# # Author:: Joshua Timberman () # Copyright (c) 2014, Chef Software, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' describe Chef::Provider::Package::Homebrew do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } let(:events) { double('Chef::Events').as_null_object } let(:run_context) { double('Chef::RunContext', node: node, events: events) } let(:new_resource) { Chef::Resource::HomebrewPackage.new('emacs') } let(:current_resource) { Chef::Resource::HomebrewPackage.new('emacs')} let(:provider) do Chef::Provider::Package::Homebrew.new(new_resource, run_context) end let(:homebrew_uid) { 1001 } let(:uninstalled_brew_info) do { 'name' => 'emacs', 'homepage' => 'http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs', 'versions' => { 'stable' => '24.3', 'bottle' => false, 'devel' => nil, 'head' => nil }, 'revision' => 0, 'installed' => [], 'linked_keg' => nil, 'keg_only' => nil, 'dependencies' => [], 'conflicts_with' => [], 'caveats' => nil, 'options' => [] } end let(:installed_brew_info) do { 'name' => 'emacs', 'homepage' => 'http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/', 'versions' => { 'stable' => '24.3', 'bottle' => false, 'devel' => nil, 'head' => 'HEAD' }, 'revision' => 0, 'installed' => [{ 'version' => '24.3' }], 'linked_keg' => '24.3', 'keg_only' => nil, 'dependencies' => [], 'conflicts_with' => [], 'caveats' => '', 'options' => [] } end let(:keg_only_brew_info) do { 'name' => 'emacs-kegger', 'homepage' => 'http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/', 'versions' => { 'stable' => '24.3-keggy', 'bottle' => false, 'devel' => nil, 'head' => 'HEAD' }, 'revision' => 0, 'installed' => [{ 'version' => '24.3-keggy' }], 'linked_keg' => nil, 'keg_only' => true, 'dependencies' => [], 'conflicts_with' => [], 'caveats' => '', 'options' => [] } end before(:each) do end describe 'load_current_resource' do before(:each) do allow(provider).to receive(:current_installed_version).and_return(nil) allow(provider).to receive(:candidate_version).and_return('24.3') end it 'creates a current resource with the name of the new resource' do provider.load_current_resource expect(provider.current_resource).to be_a(Chef::Resource::Package) expect(provider.current_resource.name).to eql('emacs') end it 'creates a current resource with the version if the package is installed' do expect(provider).to receive(:current_installed_version).and_return('24.3') provider.load_current_resource expect(provider.current_resource.version).to eql('24.3') end it 'creates a current resource with a nil version if the package is not installed' do provider.load_current_resource expect(provider.current_resource.version).to be_nil end it 'sets a candidate version if one exists' do provider.load_current_resource expect(provider.candidate_version).to eql('24.3') end end describe 'current_installed_version' do it 'returns the latest version from brew info if the package is keg only' do allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(keg_only_brew_info) expect(provider.current_installed_version).to eql('24.3-keggy') end it 'returns the linked keg version if the package is not keg only' do allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(installed_brew_info) expect(provider.current_installed_version).to eql('24.3') end it 'returns nil if the package is not installed' do allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(uninstalled_brew_info) expect(provider.current_installed_version).to be_nil end end describe 'brew' do before do expect(provider).to receive(:find_homebrew_uid).and_return(homebrew_uid) expect(Etc).to receive(:getpwuid).with(homebrew_uid).and_return(OpenStruct.new(:name => "name", :dir => "/")) end it 'passes a single to the brew command and return stdout' do allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).and_return(OpenStruct.new(:stdout => 'zombo')) expect(provider.brew).to eql('zombo') end it 'takes multiple arguments as an array' do allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).and_return(OpenStruct.new(:stdout => 'homestarrunner')) expect(provider.brew('info', 'opts', 'bananas')).to eql('homestarrunner') end context "when new_resource is Package" do let(:new_resource) { Chef::Resource::Package.new('emacs') } it "does not try to read homebrew_user from Package, which does not have it" do allow(provider).to receive(:shell_out!).and_return(OpenStruct.new(:stdout => 'zombo')) expect(provider.brew).to eql('zombo') end end end context 'when testing actions' do before(:each) do provider.current_resource = current_resource end describe 'install_package' do before(:each) do allow(provider).to receive(:candidate_version).and_return('24.3') end it 'installs the named package with brew install' do allow(provider.new_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24.3') allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return(nil) allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(uninstalled_brew_info) expect(provider).to receive(:get_response_from_command).with('brew install emacs') provider.install_package('emacs', '24.3') end it 'does not do anything if the package is installed' do allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24.3') allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(installed_brew_info) expect(provider).not_to receive(:get_response_from_command) provider.install_package('emacs', '24.3') end it 'uses options to the brew command if specified' do allow(provider.new_resource).to receive(:options).and_return('--cocoa') allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24.3') allow(provider).to receive(:get_response_from_command).with('brew install --cocoa emacs') provider.install_package('emacs', '24.3') end end describe 'upgrade_package' do it 'uses brew upgrade to upgrade the package if it is installed' do allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24') allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(installed_brew_info) expect(provider).to receive(:get_response_from_command).with('brew upgrade emacs') provider.upgrade_package('emacs', '24.3') end it 'does not do anything if the package version is already installed' do allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24.3') allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(installed_brew_info) expect(provider).not_to receive(:get_response_from_command) provider.install_package('emacs', '24.3') end it 'uses brew install to install the package if it is not installed' do allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return(nil) allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(uninstalled_brew_info) expect(provider).to receive(:get_response_from_command).with('brew install emacs') provider.upgrade_package('emacs', '24.3') end it 'uses options to the brew command if specified' do allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24') allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(installed_brew_info) allow(provider.new_resource).to receive(:options).and_return('--cocoa') expect(provider).to receive(:get_response_from_command).with('brew upgrade --cocoa emacs') provider.upgrade_package('emacs', '24.3') end end describe 'remove_package' do it 'uninstalls the package with brew uninstall' do allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24.3') allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(installed_brew_info) expect(provider).to receive(:get_response_from_command).with('brew uninstall emacs') provider.remove_package('emacs', '24.3') end it 'does not do anything if the package is not installed' do allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(uninstalled_brew_info) expect(provider).not_to receive(:get_response_from_command) provider.remove_package('emacs', '24.3') end end describe 'purge_package' do it 'uninstalls the package with brew uninstall --force' do allow(provider.current_resource).to receive(:version).and_return('24.3') allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(installed_brew_info) expect(provider).to receive(:get_response_from_command).with('brew uninstall --force emacs') provider.purge_package('emacs', '24.3') end it 'does not do anything if the package is not installed' do allow(provider).to receive(:brew_info).and_return(uninstalled_brew_info) expect(provider).not_to receive(:get_response_from_command) provider.purge_package('emacs', '24.3') end end end end