# # Author:: Thom May () # Author:: Tim Smith () # Copyright:: 2016-2017, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Provider::AptPreference do let(:new_resource) { Chef::Resource::AptPreference.new("libmysqlclient16.1*") } let(:pref_dir) { Dir.mktmpdir("apt_pref_d") } before do stub_const("Chef::Provider::AptPreference::APT_PREFERENCE_DIR", pref_dir) new_resource.pin = "1.0.1" new_resource.pin_priority 1001 end let(:provider) do node = Chef::Node.new events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(node, {}, events) Chef::Provider::AptPreference.new(new_resource, run_context) end it "responds to load_current_resource" do expect(provider).to respond_to(:load_current_resource) end context "#action_add" do context "without a preferences.d directory" do before do FileUtils.rmdir pref_dir end it "creates the preferences.d directory" do provider.run_action(:add) expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action expect(File.exist?(pref_dir)).to be true expect(File.directory?(pref_dir)).to be true end end context "with a preferences.d directory" do before do FileUtils.mkdir pref_dir unless ::File.exist?(pref_dir) FileUtils.touch("#{pref_dir}/libmysqlclient16.1*.pref") FileUtils.touch("#{pref_dir}/libmysqlclient16.1*") end # FileUtils.touch throws "Invalid argument @ utime_failed" in appveyer it "creates a sanitized .pref file and removes the legacy cookbook files", :unix_only do provider.run_action(:add) expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action expect(File).not_to exist("#{pref_dir}/libmysqlclient16.1*.pref") expect(File).not_to exist("#{pref_dir}/libmysqlclient16.1*") expect(File.read(::File.join(pref_dir, "libmysqlclient16_1wildcard.pref"))).to match(/Package: libmysqlclient16.1*.*Pin: 1.0.1.*Pin-Priority: 1001/m) end end end context "#action_delete" do before do FileUtils.mkdir pref_dir unless ::File.exist?(pref_dir) FileUtils.touch("#{pref_dir}/libmysqlclient16_1wildcard.pref") end it "deletes the name santized .pref file" do provider.run_action(:remove) expect(new_resource).to be_updated_by_last_action expect(File).not_to exist("#{pref_dir}/libmysqlclient16_1wildcard.pref") end end end