#!/bin/bash set -ueo pipefail channel="${CHANNEL:-unstable}" product="${PRODUCT:-chef}" version="${VERSION:-latest}" export INSTALL_DIR="/opt/$product" echo "--- Installing $channel $product $version" package_file="$("/opt/$TOOLCHAIN/bin/install-omnibus-product" -c "$channel" -P "$product" -v "$version" | tail -1)" echo "--- Verifying omnibus package is signed" "/opt/$TOOLCHAIN/bin/check-omnibus-package-signed" "$package_file" sudo rm -f "$package_file" echo "--- Verifying ownership of package files" NONROOT_FILES="$(find "$INSTALL_DIR" ! -user 0 -print)" if [[ "$NONROOT_FILES" == "" ]]; then echo "Packages files are owned by root. Continuing verification." else echo "Exiting with an error because the following files are not owned by root:" echo "$NONROOT_FILES" exit 1 fi echo "--- Running verification for $channel $product $version" # Our tests hammer YUM pretty hard and the EL6 testers get corrupted # after some period of time. Rebuilding the RPM database clears # up the underlying corruption. We'll do this each test run just to # be safe. if [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]]; then major_version="$(sed 's/^.\+ release \([0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release)" if [[ "$major_version" -lt "7" ]]; then sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rpm/__db* sudo db_verify /var/lib/rpm/Packages sudo rpm --rebuilddb sudo yum clean all fi fi # Set up a custom tmpdir, and clean it up before and after the tests TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/cheftest" export TMPDIR sudo rm -rf "$TMPDIR" mkdir -p "$TMPDIR" # Verify that we kill any orphaned test processes. Kill any orphaned rspec processes. ps ax | grep -E 'rspec' | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs sudo kill -s KILL || true PATH="/opt/$product/bin:$PATH" export PATH BIN_DIR="/opt/$product/bin" export BIN_DIR # We don't want to add the embedded bin dir to the main PATH as this # could mask issues in our binstub shebangs. EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR="/opt/$product/embedded/bin" export EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR # If we are on Mac our symlinks are located under /usr/local/bin # otherwise they are under /usr/bin if [[ -f /usr/bin/sw_vers ]]; then USR_BIN_DIR="/usr/local/bin" else USR_BIN_DIR="/usr/bin" fi export USR_BIN_DIR # sanity check that we're getting the correct symlinks from the pre-install script # solaris doesn't have readlink or test -e. ls -n is different on BSD. proceed with caution. if [[ ! -L $USR_BIN_DIR/chef-client ]] || [[ $(ls -l $USR_BIN_DIR/chef-client | awk '{print$NF}') != "$BIN_DIR/chef-client" ]]; then echo "$USR_BIN_DIR/chef-client symlink to $BIN_DIR/chef-client was not correctly created by the pre-install script!" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -L $USR_BIN_DIR/knife ]] || [[ $(ls -l $USR_BIN_DIR/knife | awk '{print$NF}') != "$BIN_DIR/knife" ]]; then echo "$USR_BIN_DIR/knife symlink to $BIN_DIR/knife was not correctly created by the pre-install script!" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -L $USR_BIN_DIR/chef-solo ]] || [[ $(ls -l $USR_BIN_DIR/chef-solo | awk '{print$NF}') != "$BIN_DIR/chef-solo" ]]; then echo "$USR_BIN_DIR/chef-solo symlink to $BIN_DIR/chef-solo was not correctly created by the pre-install script!" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -L $USR_BIN_DIR/ohai ]] || [[ $(ls -l $USR_BIN_DIR/ohai | awk '{print$NF}') != "$BIN_DIR/ohai" ]]; then echo "$USR_BIN_DIR/ohai symlink to $BIN_DIR/ohai was not correctly created by the pre-install script!" exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x $EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR/inspec ]]; then echo "$EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR/inspec does not exist!" exit 1 fi # Ensure the calling environment (disapproval look Bundler) does not # infect our Ruby environment created by the `chef-client` cli. for ruby_env_var in _ORIGINAL_GEM_PATH \ BUNDLE_BIN_PATH \ BUNDLE_GEMFILE \ GEM_HOME \ GEM_PATH \ GEM_ROOT \ RUBYLIB \ RUBYOPT \ RUBY_ENGINE \ RUBY_ROOT \ RUBY_VERSION \ BUNDLER_VERSION do unset $ruby_env_var done chef-client --version # Exercise various packaged tools to validate binstub shebangs "$EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR/ruby" --version "$EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR/gem" --version "$EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR/bundle" --version "$EMBEDDED_BIN_DIR/rspec" --version # ffi-yajl must run in c-extension mode or we take perf hits, so we force it # before running rspec so that we don't wind up testing the ffi mode FORCE_FFI_YAJL=ext export FORCE_FFI_YAJL # chef-shell smoke tests require "rb-readline" which requires "infocmp" # most platforms provide "infocmp" by default via an "ncurses" package but SLES 11 and 12 provide it via "ncurses-devel" which # isn't typically installed. omnibus-toolchain has "infocmp" built-in so we add omnibus-toolchain to the PATH to ensure # tests will function properly. PATH="/opt/$TOOLCHAIN/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/$TOOLCHAIN/embedded/bin:$PATH" # add chef's bin paths to PATH to ensure tests function properly PATH="/opt/$product/bin:/opt/$product/embedded/bin:$PATH" gem_list="$(gem which chef)" lib_dir="$(dirname "$gem_list")" chef_gem="$(dirname "$lib_dir")" # ensure that PATH doesn't get reset by sudoers if [[ -d /etc/sudoers.d ]]; then echo "Defaults:$(id -un) !secure_path, exempt_group += $(id -gn)" | sudo tee "/etc/sudoers.d/$(id -un)-preserve_path" sudo chmod 440 "/etc/sudoers.d/$(id -un)-preserve_path" elif [[ -d /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d ]]; then echo "Defaults:$(id -un) !secure_path, exempt_group += $(id -gn)" | sudo tee "/usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/$(id -un)-preserve_path" sudo chmod 440 "/usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/$(id -un)-preserve_path" fi cd "$chef_gem" sudo -E bundle install sudo -E bundle exec rspec -r rspec_junit_formatter -f RspecJunitFormatter -o test.xml -f documentation spec/functional