# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Daniel DeLeo () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, 2013 Opscode, Inc. # # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # shared_examples_for "a useradd-based user provider" do |supported_useradd_options| before(:each) do @node = Chef::Node.new @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new @run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(@node, {}, @events) @new_resource = Chef::Resource::User.new("adam", @run_context) @new_resource.comment "Adam Jacob" @new_resource.uid 1000 @new_resource.gid 1000 @new_resource.home "/home/adam" @new_resource.shell "/usr/bin/zsh" @new_resource.password "abracadabra" @new_resource.system false @new_resource.manage_home false @new_resource.force false @new_resource.non_unique false @current_resource = Chef::Resource::User.new("adam", @run_context) @current_resource.comment "Adam Jacob" @current_resource.uid 1000 @current_resource.gid 1000 @current_resource.home "/home/adam" @current_resource.shell "/usr/bin/zsh" @current_resource.password "abracadabra" @current_resource.system false @current_resource.manage_home false @current_resource.force false @current_resource.non_unique false @current_resource.supports({:manage_home => false, :non_unique => false}) end describe "when setting option" do supported_useradd_options.each do |attribute, option| it "should check for differences in #{attribute} between the new and current resources" do expect(@current_resource).to receive(attribute) expect(@new_resource).to receive(attribute) provider.universal_options end it "should set the option for #{attribute} if the new resources #{attribute} is not nil" do allow(@new_resource).to receive(attribute).and_return("hola") expect(provider.universal_options).to eql([option, "hola"]) end it "should set the option for #{attribute} if the new resources #{attribute} is not nil, without homedir management" do allow(@new_resource).to receive(:supports).and_return({:manage_home => false, :non_unique => false}) allow(@new_resource).to receive(attribute).and_return("hola") expect(provider.universal_options).to eql([option, "hola"]) end it "should set the option for #{attribute} if the new resources #{attribute} is not nil, without homedir management (using real attributes)" do allow(@new_resource).to receive(:manage_home).and_return(false) allow(@new_resource).to receive(:non_unique).and_return(false) allow(@new_resource).to receive(:non_unique).and_return(false) allow(@new_resource).to receive(attribute).and_return("hola") expect(provider.universal_options).to eql([option, "hola"]) end end it "should combine all the possible options" do combined_opts = [] supported_useradd_options.sort{ |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.each do |attribute, option| allow(@new_resource).to receive(attribute).and_return("hola") combined_opts << option << "hola" end expect(provider.universal_options).to eql(combined_opts) end describe "when we want to create a system user" do before do @new_resource.manage_home(true) @new_resource.non_unique(false) end it "should set useradd -r" do @new_resource.system(true) expect(provider.useradd_options).to eq([ "-r" ]) end end describe "when the resource has a different home directory and supports home directory management" do before do allow(@new_resource).to receive(:home).and_return("/wowaweea") allow(@new_resource).to receive(:supports).and_return({:manage_home => true, :non_unique => false}) end it "should set -m -d /homedir" do expect(provider.universal_options).to eq(%w{-d /wowaweea -m}) expect(provider.useradd_options).to eq([]) end end describe "when the resource has a different home directory and supports home directory management (using real attributes)" do before do allow(@new_resource).to receive(:home).and_return("/wowaweea") allow(@new_resource).to receive(:manage_home).and_return(true) allow(@new_resource).to receive(:non_unique).and_return(false) end it "should set -m -d /homedir" do expect(provider.universal_options).to eql(%w{-d /wowaweea -m}) expect(provider.useradd_options).to eq([]) end end describe "when the resource supports non_unique ids" do before do allow(@new_resource).to receive(:supports).and_return({:manage_home => false, :non_unique => true}) end it "should set -m -o" do expect(provider.universal_options).to eql([ "-o" ]) end end describe "when the resource supports non_unique ids (using real attributes)" do before do allow(@new_resource).to receive(:manage_home).and_return(false) allow(@new_resource).to receive(:non_unique).and_return(true) end it "should set -m -o" do expect(provider.universal_options).to eql([ "-o" ]) end end end describe "when creating a user" do before(:each) do @current_resource = Chef::Resource::User.new(@new_resource.name, @run_context) @current_resource.username(@new_resource.username) provider.current_resource = @current_resource provider.new_resource.manage_home true provider.new_resource.home "/Users/mud" provider.new_resource.gid "23" end it "runs useradd with the computed command options" do command = ["useradd", "-c", "Adam Jacob", "-g", "23" ] command.concat(["-p", "abracadabra"]) if supported_useradd_options.key?("password") command.concat([ "-s", "/usr/bin/zsh", "-u", "1000", "-d", "/Users/mud", "-m", "adam" ]) expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(*command).and_return(true) provider.create_user end describe "and home is not specified for new system user resource" do before do provider.new_resource.system true # there is no public API to set attribute's value to nil provider.new_resource.instance_variable_set("@home", nil) end it "should not include -m or -d in the command options" do command = ["useradd", "-c", "Adam Jacob", "-g", "23"] command.concat(["-p", "abracadabra"]) if supported_useradd_options.key?("password") command.concat([ "-s", "/usr/bin/zsh", "-u", "1000", "-r", "adam" ]) expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(*command).and_return(true) provider.create_user end end end describe "when managing a user" do before(:each) do provider.new_resource.manage_home true provider.new_resource.home "/Users/mud" provider.new_resource.gid "23" end # CHEF-3423, -m must come before the username # CHEF-4305, -d must come before -m to support CentOS/RHEL 5 it "runs usermod with the computed command options" do command = ["usermod", "-g", "23", "-d", "/Users/mud", "-m", "adam" ] expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(*command).and_return(true) provider.manage_user end it "does not set the -r option to usermod" do @new_resource.system(true) command = ["usermod", "-g", "23", "-d", "/Users/mud", "-m", "adam" ] expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(*command).and_return(true) provider.manage_user end it "CHEF-3429: does not set -m if we aren't changing the home directory" do expect(provider).to receive(:updating_home?).and_return(false) command = ["usermod", "-g", "23", "adam" ] expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with(*command).and_return(true) provider.manage_user end end describe "when removing a user" do it "should run userdel with the new resources user name" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("userdel", @new_resource.username).and_return(true) provider.remove_user end it "should run userdel with the new resources user name and -r if manage_home is true" do @new_resource.supports({ :manage_home => true, :non_unique => false}) expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("userdel", "-r", @new_resource.username).and_return(true) provider.remove_user end it "should run userdel with the new resources user name if non_unique is true" do @new_resource.supports({ :manage_home => false, :non_unique => true}) expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("userdel", @new_resource.username).and_return(true) provider.remove_user end it "should run userdel with the new resources user name and -f if force is true" do @new_resource.force(true) expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("userdel", "-f", @new_resource.username).and_return(true) provider.remove_user end end describe "when checking the lock" do # lazy initialize so we can modify stdout and stderr strings let(:passwd_s_status) do double("Mixlib::ShellOut command", :exitstatus => 0, :stdout => @stdout, :stderr => @stderr) end before(:each) do # @node = Chef::Node.new # @new_resource = double("Chef::Resource::User", # :nil_object => true, # :username => "adam" # ) #provider = Chef::Provider::User::Useradd.new(@node, @new_resource) @stdout = "root P 09/02/2008 0 99999 7 -1" @stderr = "" end it "should return false if status begins with P" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, {:returns=>[0, 1]}). and_return(passwd_s_status) expect(provider.check_lock).to eql(false) end it "should return false if status begins with N" do @stdout = "root N" expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, {:returns=>[0, 1]}). and_return(passwd_s_status) expect(provider.check_lock).to eql(false) end it "should return true if status begins with L" do @stdout = "root L" expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, {:returns=>[0, 1]}). and_return(passwd_s_status) expect(provider.check_lock).to eql(true) end it "should raise a Chef::Exceptions::User if passwd -S fails on anything other than redhat/centos" do @node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "ubuntu" expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, {:returns=>[0, 1]}). and_return(passwd_s_status) expect(passwd_s_status).to receive(:exitstatus).and_return(1) expect { provider.check_lock }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::User) end ["redhat", "centos"].each do |os| it "should not raise a Chef::Exceptions::User if passwd -S exits with 1 on #{os} and the passwd package is version 0.73-1" do @node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = os expect(passwd_s_status).to receive(:exitstatus).and_return(1) expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, {:returns=>[0, 1]}). and_return(passwd_s_status) rpm_status = double("Mixlib::ShellOut command", :exitstatus => 0, :stdout => "passwd-0.73-1\n", :stderr => "") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("rpm -q passwd").and_return(rpm_status) expect { provider.check_lock }.not_to raise_error end it "should raise a Chef::Exceptions::User if passwd -S exits with 1 on #{os} and the passwd package is not version 0.73-1" do @node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = os expect(passwd_s_status).to receive(:exitstatus).and_return(1) expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, {:returns=>[0, 1]}). and_return(passwd_s_status) rpm_status = double("Mixlib::ShellOut command", :exitstatus => 0, :stdout => "passwd-0.73-2\n", :stderr => "") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("rpm -q passwd").and_return(rpm_status) expect { provider.check_lock }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::User) end it "should raise a ShellCommandFailed exception if passwd -S exits with something other than 0 or 1 on #{os}" do @node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = os expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).and_raise(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) expect { provider.check_lock }.to raise_error(Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed) end end context "when in why run mode" do before do passwd_status = double("Mixlib::ShellOut command", :exitstatus => 0, :stdout => "", :stderr => "passwd: user 'chef-test' does not exist\n") expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!). with("passwd", "-S", @new_resource.username, {:returns=>[0, 1]}). and_return(passwd_status) Chef::Config[:why_run] = true end it "should return false if the user does not exist" do expect(provider.check_lock).to eql(false) end it "should not raise an error if the user does not exist" do expect { provider.check_lock }.not_to raise_error end end end describe "when locking the user" do it "should run usermod -L with the new resources username" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("usermod", "-L", @new_resource.username) provider.lock_user end end describe "when unlocking the user" do it "should run usermod -L with the new resources username" do expect(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).with("usermod", "-U", @new_resource.username) provider.unlock_user end end describe "when checking if home needs updating" do [ { "action" => "should return false if home matches", "current_resource_home" => [ "/home/laurent" ], "new_resource_home" => [ "/home/laurent" ], "expected_result" => false, }, { "action" => "should return true if home doesn't match", "current_resource_home" => [ "/home/laurent" ], "new_resource_home" => [ "/something/else" ], "expected_result" => true, }, { "action" => "should return false if home only differs by trailing slash", "current_resource_home" => [ "/home/laurent" ], "new_resource_home" => [ "/home/laurent/", "/home/laurent" ], "expected_result" => false, }, { "action" => "should return false if home is an equivalent path", "current_resource_home" => [ "/home/laurent" ], "new_resource_home" => [ "/home/./laurent", "/home/laurent" ], "expected_result" => false, }, ].each do |home_check| it home_check["action"] do provider.current_resource.home home_check["current_resource_home"].first @current_home_mock = double("Pathname") provider.new_resource.home home_check["new_resource_home"].first @new_home_mock = double("Pathname") expect(Pathname).to receive(:new).with(@current_resource.home).and_return(@current_home_mock) expect(@current_home_mock).to receive(:cleanpath).and_return(home_check["current_resource_home"].last) expect(Pathname).to receive(:new).with(@new_resource.home).and_return(@new_home_mock) expect(@new_home_mock).to receive(:cleanpath).and_return(home_check["new_resource_home"].last) expect(provider.updating_home?).to eq(home_check["expected_result"]) end end it "should return true if the current home does not exist but a home is specified by the new resource" do @new_resource = Chef::Resource::User.new("adam", @run_context) @current_resource = Chef::Resource::User.new("adam", @run_context) provider = Chef::Provider::User::Useradd.new(@new_resource, @run_context) provider.current_resource = @current_resource @current_resource.home nil @new_resource.home "/home/kitten" expect(provider.updating_home?).to eq(true) end end end