# # Author:: Ian Meyer () # Copyright:: Copyright 2010-2016, Ian Meyer # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.load_deps require "net/ssh" describe Chef::Knife::Bootstrap do before do allow(ChefConfig).to receive(:windows?) { false } end let(:knife) do Chef::Log.logger = Logger.new(StringIO.new) Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_template] = bootstrap_template unless bootstrap_template.nil? k = Chef::Knife::Bootstrap.new(bootstrap_cli_options) k.merge_configs allow(k.ui).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr) allow(k).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(false) k end let(:stderr) { StringIO.new } let(:bootstrap_template) { nil } let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ ] } it "should use chef-full as default template" do expect(knife.bootstrap_template).to be_a_kind_of(String) expect(File.basename(knife.bootstrap_template)).to eq("chef-full") end context "when using the chef-full default template" do let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "should render client.rb" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("chef_server_url \"https://localhost:443\"") expect(rendered_template).to match("validation_client_name \"chef-validator\"") expect(rendered_template).to match("log_location STDOUT") end it "should render first-boot.json" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/first-boot.json <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match('{"run_list":\[\]}') end context "and encrypted_data_bag_secret was provided" do it "should render encrypted_data_bag_secret file" do expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:read_secret).and_return("secrets") expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match('{"run_list":\[\]}') expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{secrets}) end end end context "with --bootstrap-vault-item" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault1:item1", "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault1:item2", "--bootstrap-vault-item", "vault2:item1" ] } it "sets the knife config cli option correctly" do expect(knife.config[:bootstrap_vault_item]).to eq({ "vault1" => %w{item1 item2}, "vault2" => ["item1"] }) end end context "with --bootstrap-preinstall-command" do command = "while sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock >/dev/null 2>&1; do\n echo 'waiting for dpkg lock';\n sleep 1;\n done;" let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-preinstall-command", command ] } let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "configures the preinstall command in the bootstrap template correctly" do expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{command}) end end context "with :bootstrap_template and :template_file cli options" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { [ "--bootstrap-template", "my-template", "other-template" ] } it "should select bootstrap template" do expect(File.basename(knife.bootstrap_template)).to eq("my-template") end end context "when finding templates" do context "when :bootstrap_template config is set to a file" do context "that doesn't exist" do let(:bootstrap_template) { "/opt/blah/not/exists/template.erb" } it "raises an error" do expect { knife.find_template }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end context "that exists" do let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test.erb")) } it "loads the given file as the template" do expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:trace) expect(knife.find_template).to eq(File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test.erb"))) end end end context "when :bootstrap_template config is set to a template name" do let(:bootstrap_template) { "example" } let(:builtin_template_path) { File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/templates", "example.erb")) } let(:chef_config_dir_template_path) { "/knife/chef/config/bootstrap/example.erb" } let(:env_home_template_path) { "/env/home/.chef/bootstrap/example.erb" } let(:gem_files_template_path) { "/Users/schisamo/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@chef-0.10/gems/knife-windows-0.5.4/lib/chef/knife/bootstrap/fake-bootstrap-template.erb" } def configure_chef_config_dir allow(Chef::Knife).to receive(:chef_config_dir).and_return("/knife/chef/config") end def configure_env_home allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:home).with(".chef", "bootstrap", "example.erb").and_yield(env_home_template_path) end def configure_gem_files allow(Gem).to receive(:find_files).and_return([ gem_files_template_path ]) end before(:each) do expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(bootstrap_template).and_return(false) end context "when file is available everywhere" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from built-in templates" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(builtin_template_path) end end context "when file is available in chef_config_dir" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(true) it "should load the template from chef_config_dir" do knife.find_template.should eq(chef_config_dir_template_path) end end end context "when file is available in home directory" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(env_home_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from chef_config_dir" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(env_home_template_path) end end context "when file is available in Gem files" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_env_home configure_gem_files expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(env_home_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(gem_files_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from Gem files" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(gem_files_template_path) end end context "when file is available in Gem files and home dir doesn't exist" do before do configure_chef_config_dir configure_gem_files allow(Chef::Util::PathHelper).to receive(:home).with(".chef", "bootstrap", "example.erb").and_return(nil) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(builtin_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(chef_config_dir_template_path).and_return(false) expect(File).to receive(:exists?).with(gem_files_template_path).and_return(true) end it "should load the template from Gem files" do expect(knife.find_template).to eq(gem_files_template_path) end end end end ["-t", "--bootstrap-template"].each do |t| context "when #{t} option is given in the command line" do it "sets the knife :bootstrap_template config" do knife.parse_options([t, "blahblah"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.bootstrap_template).to eq("blahblah") end end end context "with run_list template" do let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test.erb")) } it "should return an empty run_list" do expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":[]}') end it "should have role[base] in the run_list" do knife.parse_options(["-r", "role[base]"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":["role[base]"]}') end it "should have role[base] and recipe[cupcakes] in the run_list" do knife.parse_options(["-r", "role[base],recipe[cupcakes]"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to eq('{"run_list":["role[base]","recipe[cupcakes]"]}') end context "with bootstrap_attribute options" do let(:jsonfile) do file = Tempfile.new (["node", ".json"]) File.open(file.path, "w") { |f| f.puts '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}' } file end it "should have foo => {bar => baz} in the first_boot from cli" do knife.parse_options(["-j", '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}']) knife.merge_configs expected_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse('{"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"run_list":[]}') actual_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse(knife.render_template) expect(actual_hash).to eq(expected_hash) end it "should have foo => {bar => baz} in the first_boot from file" do knife.parse_options(["--json-attribute-file", jsonfile.path]) knife.merge_configs expected_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse('{"foo":{"bar":"baz"},"run_list":[]}') actual_hash = FFI_Yajl::Parser.new.parse(knife.render_template) expect(actual_hash).to eq(expected_hash) jsonfile.close end context "when --json-attributes and --json-attribute-file were both passed" do it "raises a Chef::Exceptions::BootstrapCommandInputError with the proper error message" do knife.parse_options(["-j", '{"foo":{"bar":"baz"}}']) knife.parse_options(["--json-attribute-file", jsonfile.path]) knife.merge_configs expect { knife.run }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::BootstrapCommandInputError) jsonfile.close end end end end context "with hints template" do let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "test-hints.erb")) } it "should create a hint file when told to" do knife.parse_options(["--hint", "openstack"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to match(/\/etc\/chef\/ohai\/hints\/openstack.json/) end it "should populate a hint file with JSON when given a file to read" do allow(::File).to receive(:read).and_return('{ "foo" : "bar" }') knife.parse_options(["--hint", "openstack=hints/openstack.json"]) knife.merge_configs expect(knife.render_template).to match(/\{\"foo\":\"bar\"\}/) end end describe "specifying no_proxy with various entries" do subject(:knife) do k = described_class.new Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_template] = template_file k.parse_options(options) k.merge_configs k end let(:options) { ["--bootstrap-no-proxy", setting, "-s", "foo"] } let(:template_file) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "no_proxy.erb")) } let(:rendered_template) do knife.render_template end context "via --bootstrap-no-proxy" do let(:setting) { "api.opscode.com" } it "renders the client.rb with a single FQDN no_proxy entry" do expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{.*no_proxy\s*"api.opscode.com".*}) end end context "via --bootstrap-no-proxy multiple" do let(:setting) { "api.opscode.com,172.16.10.*" } it "renders the client.rb with comma-separated FQDN and wildcard IP address no_proxy entries" do expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{.*no_proxy\s*"api.opscode.com,172.16.10.\*".*}) end end context "via --ssl-verify-mode none" do let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "none"] } it "renders the client.rb with ssl_verify_mode set to :verify_none" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/ssl_verify_mode :verify_none/) end end context "via --node-ssl-verify-mode peer" do let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "peer"] } it "renders the client.rb with ssl_verify_mode set to :verify_peer" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer/) end end context "via --node-ssl-verify-mode all" do let(:options) { ["--node-ssl-verify-mode", "all"] } it "raises error" do expect { rendered_template }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "via --node-verify-api-cert" do let(:options) { ["--node-verify-api-cert"] } it "renders the client.rb with verify_api_cert set to true" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/verify_api_cert true/) end end context "via --no-node-verify-api-cert" do let(:options) { ["--no-node-verify-api-cert"] } it "renders the client.rb with verify_api_cert set to false" do expect(rendered_template).to match(/verify_api_cert false/) end end end describe "specifying the encrypted data bag secret key" do let(:secret) { "supersekret" } let(:options) { [] } let(:bootstrap_template) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "secret.erb")) } let(:rendered_template) do knife.parse_options(options) knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end it "creates a secret file" do expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:read_secret).and_return(secret) expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{#{secret}}) end it "renders the client.rb with an encrypted_data_bag_secret entry" do expect(knife).to receive(:encryption_secret_provided_ignore_encrypt_flag?).and_return(true) expect(knife).to receive(:read_secret).and_return(secret) expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{encrypted_data_bag_secret\s*"/etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret"}) end end describe "when transferring trusted certificates" do let(:trusted_certs_dir) { Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/trusted_certs")) } let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end before do Chef::Config[:trusted_certs_dir] = trusted_certs_dir allow(IO).to receive(:read).and_call_original allow(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])).and_return("") end def certificates Dir[File.join(trusted_certs_dir, "*.{crt,pem}")] end it "creates /etc/chef/trusted_certs" do expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{mkdir -p /etc/chef/trusted_certs}) end it "copies the certificates in the directory" do certificates.each do |cert| expect(IO).to receive(:read).with(File.expand_path(cert)) end certificates.each do |cert| expect(rendered_template).to match(%r{cat > /etc/chef/trusted_certs/#{File.basename(cert)} <<'EOP'}) end end it "doesn't create /etc/chef/trusted_certs if :trusted_certs_dir is empty" do expect(Dir).to receive(:glob).with(File.join(trusted_certs_dir, "*.{crt,pem}")).and_return([]) expect(rendered_template).not_to match(%r{mkdir -p /etc/chef/trusted_certs}) end end context "when doing fips things" do let(:template_file) { File.expand_path(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "bootstrap", "no_proxy.erb")) } let(:trusted_certs_dir) { Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/trusted_certs")) } before do Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_template] = template_file end let(:rendered_template) do knife.render_template end context "when knife is in fips mode" do before do Chef::Config[:fips] = true end it "renders 'fips true'" do Chef::Config[:fips] = true expect(rendered_template).to match("fips") end end context "when knife is not in fips mode" do before do # This is required because the chef-fips pipeline does # has a default value of true for fips Chef::Config[:fips] = false end it "does not render anything about fips" do expect(rendered_template).not_to match("fips") end end end describe "when transferring client.d" do let(:rendered_template) do knife.merge_configs knife.render_template end before do Chef::Config[:client_d_dir] = client_d_dir end context "when client_d_dir is nil" do let(:client_d_dir) { nil } it "does not create /etc/chef/client.d" do expect(rendered_template).not_to match(%r{mkdir -p /etc/chef/client\.d}) end end context "when client_d_dir is set" do let(:client_d_dir) do Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/client.d_00")) end it "creates /etc/chef/client.d" do expect(rendered_template).to match("mkdir -p /etc/chef/client\.d") end context "a flat directory structure" do it "escapes single-quotes" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/02-strings.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("something '\\\\''/foo/bar'\\\\''") end it "creates a file 00-foo.rb" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/00-foo.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("d6f9b976-289c-4149-baf7-81e6ffecf228") end it "creates a file bar" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/bar <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("1 / 0") end end context "a nested directory structure" do let(:client_d_dir) do Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../data/client.d_01")) end it "creates a file foo/bar.rb" do expect(rendered_template).to match("cat > /etc/chef/client.d/foo/bar.rb <<'EOP'") expect(rendered_template).to match("1 / 0") end end end end describe "handling policyfile options" do context "when only policy_name is given" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app-server } } it "returns an error stating that policy_name and policy_group must be given together" do expect { knife.validate_options! }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to include("ERROR: --policy-name and --policy-group must be specified together") end end context "when only policy_group is given" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-group staging } } it "returns an error stating that policy_name and policy_group must be given together" do expect { knife.validate_options! }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to include("ERROR: --policy-name and --policy-group must be specified together") end end context "when both policy_name and policy_group are given, but run list is also given" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app --policy-group staging --run-list cookbook } } it "returns an error stating that policyfile and run_list are exclusive" do expect { knife.validate_options! }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to include("ERROR: Policyfile options and --run-list are exclusive") end end context "when policy_name and policy_group are given with no conflicting options" do let(:bootstrap_cli_options) { %w{ --policy-name my-app --policy-group staging } } it "passes options validation" do expect { knife.validate_options! }.to_not raise_error end it "passes them into the bootstrap context" do expect(knife.bootstrap_context.first_boot).to have_key(:policy_name) expect(knife.bootstrap_context.first_boot).to have_key(:policy_group) end it "ensures that run_list is not set in the bootstrap context" do expect(knife.bootstrap_context.first_boot).to_not have_key(:run_list) end end # https://github.com/chef/chef/issues/4131 # Arguably a bug in the plugin: it shouldn't be setting this to nil, but it # worked before, so make it work now. context "when a plugin sets the run list option to nil" do before do knife.config[:run_list] = nil end it "passes options validation" do expect { knife.validate_options! }.to_not raise_error end end end describe "when configuring the underlying knife ssh command" do context "from the command line" do let(:knife_ssh) do knife.name_args = ["foo.example.com"] knife.config[:ssh_user] = "rooty" knife.config[:ssh_port] = "4001" knife.config[:ssh_password] = "open_sesame" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = nil Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port] = nil knife.config[:forward_agent] = true knife.config[:ssh_identity_file] = "~/.ssh/me.rsa" allow(knife).to receive(:render_template).and_return("") knife.knife_ssh end it "configures the hostname" do expect(knife_ssh.name_args.first).to eq("foo.example.com") end it "configures the ssh user" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_user]).to eq("rooty") end it "configures the ssh password" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_password]).to eq("open_sesame") end it "configures the ssh port" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_port]).to eq("4001") end it "configures the ssh agent forwarding" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:forward_agent]).to eq(true) end it "configures the ssh identity file" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_identity_file]).to eq("~/.ssh/me.rsa") end end context "validating use_sudo_password" do before do knife.config[:ssh_password] = "password" allow(knife).to receive(:render_template).and_return("") end it "use_sudo_password contains description and long params for help" do expect(knife.options).to(have_key(:use_sudo_password)) \ && expect(knife.options[:use_sudo_password][:description].to_s).not_to(eq(""))\ && expect(knife.options[:use_sudo_password][:long].to_s).not_to(eq("")) end it "uses the password from --ssh-password for sudo when --use-sudo-password is set" do knife.config[:use_sudo] = true knife.config[:use_sudo_password] = true expect(knife.ssh_command).to include("echo \'#{knife.config[:ssh_password]}\' | sudo -S") end it "should not honor --use-sudo-password when --use-sudo is not set" do knife.config[:use_sudo] = false knife.config[:use_sudo_password] = true expect(knife.ssh_command).not_to include("echo #{knife.config[:ssh_password]} | sudo -S") end end context "from the knife config file" do let(:knife_ssh) do knife.name_args = ["config.example.com"] Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_user] = "curiosity" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port] = "2430" Chef::Config[:knife][:forward_agent] = true Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_identity_file] = "~/.ssh/you.rsa" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway] = "towel.blinkenlights.nl" Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_gateway_identity] = "~/.ssh/gateway.rsa" Chef::Config[:knife][:host_key_verify] = true allow(knife).to receive(:render_template).and_return("") knife.config = {} knife.merge_configs knife.knife_ssh end it "configures the ssh user" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_user]).to eq("curiosity") end it "configures the ssh port" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_port]).to eq("2430") end it "configures the ssh agent forwarding" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:forward_agent]).to eq(true) end it "configures the ssh identity file" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_identity_file]).to eq("~/.ssh/you.rsa") end it "configures the ssh gateway" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_gateway]).to eq("towel.blinkenlights.nl") end it "configures the ssh gateway identity" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:ssh_gateway_identity]).to eq("~/.ssh/gateway.rsa") end it "configures the host key verify mode" do expect(knife_ssh.config[:host_key_verify]).to eq(true) end end describe "when falling back to password auth when host key auth fails" do let(:knife_ssh_with_password_auth) do knife.name_args = ["foo.example.com"] knife.config[:ssh_user] = "rooty" knife.config[:ssh_identity_file] = "~/.ssh/me.rsa" allow(knife).to receive(:render_template).and_return("") k = knife.knife_ssh allow(k).to receive(:get_password).and_return("typed_in_password") allow(knife).to receive(:knife_ssh).and_return(k) knife.knife_ssh_with_password_auth end it "prompts the user for a password " do expect(knife_ssh_with_password_auth.config[:ssh_password]).to eq("typed_in_password") end it "configures knife not to use the identity file that didn't work previously" do expect(knife_ssh_with_password_auth.config[:ssh_identity_file]).to be_nil end end end it "verifies that a server to bootstrap was given as a command line arg" do knife.name_args = nil expect { knife.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit) expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR:.+FQDN or ip/) end describe "when running the bootstrap" do let(:knife_ssh) do knife.name_args = ["foo.example.com"] knife.config[:chef_node_name] = "foo.example.com" knife.config[:ssh_user] = "rooty" knife.config[:ssh_identity_file] = "~/.ssh/me.rsa" allow(knife).to receive(:render_template).and_return("") knife_ssh = knife.knife_ssh allow(knife).to receive(:knife_ssh).and_return(knife_ssh) knife_ssh end let(:client) { Chef::ApiClient.new } context "when running with a configured and present validation key" do before do # this tests runs the old code path where we have a validation key, so we need to pass that check allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])).and_return(true) end it "configures the underlying ssh command and then runs it" do expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run) knife.run end it "falls back to password based auth when auth fails the first time" do allow(knife).to receive(:puts) fallback_knife_ssh = knife_ssh.dup expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed.new("no ssh for you")) allow(knife).to receive(:knife_ssh_with_password_auth).and_return(fallback_knife_ssh) expect(fallback_knife_ssh).to receive(:run) knife.run end it "raises the exception if config[:ssh_password] is set and an authentication exception is raised" do knife.config[:ssh_password] = "password" expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed) expect { knife.run }.to raise_error(Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed) end it "creates the client and adds chef-vault items if vault_list is set" do knife.config[:bootstrap_vault_file] = "/not/our/responsibility/to/check/if/this/exists" expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).to receive(:client).and_return(client) expect(knife.chef_vault_handler).to receive(:run).with(client) knife.run end it "creates the client and adds chef-vault items if vault_items is set" do knife.config[:bootstrap_vault_json] = '{ "vault" => "item" }' expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).to receive(:client).and_return(client) expect(knife.chef_vault_handler).to receive(:run).with(client) knife.run end it "does old-style validation without creating a client key if vault_list+vault_items is not set" do expect(File).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])).and_return(true) expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).not_to receive(:run) expect(knife.chef_vault_handler).not_to receive(:run) knife.run end it "raises an exception if the config[:chef_node_name] is not present" do knife.config[:chef_node_name] = nil expect { knife.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "when the validation key is not present" do before do # this tests runs the old code path where we have a validation key, so we need to pass that check allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(File.expand_path(Chef::Config[:validation_key])).and_return(false) end it "creates the client (and possibly adds chef-vault items)" do expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).to receive(:client).and_return(client) expect(knife.chef_vault_handler).to receive(:run).with(client) knife.run end it "raises an exception if the config[:chef_node_name] is not present" do knife.config[:chef_node_name] = nil expect { knife.run }.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "when the validation_key is nil" do before do # this tests runs the old code path where we have a validation key, so we need to pass that check for some plugins Chef::Config[:validation_key] = nil end it "creates the client and does not run client_builder or the chef_vault_handler" do expect(knife_ssh).to receive(:run) expect(knife.client_builder).not_to receive(:run) expect(knife.chef_vault_handler).not_to receive(:run) knife.run end end end describe "specifying ssl verification" do end end