require 'chef/application/windows_service_manager' shared_context "using Win32::Service" do # Some helper methods. def test_service_exists? ::Win32::Service.exists?("spec-service") end def test_service_state ::Win32::Service.status("spec-service").current_state end def service_manager end def cleanup # Uninstall if the test service is installed. if test_service_exists? # We can only uninstall when the service is stopped. if test_service_state != "stopped" ::Win32::Service.send("stop", "spec-service") while test_service_state != "stopped" sleep 1 end end ::Win32::Service.delete("spec-service") end # Delete the test_service_file if it exists if File.exists?(test_service_file) File.delete(test_service_file) end end # Definition for the test-service let(:test_service) { { :service_name => "spec-service", :service_display_name => "Spec Test Service", :service_description => "Service for testing Chef::Application::WindowsServiceManager.", :service_file_path => File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../platforms/win32/spec_service.rb')), :delayed_start => true, } } # Test service creates a file for us to verify that it is running. # Since our test service is running as Local System we should look # for the file it creates under SYSTEM temp directory let(:test_service_file) { "#{ENV['SystemDrive']}\\windows\\temp\\spec_service_file" } end