require "support/shared/integration/integration_helper" describe " validation" do include IntegrationSupport module Namer @i = 0 def self.next_resource_name "chef_resource_property_spec_#{@i += 1}" end def self.reset_index @current_index = 0 end def self.current_index @current_index end def self.next_index @current_index += 1 end end def lazy(&block) end before do Namer.reset_index end def self.new_resource_name Namer.next_resource_name end let(:resource_class) do new_resource_name = self.class.new_resource_name do resource_name new_resource_name def blah Namer.next_index end def self.blah "class#{Namer.next_index}" end end end let(:resource) do"blah") end def self.english_join(values) return "" if values.size == 0 return values[0].inspect if values.size == 1 "#{values[0..-2].map { |v| v.inspect }.join(", ")} and #{values[-1].inspect}" end def self.with_property(*properties, &block) tags_index = properties.find_index { |p| !p.is_a?(String) } if tags_index properties, tags = properties[0..tags_index - 1], properties[tags_index..-1] else tags = [] end properties = { |property| "property #{property}" } context "With properties #{english_join(properties)}", *tags do before do properties.each do |property_str| resource_class.class_eval(property_str, __FILE__, __LINE__) end end instance_eval(&block) end end def self.validation_test(validation, success_values, failure_values, *tags) with_property ":x, #{validation}", *tags do it "gets nil when retrieving the initial (non-set) value" do expect(resource.x).to be_nil end success_values.each do |v| it "value #{v.inspect} is valid" do resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } expect(resource.x v).to eq v expect(resource.x).to eq v end end failure_values.each do |v| it "value #{v.inspect} is invalid" do expect { resource.x v }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } expect { resource.x v }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end it "setting x to nil when it is already nil does not emit a warning" do expect(resource.x nil).to be_nil expect(resource.x).to be_nil end unless tags.include?(:nillable) it "changing x to nil does a set" do resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } expect(resource.x nil).to eq nil expect(resource.x).to eq nil end end end if tags.include?(:nil_is_valid) with_property ":x, #{validation}, default: nil" do it "setting x to nil when it is already nil does not emit a warning" do expect(resource.x nil).to be_nil expect(resource.x).to be_nil end it "changing x to nil does a set" do resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } expect(resource.x nil).to eq nil expect(resource.x).to eq nil end end elsif tags.include?(:nillable) with_property ":x, #{validation}, nillable: true" do it "changing x to nil with nillable true overwrites defaults and just works" do resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } expect { resource.x nil }.not_to raise_error expect(resource.x nil).to eq nil expect(resource.x).to eq nil end end elsif tags.include?(:delayed_nil_default_failure) it "property :x, #{validation}, default: nil warns that the default is invalid" do expect { resource_class.class_eval("property :x, #{validation}, default: nil", __FILE__, __LINE__) }.not_to raise_error expect { resource.x }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, /Property x must be one of: .* You passed nil./ end elsif tags.include?(:skip_nil_default) # intentionally left blank else it "property :x, #{validation}, default: nil warns that the default is invalid" do expect { resource_class.class_eval("property :x, #{validation}, default: nil", __FILE__, __LINE__) }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, /Property x must be one of: .* You passed nil./ end end end context "basic get, set, and nil set" do with_property ":x, kind_of: String" do context "when the variable already has a value" do before do resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } end it "get succeeds" do expect(resource.x).to eq "default" end it "set to valid value succeeds" do expect(resource.x "str").to eq "str" expect(resource.x).to eq "str" end it "set to invalid value raises ValidationFailed" do expect { resource.x 10 }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "set to nil does a set" do resource.x "str" expect(resource.x nil).to eq nil expect(resource.x).to eq nil end end context "when the variable does not have an initial value" do it "get succeeds" do expect(resource.x).to be_nil end it "set to valid value succeeds" do expect(resource.x "str").to eq "str" expect(resource.x).to eq "str" end it "set to invalid value raises ValidationFailed" do expect { resource.x 10 }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "set to nil emits no warning because the value would not change" do expect(resource.x nil).to be_nil end end end with_property ":x, [ String, nil ]" do context "when the variable already has a value" do before do resource.instance_eval { @x = "default" } end it "get succeeds" do expect(resource.x).to eq "default" end it "set(nil) does a set" do expect(resource.x nil).to eq nil expect(resource.x).to eq nil end it "set to valid value succeeds" do expect(resource.x "str").to eq "str" expect(resource.x).to eq "str" end it "set to invalid value raises ValidationFailed" do expect { resource.x 10 }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end context "when the variable does not have an initial value" do it "get succeeds" do expect(resource.x).to be_nil end it "set(nil) sets the value" do expect(resource.x nil).to be_nil expect(resource.x).to be_nil end it "set to valid value succeeds" do expect(resource.x "str").to eq "str" expect(resource.x).to eq "str" end it "set to invalid value raises ValidationFailed" do expect { resource.x 10 }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end end end # Bare types context "bare types" do validation_test "String", [ "hi" ], [ 10 ] validation_test ":a", [ :a ], [ :b ] validation_test ":a, is: :b", [ :a, :b ], [ :c ] validation_test ":a, is: [ :b, :c ]", [ :a, :b, :c ], [ :d ] validation_test "[ :a, :b ], is: :c", [ :a, :b, :c ], [ :d ] validation_test "[ :a, :b ], is: [ :c, :d ]", [ :a, :b, :c, :d ], [ :e ] validation_test "nil", [ ], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "[ nil ]", [ ], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "[]", [], [ :a ] validation_test "[ String, nil ], nillable: true", [ nil, "thing" ], [ :nope, false ], :nillable end # is context "is" do # Class validation_test "is: String", [ "a", "" ], [ :a, 1 ] # Value validation_test "is: :a", [ :a ], [ :b ] validation_test "is: [ :a, :b ]", [ :a, :b ], [ [ :a, :b ] ] validation_test "is: [ [ :a, :b ] ]", [ [ :a, :b ] ], [ :a, :b ] # Regex validation_test "is: /abc/", %w{abc wowabcwow}, [ "", "abac" ] # Property validation_test "is: :a)", [ :a ], [ :b ] # RSpec Matcher class Globalses extend RSpec::Matchers end validation_test "is: Globalses.eq(10)", [ 10 ], [ 1 ] # Proc validation_test "is: proc { |x| x }", [ true, 1 ], [ false ], # this is somewhat complicated, we test adding `default: nil` and that the default fails, but with a proc the # validation is delayed until access, so we have to test after access not after declaring the default :delayed_nil_default_failure validation_test "is: proc { |x| x > blah }", [ 10 ], [ -1 ], # here the test of adding `default: nil` just causes the proc to explode because nil gets passed to the proc # which throws a NoMethodError on NilClass for the `>` method. :skip_nil_default validation_test "is: nil", [ ], [ "a" ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "is: [ String, nil ]", [ "a" ], [ :b ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "is: []", [], [ :a ] end # Combination context "combination" do validation_test 'kind_of: String, equal_to: "a"', [ "a" ], [ "b" ], :nil_is_valid end # equal_to context "equal_to" do # Value validation_test "equal_to: :a", [ :a ], [ :b ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "equal_to: [ :a, :b ]", [ :a, :b ], [ [ :a, :b ] ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "equal_to: [ [ :a, :b ] ]", [ [ :a, :b ] ], [ :a, :b ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "equal_to: nil", [ ], [ "a" ], :nil_is_valid validation_test 'equal_to: [ "a", nil ]', [ "a" ], [ "b" ], :nil_is_valid validation_test 'equal_to: [ nil, "a" ]', [ "a" ], [ "b" ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "equal_to: []", [], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid end # kind_of context "kind_of" do validation_test "kind_of: String", [ "a" ], [ :b ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "kind_of: [ String, Symbol ]", [ "a", :b ], [ 1 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "kind_of: [ Symbol, String ]", [ "a", :b ], [ 1 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "kind_of: NilClass", [ ], [ "a" ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "kind_of: [ NilClass, String ]", [ "a" ], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "kind_of: []", [], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "kind_of: nil", [], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid end # regex context "regex" do validation_test "regex: /abc/", [ "xabcy" ], [ "gbh", 123 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "regex: [ /abc/, /z/ ]", %w{xabcy aza}, [ "gbh", 123 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "regex: [ /z/, /abc/ ]", %w{xabcy aza}, [ "gbh", 123 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "regex: [ [ /z/, /abc/ ], [ /n/ ] ]", %w{xabcy aza ana}, [ "gbh", 123 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "regex: []", [], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "regex: nil", [], [ :a ], :nil_is_valid end # callbacks context "callbacks" do validation_test 'callbacks: { "a" => proc { |x| x > 10 }, "b" => proc { |x| x%2 == 0 } }', [ 12 ], [ 11, 4 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test 'callbacks: { "a" => proc { |x| x%2 == 0 }, "b" => proc { |x| x > 10 } }', [ 12 ], [ 11, 4 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test 'callbacks: { "a" => proc { |x| x.nil? } }', [ ], [ "a" ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "callbacks: {}", [ :a ], [], :nil_is_valid end # respond_to context "respond_to" do validation_test "respond_to: :split", [ "hi" ], [ 1 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test 'respond_to: "split"', [ "hi" ], [ 1 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "respond_to: :to_s", [ :a ], [], :nil_is_valid validation_test "respond_to: [ :split, :to_s ]", [ "hi" ], [ 1 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "respond_to: %w(split to_s)", [ "hi" ], [ 1 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "respond_to: [ :to_s, :split ]", [ "hi" ], [ 1 ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "respond_to: []", [ :a ], [], :nil_is_valid validation_test "respond_to: nil", [ :a ], [], :nil_is_valid end context "cannot_be" do validation_test "cannot_be: :empty", [ 1, [1, 2], { a: 10 } ], [ [] ], :nil_is_valid validation_test 'cannot_be: "empty"', [ 1, [1, 2], { a: 10 } ], [ [] ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "cannot_be: [ :empty, :nil ]", [ 1, [1, 2], { a: 10 } ], [ [] ], :nil_is_valid validation_test 'cannot_be: [ "empty", "nil" ]', [ 1, [1, 2], { a: 10 } ], [ [] ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "cannot_be: [ :nil, :empty ]", [ 1, [1, 2], { a: 10 } ], [ [] ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "cannot_be: [ :empty, :nil, :blahblah ]", [ 1, [1, 2], { a: 10 } ], [ [] ], :nil_is_valid validation_test "cannot_be: []", [ :a ], [], :nil_is_valid validation_test "cannot_be: nil", [ :a ], [], :nil_is_valid end context "required" do with_property ":x, required: true" do it "if x is not specified, retrieval fails" do expect { resource.x }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "value 1 is valid" do expect(resource.x 1).to eq 1 expect(resource.x).to eq 1 end it "value nil emits a validation failed error because it must have a value" do expect { resource.x nil }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end with_property ":x, String, required: true" do it "if x is not specified, retrieval fails" do expect { resource.x }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "value nil is not valid (required means 'not nil')" do expect { resource.x nil }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "value '1' is valid" do expect(resource.x "1").to eq "1" expect(resource.x).to eq "1" end it "value 1 is invalid" do expect { resource.x 1 }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end with_property ":x, [String, nil], required: true" do it "if x is not specified, retrieval fails" do expect { resource.x }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "value nil is not valid (required means 'not nil')" do expect { resource.x nil }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "value '1' is valid" do expect(resource.x "1").to eq "1" expect(resource.x).to eq "1" end it "value 1 is invalid" do expect { resource.x 1 }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end with_property ":x, name_property: true, required: true" do it "if x is not specified, the name property is returned" do expect(resource.x).to eq "blah" end it "value 1 is valid" do expect(resource.x 1).to eq 1 expect(resource.x).to eq 1 end it "value nil is invalid" do expect { resource.x nil }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end with_property ":x, default: 10, required: true" do it "if x is not specified, the default is returned" do expect(resource.x).to eq 10 end it "value 1 is valid" do expect(resource.x 1).to eq 1 expect(resource.x).to eq 1 end it "value nil is invalid" do expect { resource.x nil }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end end context "custom validators (def _pv_blarghle)" do before do Chef::Config[:treat_deprecation_warnings_as_errors] = false end with_property ":x, blarghle: 1" do context "and a class that implements _pv_blarghle" do before do resource_class.class_eval do def _pv_blarghle(opts, key, value) if _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key) != value raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "ouch" end end end end it "value 1 is valid" do expect(resource.x 1).to eq 1 expect(resource.x).to eq 1 end it "value '1' is invalid" do expect { resource.x "1" }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "value nil does a set" do resource.x 1 resource.x nil expect(resource.x).to eq nil end end end with_property ":x, blarghle: 1" do context "and a class that implements _pv_blarghle" do before do resource_class.class_eval do def _pv_blarghle(opts, key, value) if _pv_opts_lookup(opts, key) != value raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "ouch" end end end end it "value 1 is valid" do expect(resource.x 1).to eq 1 expect(resource.x).to eq 1 end it "value '1' is invalid" do expect { resource.x "1" }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end it "value nil does a set" do resource.x 1 resource.x nil expect(resource.x).to eq nil end end end end context "custom validation messages" do with_property ":x, String, validation_message: 'Must be a string, fool'" do it "raise with the correct error message" do expect { resource.x 1 }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed, "Must be a string, fool" end end end end