require 'spec_helper' require 'chef/config_fetcher' describe Chef::ConfigFetcher do let(:valid_json) { Chef::JSONCompat.to_json({:a=>"b"}) } let(:invalid_json) { %q[{"syntax-error": "missing quote}] } let(:http) { double("Chef::HTTP::Simple") } let(:config_location_regex) { Regexp.escape(config_location) } let(:invalid_json_error_regex) { %r[Could not parse the provided JSON file \(#{config_location_regex}\)] } let(:fetcher) { } context "when loading a local file" do let(:config_location) { "/etc/chef/client.rb" } let(:config_content) { "# The client.rb content" } it "reads the file from disk" do expect(::File).to receive(:read). with(config_location). and_return(config_content) expect(fetcher.read_config).to eq(config_content) end context "and consuming JSON" do let(:config_location) { "/etc/chef/first-boot.json" } it "returns the parsed JSON" do expect(::File).to receive(:read). with(config_location). and_return(valid_json) expect(fetcher.fetch_json).to eq({"a" => "b"}) end context "and the JSON is invalid" do it "reports the JSON error" do expect(::File).to receive(:read). with(config_location). and_return(invalid_json) expect(Chef::Application).to receive(:fatal!). with(invalid_json_error_regex, 2) fetcher.fetch_json end end end end context "when loading a file over HTTP" do let(:config_location) { "" } let(:config_content) { "# The client.rb content" } before do expect(Chef::HTTP::Simple).to receive(:new). with(config_location). and_return(http) end it "reads the file over HTTP" do expect(http).to receive(:get). with("").and_return(config_content) expect(fetcher.read_config).to eq(config_content) end context "and consuming JSON" do let(:config_location) { "" } it "fetches the file and parses it" do expect(http).to receive(:get). with("").and_return(valid_json) expect(fetcher.fetch_json).to eq({"a" => "b"}) end context "and the JSON is invalid" do it "reports the JSON error" do expect(http).to receive(:get). with("").and_return(invalid_json) expect(Chef::Application).to receive(:fatal!). with(invalid_json_error_regex, 2) fetcher.fetch_json end end end end end