# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software Inc. # Copyright:: Copyright 2014-2016, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # TOPDIR = "." require "rake" desc "By default, print deprecation notice" task :default do puts deprecation_notice end desc "Install the latest copy of the repository on this Chef Server" task :install do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `install` rake task, which included the `update`, `roles`, and" puts "`upload_cookbooks` rake tasks is replaced by the `knife upload`" puts 'sub-command. The notion of "installing" the chef-repo to the Chef' puts "Server. Previously the `install` task would manage server and" puts "client configuration. This will not work at all on Chef Server 11+" puts "and client configuration should be managed with the `chef-client`" puts "cookbook." end desc "Update your repository from source control" task :update do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `update` rake task previously updated the chef-repo from" puts "the detected version control system, either svn or git. However," puts "it has not been recommended for users for years. Most users in" puts "the community use `git`, so the Subversion functionality is not" puts "required, and `git pull` is sufficient for many workflows. The" puts "world of git workflows is rather different now than it was when" puts "this rake task was created." end desc "Create a new cookbook (with COOKBOOK=name, optional CB_PREFIX=site-)" task :new_cookbook do cb = ENV["COOKBOOK"] || "my_cookbook_name" puts deprecation_notice puts "The `new_cookbook` rake task is replaced by the ChefDK cookbook" puts "generator. To generate a new cookbook run:" puts puts "chef generate cookbook #{ENV['COOKBOOK']}" puts puts "Or, if you are not using ChefDK, use `knife cookbook create`:" puts puts "knife cookbook create #{ENV['COOKBOOK']}" end desc "Create a new self-signed SSL certificate for FQDN=foo.example.com" task :ssl_cert do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `ssl_cert` rake task is superseded by using the CHEF-maintained" puts '`openssl` cookbook\'s `openssl_x509` resource which can generate' puts "self-signed certificate chains as convergent resources." puts puts "https://supermarket.getchef.com/cookbooks/openssl" end desc "Build cookbook metadata.json from metadata.rb" task :metadata do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `metadata` rake task is not recommended. Cookbook" puts "`metadata.json` is automatically generated from `metadata.rb`" puts "by `knife` when uploading cookbooks to the Chef Server." end desc "Update roles" task :roles do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `roles` rake task is not recommended. If you are using Ruby" puts "role files (roles/*.rb), you can upload them all with:" puts puts "knife role from file roles/*" puts puts "If you are using JSON role files (roles/*.json), you can upload" puts "them all with:" puts puts "knife upload roles/*.json" end desc "Update a specific role" task :role do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `role` rake task is not recommended. If you are using Ruby" puts "role files, you can upload a single role with:" puts puts "knife role from file rolename.rb" puts puts "If you are using JSON role files, you can upload a single role with" puts puts "knife upload roles/rolename.json" end desc "Upload all cookbooks" task :upload_cookbooks do puts deprecation_notice puts deprecated_cookbook_upload end desc "Upload a single cookbook" task :upload_cookbook do puts deprecation_notice puts deprecated_cookbook_upload end desc "Test all cookbooks" task :test_cookbooks do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `test_cookbooks` rake task is no longer recommended. Previously" puts "it only performed a syntax check, and did no other kind of testing," puts "and the Chef Community has a rich ecosystem of testing tools for" puts "various purposes:" puts puts "- knife cookbook test will perform a syntax check, as this task did" puts " before." puts "- rubocop and foodcritic will perform lint checking for Ruby and" puts " Chef cookbook style according to community standards." puts "- ChefSpec will perform unit testing" puts "- Test Kitchen will perform convergence and post-convergence" puts " testing on virtual machines." end desc "Test a single cookbook" task :test_cookbook => [:test_cookbooks] namespace :databag do desc "Upload a single databag" task :upload do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `data_bags:upload` task is not recommended. You should use" puts "the `knife upload` sub-command for uploading data bag items." puts puts "knife upload data_bags/bagname/itemname.json" end desc "Upload all databags" task :upload_all do puts deprecation_notice puts "The `data_bags:upload_all` task is not recommended. You should" puts "use the `knife upload` sub-command for uploading data bag items." puts puts "knife upload data_bags/*" end desc "Create a databag" task :create do puts deprecation_notice puts deprecated_data_bag_creation end desc "Create a databag item stub" task :create_item do puts deprecation_notice puts deprecated_data_bag_creation end end def deprecation_notice %Q{************************************************* NOTICE: Chef Repository Rake Tasks Are Deprecated ************************************************* } end def deprecated_cookbook_upload %Q{ The `upload_cookbook` and `upload_cookbooks` rake tasks are not recommended. These tasks are replaced by other, better workflow tools, such as `knife cookbook upload`, `knife upload`, or `berks` } end def deprecated_data_bag_creation %Q{ The `data_bags:create` and `data_bags:create_item` tasks are not recommended. You should create data bag items as JSON files in the data_bags directory, with a sub-directory for each bag, and use `knife upload` to upload them. For example, if you have a data bags named `users`, with `finn`, and `jake` items, you would have: ./data_bags/users/finn.json ./data-bags/users/jake.json } end