require_relative "../chef-gem/build-chef-gem" module BuildChefAppbundle include BuildChefGem def lockdown_gem(gem_name) shared_gemfile = self.shared_gemfile # Update the Gemfile to restrict to built versions so that bundle installs # will do the right thing block "Lock down the #{gem_name} gem" do installed_path = shellout!("#{bundle_bin} show #{gem_name}", env: env, cwd: install_dir).stdout.chomp installed_gemfile = File.join(installed_path, "Gemfile") # # Include the main distribution Gemfile in the gem's Gemfile # # NOTE: if this fails and the build retries, you will see this multiple # times in the file. # distribution_gemfile = Pathname(shared_gemfile).relative_path_from(Pathname(installed_gemfile)).to_s gemfile_text = <<-EOM.gsub(/^\s+/, "") # Lock gems that are part of the distribution distribution_gemfile = File.expand_path(#{distribution_gemfile.inspect}, __FILE__) instance_eval(, distribution_gemfile) EOM gemfile_text << create_file(installed_gemfile) { gemfile_text } # Remove the gemfile.lock remove_file("#{installed_gemfile}.lock") if File.exist?("#{installed_gemfile}.lock") # If it's frozen, make it not be. shellout!("#{bundle_bin} config --delete frozen") # This could be changed to `bundle install` if we wanted to actually # install extra deps out of their gemfile ... shellout!("#{bundle_bin} lock", env: env, cwd: installed_path) # bundle lock doesn't always tell us when it fails, so we have to check :/ unless File.exist?("#{installed_gemfile}.lock") raise "bundle lock failed: no #{installed_gemfile}.lock created!" end # Ensure all the gems we need are actually installed (if the bundle adds # something, we need to know about it so we can include it in the main # solve). # Save bundle config and modify to use --without development before checking bundle_config = File.expand_path("../.bundle/config", installed_gemfile) orig_config = if File.exist?(bundle_config) # "test", "changelog" and "guard" come from berkshelf, "maintenance" comes from chef # "tools" and "integration" come from inspec shellout!("#{bundle_bin} config --local without #{without_groups.join(":")}", env: env, cwd: installed_path) shellout!("#{bundle_bin} config --local frozen 1") shellout!("#{bundle_bin} check", env: env, cwd: installed_path) # Restore bundle config if orig_config create_file(bundle_config) { orig_config } else remove_file bundle_config end end end # appbundle the gem, making /opt/chef/bin/ do the superfast pinning # thing. # # To protect the app from loading the wrong versions of things, it uses # appbundler against the resulting file. # # Relocks the Gemfiles inside the specified gems (e.g. berkshelf, test-kitchen, # chef) to use the distribution's chosen gems. def appbundle_gem(gem_name) # First lock the gemfile down. lockdown_gem(gem_name) shared_gemfile = self.shared_gemfile # Ensure the main bin dir exists bin_dir = File.join(install_dir, "bin") mkdir(bin_dir) block "Lock down the #{gem_name} gem" do installed_path = shellout!("#{bundle_bin} show #{gem_name}", env: env, cwd: install_dir).stdout.chomp # appbundle the gem appbundler_args = [ installed_path, bin_dir, gem_name ] appbundler_args = { |a| ::Shellwords.escape(a) } shellout!("#{appbundler_bin} #{appbundler_args.join(" ")}", env: env, cwd: installed_path) end end end