# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2016, Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" class NoWhyrunDemonstrator < Chef::Provider attr_reader :system_state_altered def whyrun_supported? false end def load_current_resource end def action_foo @system_state_altered = true end end class ConvergeActionDemonstrator < Chef::Provider attr_reader :system_state_altered def whyrun_supported? true end def load_current_resource end def action_foo converge_by("running a state changing action") do @system_state_altered = true end end end class CheckResourceSemanticsDemonstrator < ConvergeActionDemonstrator def check_resource_semantics! raise Chef::Exceptions::InvalidResourceSpecification.new("check_resource_semantics!") end end describe Chef::Provider do before(:each) do @cookbook_collection = Chef::CookbookCollection.new([]) @node = Chef::Node.new @node.name "latte" @events = Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new @run_context = Chef::RunContext.new(@node, @cookbook_collection, @events) @resource = Chef::Resource.new("funk", @run_context) @resource.cookbook_name = "a_delicious_pie" @provider = Chef::Provider.new(@resource, @run_context) end it "should mixin shell_out" do expect(@provider.respond_to?(:shell_out)).to be true end it "should mixin shell_out!" do expect(@provider.respond_to?(:shell_out!)).to be true end it "should mixin shell_out_with_systems_locale" do expect(@provider.respond_to?(:shell_out_with_systems_locale)).to be true end it "should store the resource passed to new as new_resource" do expect(@provider.new_resource).to eql(@resource) end it "should store the node passed to new as node" do expect(@provider.node).to eql(@node) end it "should have nil for current_resource by default" do expect(@provider.current_resource).to eql(nil) end it "should not support whyrun by default" do expect(@provider.send(:whyrun_supported?)).to eql(false) end it "should do nothing for check_resource_semantics! by default" do expect { @provider.check_resource_semantics! }.not_to raise_error end it "should return true for action_nothing" do expect(@provider.action_nothing).to eql(true) end it "evals embedded recipes with a pristine resource collection" do @provider.run_context.instance_variable_set(:@resource_collection, "doesn't matter what this is") temporary_collection = nil snitch = Proc.new {temporary_collection = @run_context.resource_collection} @provider.send(:recipe_eval, &snitch) expect(temporary_collection).to be_an_instance_of(Chef::ResourceCollection) expect(@provider.run_context.instance_variable_get(:@resource_collection)).to eq("doesn't matter what this is") end it "does not re-load recipes when creating the temporary run context" do expect_any_instance_of(Chef::RunContext).not_to receive(:load) snitch = Proc.new {temporary_collection = @run_context.resource_collection} @provider.send(:recipe_eval, &snitch) end context "when no converge actions are queued" do before do allow(@provider).to receive(:whyrun_supported?).and_return(true) allow(@provider).to receive(:load_current_resource) end it "does not mark the new resource as updated" do expect(@resource).not_to be_updated expect(@resource).not_to be_updated_by_last_action end end context "when converge actions have been added to the queue" do describe "and provider supports whyrun mode" do before do @provider = ConvergeActionDemonstrator.new(@resource, @run_context) end it "should tell us that it does support whyrun" do expect(@provider).to be_whyrun_supported end it "queues up converge actions" do @provider.action_foo expect(@provider.send(:converge_actions).actions.size).to eq(1) end it "executes pending converge actions to converge the system" do @provider.run_action(:foo) expect(@provider.instance_variable_get(:@system_state_altered)).to be_truthy end it "marks the resource as updated" do @provider.run_action(:foo) expect(@resource).to be_updated expect(@resource).to be_updated_by_last_action end end describe "and provider does not support whyrun mode" do before do Chef::Config[:why_run] = true @provider = NoWhyrunDemonstrator.new(@resource, @run_context) end after do Chef::Config[:why_run] = false end it "should tell us that it doesn't support whyrun" do expect(@provider).not_to be_whyrun_supported end it "should automatically generate a converge_by block on the provider's behalf" do @provider.run_action(:foo) expect(@provider.send(:converge_actions).actions.size).to eq(0) expect(@provider.system_state_altered).to be_falsey end it "should automatically execute the generated converge_by block" do @provider.run_action(:foo) expect(@provider.system_state_altered).to be_falsey expect(@resource).not_to be_updated expect(@resource).not_to be_updated_by_last_action end end describe "and the resource is invalid" do let(:provider) { CheckResourceSemanticsDemonstrator.new(@resource, @run_context) } it "fails with InvalidResourceSpecification when run" do expect { provider.run_action(:foo) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidResourceSpecification) end end end end