# # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'chef/mixin/convert_to_class_name' module LwrpConstScopingConflict end describe "LWRP" do include Chef::Mixin::ConvertToClassName before do @original_VERBOSE = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.class_eval { @loaded_lwrps = {} } end after do $VERBOSE = @original_VERBOSE end def get_lwrp(name) Chef::ResourceResolver.resolve(name) end def get_lwrp_provider(name) old_treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors = Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = false begin Chef::Provider.const_get(convert_to_class_name(name.to_s)) ensure Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = old_treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors end end describe "when overriding an existing class" do before :each do allow($stderr).to receive(:write) end it "should not skip loading a resource when there's a top level symbol of the same name" do Object.const_set('LwrpFoo', Class.new) file = File.expand_path( "lwrp/resources/foo.rb", CHEF_SPEC_DATA) expect(Chef::Log).not_to receive(:info).with(/Skipping/) expect(Chef::Log).not_to receive(:debug).with(/anymore/) Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) Object.send(:remove_const, 'LwrpFoo') end it "should not skip loading a provider when there's a top level symbol of the same name" do Object.const_set('LwrpBuckPasser', Class.new) file = File.expand_path( "lwrp/providers/buck_passer.rb", CHEF_SPEC_DATA) expect(Chef::Log).not_to receive(:info).with(/Skipping/) expect(Chef::Log).not_to receive(:debug).with(/anymore/) Chef::Provider::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) Object.send(:remove_const, 'LwrpBuckPasser') end # @todo: we need a before block to manually remove_const all of the LWRPs that we # load in these tests. we're threading state through these tests in LWRPs that # have already been loaded in prior tests, which probably renders some of them bogus it "should log if attempting to load resource of same name" do Dir[File.expand_path( "lwrp/resources/*", CHEF_SPEC_DATA)].each do |file| Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) end Dir[File.expand_path( "lwrp/resources/*", CHEF_SPEC_DATA)].each do |file| expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:debug).with(/Skipping/) Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) end end it "should log if attempting to load provider of same name" do Dir[File.expand_path( "lwrp/providers/*", CHEF_SPEC_DATA)].each do |file| Chef::Provider::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) end Dir[File.expand_path( "lwrp/providers/*", CHEF_SPEC_DATA)].each do |file| expect(Chef::Log).to receive(:debug).with(/Skipping/) Chef::Provider::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) end end it "keeps the old LRWP resource class in the list of resource subclasses" do # This was originally CHEF-3432 regression test. But with Chef 12 we are # not replacing the original classes anymore. Dir[File.expand_path( "lwrp/resources/*", CHEF_SPEC_DATA)].each do |file| Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) end first_lwr_foo_class = get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo) expect(Chef::Resource.resource_classes).to include(first_lwr_foo_class) Dir[File.expand_path( "lwrp/resources/*", CHEF_SPEC_DATA)].each do |file| Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) end expect(Chef::Resource.resource_classes).to include(first_lwr_foo_class) end it "does not attempt to remove classes from higher up namespaces [CHEF-4117]" do conflicting_lwrp_file = File.expand_path( "lwrp_const_scoping/resources/conflict.rb", CHEF_SPEC_DATA) # The test is that this should not raise an error: Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp_const_scoping", conflicting_lwrp_file, nil) end end context "When an LWRP resource in cookbook l-w-r-p is loaded" do before do @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("lwrp_test") resource_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "foo.rb") IO.write(resource_path, "default_action :create") provider_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "foo.rb") IO.write(provider_path, <<-EOM) action :create do raise "hi" end EOM end it "Can find the resource at l_w_r_p_foo" do end end context "When an LWRP resource lwrp_foo is loaded" do before do @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("lwrp_test") @lwrp_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "foo.rb") content = IO.read(File.expand_path("../../data/lwrp/resources/foo.rb", __FILE__)) IO.write(@lwrp_path, content) Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", @lwrp_path, nil) @original_resource = Chef::ResourceResolver.resolve(:lwrp_foo) end after do FileUtils.remove_entry @tmpdir end context "And the LWRP is asked to load again, this time with different code" do before do content = IO.read(File.expand_path("../../data/lwrp_override/resources/foo.rb", __FILE__)) IO.write(@lwrp_path, content) Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", @lwrp_path, nil) end it "Should load the old content, and not the new" do resource = Chef::ResourceResolver.resolve(:lwrp_foo) expect(resource).to eq @original_resource expect(resource.default_action).to eq([:pass_buck]) expect(Chef.method_defined?(:method_created_by_override_lwrp_foo)).to be_falsey end end end describe "Lightweight Chef::Resource" do before do Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "data", "lwrp", "resources", "*"))].each do |file| Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, nil) end end it "should be resolvable with Chef::ResourceResolver.resolve(:lwrp_foo)" do expect(Chef::ResourceResolver.resolve(:lwrp_foo, node: Chef::Node.new)).to eq(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo)) end it "should set resource_name" do expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").resource_name).to eql(:lwrp_foo) end it "should output the resource_name in .to_s" do expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").to_s).to eq "lwrp_foo[blah]" end it "should have a class that outputs a reasonable string" do expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).to_s).to eq "Custom resource lwrp_foo from cookbook lwrp" end it "should add the specified actions to the allowed_actions array" do expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").allowed_actions).to include(:pass_buck, :twiddle_thumbs) end it "should set the specified action as the default action" do expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").action).to eq([:pass_buck]) end it "should create a method for each attribute" do expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").methods.map{ |m| m.to_sym}).to include(:monkey) end it "should build attribute methods that respect validation rules" do expect { get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("blah").monkey(42) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should have access to the run context and node during class definition" do node = Chef::Node.new node.normal[:penguin_name] = "jackass" run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(node, Chef::CookbookCollection.new, @events) Dir[File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "data", "lwrp", "resources_with_default_attributes", "*"))].each do |file| Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", file, run_context) end cls = get_lwrp(:lwrp_nodeattr) expect(cls.node).to be_kind_of(Chef::Node) expect(cls.run_context).to be_kind_of(Chef::RunContext) expect(cls.node[:penguin_name]).to eql("jackass") end context "resource_name" do let(:klass) { Class.new(Chef::Resource::LWRPBase) } it "returns nil when the resource_name is not set" do expect(klass.resource_name).to be_nil end it "allows to user to user the resource_name" do expect { klass.resource_name(:foo) }.to_not raise_error end it "returns the set value for the resource" do klass.resource_name(:foo) expect(klass.resource_name).to eq(:foo) end context "lazy default values" do let(:klass) do Class.new(Chef::Resource::LWRPBase) do self.resource_name = :sample_resource attribute :food, :default => lazy { 'BACON!'*3 } attribute :drink, :default => lazy { |r| "Drink after #{r.food}!"} end end let(:instance) { klass.new('kitchen') } it "evaluates the default value when requested" do expect(instance.food).to eq('BACON!BACON!BACON!') end it "evaluates yields self to the block" do expect(instance.drink).to eq('Drink after BACON!BACON!BACON!!') end end end describe "when #default_action is an array" do let(:lwrp) do Class.new(Chef::Resource::LWRPBase) do actions :eat, :sleep default_action [:eat, :sleep] end end it "returns the array of default actions" do expect(lwrp.default_action).to eq([:eat, :sleep]) end end describe "when inheriting from LWRPBase" do let(:parent) do Class.new(Chef::Resource::LWRPBase) do actions :eat, :sleep default_action :eat end end context "when the child does not define the methods" do let(:child) do Class.new(parent) end it "delegates #actions to the parent" do expect(child.actions).to eq([:nothing, :eat, :sleep]) end it "delegates #default_action to the parent" do expect(child.default_action).to eq([:eat]) end end context "when the child does define the methods" do let(:child) do Class.new(parent) do actions :dont_eat, :dont_sleep default_action :dont_eat end end it "does not delegate #actions to the parent" do expect(child.actions).to eq([:nothing, :dont_eat, :dont_sleep]) end it "does not delegate #default_action to the parent" do expect(child.default_action).to eq([:dont_eat]) end end context "when actions are already defined" do let(:child) do Class.new(parent) do actions :eat actions :sleep actions :drink end end def raise_if_deprecated! if Chef::VERSION.split('.').first.to_i > 12 raise "This test should be removed and the associated code should be removed!" end end it "amends actions when they are already defined" do raise_if_deprecated! expect(child.actions).to eq([:nothing, :eat, :sleep, :drink]) end end end describe "when actions is set to an array" do let(:resource_class) do Class.new(Chef::Resource::LWRPBase) do actions [ :eat, :sleep ] end end let(:resource) do resource_class.new('blah') end it "actions includes those actions" do expect(resource_class.actions).to eq [ :nothing, :eat, :sleep ] end it "allowed_actions includes those actions" do expect(resource_class.allowed_actions).to eq [ :nothing, :eat, :sleep ] end it "resource.allowed_actions includes those actions" do expect(resource.allowed_actions).to eq [ :nothing, :eat, :sleep ] end end describe "when allowed_actions is set to an array" do let(:resource_class) do Class.new(Chef::Resource::LWRPBase) do allowed_actions [ :eat, :sleep ] end end let(:resource) do resource_class.new('blah') end it "actions includes those actions" do expect(resource_class.actions).to eq [ :nothing, :eat, :sleep ] end it "allowed_actions includes those actions" do expect(resource_class.allowed_actions).to eq [ :nothing, :eat, :sleep ] end it "resource.allowed_actions includes those actions" do expect(resource.allowed_actions).to eq [ :nothing, :eat, :sleep ] end end end describe "Lightweight Chef::Provider" do let(:node) do Chef::Node.new.tap do |n| n.automatic[:platform] = :ubuntu n.automatic[:platform_version] = '8.10' end end let(:events) { Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new } let(:run_context) { Chef::RunContext.new(node, Chef::CookbookCollection.new({}), events) } let(:runner) { Chef::Runner.new(run_context) } let(:lwrp_cookbok_name) { "lwrp" } before do Chef::Provider::LWRPBase.class_eval { @loaded_lwrps = {} } end before(:each) do Dir[File.expand_path(File.expand_path("../../data/lwrp/resources/*", __FILE__))].each do |file| Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file(lwrp_cookbok_name, file, run_context) end Dir[File.expand_path(File.expand_path("../../data/lwrp/providers/*", __FILE__))].each do |file| Chef::Provider::LWRPBase.build_from_file(lwrp_cookbok_name, file, run_context) end end it "should properly handle a new_resource reference" do resource = get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("morpheus", run_context) resource.monkey("bob") resource.provider(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_monkey_name_printer)) provider = Chef::Platform.provider_for_resource(resource, :twiddle_thumbs) provider.action_twiddle_thumbs end context "provider class created" do before do @old_treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors = Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = false end after do Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = @old_treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors end it "should load the provider into a properly-named class" do expect(Chef::Provider.const_get("LwrpBuckPasser")).to be_kind_of(Class) expect(Chef::Provider::LwrpBuckPasser <= Chef::Provider::LWRPBase).to be_truthy end it "should create a method for each action" do expect(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_buck_passer).instance_methods).to include(:action_pass_buck) expect(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_thumb_twiddler).instance_methods).to include(:action_twiddle_thumbs) end it "sets itself as a provider for a resource of the same name" do found_providers = Chef::Platform::ProviderHandlerMap.instance.list(node, :lwrp_buck_passer) # we bypass the per-file loading to get the file to load each time, # which creates the LWRP class repeatedly. New things get prepended to # the list of providers. expect(found_providers.first).to eq(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_buck_passer)) end context "with a cookbook with an underscore in the name" do let(:lwrp_cookbok_name) { "l_w_r_p" } it "sets itself as a provider for a resource of the same name" do found_providers = Chef::Platform::ProviderHandlerMap.instance.list(node, :l_w_r_p_buck_passer) expect(found_providers.size).to eq(1) expect(found_providers.last).to eq(get_lwrp_provider(:l_w_r_p_buck_passer)) end end context "with a cookbook with a hypen in the name" do let(:lwrp_cookbok_name) { "l-w-r-p" } it "sets itself as a provider for a resource of the same name" do incorrect_providers = Chef::Platform::ProviderHandlerMap.instance.list(node, :'l-w-r-p_buck_passer') expect(incorrect_providers).to eq([]) found_providers = Chef::Platform::ProviderHandlerMap.instance.list(node, :l_w_r_p_buck_passer) expect(found_providers.first).to eq(get_lwrp_provider(:l_w_r_p_buck_passer)) end end end it "should insert resources embedded in the provider into the middle of the resource collection" do injector = get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("morpheus", run_context) injector.action(:pass_buck) injector.provider(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_buck_passer)) dummy = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("keanu reeves", run_context) dummy.provider(Chef::Provider::Easy) run_context.resource_collection.insert(injector) run_context.resource_collection.insert(dummy) Chef::Runner.new(run_context).converge expect(run_context.resource_collection[0]).to eql(injector) expect(run_context.resource_collection[1].name).to eql('prepared_thumbs') expect(run_context.resource_collection[2].name).to eql('twiddled_thumbs') expect(run_context.resource_collection[3]).to eql(dummy) end it "should insert embedded resources from multiple providers, including from the last position, properly into the resource collection" do injector = get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("morpheus", run_context) injector.action(:pass_buck) injector.provider(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_buck_passer)) injector2 = get_lwrp(:lwrp_bar).new("tank", run_context) injector2.action(:pass_buck) injector2.provider(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_buck_passer_2)) dummy = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("keanu reeves", run_context) dummy.provider(Chef::Provider::Easy) run_context.resource_collection.insert(injector) run_context.resource_collection.insert(dummy) run_context.resource_collection.insert(injector2) Chef::Runner.new(run_context).converge expect(run_context.resource_collection[0]).to eql(injector) expect(run_context.resource_collection[1].name).to eql('prepared_thumbs') expect(run_context.resource_collection[2].name).to eql('twiddled_thumbs') expect(run_context.resource_collection[3]).to eql(dummy) expect(run_context.resource_collection[4]).to eql(injector2) expect(run_context.resource_collection[5].name).to eql('prepared_eyes') expect(run_context.resource_collection[6].name).to eql('dried_paint_watched') end it "should properly handle a new_resource reference" do resource = get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("morpheus", run_context) resource.monkey("bob") resource.provider(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_monkey_name_printer)) provider = Chef::Platform.provider_for_resource(resource, :twiddle_thumbs) provider.action_twiddle_thumbs expect(provider.monkey_name).to eq("my monkey's name is 'bob'") end it "should properly handle an embedded Resource accessing the enclosing Provider's scope" do resource = get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("morpheus", run_context) resource.monkey("bob") resource.provider(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_embedded_resource_accesses_providers_scope)) provider = Chef::Platform.provider_for_resource(resource, :twiddle_thumbs) #provider = @runner.build_provider(resource) provider.action_twiddle_thumbs expect(provider.enclosed_resource.monkey).to eq('bob, the monkey') end describe "when using inline compilation" do before do # Behavior in these examples depends on implementation of fixture provider. # See spec/data/lwrp/providers/inline_compiler # Side effect of lwrp_inline_compiler provider for testing notifications. $interior_ruby_block_2 = nil # resource type doesn't matter, so make an existing resource type work with provider. @resource = get_lwrp(:lwrp_foo).new("morpheus", run_context) @resource.allowed_actions << :test @resource.action(:test) @resource.provider(get_lwrp_provider(:lwrp_inline_compiler)) end it "does not add interior resources to the exterior resource collection" do @resource.run_action(:test) expect(run_context.resource_collection).to be_empty end context "when interior resources are updated" do it "processes notifications within the LWRP provider's action" do @resource.run_action(:test) expect($interior_ruby_block_2).to eq("executed") end it "marks the parent resource updated" do @resource.run_action(:test) expect(@resource).to be_updated expect(@resource).to be_updated_by_last_action end end context "when interior resources are not updated" do it "does not mark the parent resource updated" do @resource.run_action(:no_updates) expect(@resource).not_to be_updated expect(@resource).not_to be_updated_by_last_action end end end end context "resource class created" do before(:context) do @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("lwrp_test") resource_path = File.join(@tmpdir, "once.rb") IO.write(resource_path, "default_action :create") @old_treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors = Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = false Chef::Resource::LWRPBase.build_from_file("lwrp", resource_path, nil) end after(:context) do FileUtils.remove_entry @tmpdir Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = @old_treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors end it "should load the resource into a properly-named class" do expect(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce).to be_kind_of(Class) expect(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce <= Chef::Resource::LWRPBase).to be_truthy end it "get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new is a Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce" do lwrp = get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce)).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce)).to be_truthy expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once) === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce === lwrp).to be_truthy end it "Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce.new is a get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)" do lwrp = Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once))).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once))).to be_truthy expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once) === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce === lwrp).to be_truthy end it "works even if LwrpOnce exists in the top level" do module ::LwrpOnce end expect(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce).not_to eq(::LwrpOnce) end it "allows monkey patching of the lwrp through Chef::Resource" do monkey = Module.new do def issue_3607 end end Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce.send(:include, monkey) expect { get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new("blah").issue_3607 }.not_to raise_error end context "with a subclass of get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)" do let(:subclass) do Class.new(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)) end it "subclass.new is a subclass" do lwrp = subclass.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(subclass)).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(subclass)).to be_truthy expect(subclass === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.class === subclass) end it "subclass.new is a Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce" do lwrp = subclass.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce)).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce)).to be_truthy expect(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.class === Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce) end it "subclass.new is a get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)" do lwrp = subclass.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once))).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once))).to be_truthy expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once) === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.class === get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)) end it "Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce.new is *not* a subclass" do lwrp = Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(lwrp.is_a?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(subclass === lwrp.class).to be_falsey expect(subclass === Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce).to be_falsey end it "get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new is *not* a subclass" do lwrp = get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(lwrp.is_a?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(subclass === lwrp.class).to be_falsey expect(subclass === get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)).to be_falsey end end context "with a subclass of Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce" do let(:subclass) do Class.new(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce) end it "subclass.new is a subclass" do lwrp = subclass.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(subclass)).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(subclass)).to be_truthy expect(subclass === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.class === subclass) end it "subclass.new is a Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce" do lwrp = subclass.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce)).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce)).to be_truthy expect(Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.class === Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce) end it "subclass.new is a get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)" do lwrp = subclass.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once))).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.is_a?(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once))).to be_truthy expect(get_lwrp(:lwrp_once) === lwrp).to be_truthy expect(lwrp.class === get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)) end it "Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce.new is *not* a subclass" do lwrp = Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce.new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(lwrp.is_a?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(subclass === lwrp.class).to be_falsey expect(subclass === Chef::Resource::LwrpOnce).to be_falsey end it "get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new is *not* a subclass" do lwrp = get_lwrp(:lwrp_once).new('hi') expect(lwrp.kind_of?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(lwrp.is_a?(subclass)).to be_falsey expect(subclass === lwrp.class).to be_falsey expect(subclass === get_lwrp(:lwrp_once)).to be_falsey end end end end