#-- # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/exceptions" require "chef/mixin/params_validate" require "chef/node" require "chef/resource_collection" class Chef # == Chef::Runner # This class is responsible for executing the steps in a Chef run. class Runner attr_reader :run_context attr_reader :delayed_actions include Chef::Mixin::ParamsValidate def initialize(run_context) @run_context = run_context @delayed_actions = [] end def events @run_context.events end # Determine the appropriate provider for the given resource, then # execute it. def run_action(resource, action, notification_type=nil, notifying_resource=nil) # If there are any before notifications, why-run the resource # and notify anyone who needs notifying # TODO cheffish has a bug where it passes itself instead of the run_context to us, so doesn't have before_notifications. Fix there, update dependency requirement, and remove this if statement. before_notifications = run_context.before_notifications(resource) if run_context.respond_to?(:before_notifications) if before_notifications && !before_notifications.empty? whyrun_before = Chef::Config[:why_run] begin Chef::Config[:why_run] = true Chef::Log.info("#{resource} running why-run #{action} action to support before action") resource.run_action(action, notification_type, notifying_resource) ensure Chef::Config[:why_run] = whyrun_before end if resource.updated_by_last_action? before_notifications.each do |notification| Chef::Log.info("#{resource} sending #{notification.action} action to #{notification.resource} (before)") run_action(notification.resource, notification.action, :before, resource) end end end # Actually run the action for realsies resource.run_action(action, notification_type, notifying_resource) # Execute any immediate and queue up any delayed notifications # associated with the resource, but only if it was updated *this time* # we ran an action on it. if resource.updated_by_last_action? run_context.immediate_notifications(resource).each do |notification| Chef::Log.info("#{resource} sending #{notification.action} action to #{notification.resource} (immediate)") run_action(notification.resource, notification.action, :immediate, resource) end run_context.delayed_notifications(resource).each do |notification| if delayed_actions.any? { |existing_notification| existing_notification.duplicates?(notification) } Chef::Log.info( "#{resource} not queuing delayed action #{notification.action} on #{notification.resource}"\ " (delayed), as it's already been queued") else delayed_actions << notification end end end end # Iterates over the +resource_collection+ in the +run_context+ calling # +run_action+ for each resource in turn. def converge # Resolve all lazy/forward references in notifications run_context.resource_collection.each do |resource| resource.resolve_notification_references end # Execute each resource. run_context.resource_collection.execute_each_resource do |resource| Array(resource.action).each {|action| run_action(resource, action)} end rescue Exception => e Chef::Log.info "Running queued delayed notifications before re-raising exception" run_delayed_notifications(e) else run_delayed_notifications(nil) true end private # Run all our :delayed actions def run_delayed_notifications(error=nil) collected_failures = Exceptions::MultipleFailures.new collected_failures.client_run_failure(error) unless error.nil? delayed_actions.each do |notification| result = run_delayed_notification(notification) if result.kind_of?(Exception) collected_failures.notification_failure(result) end end collected_failures.raise! end def run_delayed_notification(notification) Chef::Log.info( "#{notification.notifying_resource} sending #{notification.action}"\ " action to #{notification.resource} (delayed)") # Struct of resource/action to call run_action(notification.resource, notification.action, :delayed) true rescue Exception => e e end end end