# # Copyright 2012-2018, Chef Software Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # name "chef" friendly_name "Chef Client" maintainer "Chef Software, Inc. " homepage "https://www.chef.io" license "Apache-2.0" license_file "../LICENSE" build_iteration 1 # Do not use __FILE__ after this point, use current_file. If you use __FILE__ # after this point, any dependent defs (ex: angrychef) that use instance_eval # will fail to work correctly. current_file ||= __FILE__ version_file = File.expand_path("../../../../VERSION", current_file) build_version IO.read(version_file).strip if windows? # NOTE: Ruby DevKit fundamentally CANNOT be installed into "Program Files" # Native gems will use gcc which will barf on files with spaces, # which is only fixable if everyone in the world fixes their Makefiles install_dir "#{default_root}/opscode/#{name}" package_name "chef-client" else install_dir "#{default_root}/#{name}" end override :chef, version: "local_source" # Load dynamically updated overrides overrides_path = File.expand_path("../../../../omnibus_overrides.rb", current_file) instance_eval(IO.read(overrides_path), overrides_path) dependency "preparation" dependency "chef" # # addons which require omnibus software defns (not direct deps of chef itself - RFC-063) # dependency "nokogiri" # (nokogiri cannot go in the Gemfile, see wall of text in the software defn) # FIXME?: might make sense to move dependencies below into the omnibus-software chef # definition or into a chef-complete definition added to omnibus-software. dependency "gem-permissions" dependency "shebang-cleanup" dependency "version-manifest" dependency "openssl-customization" # devkit needs to come dead last these days so we do not use it to compile any gems if windows? override :"ruby-windows-devkit", version: "4.5.2-20111229-1559" if windows_arch_i386? dependency "ruby-windows-devkit" dependency "ruby-windows-devkit-bash" end dependency "ruby-cleanup" package :rpm do signing_passphrase ENV["OMNIBUS_RPM_SIGNING_PASSPHRASE"] compression_level 1 compression_type :xz end package :deb do compression_level 1 compression_type :xz end proj_to_work_around_cleanroom = self package :pkg do identifier "com.getchef.pkg.#{proj_to_work_around_cleanroom.name}" signing_identity "Developer ID Installer: Chef Software, Inc. (EU3VF8YLX2)" end compress :dmg msi_upgrade_code = "D607A85C-BDFA-4F08-83ED-2ECB4DCD6BC5" project_location_dir = name package :msi do fast_msi true upgrade_code msi_upgrade_code wix_candle_extension "WixUtilExtension" wix_light_extension "WixUtilExtension" signing_identity "E05FF095D07F233B78EB322132BFF0F035E11B5B", machine_store: true parameters ChefLogDllPath: windows_safe_path(gem_path("chef-[0-9]*-mingw32/ext/win32-eventlog/chef-log.dll")), ProjectLocationDir: project_location_dir end package :appx do signing_identity "E05FF095D07F233B78EB322132BFF0F035E11B5B", machine_store: true end