# # Author:: Prajakta Purohit () # Author:: Lamont Granquist () # # Copyright:: 2012, Opscode, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/reserved_names" require "chef/win32/api" require "chef/mixin/wide_string" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw32|windows/ require "chef/monkey_patches/win32/registry" require "chef/win32/api/registry" require "win32/registry" require "win32/api" end class Chef class Win32 class Registry if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw32|windows/ include Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::API::Registry extend Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::API::Registry end include Chef::Mixin::WideString extend Chef::Mixin::WideString attr_accessor :run_context attr_accessor :architecture def initialize(run_context=nil, user_architecture=:machine) @run_context = run_context self.architecture = user_architecture end def architecture=(user_architecture) @architecture = user_architecture.to_sym assert_architecture! end def get_values(key_path) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) key_exists!(key_path) values = hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.map { |name, type, data| {:name=>name, :type=>get_name_from_type(type), :data=>data} } end end def set_value(key_path, value) Chef::Log.debug("Updating value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} with type #{value[:type]} and data #{value[:data]}") key_exists!(key_path) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) if value_exists?(key_path, value) if data_exists?(key_path, value) Chef::Log.debug("Value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} already had those values, not updated") return false else hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_SET_VALUE | ::Win32::Registry::KEY_QUERY_VALUE | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.write(value[:name], get_type_from_name(value[:type]), value[:data]) end Chef::Log.debug("Value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} updated") end else hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_SET_VALUE | ::Win32::Registry::KEY_QUERY_VALUE | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.write(value[:name], get_type_from_name(value[:type]), value[:data]) end Chef::Log.debug("Value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} created") end true end def delete_value(key_path, value) Chef::Log.debug("Deleting value #{value[:name]} from registry key #{key_path}") if value_exists?(key_path, value) begin hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) rescue Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegKeyMissing return true end hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_SET_VALUE | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.delete_value(value[:name]) Chef::Log.debug("Deleted value #{value[:name]} from registry key #{key_path}") end else Chef::Log.debug("Value #{value[:name]} in registry key #{key_path} does not exist, not updated") end true end def create_key(key_path, recursive) Chef::Log.debug("Creating registry key #{key_path}") if keys_missing?(key_path) if recursive == true Chef::Log.debug("Registry key #{key_path} has missing subkeys, and recursive specified, creating them....") create_missing(key_path) else raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegNoRecursive, "Registry key #{key_path} has missing subkeys, and recursive not specified" end end if key_exists?(key_path) Chef::Log.debug("Registry key #{key_path} already exists, doing nothing") else hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) hive.create(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_WRITE | registry_system_architecture) Chef::Log.debug("Registry key #{key_path} created") end true end def delete_key(key_path, recursive) Chef::Log.debug("Deleting registry key #{key_path}") unless key_exists?(key_path) Chef::Log.debug("Registry key #{key_path}, does not exist, not deleting") return true end if has_subkeys?(key_path) && !recursive raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegNoRecursive, "Registry key #{key_path} has subkeys, and recursive not specified" end hive, key_including_parent = get_hive_and_key(key_path) # key_including_parent: Software\\Root\\Branch\\Fruit # key => Fruit # key_parent => Software\\Root\\Branch key_parts = key_including_parent.split("\\") key = key_parts.pop key_parent = key_parts.join("\\") hive.open(key_parent, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_WRITE | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.delete_key(key, recursive) end Chef::Log.debug("Registry key #{key_path} deleted") true end def key_exists?(key_path) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) begin hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | registry_system_architecture) do |current_key| return true end rescue ::Win32::Registry::Error => e return false end end def key_exists!(key_path) unless key_exists?(key_path) raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegKeyMissing, "Registry key #{key_path} does not exist" end true end def hive_exists?(key_path) begin hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) rescue Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegHiveMissing => e return false end return true end def has_subkeys?(key_path) key_exists!(key_path) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.each_key{ |key| return true } end return false end def get_subkeys(key_path) subkeys = [] key_exists!(key_path) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.each_key{ |current_key| subkeys << current_key } end return subkeys end # 32-bit chef clients running on 64-bit machines will default to reading the 64-bit registry def registry_system_architecture applied_arch = ( architecture == :machine ) ? machine_architecture : architecture ( applied_arch == :x86_64 ) ? 0x0100 : 0x0200 end def value_exists?(key_path, value) key_exists!(key_path) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| return true if reg.any? {|val| safely_downcase(val) == safely_downcase(value[:name]) } end return false end def data_exists?(key_path, value) key_exists!(key_path) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.each do |val_name, val_type, val_data| if safely_downcase(val_name) == safely_downcase(value[:name]) && val_type == get_type_from_name(value[:type]) && val_data == value[:data] return true end end end return false end def value_exists!(key_path, value) unless value_exists?(key_path, value) raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegValueMissing, "Registry key #{key_path} has no value named #{value[:name]}" end true end def data_exists!(key_path, value) unless data_exists?(key_path, value) raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegDataMissing, "Registry key #{key_path} has no value named #{value[:name]}, containing type #{value[:type]} and data #{value[:data]}" end true end def type_matches?(key_path, value) value_exists!(key_path, value) hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) hive.open(key, ::Win32::Registry::KEY_READ | registry_system_architecture) do |reg| reg.each do |val_name, val_type| if val_name == value[:name] type_new = get_type_from_name(value[:type]) if val_type == type_new return true end end end end return false end def type_matches!(key_path, value) unless type_matches?(key_path, value) raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegTypesMismatch, "Registry key #{key_path} has a value #{value[:name]} with a type that is not #{value[:type]}" end end def keys_missing?(key_path) missing_key_arr = key_path.split("\\") missing_key_arr.pop key = missing_key_arr.join("\\") !key_exists?(key) end def get_type_from_name(val_type) _type_name_map[val_type] end def get_name_from_type(val_class) _name_type_map[val_class] end private def safely_downcase(val) if val.is_a? String return val.downcase end return val end def node run_context && run_context.node end def machine_architecture node[:kernel][:machine].to_sym end def assert_architecture! if machine_architecture == :i386 && architecture == :x86_64 raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegArchitectureIncorrect, "cannot access 64-bit registry on a 32-bit windows instance" end end def get_hive_and_key(path) reg_path = path.split("\\") hive_name = reg_path.shift key = reg_path.join("\\") hive = { "HKLM" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "HKU" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS, "HKEY_USERS" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_USERS, "HKCU" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "HKCR" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "HKCC" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG" => ::Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG, }[hive_name] raise Chef::Exceptions::Win32RegHiveMissing, "Registry Hive #{hive_name} does not exist" unless hive return hive, key end def _type_name_map { :binary => ::Win32::Registry::REG_BINARY, :string => ::Win32::Registry::REG_SZ, :multi_string => ::Win32::Registry::REG_MULTI_SZ, :expand_string => ::Win32::Registry::REG_EXPAND_SZ, :dword => ::Win32::Registry::REG_DWORD, :dword_big_endian => ::Win32::Registry::REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, :qword => ::Win32::Registry::REG_QWORD, } end def _name_type_map @_name_type_map ||= _type_name_map.invert end def get_type_from_num(val_type) value = { 3 => ::Win32::Registry::REG_BINARY, 1 => ::Win32::Registry::REG_SZ, 7 => ::Win32::Registry::REG_MULTI_SZ, 2 => ::Win32::Registry::REG_EXPAND_SZ, 4 => ::Win32::Registry::REG_DWORD, 5 => ::Win32::Registry::REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, 11 => ::Win32::Registry::REG_QWORD, }[val_type] return value end def create_missing(key_path) missing_key_arr = key_path.split("\\") hivename = missing_key_arr.shift missing_key_arr.pop existing_key_path = hivename hive, key = get_hive_and_key(key_path) missing_key_arr.each do |intermediate_key| existing_key_path = existing_key_path << "\\" << intermediate_key if !key_exists?(existing_key_path) Chef::Log.debug("Recursively creating registry key #{existing_key_path}") hive.create(get_key(existing_key_path), ::Win32::Registry::KEY_ALL_ACCESS | registry_system_architecture) end end end def get_key(path) reg_path = path.split("\\") hive_name = reg_path.shift key = reg_path.join("\\") end end end end