name "chef" default_version "local_source" license :project_license # For the specific super-special version "local_source", build the source from # the local git checkout. This is what you'd want to occur by default if you # just ran omnibus build locally. version("local_source") do source path: File.expand_path("../..", project.files_path), # Since we are using the local repo, we try to not copy any files # that are generated in the process of bundle installing omnibus. # If the install steps are well-behaved, this should not matter # since we only perform bundle and gem installs from the # omnibus cache source directory, but we do this regardless # to maintain consistency between what a local build sees and # what a github based build will see. options: { exclude: [ "omnibus/vendor" ] } end # For any version other than "local_source", fetch from github. if version != "local_source" source git: "git://" end # For nokogiri dependency "libxml2" dependency "libxslt" dependency "libiconv" dependency "liblzma" dependency "zlib" # ruby and bundler and friends dependency "ruby" dependency "rubygems" dependency "bundler" # Install all the native gems separately # Worst offenders first to take best advantage of cache: dependency "chef-gem-ffi-yajl" dependency "chef-gem-nokogiri" dependency "chef-gem-libyajl2" dependency "chef-gem-ruby-prof" dependency "chef-gem-byebug" dependency "chef-gem-debug_inspector" dependency "chef-gem-binding_of_caller" dependency "chef-gem-rbnacl-libsodium" unless ios_xr? dependency "chef-gem-bcrypt_pbkdf-ruby" unless solaris? # Now everyone else, in alphabetical order because we don't care THAT much Dir.entries(File.dirname(__FILE__)).sort.each do |gem_software| if gem_software =~ /^(chef-gem-.+)\.rb$/ dependency $1 end end build do # This is where we get the definitions below require_relative "../../files/chef/build-chef" extend BuildChef project_env = env.dup project_env["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = project_gemfile # Prepare to install: build config, retries, job, frozen=true # TODO Windows install seems to sometimes install already-installed gems such # as gherkin (and fail as a result) if you use jobs > 1. create_bundle_config(project_gemfile, retries: 4, jobs: windows? ? 1 : 7, frozen: true) # Install all the things. Arguments are specified in .bundle/config (see create_bundle_config) block { { "" } } bundle "install --verbose", env: project_env # Check that it worked block { { "" } } bundle "check", env: project_env # fix up git-sourced gems properly_reinstall_git_and_path_sourced_gems install_shared_gemfile # Check that the final gemfile worked block { { "" } } bundle "check", env: env, cwd: File.dirname(shared_gemfile) end