#!/usr/bin/env powershell #Requires -Version 5 param( # The name of the plan that is to be built. [string]$Plan ) $env:HAB_ORIGIN = 'ci' $Plan = 'chef-infra-client' Write-Host "--- :8ball: :windows: Verifying $Plan" powershell -File "./scripts/ci/ensure-minimum-viable-hab.ps1" if (-not $?) { throw "Could not ensure the minimum hab version required is installed." } Write-Host "--- :key: Generating fake origin key" hab origin key generate $env:HAB_ORIGIN $project_root = "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" Set-Location $project_root Write-Host "--- :construction: Building $Plan" $env:DO_CHECK=$true; hab pkg build . if (-not $?) { throw "unable to build"} . results/last_build.ps1 if (-not $?) { throw "unable to determine details about this build"} Write-Host "--- :hammer_and_wrench: Installing $pkg_ident" hab pkg install results/$pkg_artifact if (-not $?) { throw "unable to install this build"} Write-Host "--- :mag_right: Testing $Plan" powershell -File "./habitat/tests/test.ps1" -PackageIdentifier $pkg_ident if (-not $?) { throw "package didn't pass the test suite" }