# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'chef/config' require 'uri' require 'chef/rest' require 'chef/node' require 'chef/role' require 'chef/data_bag' require 'chef/data_bag_item' require 'chef/exceptions' class Chef class Search class Query attr_accessor :rest def initialize(url=nil) @rest = Chef::REST.new(url ||Chef::Config[:chef_server_url]) end # This search is only kept for backwards compatibility, since the results of the # new filtered search method will be in a slightly different format def partial_search(type, query='*:*', *args, &block) Chef::Log.warn("DEPRECATED: The 'partial_search' api is deprecated, please use the search api with 'filter_result'") # accept both types of args if args.length == 1 && args[0].is_a?(Hash) args_hash = args[0].dup # partial_search implemented in the partial search cookbook uses the # arg hash :keys instead of :filter_result to filter returned data args_hash[:filter_result] = args_hash[:keys] else args_hash = {} args_hash[:sort] = args[0] if args.length >= 1 args_hash[:start] = args[1] if args.length >= 2 args_hash[:rows] = args[2] if args.length >= 3 end unless block.nil? raw_results = search(type,query,args_hash) else raw_results = search(type,query,args_hash,&block) end results = Array.new raw_results[0].each do |r| results << r["data"] end return results end # # New search input, designed to be backwards compatible with the old method signature # 'type' and 'query' are the same as before, args now will accept either a Hash of # search arguments with symbols as the keys (ie :sort, :start, :rows) and a :filter_result # option. # # :filter_result should be in the format of another Hash with the structure of: # { # :returned_name1 => ["path", "to", "variable"], # :returned_name2 => ["shorter", "path"] # } # a real world example might be something like: # { # :ip_address => ["ipaddress"], # :ruby_version => ["languages", "ruby", "version"] # } # this will bring back 2 variables 'ip_address' and 'ruby_version' with whatever value was found # an example of the returned json may be: # {"ip_address":"", "ruby_version": "1.9.3"} # def search(type, query='*:*', *args, &block) validate_type(type) validate_args(args) scrubbed_args = Hash.new # argify everything if args[0].kind_of?(Hash) scrubbed_args = args[0] else # This api will be deprecated in a future release scrubbed_args = { :sort => args[0], :start => args[1], :rows => args[2] } end # set defaults, if they haven't been set yet. scrubbed_args[:sort] ||= 'X_CHEF_id_CHEF_X asc' scrubbed_args[:start] ||= 0 scrubbed_args[:rows] ||= 1000 do_search(type, query, scrubbed_args, &block) end def list_indexes @rest.get_rest("search") end private def validate_type(t) unless t.kind_of?(String) || t.kind_of?(Symbol) msg = "Invalid search object type #{t.inspect} (#{t.class}), must be a String or Symbol." + "Useage: search(:node, QUERY, [OPTIONAL_ARGS])" + " `knife search environment QUERY (options)`" raise Chef::Exceptions::InvalidSearchQuery, msg end end def validate_args(a) max_args = 3 raise Chef::Exceptions::InvalidSearchQuery, "Too many arguments! (#{a.size} for <= #{max_args})" if a.size > max_args end def escape(s) s && URI.escape(s.to_s) end # new search api that allows for a cleaner implementation of things like return filters # (formerly known as 'partial search'). # Also args should never be nil, but that is required for Ruby 1.8 compatibility def do_search(type, query="*:*", args=nil, &block) query_string = create_query_string(type, query, args) response = call_rest_service(query_string, args) unless block.nil? response["rows"].each { |rowset| block.call(rowset) unless rowset.nil?} unless (response["start"] + response["rows"].length) >= response["total"] args[:start] = response["start"] + args[:rows] do_search(type, query, args, &block) end true else [ response["rows"], response["start"], response["total"] ] end end # create the full rest url string def create_query_string(type, query, args) # create some default variables just so we don't break backwards compatibility sort = args[:sort] start = args[:start] rows = args[:rows] return "search/#{type}?q=#{escape(query)}&sort=#{escape(sort)}&start=#{escape(start)}&rows=#{escape(rows)}" end def call_rest_service(query_string, args) if args.key?(:filter_result) response = @rest.post_rest(query_string, args[:filter_result]) response_rows = response['rows'].map { |row| row['data'] } else response = @rest.get_rest(query_string) response_rows = response['rows'] end return response end end end end