# # Author:: Stephen Delano () # Author:: Seth Falcon () # Author:: John Keiser () # Author:: Kyle Goodwin () # Copyright:: Copyright 2010-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef/environment" describe Chef::Environment do before(:each) do @environment = Chef::Environment.new end describe "initialize" do it "should be a Chef::Environment" do expect(@environment).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Environment) end end describe "name" do it "should let you set the name to a string" do expect(@environment.name("production")).to eq("production") end it "should return the current name" do @environment.name("production") expect(@environment.name).to eq("production") end it "should not accept spaces" do expect { @environment.name("production environment") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept anything but strings" do expect { @environment.name(Array.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { @environment.name(Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { @environment.name(2) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "description" do it "should let you set the description to a string" do expect(@environment.description("this is my test environment")).to eq("this is my test environment") end it "should return the correct description" do @environment.description("I like running tests") expect(@environment.description).to eq("I like running tests") end it "should not accept anything but strings" do expect { @environment.description(Array.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { @environment.description(Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { @environment.description(42) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "default attributes" do it "should let you set the attributes hash explicitly" do expect(@environment.default_attributes({ :one => "two" })).to eq({ :one => "two" }) end it "should let you return the attributes hash" do @environment.default_attributes({ :one => "two" }) expect(@environment.default_attributes).to eq({ :one => "two" }) end it "should throw an ArgumentError if we aren't a kind of hash" do expect { @environment.default_attributes(Array.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "override attributes" do it "should let you set the attributes hash explicitly" do expect(@environment.override_attributes({ :one => "two" })).to eq({ :one => "two" }) end it "should let you return the attributes hash" do @environment.override_attributes({ :one => "two" }) expect(@environment.override_attributes).to eq({ :one => "two" }) end it "should throw an ArgumentError if we aren't a kind of hash" do expect { @environment.override_attributes(Array.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "cookbook_versions" do before(:each) do @cookbook_versions = { "apt" => "= 1.0.0", "god" => "= 2.0.0", "apache2" => "= 4.2.0", } end it "should let you set the cookbook versions in a hash" do expect(@environment.cookbook_versions(@cookbook_versions)).to eq(@cookbook_versions) end it "should return the cookbook versions" do @environment.cookbook_versions(@cookbook_versions) expect(@environment.cookbook_versions).to eq(@cookbook_versions) end it "should not accept anything but a hash" do expect { @environment.cookbook_versions("I am a string!") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { @environment.cookbook_versions(Array.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { @environment.cookbook_versions(42) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should validate the hash" do expect(Chef::Environment).to receive(:validate_cookbook_versions).with(@cookbook_versions).and_return true @environment.cookbook_versions(@cookbook_versions) end end describe "cookbook" do it "should set the version of the cookbook in the cookbook_versions hash" do @environment.cookbook("apt", "~> 1.2.3") expect(@environment.cookbook_versions["apt"]).to eq("~> 1.2.3") end it "should validate the cookbook version it is passed" do expect(Chef::Environment).to receive(:validate_cookbook_version).with(">= 1.2.3").and_return true @environment.cookbook("apt", ">= 1.2.3") end end describe "update_from!" do before(:each) do @environment.name("prod") @environment.description("this is prod") @environment.cookbook_versions({ "apt" => "= 1.2.3" }) @example = Chef::Environment.new @example.name("notevenprod") @example.description("this is pre-prod") @example.cookbook_versions({ "apt" => "= 2.3.4" }) end it "should update everything but name" do @environment.update_from!(@example) expect(@environment.name).to eq("prod") expect(@environment.description).to eq(@example.description) expect(@environment.cookbook_versions).to eq(@example.cookbook_versions) end end describe "to_hash" do before(:each) do @environment.name("spec") @environment.description("Where we run the spec tests") @environment.cookbook_versions({ :apt => "= 1.2.3" }) @hash = @environment.to_hash end %w{name description cookbook_versions}.each do |t| it "should include '#{t}'" do expect(@hash[t]).to eq(@environment.send(t.to_sym)) end end it "should include 'json_class'" do expect(@hash["json_class"]).to eq("Chef::Environment") end it "should include 'chef_type'" do expect(@hash["chef_type"]).to eq("environment") end end describe "to_json" do before(:each) do @environment.name("spec") @environment.description("Where we run the spec tests") @environment.cookbook_versions({ :apt => "= 1.2.3" }) @json = @environment.to_json end %w{name description cookbook_versions}.each do |t| it "should include '#{t}'" do expect(@json).to match(/"#{t}":#{Regexp.escape(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@environment.send(t.to_sym)))}/) end end it "should include 'json_class'" do expect(@json).to match(/"json_class":"Chef::Environment"/) end it "should include 'chef_type'" do expect(@json).to match(/"chef_type":"environment"/) end include_examples "to_json equivalent to Chef::JSONCompat.to_json" do let(:jsonable) { @environment } end end describe "from_json" do before(:each) do @data = { "name" => "production", "description" => "We are productive", "cookbook_versions" => { "apt" => "= 1.2.3", "god" => ">= 4.2.0", "apache2" => "= 2.0.0", }, "json_class" => "Chef::Environment", "chef_type" => "environment", } @environment = Chef::Environment.from_hash(Chef::JSONCompat.parse(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@data))) end it "should return a Chef::Environment" do expect(@environment).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Environment) end %w{name description cookbook_versions}.each do |t| it "should match '#{t}'" do expect(@environment.send(t.to_sym)).to eq(@data[t]) end end end describe "self.validate_cookbook_versions" do before(:each) do @cookbook_versions = { "apt" => "= 1.0.0", "god" => "= 2.0.0", "apache2" => "= 4.2.0", } end it "should validate the version string of each cookbook" do @cookbook_versions.each do |cookbook, version| expect(Chef::Environment).to receive(:validate_cookbook_version).with(version).and_return true end Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_versions(@cookbook_versions) end it "should return false if anything other than a hash is passed as the argument" do expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_versions(Array.new)).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_versions(42)).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_versions(Chef::CookbookVersion.new("meta"))).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_versions("cookbook => 1.2.3")).to eq(false) end end describe "self.validate_cookbook_version" do it "should validate correct version numbers" do expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("= 1.2.3")).to eq(true) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("=1.2.3")).to eq(true) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version(">= 0.0.3")).to eq(true) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version(">=0.0.3")).to eq(true) # A lone version is allowed, interpreted as implicit '=' expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("1.2.3")).to eq(true) end it "should return false when an invalid version is given" do expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version(Chef::CookbookVersion.new("meta"))).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("= 1.2.3a")).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("=1.2.3a")).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("= 1")).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("=1")).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("= a")).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("=a")).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("=")).to eq(false) expect(Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("=")).to eq(false) end describe "in solo mode" do before do Chef::Config[:solo] = true end after do Chef::Config[:solo] = false end it "should raise and exception" do expect { Chef::Environment.validate_cookbook_version("=") }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::IllegalVersionConstraint, "Environment cookbook version constraints not allowed in chef-solo" end end end describe "when updating from a parameter hash" do before do @environment = Chef::Environment.new end it "updates the name from parameters[:name]" do @environment.update_from_params(:name => "kurrupt") expect(@environment.name).to eq("kurrupt") end it "validates the name given in the params" do expect(@environment.update_from_params(:name => "@$%^&*()")).to be_falsey expect(@environment.invalid_fields[:name]).to eq(%q{Option name's value @$%^&*() does not match regular expression /^[\-[:alnum:]_]+$/}) end it "updates the description from parameters[:description]" do @environment.update_from_params(:description => "wow, writing your own object mapper is kinda painful") expect(@environment.description).to eq("wow, writing your own object mapper is kinda painful") end it "updates cookbook version constraints from the hash in parameters[:cookbook_version_constraints]" do # NOTE: I'm only choosing this (admittedly weird) structure for the hash b/c the better more obvious # one, i.e, {:cookbook_version_constraints => {COOKBOOK_NAME => CONSTRAINT}} is difficult to implement # the way merb does params params = { :name => "superbowl", :cookbook_version => { "0" => "apache2 ~> 1.0.0", "1" => "nginx < 2.0.0" } } @environment.update_from_params(params) expect(@environment.cookbook_versions).to eq({ "apache2" => "~> 1.0.0", "nginx" => "< 2.0.0" }) end it "validates the cookbook constraints" do params = { :cookbook_version => { "0" => "apache2 >>> 1.0.0" } } expect(@environment.update_from_params(params)).to be_falsey err_msg = @environment.invalid_fields[:cookbook_version]["0"] expect(err_msg).to eq("apache2 >>> 1.0.0 is not a valid cookbook constraint") end it "is not valid if the name is not present" do expect(@environment.validate_required_attrs_present).to be_falsey expect(@environment.invalid_fields[:name]).to eq("name cannot be empty") end it "is not valid after updating from params if the name is not present" do expect(@environment.update_from_params({})).to be_falsey expect(@environment.invalid_fields[:name]).to eq("name cannot be empty") end it "updates default attributes from a JSON string in params[:attributes]" do @environment.update_from_params(:name => "fuuu", :default_attributes => %q|{"fuuu":"RAGE"}|) expect(@environment.default_attributes).to eq({ "fuuu" => "RAGE" }) end it "updates override attributes from a JSON string in params[:attributes]" do @environment.update_from_params(:name => "fuuu", :override_attributes => %q|{"foo":"override"}|) expect(@environment.override_attributes).to eq({ "foo" => "override" }) end end describe "api model" do before(:each) do @rest = double("Chef::ServerAPI") allow(Chef::ServerAPI).to receive(:new).and_return(@rest) @query = double("Chef::Search::Query") allow(Chef::Search::Query).to receive(:new).and_return(@query) end describe "list" do describe "inflated" do it "should return a hash of environment names and objects" do e1 = double("Chef::Environment", :name => "one") expect(@query).to receive(:search).with(:environment).and_yield(e1) r = Chef::Environment.list(true) expect(r["one"]).to eq(e1) end end it "should return a hash of environment names and urls" do expect(@rest).to receive(:get).and_return({ "one" => "http://foo" }) r = Chef::Environment.list expect(r["one"]).to eq("http://foo") end end end describe "when loading" do describe "in solo mode" do before do Chef::Config[:solo] = true Chef::Config[:environment_path] = "/var/chef/environments" end after do Chef::Config[:solo] = false end it "should get the environment from the environment_path" do expect(File).to receive(:directory?).with(Chef::Config[:environment_path]).and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.json")).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.rb")).exactly(2).times.and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:readable?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.rb")).and_return(true) role_dsl = "name \"foo\"\ndescription \"desc\"\n" expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.rb")).and_return(role_dsl) Chef::Environment.load("foo") end it "should return a Chef::Environment object from JSON" do expect(File).to receive(:directory?).with(Chef::Config[:environment_path]).and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.json")).and_return(true) environment_hash = { "name" => "foo", "default_attributes" => { "foo" => { "bar" => 1 } }, "json_class" => "Chef::Environment", "description" => "desc", "chef_type" => "environment", } expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.json")).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(environment_hash)) environment = Chef::Environment.load("foo") expect(environment).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Environment) expect(environment.name).to eq(environment_hash["name"]) expect(environment.description).to eq(environment_hash["description"]) expect(environment.default_attributes).to eq(environment_hash["default_attributes"]) end it "should return a Chef::Environment object from Ruby DSL" do expect(File).to receive(:directory?).with(Chef::Config[:environment_path]).and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.json")).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.rb")).exactly(2).times.and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:readable?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.rb")).and_return(true) role_dsl = "name \"foo\"\ndescription \"desc\"\n" expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.rb")).and_return(role_dsl) environment = Chef::Environment.load("foo") expect(environment).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Environment) expect(environment.name).to eq("foo") expect(environment.description).to eq("desc") end it "should raise an error if the configured environment_path is invalid" do expect(File).to receive(:directory?).with(Chef::Config[:environment_path]).and_return(false) expect { Chef::Environment.load("foo") }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::InvalidEnvironmentPath, "Environment path '/var/chef/environments' is invalid" end it "should raise an error if the file does not exist" do expect(File).to receive(:directory?).with(Chef::Config[:environment_path]).and_return(true) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.json")).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:environment_path], "foo.rb")).and_return(false) expect { Chef::Environment.load("foo") }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::EnvironmentNotFound, "Environment 'foo' could not be loaded from disk" end end end end