# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Fixtures for subcommand loading live in this namespace module KnifeSpecs end require "spec_helper" require "uri" require "chef/knife/core/gem_glob_loader" describe Chef::Knife do let(:stderr) { StringIO.new } let(:knife) { Chef::Knife.new } let(:config_location) { File.expand_path("~/.chef/config.rb") } let(:config_loader) do instance_double("WorkstationConfigLoader", load: nil, no_config_found?: false, config_location: config_location, chef_config_dir: "/etc/chef") end before(:each) do Chef::Log.logger = Logger.new(StringIO.new) Chef::Config[:node_name] = "webmonkey.example.com" allow(Chef::WorkstationConfigLoader).to receive(:new).and_return(config_loader) allow(config_loader).to receive(:explicit_config_file=) allow(config_loader).to receive(:profile=) # Prevent gratuitous code reloading: allow(Chef::Knife).to receive(:load_commands) allow(knife.ui).to receive(:puts) allow(knife.ui).to receive(:print) allow(Chef::Log).to receive(:init) allow(Chef::Log).to receive(:level) %i{debug info warn error crit}.each do |level_sym| allow(Chef::Log).to receive(level_sym) end allow(Chef::Knife).to receive(:puts) end after(:each) do Chef::Knife.reset_config_loader! end it "does not reset Chef::Config[:verbosity to nil if config[:verbosity] is nil" do Chef::Config[:verbosity] = 2 Chef::Knife.new expect(Chef::Config[:verbosity]).to eq(2) end describe "after loading a subcommand" do before do Chef::Knife.reset_subcommands! if KnifeSpecs.const_defined?(:TestNameMapping) KnifeSpecs.send(:remove_const, :TestNameMapping) end if KnifeSpecs.const_defined?(:TestExplicitCategory) KnifeSpecs.send(:remove_const, :TestExplicitCategory) end Kernel.load(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "knife_subcommand", "test_name_mapping.rb")) Kernel.load(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "knife_subcommand", "test_explicit_category.rb")) end it "has a category based on its name" do expect(KnifeSpecs::TestNameMapping.subcommand_category).to eq("test") end it "has an explicitly defined category if set" do expect(KnifeSpecs::TestExplicitCategory.subcommand_category).to eq("cookbook site") end it "can reference the subcommand by its snake cased name" do expect(Chef::Knife.subcommands["test_name_mapping"]).to equal(KnifeSpecs::TestNameMapping) end it "lists subcommands by category" do expect(Chef::Knife.subcommands_by_category["test"]).to include("test_name_mapping") end it "lists subcommands by category when the subcommands have explicit categories" do expect(Chef::Knife.subcommands_by_category["cookbook site"]).to include("test_explicit_category") end it "has empty dependency_loader list by default" do expect(KnifeSpecs::TestNameMapping.dependency_loaders).to be_empty end end describe "after loading all subcommands" do before do Chef::Knife.reset_subcommands! Chef::Knife.load_commands end it "references a subcommand class by its snake cased name" do class SuperAwesomeCommand < Chef::Knife end Chef::Knife.load_commands expect(Chef::Knife.subcommands).to have_key("super_awesome_command") expect(Chef::Knife.subcommands["super_awesome_command"]).to eq(SuperAwesomeCommand) end it "records the location of ChefFS-based commands correctly" do class AwesomeCheffsCommand < Chef::ChefFS::Knife end Chef::Knife.load_commands expect(Chef::Knife.subcommand_files["awesome_cheffs_command"]).to eq([__FILE__]) end it "guesses a category from a given ARGV" do Chef::Knife.subcommands_by_category["cookbook"] << :cookbook Chef::Knife.subcommands_by_category["cookbook site"] << :cookbook_site expect(Chef::Knife.guess_category(%w{cookbook foo bar baz})).to eq("cookbook") expect(Chef::Knife.guess_category(%w{cookbook site foo bar baz})).to eq("cookbook site") expect(Chef::Knife.guess_category(%w{cookbook site --help})).to eq("cookbook site") end it "finds a subcommand class based on ARGV" do Chef::Knife.subcommands["cookbook_site_install"] = :CookbookSiteInstall Chef::Knife.subcommands["cookbook"] = :Cookbook expect(Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(%w{cookbook site install --help foo bar baz})).to eq(:CookbookSiteInstall) end it "special case sets the subcommand_loader to GemGlobLoader when running rehash" do Chef::Knife.subcommands["rehash"] = :Rehash expect(Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(%w{rehash })).to eq(:Rehash) expect(Chef::Knife.subcommand_loader).to be_a(Chef::Knife::SubcommandLoader::GemGlobLoader) end end describe "the headers include X-Remote-Request-Id" do let(:headers) do { "Accept" => "application/json", "Accept-Encoding" => "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3", "X-Chef-Version" => Chef::VERSION, "Host" => "api.opscode.piab", "X-REMOTE-REQUEST-ID" => request_id, } end let(:request_id) { "1234" } let(:request_mock) { {} } let(:rest) do allow(Net::HTTP).to receive(:new).and_return(http_client) allow(Chef::RequestID.instance).to receive(:request_id).and_return(request_id) allow(Chef::Config).to receive(:chef_server_url).and_return("https://api.opscode.piab") command = Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself}) rest = command.noauth_rest rest end let!(:http_client) do http_client = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) allow(http_client).to receive(:request).and_yield(http_response).and_return(http_response) http_client end let(:url) { URI.parse("https://api.opscode.piab") } let(:http_response) do http_response = Net::HTTPSuccess.new("1.1", "200", "successful rest req") allow(http_response).to receive(:read_body) allow(http_response).to receive(:body).and_return(body) http_response["Content-Length"] = body.bytesize.to_s http_response end let(:body) { "ninja" } before(:each) do Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = "https://api.opscode.piab" if KnifeSpecs.const_defined?(:TestYourself) KnifeSpecs.send :remove_const, :TestYourself end Kernel.load(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "knife_subcommand", "test_yourself.rb")) Chef::Knife.subcommands.each { |name, klass| Chef::Knife.subcommands.delete(name) unless klass.is_a?(Class) } end it "confirms that the headers include X-Remote-Request-Id" do expect(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:new).with("/monkey", headers).and_return(request_mock) rest.get("monkey") end end describe "when running a command" do before(:each) do if KnifeSpecs.const_defined?(:TestYourself) KnifeSpecs.send :remove_const, :TestYourself end Kernel.load(File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "knife_subcommand", "test_yourself.rb")) Chef::Knife.subcommands.each { |name, klass| Chef::Knife.subcommands.delete(name) unless klass.is_a?(Class) } end it "merges the global knife CLI options" do extra_opts = {} extra_opts[:editor] = { long: "--editor EDITOR", description: "Set the editor to use for interactive commands", short: "-e EDITOR", default: "/usr/bin/vim" } # there is special hackery to return the subcommand instance going on here. command = Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself}, extra_opts) editor_opts = command.options[:editor] expect(editor_opts[:long]).to eq("--editor EDITOR") expect(editor_opts[:description]).to eq("Set the editor to use for interactive commands") expect(editor_opts[:short]).to eq("-e EDITOR") expect(editor_opts[:default]).to eq("/usr/bin/vim") end it "creates an instance of the subcommand and runs it" do command = Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself}) expect(command).to be_an_instance_of(KnifeSpecs::TestYourself) expect(command.ran).to be_truthy end it "passes the command specific args to the subcommand" do command = Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself with some args}) expect(command.name_args).to eq(%w{with some args}) end it "excludes the command name from the name args when parts are joined with underscores" do command = Chef::Knife.run(%w{test_yourself with some args}) expect(command.name_args).to eq(%w{with some args}) end it "exits if no subcommand matches the CLI args" do stdout = StringIO.new allow(Chef::Knife.ui).to receive(:stderr).and_return(stderr) allow(Chef::Knife.ui).to receive(:stdout).and_return(stdout) expect(Chef::Knife.ui).to receive(:fatal) expect { Chef::Knife.run(%w{fuuu uuuu fuuuu}) }.to raise_error(SystemExit) { |e| expect(e.status).not_to eq(0) } end it "loads lazy dependencies" do Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself}) expect(KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.test_deps_loaded).to be_truthy end it "loads lazy dependencies from multiple deps calls" do other_deps_loaded = false KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.class_eval do deps { other_deps_loaded = true } end Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself}) expect(KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.test_deps_loaded).to be_truthy expect(other_deps_loaded).to be_truthy end describe "working with unmerged configuration in #config_source" do let(:command) { KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new([]) } before do KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.option(:opt_with_default, short: "-D VALUE", default: "default-value") end # This supports a use case used by plugins, where the pattern # seems to follow: # cmd = KnifeCommand.new # cmd.config[:config_key] = value # cmd.run # # This bypasses Knife::run and the `merge_configs` call it # performs - config_source should break when that happens. context "when config is fed in directly without a merge" do it "retains the value but returns nil as a config source" do command.config[:test1] = "value" expect(command.config[:test1]).to eq "value" expect(command.config_source(:test1)).to eq nil end end end describe "merging configuration options" do before do KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.option(:opt_with_default, short: "-D VALUE", default: "default-value") end it "sets the default log_location to STDERR for Chef::Log warnings" do knife_command = KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new([]) knife_command.configure_chef expect(Chef::Config[:log_location]).to eq(STDERR) end it "sets the default log_level to warn so we can issue Chef::Log.warn" do knife_command = KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new([]) knife_command.configure_chef expect(Chef::Config[:log_level]).to eql(:warn) end it "prefers the default value from option definition if no config or command line value is present and reports the source as default" do knife_command = KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new([]) # empty argv knife_command.configure_chef expect(knife_command.config[:opt_with_default]).to eq("default-value") expect(knife_command.config_source(:opt_with_default)).to eq(:cli_default) end it "prefers a value in Chef::Config[:knife] to the default and reports the source as config" do Chef::Config[:knife][:opt_with_default] = "from-knife-config" knife_command = KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new([]) # empty argv knife_command.configure_chef expect(knife_command.config[:opt_with_default]).to eq("from-knife-config") expect(knife_command.config_source(:opt_with_default)).to eq(:config) end it "prefers a value from command line over Chef::Config and the default and reports the source as CLI" do knife_command = KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new(["-D", "from-cli"]) knife_command.configure_chef expect(knife_command.config[:opt_with_default]).to eq("from-cli") expect(knife_command.config_source(:opt_with_default)).to eq(:cli) end it "merges `listen` config to Chef::Config" do knife_command = Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself --no-listen}, Chef::Application::Knife.options) expect(Chef::Config[:listen]).to be(false) expect(knife_command.config_source(:listen)).to eq(:cli) end context "verbosity is one" do let(:fake_config) { "/does/not/exist/knife.rb" } before do knife.config[:verbosity] = 1 knife.config[:config_file] = fake_config config_loader = double("Chef::WorkstationConfigLoader", load: true, no_config_found?: false, chef_config_dir: "/etc/chef", config_location: fake_config) allow(config_loader).to receive(:explicit_config_file=).with(fake_config).and_return(fake_config) allow(config_loader).to receive(:profile=) allow(Chef::WorkstationConfigLoader).to receive(:new).and_return(config_loader) end it "prints the path to the configuration file used" do stdout, stderr, stdin = StringIO.new, StringIO.new, StringIO.new knife.ui = Chef::Knife::UI.new(stdout, stderr, stdin, {}) expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:info).with("Using configuration from #{fake_config}") knife.configure_chef end end # -VV (2) is debug, -VVV (3) is trace [ 2, 3 ].each do |verbosity| it "does not humanize the exception if Chef::Config[:verbosity] is #{verbosity}" do Chef::Config[:verbosity] = verbosity allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Exception) expect(knife).not_to receive(:humanize_exception) expect { knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions }.to raise_error(Exception) end end end describe "setting arbitrary configuration with --config-option" do let(:stdout) { StringIO.new } let(:stderr) { StringIO.new } let(:stdin) { StringIO.new } let(:ui) { Chef::Knife::UI.new(stdout, stderr, stdin, disable_editing: true) } let(:subcommand) do KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.options = Chef::Application::Knife.options.merge(KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.options) KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new(%w{--config-option badly_formatted_arg}).tap do |cmd| cmd.ui = ui end end it "sets arbitrary configuration via --config-option" do Chef::Knife.run(%w{test yourself --config-option arbitrary_config_thing=hello}, Chef::Application::Knife.options) expect(Chef::Config[:arbitrary_config_thing]).to eq("hello") end it "handles errors in arbitrary configuration" do expect(subcommand).to receive(:exit).with(1) subcommand.configure_chef expect(stderr.string).to include("ERROR: Unparsable config option \"badly_formatted_arg\"") expect(stdout.string).to include(subcommand.opt_parser.to_s) end end end describe "when first created" do let(:knife) { Kernel.load "spec/data/knife_subcommand/test_yourself.rb" KnifeSpecs::TestYourself.new(%w{with some args -s scrogramming}) } it "it parses the options passed to it" do expect(knife.config[:scro]).to eq("scrogramming") end it "extracts its command specific args from the full arg list" do expect(knife.name_args).to eq(%w{with some args}) end it "does not have lazy dependencies loaded" do skip "unstable with randomization... prolly needs more isolation" expect(knife.class.test_deps_loaded).not_to be_truthy end end describe "when formatting exceptions" do let(:stdout) { StringIO.new } let(:stderr) { StringIO.new } let(:stdin) { StringIO.new } let(:ui) { Chef::Knife::UI.new(stdout, stderr, stdin, {}) } before do knife.ui = ui expect(knife).to receive(:exit).with(100) end it "formats 401s nicely" do response = Net::HTTPUnauthorized.new("1.1", "401", "Unauthorized") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "y u no syncronize your clock?")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPClientException.new("401 Unauthorized", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: Failed to authenticate to/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: y u no syncronize your clock\?/) end it "formats 403s nicely" do response = Net::HTTPForbidden.new("1.1", "403", "Forbidden") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "y u no administrator")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPClientException.new("403 Forbidden", response)) allow(knife).to receive(:username).and_return("sadpanda") knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: You authenticated successfully to http.+ as sadpanda but you are not authorized for this action/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: y u no administrator/) end context "when proxy servers are set" do before do ENV["http_proxy"] = "xyz" end after do ENV.delete("http_proxy") end it "formats proxy errors nicely" do response = Net::HTTPForbidden.new("1.1", "403", "Forbidden") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "y u no administrator")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPClientException.new("403 Forbidden", response)) allow(knife).to receive(:username).and_return("sadpanda") knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: You authenticated successfully to http.+ as sadpanda but you are not authorized for this action/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: There are proxy servers configured, your server url may need to be added to NO_PROXY./) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: y u no administrator/) end end it "formats 400s nicely" do response = Net::HTTPBadRequest.new("1.1", "400", "Bad Request") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "y u search wrong")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPClientException.new("400 Bad Request", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: The data in your request was invalid/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: y u search wrong/) end it "formats 404s nicely" do response = Net::HTTPNotFound.new("1.1", "404", "Not Found") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "nothing to see here")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPClientException.new("404 Not Found", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: The object you are looking for could not be found/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: nothing to see here/) end it "formats 406s (non-supported API version error) nicely" do response = Net::HTTPNotAcceptable.new("1.1", "406", "Not Acceptable") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. # set the header response["x-ops-server-api-version"] = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(min_version: "0", max_version: "1", request_version: "10000000") allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "sad trombone")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPClientException.new("406 Not Acceptable", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/The request that .* sent was using API version 10000000./) expect(stderr.string).to match(/The server you sent the request to supports a min API verson of 0 and a max API version of 1./) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Please either update your .* or the server to be a compatible set./) end it "formats 500s nicely" do response = Net::HTTPInternalServerError.new("1.1", "500", "Internal Server Error") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "sad trombone")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPFatalError.new("500 Internal Server Error", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: internal server error/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: sad trombone/) end it "formats 502s nicely" do response = Net::HTTPBadGateway.new("1.1", "502", "Bad Gateway") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "sadder trombone")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPFatalError.new("502 Bad Gateway", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: bad gateway/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: sadder trombone/) end it "formats 503s nicely" do response = Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable.new("1.1", "503", "Service Unavailable") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "saddest trombone")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPFatalError.new("503 Service Unavailable", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: Service temporarily unavailable/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: saddest trombone/) end it "formats other HTTP errors nicely" do response = Net::HTTPPaymentRequired.new("1.1", "402", "Payment Required") response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true) # I hate you, net/http. allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(error: "nobugfixtillyoubuy")) allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Net::HTTPClientException.new("402 Payment Required", response)) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: Payment Required/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Response: nobugfixtillyoubuy/) end it "formats NameError and NoMethodError nicely" do allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(NameError.new("Undefined constant FUUU")) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: .* encountered an unexpected error/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/This may be a bug in the 'knife' .* command or plugin/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Exception: NameError: Undefined constant FUUU/) end it "formats missing private key errors nicely" do allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Chef::Exceptions::PrivateKeyMissing.new("key not there")) allow(knife).to receive(:api_key).and_return("/home/root/.chef/no-key-here.pem") knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expect(stderr.string).to match(%r{ERROR: Your private key could not be loaded from /home/root/.chef/no-key-here.pem}) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Check your configuration file and ensure that your private key is readable/) end it "formats connection refused errors nicely" do allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(Errno::ECONNREFUSED.new("y u no shut up")) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions # Errno::ECONNREFUSED message differs by platform # *nix = Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused # win32: Errno::ECONNREFUSED: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. expect(stderr.string).to match(/ERROR: Network Error: .* - y u no shut up/) expect(stderr.string).to match(/Check your .* configuration and network settings/) end it "formats SSL errors nicely and suggests to use `knife ssl check` and `knife ssl fetch`" do error = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.new("SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed") allow(knife).to receive(:run).and_raise(error) knife.run_with_pretty_exceptions expected_message = <<~MSG ERROR: Could not establish a secure connection to the server. Use `.* ssl check` to troubleshoot your SSL configuration. If your server uses a self-signed certificate, you can use `.* ssl fetch` to make .* trust the server's certificates. MSG expect(stderr.string).to match(expected_message) end end end