# # Author:: Seth Falcon () # Copyright:: Copyright 2010-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef/dsl/platform_introspection" class LanguageTester attr_reader :node def initialize(node) @node = node end include Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection end describe "PlatformIntrospection implementors" do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } let(:platform_introspector) { LanguageTester.new(node) } it_behaves_like "a platform introspector" end describe Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection::PlatformDependentValue do before do platform_hash = { :openbsd => {:default => "free, functional, secure"}, [:redhat, :centos, :fedora, :scientific] => {:default => '"stable"'}, :ubuntu => {"10.04" => "using upstart more", :default => "using init more"}, :default => "bork da bork", } @platform_specific_value = Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection::PlatformDependentValue.new(platform_hash) end it "returns the default value when the platform doesn't match" do expect(@platform_specific_value.value_for_node(:platform => :dos)).to eq("bork da bork") end it "returns a value for a platform set as a group" do expect(@platform_specific_value.value_for_node(:platform => :centos)).to eq('"stable"') end it "returns a value for the platform when it was set as a symbol but fetched as a string" do expect(@platform_specific_value.value_for_node(:platform => "centos")).to eq('"stable"') end it "returns a value for a specific platform version" do node = {:platform => "ubuntu", :platform_version => "10.04"} expect(@platform_specific_value.value_for_node(node)).to eq("using upstart more") end it "returns a platform-default value if the platform version doesn't match an explicit one" do node = {:platform => "ubuntu", :platform_version => "9.10" } expect(@platform_specific_value.value_for_node(node)).to eq("using init more") end it "returns nil if there is no default and no platforms match" do # this matches the behavior in the original implementation. # whether or not it's correct is another matter. platform_specific_value = Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection::PlatformDependentValue.new({}) expect(platform_specific_value.value_for_node(:platform => "foo")).to be_nil end it "raises an argument error if the platform hash is not correctly structured" do bad_hash = {:ubuntu => :foo} # should be :ubuntu => {:default => 'foo'} expect {Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection::PlatformDependentValue.new(bad_hash)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection::PlatformFamilyDependentValue do before do @array_values = [:stop, :start, :reload] @platform_family_hash = { "debian" => "debian value", [:rhel, "fedora"] => "redhatty value", "suse" => @array_values, :gentoo => "gentoo value", :default => "default value", } @platform_family_value = Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection::PlatformFamilyDependentValue.new(@platform_family_hash) end it "returns the default value when the platform family doesn't match" do expect(@platform_family_value.value_for_node(:platform_family => :os2)).to eq("default value") end it "returns a value for the platform family when it was set as a string but fetched as a symbol" do expect(@platform_family_value.value_for_node(:platform_family => :debian)).to eq("debian value") end it "returns a value for the platform family when it was set as a symbol but fetched as a string" do expect(@platform_family_value.value_for_node(:platform_family => "gentoo")).to eq("gentoo value") end it "returns an array value stored for a platform family" do expect(@platform_family_value.value_for_node(:platform_family => "suse")).to eq(@array_values) end it "returns a value for the platform family when it was set within an array hash key as a symbol" do expect(@platform_family_value.value_for_node(:platform_family => :rhel)).to eq("redhatty value") end it "returns a value for the platform family when it was set within an array hash key as a string" do expect(@platform_family_value.value_for_node(:platform_family => "fedora")).to eq("redhatty value") end it "returns nil if there is no default and no platforms match" do platform_specific_value = Chef::DSL::PlatformIntrospection::PlatformFamilyDependentValue.new({}) expect(platform_specific_value.value_for_node(:platform_family => "foo")).to be_nil end end