# # Author:: Lamont Granquist () # Copyright:: Copyright 2015-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe "Chef class" do let(:platform) { "debian" } let(:node) do node = Chef::Node.new node.automatic["platform"] = platform node end let(:run_context) do Chef::RunContext.new(node, nil, nil) end let(:resource_priority_map) do double("Chef::Platform::ResourcePriorityMap") end let(:provider_priority_map) do double("Chef::Platform::ProviderPriorityMap") end before do Chef.set_run_context(run_context) Chef.set_node(node) Chef.set_resource_priority_map(resource_priority_map) Chef.set_provider_priority_map(provider_priority_map) end context "priority maps" do context "#get_provider_priority_array" do it "should use the current node to get the right priority_map" do expect(provider_priority_map).to receive(:get_priority_array).with(node, :http_request).and_return("stuff") expect(Chef.get_provider_priority_array(:http_request)).to eql("stuff") end end context "#get_resource_priority_array" do it "should use the current node to get the right priority_map" do expect(resource_priority_map).to receive(:get_priority_array).with(node, :http_request).and_return("stuff") expect(Chef.get_resource_priority_array(:http_request)).to eql("stuff") end end context "#set_provider_priority_array" do it "should delegate to the provider_priority_map" do expect(provider_priority_map).to receive(:set_priority_array).with(:http_request, %w{a b}, platform: "debian").and_return("stuff") expect(Chef.set_provider_priority_array(:http_request, %w{a b}, platform: "debian")).to eql("stuff") end end context "#set_priority_map_for_resource" do it "should delegate to the resource_priority_map" do expect(resource_priority_map).to receive(:set_priority_array).with(:http_request, %w{a b}, platform: "debian").and_return("stuff") expect(Chef.set_resource_priority_array(:http_request, %w{a b}, platform: "debian")).to eql("stuff") end end end context "#run_context" do it "should return the injected RunContext" do expect(Chef.run_context).to eql(run_context) end end context "#node" do it "should return the injected Node" do expect(Chef.node).to eql(node) end end context "#event_handler" do it "adds a new handler" do x = 1 Chef.event_handler do on :converge_start do x = 2 end end expect(Chef::Config[:event_handlers]).to_not be_empty Chef::Config[:event_handlers].first.send(:converge_start) expect(x).to eq(2) end it "raise error if unknown event type is passed" do expect do Chef.event_handler do on :yolo do end end end.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidEventType) end end describe "Deprecation system" do context "with treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors false" do before { Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = false } it "displays a simple deprecation warning" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(%r{spec/unit/chef_class_spec\.rb.*?I'm a little teapot.*?Please see}m) Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") end it "allows silencing all warnings" do Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = true expect(Chef::Log).to_not receive(:warn) Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Short and stout.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing specific types" do Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = [:internal_api] expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Short and stout.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing specific IDs" do Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = [0] expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Short and stout.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing specific IDs using the CHEF- syntax" do Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = ["CHEF-0"] expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Short and stout.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing specific IDs using the chef- syntax" do Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = ["chef-0"] expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Short and stout.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing specific lines" do Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = ["chef_class_spec.rb:#{__LINE__ + 4}"] expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "Short and stout.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing all via inline comments" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "Short and stout.") # chef:silence_deprecation Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing specific types via inline comments" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "Short and stout.") # chef:silence_deprecation:generic Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "This is my handle.") end it "does not silence via inline comments when the types don't match" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/Short and stout/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "Short and stout.") # chef:silence_deprecation:generic Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "This is my handle.") end it "allows silencing all via inline comments with other stuff in the comment" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my handle/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "Short and stout.") # rubocop:something chef:silence_deprecation other stuff Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "This is my handle.") end it "handles multiple silence configurations at the same time" do Chef::Config[:silence_deprecation_warnings] = ["exit_code", "chef_class_spec.rb:#{__LINE__ + 6}"] expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/I'm a little teapot/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/This is my spout/).once expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with(/Hear me shout/).once Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "Short and stout.") # chef:silence_deprecation Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "This is my handle.") Chef.deprecated(:internal_api, "This is my spout.") Chef.deprecated(:exit_code, "When I get all steamed up.") Chef.deprecated(:generic, "Hear me shout.") end end context "with treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors true" do # This is already turned on globally for Chef's unit tests, but just for clarity do it here too. before { Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = true } it "displays a simple deprecation error" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:error).with(%r{spec/unit/chef_class_spec\.rb.*?I'm a little teapot.*?Please see}m) expect { Chef.deprecated(:generic, "I'm a little teapot.") }.to raise_error(/I'm a little teapot./) end end end end