applied # nil if the role does not exist def inflate_role(role_name, included_by) return false if applied_role?(role_name) # Prevent infinite loops applied_role(role_name) fetch_role(role_name, included_by) end def apply_role_attributes(role) @default_attrs = Chef::Mixin::DeepMerge.merge(@default_attrs, role.default_attributes) @override_attrs = Chef::Mixin::DeepMerge.merge(@override_attrs, role.override_attributes) end def applied_role?(role_name) @applied_roles.has_key?(role_name) end # Returns an array of role names that were expanded; this # includes any roles that were in the original, pre-expansion # run_list as well as roles processed during # expansion. Populated only after #expand is called. def roles @applied_roles.keys end # In subclasses, this method will fetch the role from the data source. def fetch_role(name, included_by) raise NotImplementedError end # When a role is not found, an error message is logged, but no # exception is raised. We do add an entry in the errors collection. # === Returns # nil def role_not_found(name, included_by) Chef::Log.error("Role #{name} (included by '#{included_by}') is in the runlist but does not exist. Skipping expand.") @missing_roles_with_including_role << [name, included_by] nil end def errors @missing_roles_with_including_role.map {|item| item.first } end private # these methods modifies internal state based on arguments, so hide it. def applied_role(role_name) @applied_roles[role_name] = true end def expand_run_list_items(items, included_by="top level") if entry = items.shift @run_list_trace[included_by.to_s] << entry.to_s case entry.type when :recipe recipes.add_recipe(entry.name, entry.version) when :role if role = inflate_role(entry.name, included_by) expand_run_list_items(role.run_list_for(@environment).run_list_items, role) apply_role_attributes(role) end end expand_run_list_items(items, included_by) end end end # Expand a run list from disk. Suitable for chef-solo class RunListExpansionFromDisk < RunListExpansion def fetch_role(name, included_by) Chef::Role.from_disk(name) rescue Chef::Exceptions::RoleNotFound role_not_found(name, included_by) end end # Expand a run list from the chef-server API. class RunListExpansionFromAPI < RunListExpansion def rest @rest ||= (source || Chef::REST.new(Chef::Config[:chef_server_url])) end def fetch_role(name, included_by) rest.get_rest("roles/#{name}") rescue Net::HTTPServerException => e if e.message == '404 "Not Found"' role_not_found(name, included_by) else raise end end end end end