# Allows easy mocking of global and class constants # Inspired by: # http://missingbit.blogspot.com/2011/07/stubbing-constants-in-rspec_20.html # http://digitaldumptruck.jotabout.com/?p=551 def mock_constants(constants, &block) saved_constants = {} constants.each do |constant, val| source_object, const_name = parse_constant(constant) saved_constants[constant] = source_object.const_get(const_name) with_warnings(nil) {source_object.const_set(const_name, val) } end begin block.call ensure constants.each do |constant, val| source_object, const_name = parse_constant(constant) with_warnings(nil) { source_object.const_set(const_name, saved_constants[constant]) } end end end def parse_constant(constant) source, _, constant_name = constant.to_s.rpartition('::') [constantize(source), constant_name] end # Taken from ActiveSupport # File activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting.rb, line 3 # # Sets $VERBOSE for the duration of the block and back to its original value afterwards. def with_warnings(flag) old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, flag yield ensure $VERBOSE = old_verbose end # File activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb, line 209 def constantize(camel_cased_word) names = camel_cased_word.split('::') names.shift if names.empty? || names.first.empty? constant = Object names.each do |name| constant = constant.const_defined?(name) ? constant.const_get(name) : constant.const_missing(name) end constant end