# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Seth Falcon () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef/cookbook/metadata" describe Chef::Cookbook::Metadata do let(:metadata) { Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.new } describe "when comparing for equality" do before do @fields = [ :name, :description, :long_description, :maintainer, :maintainer_email, :license, :platforms, :dependencies, :recommendations, :suggestions, :conflicting, :providing, :replacing, :attributes, :groupings, :recipes, :version, :source_url, :issues_url, :privacy, :ohai_versions, :chef_versions, :gems ] end it "does not depend on object identity for equality" do expect(metadata).to eq(metadata.dup) end it "is not equal to another object if it isn't have all of the metadata fields" do @fields.each_index do |field_to_remove| fields_to_include = @fields.dup fields_to_include.delete_at(field_to_remove) almost_duck_type = Struct.new(*fields_to_include).new @fields.each do |field| setter = "#{field}=" metadata_value = metadata.send(field) almost_duck_type.send(setter, metadata_value) if almost_duck_type.respond_to?(setter) expect(@mets).not_to eq(almost_duck_type) end end end it "is equal to another object if it has equal values for all metadata fields" do duck_type = Struct.new(*@fields).new @fields.each do |field| setter = "#{field}=" metadata_value = metadata.send(field) duck_type.send(setter, metadata_value) end expect(metadata).to eq(duck_type) end it "is not equal if any values are different" do duck_type_class = Struct.new(*@fields) @fields.each do |field_to_change| duck_type = duck_type_class.new @fields.each do |field| setter = "#{field}=" metadata_value = metadata.send(field) duck_type.send(setter, metadata_value) end duck_type.send("#{field_to_change}=".to_sym, :epic_fail) expect(metadata).not_to eq(duck_type) end end end describe "when first created" do it "has no name" do expect(metadata.name).to eq(nil) end it "has an empty description" do expect(metadata.description).to eq("") end it "has an empty long description" do expect(metadata.long_description).to eq("") end it "defaults to 'all rights reserved' license" do expect(metadata.license).to eq("All rights reserved") end it "has an empty maintainer field" do expect(metadata.maintainer).to eq(nil) end it "has an empty maintainer_email field" do expect(metadata.maintainer).to eq(nil) end it "has an empty platforms list" do expect(metadata.platforms).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty dependencies list" do expect(metadata.dependencies).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty recommends list" do expect(metadata.recommendations).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty suggestions list" do expect(metadata.suggestions).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty conflicts list" do expect(metadata.conflicting).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty replaces list" do expect(metadata.replacing).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty attributes list" do expect(metadata.attributes).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty groupings list" do expect(metadata.groupings).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty recipes list" do expect(metadata.recipes).to eq(Mash.new) end it "has an empty source_url string" do expect(metadata.source_url).to eq("") end it "has an empty issues_url string" do expect(metadata.issues_url).to eq("") end it "is not private" do expect(metadata.privacy).to eq(false) end end describe "validation" do context "when no required fields are set" do it "is not valid" do expect(metadata).not_to be_valid end it "has a list of validation errors" do expected_errors = ["The `name' attribute is required in cookbook metadata"] expect(metadata.errors).to eq(expected_errors) end end context "when all required fields are set" do before do metadata.name "a-valid-name" end it "is valid" do expect(metadata).to be_valid end it "has no validation errors" do expect(metadata.errors).to be_empty end end end describe "adding a supported platform" do it "should support adding a supported platform with a single expression" do metadata.supports("ubuntu", ">= 8.04") expect(metadata.platforms["ubuntu"]).to eq(">= 8.04") end end describe "meta-data attributes" do params = { :maintainer => "Adam Jacob", :maintainer_email => "adam@opscode.com", :license => "Apache v2.0", :description => "Foobar!", :long_description => "Much Longer\nSeriously", :version => "0.6.0", :source_url => "http://example.com", :issues_url => "http://example.com/issues", :privacy => true, } params.sort { |a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |field, field_value| describe field do it "should be set-able via #{field}" do expect(metadata.send(field, field_value)).to eql(field_value) end it "should be get-able via #{field}" do metadata.send(field, field_value) expect(metadata.send(field)).to eql(field_value) end end end describe "version transformation" do it "should transform an '0.6' version to '0.6.0'" do expect(metadata.send(:version, "0.6")).to eql("0.6.0") end it "should spit out '0.6.0' after transforming '0.6'" do metadata.send(:version, "0.6") expect(metadata.send(:version)).to eql("0.6.0") end end end describe "describing dependencies" do dep_types = { :depends => [ :dependencies, "foo::bar", "> 0.2" ], :recommends => [ :recommendations, "foo::bar", ">= 0.2" ], :suggests => [ :suggestions, "foo::bar", "> 0.2" ], :conflicts => [ :conflicting, "foo::bar", "~> 0.2" ], :provides => [ :providing, "foo::bar", "<= 0.2" ], :replaces => [ :replacing, "foo::bar", "= 0.2.1" ], } dep_types.sort { |a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |dep, dep_args| check_with = dep_args.shift describe dep do it "should be set-able via #{dep}" do expect(metadata.send(dep, *dep_args)).to eq(dep_args[1]) end it "should be get-able via #{check_with}" do metadata.send(dep, *dep_args) expect(metadata.send(check_with)).to eq({ dep_args[0] => dep_args[1] }) end end end dep_types = { :depends => [ :dependencies, "foo::bar", ">0.2", "> 0.2" ], :recommends => [ :recommendations, "foo::bar", ">=0.2", ">= 0.2" ], :suggests => [ :suggestions, "foo::bar", ">0.2", "> 0.2" ], :conflicts => [ :conflicting, "foo::bar", "~>0.2", "~> 0.2" ], :provides => [ :providing, "foo::bar", "<=0.2", "<= 0.2" ], :replaces => [ :replacing, "foo::bar", "=0.2.1", "= 0.2.1" ], } dep_types.sort { |a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s }.each do |dep, dep_args| check_with = dep_args.shift normalized_version = dep_args.pop describe dep do it "should be set-able and normalized via #{dep}" do expect(metadata.send(dep, *dep_args)).to eq(normalized_version) end it "should be get-able and normalized via #{check_with}" do metadata.send(dep, *dep_args) expect(metadata.send(check_with)).to eq({ dep_args[0] => normalized_version }) end end end describe "in the obsoleted format" do dep_types = { :depends => [ "foo::bar", "> 0.2", "< 1.0" ], :recommends => [ "foo::bar", ">= 0.2", "< 1.0" ], :suggests => [ "foo::bar", "> 0.2", "< 1.0" ], :conflicts => [ "foo::bar", "> 0.2", "< 1.0" ], :provides => [ "foo::bar", "> 0.2", "< 1.0" ], :replaces => [ "foo::bar", "> 0.2.1", "< 1.0" ], } dep_types.each do |dep, dep_args| it "for #{dep} raises an informative error instead of vomiting on your shoes" do expect { metadata.send(dep, *dep_args) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ObsoleteDependencySyntax) end end end describe "with obsolete operators" do dep_types = { :depends => [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2"], :recommends => [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2"], :suggests => [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2"], :conflicts => [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2"], :provides => [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2"], :replaces => [ "foo::bar", ">> 0.2.1"], } dep_types.each do |dep, dep_args| it "for #{dep} raises an informative error instead of vomiting on your shoes" do expect { metadata.send(dep, *dep_args) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidVersionConstraint) end end end it "strips out self-dependencies", chef: "< 13" do metadata.name("foo") expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:warn).with( "Ignoring self-dependency in cookbook foo, please remove it (in the future this will be fatal)." ) metadata.depends("foo") expect(metadata.dependencies).to eql({}) end it "errors on self-dependencies", chef: ">= 13" do metadata.name("foo") expect { metadata.depends("foo") }.to raise_error # FIXME: add the error type end end describe "chef_version" do def expect_chef_version_works(*args) ret = [] args.each do |arg| metadata.send(:chef_version, *arg) ret << Gem::Dependency.new("chef", *arg) end expect(metadata.send(:chef_versions)).to eql(ret) end it "should work with a single simple constraint" do expect_chef_version_works(["~> 12"]) end it "should work with a single complex constraint" do expect_chef_version_works([">= 12.0.1", "< 12.5.1"]) end it "should work with multiple simple constraints" do expect_chef_version_works(["~> 12.5.1"], ["~> 11.18.10"]) end it "should work with multiple complex constraints" do expect_chef_version_works([">= 11.14.2", "< 11.18.10"], [">= 12.2.1", "< 12.5.1"]) end it "should fail validation on a simple pessimistic constraint" do expect_chef_version_works(["~> 999.0"]) expect { metadata.validate_chef_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookChefVersionMismatch) end it "should fail validation when that valid chef versions are too big" do expect_chef_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"]) expect { metadata.validate_chef_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookChefVersionMismatch) end it "should fail validation when that valid chef versions are too small" do expect_chef_version_works([">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) expect { metadata.validate_chef_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookChefVersionMismatch) end it "should fail validation when all ranges fail" do expect_chef_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], [">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) expect { metadata.validate_chef_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookChefVersionMismatch) end it "should pass validation when one constraint passes" do expect_chef_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], ["= #{Chef::VERSION}"]) expect { metadata.validate_chef_version! }.not_to raise_error end end describe "ohai_version" do def expect_ohai_version_works(*args) ret = [] args.each do |arg| metadata.send(:ohai_version, *arg) ret << Gem::Dependency.new("ohai", *arg) end expect(metadata.send(:ohai_versions)).to eql(ret) end it "should work with a single simple constraint" do expect_ohai_version_works(["~> 12"]) end it "should work with a single complex constraint" do expect_ohai_version_works([">= 12.0.1", "< 12.5.1"]) end it "should work with multiple simple constraints" do expect_ohai_version_works(["~> 12.5.1"], ["~> 11.18.10"]) end it "should work with multiple complex constraints" do expect_ohai_version_works([">= 11.14.2", "< 11.18.10"], [">= 12.2.1", "< 12.5.1"]) end it "should fail validation on a simple pessimistic constraint" do expect_ohai_version_works(["~> 999.0"]) expect { metadata.validate_ohai_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookOhaiVersionMismatch) end it "should fail validation when that valid chef versions are too big" do expect_ohai_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"]) expect { metadata.validate_ohai_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookOhaiVersionMismatch) end it "should fail validation when that valid chef versions are too small" do expect_ohai_version_works([">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) expect { metadata.validate_ohai_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookOhaiVersionMismatch) end it "should fail validation when all ranges fail" do expect_ohai_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], [">= 0.0.1", "< 0.0.9"]) expect { metadata.validate_ohai_version! }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::CookbookOhaiVersionMismatch) end it "should pass validation when one constraint passes" do expect_ohai_version_works([">= 999.0", "< 999.9"], ["= #{Ohai::VERSION}"]) expect { metadata.validate_ohai_version! }.not_to raise_error end end describe "gem" do def expect_gem_works(*args) ret = [] args.each do |arg| metadata.send(:gem, *arg) ret << arg end expect(metadata.send(:gems)).to eql(ret) end it "works on a simple case" do expect_gem_works(["foo", "~> 1.2"]) end it "works if there's two gems" do expect_gem_works(["foo", "~> 1.2"], ["bar", "~> 2.0"]) end it "works if there's a more complicated constraint" do expect_gem_works(["foo", "~> 1.2"], ["bar", ">= 2.4", "< 4.0"]) end end describe "attribute groupings" do it "should allow you set a grouping" do group = { "title" => "MySQL Tuning", "description" => "Setting from the my.cnf file that allow you to tune your mysql server", } expect(metadata.grouping("/db/mysql/databases/tuning", group)).to eq(group) end it "should not accept anything but a string for display_name" do expect { metadata.grouping("db/mysql/databases", :title => "foo") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.grouping("db/mysql/databases", :title => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept anything but a string for the description" do expect { metadata.grouping("db/mysql/databases", :description => "foo") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.grouping("db/mysql/databases", :description => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "cookbook attributes" do it "should allow you set an attributes metadata" do attrs = { "display_name" => "MySQL Databases", "description" => "Description of MySQL", "choice" => %w{dedicated shared}, "calculated" => false, "type" => "string", "required" => "recommended", "recipes" => [ "mysql::server", "mysql::master" ], "default" => [ ], "source_url" => "http://example.com", "issues_url" => "http://example.com/issues", "privacy" => true, } expect(metadata.attribute("/db/mysql/databases", attrs)).to eq(attrs) end it "should not accept anything but a string for display_name" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :display_name => "foo") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :display_name => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept anything but a string for the description" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :description => "foo") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :description => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept anything but a string for the source_url" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :source_url => "foo") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :source_url => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept anything but a string for the issues_url" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :issues_url => "foo") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :issues_url => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept anything but true or false for the privacy flag" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :privacy => true) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :privacy => false) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :privacy => "true") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept anything but an array of strings for choice" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :choice => %w{dedicated shared}) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :choice => [10, "shared"]) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :choice => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set choice to empty array by default" do metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", {}) expect(metadata.attributes["db/mysql/databases"][:choice]).to eq([]) end it "should let calculated be true or false" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :calculated => true) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :calculated => false) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :calculated => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set calculated to false by default" do metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", {}) expect(metadata.attributes["db/mysql/databases"][:calculated]).to eq(false) end it "accepts String for the attribute type" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :type => "string") }.not_to raise_error end it "accepts Array for the attribute type" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :type => "array") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :type => Array.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "accepts symbol for the attribute type" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :type => "symbol") }.not_to raise_error end it "should let type be hash (backwards compatibility only)" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :type => "hash") }.not_to raise_error end it "should let required be required, recommended or optional" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :required => "required") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :required => "recommended") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :required => "optional") }.not_to raise_error end it "should convert required true to required" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :required => true) }.not_to raise_error #attrib = metadata.attributes["db/mysql/databases"][:required].should == "required" end it "should convert required false to optional" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :required => false) }.not_to raise_error #attrib = metadata.attributes["db/mysql/databases"][:required].should == "optional" end it "should set required to 'optional' by default" do metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", {}) expect(metadata.attributes["db/mysql/databases"][:required]).to eq("optional") end it "should make sure recipes is an array" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :recipes => []) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :required => Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should set recipes to an empty array by default" do metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", {}) expect(metadata.attributes["db/mysql/databases"][:recipes]).to eq([]) end it "should allow the default value to be a string, array, hash, boolean or numeric" do expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :default => []) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :default => {}) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :default => "alice in chains") }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :default => 1337) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :default => true) }.not_to raise_error expect { metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", :required => :not_gonna_do_it) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should limit the types allowed in the choice array" do options = { :type => "string", :choice => %w{test1 test2}, :default => "test1", } expect { metadata.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options) }.not_to raise_error options = { :type => "boolean", :choice => [ true, false ], :default => true, } expect { metadata.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options) }.not_to raise_error options = { :type => "numeric", :choice => [ 1337, 420 ], :default => 1337, } expect { metadata.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options) }.not_to raise_error options = { :type => "numeric", :choice => [ true, "false" ], :default => false, } expect { metadata.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) end it "should error if default used with calculated" do expect { attrs = { :calculated => true, :default => [ "I thought you said calculated" ], } metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", attrs) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { attrs = { :calculated => true, :default => "I thought you said calculated", } metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", attrs) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow a default that is a choice" do expect { attrs = { :choice => %w{a b c}, :default => "b", } metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", attrs) }.not_to raise_error expect { attrs = { :choice => %w{a b c d e}, :default => %w{b d}, } metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", attrs) }.not_to raise_error end it "should error if default is not a choice" do expect { attrs = { :choice => %w{a b c}, :default => "d", } metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", attrs) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { attrs = { :choice => %w{a b c d e}, :default => %w{b z}, } metadata.attribute("db/mysql/databases", attrs) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "recipes" do let(:cookbook) do c = Chef::CookbookVersion.new("test_cookbook") c.recipe_files = [ "default.rb", "enlighten.rb" ] c end before(:each) do metadata.name("test_cookbook") metadata.recipes_from_cookbook_version(cookbook) end it "should have the names of the recipes" do expect(metadata.recipes["test_cookbook"]).to eq("") expect(metadata.recipes["test_cookbook::enlighten"]).to eq("") end it "should let you set the description for a recipe" do metadata.recipe "test_cookbook", "It, um... tests stuff?" expect(metadata.recipes["test_cookbook"]).to eq("It, um... tests stuff?") end it "should automatically provide each recipe" do expect(metadata.providing.has_key?("test_cookbook")).to eq(true) expect(metadata.providing.has_key?("test_cookbook::enlighten")).to eq(true) end end describe "json" do before(:each) do metadata.version "1.0" metadata.maintainer "Bobo T. Clown" metadata.maintainer_email "bobo@example.com" metadata.long_description "I have a long arm!" metadata.supports :ubuntu, "> 8.04" metadata.depends "bobo", "= 1.0" metadata.depends "bubu", "=1.0" metadata.depends "bobotclown", "= 1.1" metadata.recommends "snark", "< 3.0" metadata.suggests "kindness", "> 2.0" metadata.conflicts "hatred" metadata.provides "foo(:bar, :baz)" metadata.replaces "snarkitron" metadata.recipe "test_cookbook::enlighten", "is your buddy" metadata.attribute "bizspark/has_login", :display_name => "You have nothing" metadata.version "1.2.3" metadata.gem "foo", "~> 1.2" metadata.gem "bar", ">= 2.2", "< 4.0" metadata.chef_version ">= 11.14.2", "< 11.18.10" metadata.chef_version ">= 12.2.1", "< 12.5.1" metadata.ohai_version ">= 7.1.0", "< 7.5.0" metadata.ohai_version ">= 8.0.1", "< 8.6.0" end it "should produce the same output from to_json and Chef::JSONCompat" do # XXX: fairly certain this is testing ruby method dispatch expect(metadata.to_json).to eq(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(metadata)) end describe "serialize" do let(:deserialized_metadata) { Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(metadata)) } it "should serialize to a json hash" do expect(deserialized_metadata).to be_a_kind_of(Hash) end %w{ name description long_description maintainer maintainer_email license platforms dependencies suggestions recommendations conflicting providing replacing attributes recipes version source_url issues_url privacy gems }.each do |t| it "should include '#{t}'" do expect(deserialized_metadata[t]).to eq(metadata.send(t.to_sym)) end end %w{ ohai_versions chef_versions }.each do |t| it "should include '#{t}'" do expect(deserialized_metadata[t]).to eq(metadata.gem_requirements_to_array(*metadata.send(t.to_sym))) end end end describe "deserialize" do let(:deserialized_metadata) { Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.from_json(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(metadata)) } it "should deserialize to a Chef::Cookbook::Metadata object" do expect(deserialized_metadata).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Cookbook::Metadata) end %w{ name description long_description maintainer maintainer_email license platforms dependencies suggestions recommendations conflicting providing replacing attributes recipes version source_url issues_url privacy chef_versions ohai_versions gems }.each do |t| it "should match '#{t}'" do expect(deserialized_metadata.send(t.to_sym)).to eq(metadata.send(t.to_sym)) end end end describe "from_hash" do before(:each) do @hash = metadata.to_hash end [:dependencies, :recommendations, :suggestions, :conflicting, :replacing].each do |to_check| it "should transform deprecated greater than syntax for :#{to_check}" do @hash[to_check.to_s]["foo::bar"] = ">> 0.2" deserial = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.from_hash(@hash) expect(deserial.send(to_check)["foo::bar"]).to eq("> 0.2") end it "should transform deprecated less than syntax for :#{to_check}" do @hash[to_check.to_s]["foo::bar"] = "<< 0.2" deserial = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.from_hash(@hash) expect(deserial.send(to_check)["foo::bar"]).to eq("< 0.2") end it "should ignore multiple dependency constraints for :#{to_check}" do @hash[to_check.to_s]["foo::bar"] = [ ">= 1.0", "<= 5.2" ] deserial = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.from_hash(@hash) expect(deserial.send(to_check)["foo::bar"]).to eq([]) end it "should accept an empty array of dependency constraints for :#{to_check}" do @hash[to_check.to_s]["foo::bar"] = [] deserial = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.from_hash(@hash) expect(deserial.send(to_check)["foo::bar"]).to eq([]) end it "should accept single-element arrays of dependency constraints for :#{to_check}" do @hash[to_check.to_s]["foo::bar"] = [ ">= 2.0" ] deserial = Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.from_hash(@hash) expect(deserial.send(to_check)["foo::bar"]).to eq(">= 2.0") end end end end end