# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Author:: Christopher Walters () # Author:: Tim Hinderliter () # Author:: Seth Chisamore () # Copyright:: Copyright 2008-2018, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" describe Chef::Resource do let(:cookbook_repo_path) { File.join(CHEF_SPEC_DATA, "cookbooks") } let(:cookbook_collection) { Chef::CookbookCollection.new(Chef::CookbookLoader.new(cookbook_repo_path)) } let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } let(:events) { Chef::EventDispatch::Dispatcher.new } let(:run_context) { Chef::RunContext.new(node, cookbook_collection, events) } let(:resource) { resource_class.new("funk", run_context) } let(:resource_class) { Chef::Resource } it "should mixin shell_out" do expect(resource.respond_to?(:shell_out)).to be true end it "should mixin shell_out!" do expect(resource.respond_to?(:shell_out!)).to be true end describe "when inherited" do it "adds an entry to a list of subclasses" do subclass = Class.new(Chef::Resource) expect(Chef::Resource.resource_classes).to include(subclass) end it "keeps track of subclasses of subclasses" do subclass = Class.new(Chef::Resource) subclass_of_subclass = Class.new(subclass) expect(Chef::Resource.resource_classes).to include(subclass_of_subclass) end end describe "when declaring the identity attribute" do it "has :name as identity attribute by default" do expect(Chef::Resource.identity_attr).to eq(:name) end it "sets an identity attribute" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) resource_class.identity_attr(:path) expect(resource_class.identity_attr).to eq(:path) end it "inherits an identity attribute from a superclass" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) resource_subclass = Class.new(resource_class) resource_class.identity_attr(:package_name) expect(resource_subclass.identity_attr).to eq(:package_name) end it "overrides the identity attribute from a superclass when the identity attr is set" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) resource_subclass = Class.new(resource_class) resource_class.identity_attr(:package_name) resource_subclass.identity_attr(:something_else) expect(resource_subclass.identity_attr).to eq(:something_else) end end describe "when no identity attribute has been declared" do let(:resource_sans_id) { Chef::Resource.new("my-name") } # Would rather force identity attributes to be set for everything, # but that's not plausible for back compat reasons. it "uses the name as the identity" do expect(resource_sans_id.identity).to eq("my-name") end end describe "when an identity attribute has been declared" do let(:file_resource) do file_resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do identity_attr :path attr_accessor :path end file_resource = file_resource_class.new("identity-attr-test") file_resource.path = "/tmp/foo.txt" file_resource end it "gives the value of its identity attribute" do expect(file_resource.identity).to eq("/tmp/foo.txt") end end describe "when declaring state attributes" do it "has no state_attrs by default" do expect(Chef::Resource.state_attrs).to be_empty end it "sets a list of state attributes" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) resource_class.state_attrs(:checksum, :owner, :group, :mode) expect(resource_class.state_attrs).to match_array([:checksum, :owner, :group, :mode]) end it "inherits state attributes from the superclass" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) resource_subclass = Class.new(resource_class) resource_class.state_attrs(:checksum, :owner, :group, :mode) expect(resource_subclass.state_attrs).to match_array([:checksum, :owner, :group, :mode]) end it "combines inherited state attributes with non-inherited state attributes" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) resource_subclass = Class.new(resource_class) resource_class.state_attrs(:checksum, :owner) resource_subclass.state_attrs(:group, :mode) expect(resource_subclass.state_attrs).to match_array([:checksum, :owner, :group, :mode]) end end describe "when a set of state attributes has been declared" do let(:file_resource) do file_resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do state_attrs :checksum, :owner, :group, :mode attr_accessor :checksum attr_accessor :owner attr_accessor :group attr_accessor :mode end file_resource = file_resource_class.new("describe-state-test") file_resource.checksum = "abc123" file_resource.owner = "root" file_resource.group = "wheel" file_resource.mode = "0644" file_resource end it "describes its state" do resource_state = file_resource.state_for_resource_reporter expect(resource_state.keys).to match_array([:checksum, :owner, :group, :mode]) expect(resource_state[:checksum]).to eq("abc123") expect(resource_state[:owner]).to eq("root") expect(resource_state[:group]).to eq("wheel") expect(resource_state[:mode]).to eq("0644") end end describe "#state_for_resource_reporter" do context "when a property is marked as sensitive" do it "suppresses the sensitive property's value" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) { property :foo, String, sensitive: true } resource = resource_class.new("sensitive_property_tests") resource.foo = "some value" expect(resource.state_for_resource_reporter[:foo]).to eq("*sensitive value suppressed*") end end context "when a property is not marked as sensitive" do it "does not suppress the property's value" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) { property :foo, String } resource = resource_class.new("sensitive_property_tests") resource.foo = "some value" expect(resource.state_for_resource_reporter[:foo]).to eq("some value") end end end describe "load_from" do let(:prior_resource) do prior_resource = Chef::Resource.new("funk") prior_resource.source_line prior_resource.allowed_actions << :funkytown prior_resource.action(:funkytown) prior_resource end before(:each) do resource.allowed_actions << :funkytown run_context.resource_collection << prior_resource end it "should load the attributes of a prior resource" do resource.load_from(prior_resource) end it "should not inherit the action from the prior resource" do resource.load_from(prior_resource) expect(resource.action).not_to eq(prior_resource.action) end end describe "name" do it "should have a name" do expect(resource.name).to eql("funk") end it "should let you set a new name" do resource.name "monkey" expect(resource.name).to eql("monkey") end it "coerces arrays to names" do expect(resource.name %w{a b}).to eql("a, b") end it "should coerce objects to a string" do expect(resource.name Object.new).to be_a(String) end end describe "notifies" do it "should make notified resources appear in the actions hash" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") resource.notifies :reload, run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee") expect(resource.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == "coffee" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil end it "should make notified resources be capable of acting immediately" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") resource.notifies :reload, run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee"), :immediate expect(resource.immediate_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == "coffee" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil end it "should raise an exception if told to act in other than :delay or :immediate(ly)" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") expect do resource.notifies :reload, run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee"), :someday end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should allow multiple notified resources appear in the actions hash" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") resource.notifies :reload, run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee") expect(resource.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == "coffee" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("beans") resource.notifies :reload, run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "beans") expect(resource.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == "beans" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil end it "creates a notification for a resource that is not yet in the resource collection" do resource.notifies(:restart, service: "apache") expected_notification = Chef::Resource::Notification.new({ service: "apache" }, :restart, resource) expect(resource.delayed_notifications).to include(expected_notification) end it "notifies another resource immediately" do resource.notifies_immediately(:restart, service: "apache") expected_notification = Chef::Resource::Notification.new({ service: "apache" }, :restart, resource) expect(resource.immediate_notifications).to include(expected_notification) end it "notifies a resource to take action at the end of the chef run" do resource.notifies_delayed(:restart, service: "apache") expected_notification = Chef::Resource::Notification.new({ service: "apache" }, :restart, resource) expect(resource.delayed_notifications).to include(expected_notification) end it "notifies a resource with an array for its name via its prettified string name" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new(%w{coffee tea}) resource.notifies :reload, run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee, tea") expect(resource.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == "coffee, tea" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil end it "notifies a resource without a name via a string name with brackets" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("") resource.notifies :reload, "zen_master[]" end it "notifies a resource without a name via a string name without brackets" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("") resource.notifies :reload, "zen_master" expect(resource.delayed_notifications.first.resource).to eql("zen_master") end it "notifies a resource without a name via a hash name with an empty string" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("") resource.notifies :reload, zen_master: "" expect(resource.delayed_notifications.first.resource).to eql(zen_master: "") end end describe "subscribes" do it "should make resources appear in the actions hash of subscribed nodes" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") zr = run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee") resource.subscribes :reload, zr expect(zr.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == "funk" && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil end it "should make resources appear in the actions hash of subscribed nodes" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") zr = run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee") resource.subscribes :reload, zr expect(zr.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == resource.name && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("bean") zrb = run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "bean") zrb.subscribes :reload, zr expect(zr.delayed_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == resource.name && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil end it "should make subscribed resources be capable of acting immediately" do run_context.resource_collection << Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") zr = run_context.resource_collection.find(zen_master: "coffee") resource.subscribes :reload, zr, :immediately expect(zr.immediate_notifications.detect { |e| e.resource.name == resource.name && e.action == :reload }).not_to be_nil end end describe "defined_at" do it "should correctly parse source_line on unix-like operating systems" do resource.source_line = "/some/path/to/file.rb:80:in `wombat_tears'" expect(resource.defined_at).to eq("/some/path/to/file.rb line 80") end it "should correctly parse source_line on Windows" do resource.source_line = "C:/some/path/to/file.rb:80 in 1`wombat_tears'" expect(resource.defined_at).to eq("C:/some/path/to/file.rb line 80") end it "should include the cookbook and recipe when it knows it" do resource.source_line = "/some/path/to/file.rb:80:in `wombat_tears'" resource.recipe_name = "wombats" resource.cookbook_name = "animals" expect(resource.defined_at).to eq("animals::wombats line 80") end it "should recognize dynamically defined resources" do expect(resource.defined_at).to eq("dynamically defined") end end describe "to_s" do it "should become a string like resource_name[name]" do zm = Chef::Resource::ZenMaster.new("coffee") expect(zm.to_s).to eql("zen_master[coffee]") end end describe "to_text" do it "prints nice message" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) { property :foo, String } resource = resource_class.new("sensitive_property_tests") resource.foo = "some value" expect(resource.to_text).to match(/foo "some value"/) end context "when property is sensitive" do it "supresses that properties value" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) { property :foo, String, sensitive: true } resource = resource_class.new("sensitive_property_tests") resource.foo = "some value" expect(resource.to_text).to match(/foo "\*sensitive value suppressed\*"/) end end context "when property is required" do it "does not propagate vailidation errors" do resource_class = Class.new(Chef::Resource) { property :foo, String, required: true } resource = resource_class.new("required_property_tests") expect { resource.to_text }.to_not raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed end end end context "Documentation of resources" do it "can have a description" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do description "my description" end expect(c.description).to eq "my description" end it "can say when it was introduced" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do introduced "14.0" end expect(c.introduced).to eq "14.0" end it "can have some examples" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do examples <<~EOH resource "foo" do foo foo end EOH end expect(c.examples).to eq <<~EOH resource "foo" do foo foo end EOH end end describe "self.resource_name" do context "When resource_name is not set" do it "and there are no provides lines, resource_name is nil" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do end r = c.new("hi") r.declared_type = :d expect(c.resource_name).to be_nil expect(r.resource_name).to be_nil expect(r.declared_type).to eq :d end it "and there are no provides lines, resource_name is used" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do def initialize(*args, &block) @resource_name = :blah super end end r = c.new("hi") r.declared_type = :d expect(c.resource_name).to be_nil expect(r.resource_name).to eq :blah expect(r.declared_type).to eq :d end it "and the resource class gets a late-bound name, resource_name is nil" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do def self.name "ResourceSpecNameTest" end end r = c.new("hi") r.declared_type = :d expect(c.resource_name).to be_nil expect(r.resource_name).to be_nil expect(r.declared_type).to eq :d end end it "resource_name without provides is honored" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do resource_name "blah" end r = c.new("hi") r.declared_type = :d expect(c.resource_name).to eq :blah expect(r.resource_name).to eq :blah expect(r.declared_type).to eq :d end it "setting class.resource_name with 'resource_name = blah' overrides declared_type" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do provides :self_resource_name_test_2 end c.resource_name = :blah r = c.new("hi") r.declared_type = :d expect(c.resource_name).to eq :blah expect(r.resource_name).to eq :blah expect(r.declared_type).to eq :d end it "setting class.resource_name with 'resource_name blah' overrides declared_type" do c = Class.new(Chef::Resource) do resource_name :blah provides :self_resource_name_test_3 end r = c.new("hi") r.declared_type = :d expect(c.resource_name).to eq :blah expect(r.resource_name).to eq :blah expect(r.declared_type).to eq :d end end describe "to_json" do it "should serialize to json" do json = resource.to_json expect(json).to match(/json_class/) expect(json).to match(/instance_vars/) end include_examples "to_json equivalent to Chef::JSONCompat.to_json" do let(:jsonable) { resource } end end describe "to_hash" do context "when the resource has a property with a default" do let(:resource_class) { Class.new(Chef::Resource) { property :a, default: 1 } } it "should include the default in the hash" do expect(resource.to_hash.keys.sort).to eq([:a, :allowed_actions, :params, :provider, :updated, :updated_by_last_action, :before, :name, :source_line, :action, :elapsed_time, :default_guard_interpreter, :guard_interpreter].sort) expect(resource.to_hash[:name]).to eq "funk" expect(resource.to_hash[:a]).to eq 1 end end it "should convert to a hash" do hash = resource.to_hash expected_keys = [ :allowed_actions, :params, :provider, :updated, :updated_by_last_action, :before, :name, :source_line, :action, :elapsed_time, :default_guard_interpreter, :guard_interpreter ] expect(hash.keys - expected_keys).to eq([]) expect(expected_keys - hash.keys).to eq([]) expect(hash[:name]).to eql("funk") end end describe "self.json_create" do it "should deserialize itself from json" do json = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(resource) serialized_node = Chef::Resource.from_json(json) expect(serialized_node).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::Resource) expect(serialized_node.name).to eql(resource.name) end end describe "ignore_failure" do it "should default to throwing an error if a provider fails for a resource" do expect(resource.ignore_failure).to eq(false) end it "should allow you to set whether a provider should throw exceptions with ignore_failure" do resource.ignore_failure(true) expect(resource.ignore_failure).to eq(true) end it "should allow you to set quiet ignore_failure as a symbol" do resource.ignore_failure(:quiet) expect(resource.ignore_failure).to eq(:quiet) end it "should allow you to set quiet ignore_failure as a string" do resource.ignore_failure("quiet") expect(resource.ignore_failure).to eq("quiet") end end describe "retries" do let(:retriable_resource) do retriable_resource = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("precious", run_context) retriable_resource.provider = Chef::Provider::SnakeOil retriable_resource.action = :purr retriable_resource end before do node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "fubuntu" node.automatic_attrs[:platform_version] = "10.04" end it "should default to not retrying if a provider fails for a resource" do expect(retriable_resource.retries).to eq(0) end it "should allow you to set how many retries a provider should attempt after a failure" do retriable_resource.retries(2) expect(retriable_resource.retries).to eq(2) end it "should default to a retry delay of 2 seconds" do expect(retriable_resource.retry_delay).to eq(2) end it "should allow you to set the retry delay" do retriable_resource.retry_delay(10) expect(retriable_resource.retry_delay).to eq(10) end it "should keep given value of retries intact after the provider fails for a resource" do retriable_resource.retries(3) retriable_resource.retry_delay(0) # No need to wait. provider = Chef::Provider::SnakeOil.new(retriable_resource, run_context) allow(Chef::Provider::SnakeOil).to receive(:new).and_return(provider) allow(provider).to receive(:action_purr).and_raise expect(retriable_resource).to receive(:sleep).exactly(3).times expect { retriable_resource.run_action(:purr) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) expect(retriable_resource.retries).to eq(3) end it "should not rescue from non-StandardError exceptions" do retriable_resource.retries(3) retriable_resource.retry_delay(0) # No need to wait. provider = Chef::Provider::SnakeOil.new(retriable_resource, run_context) allow(Chef::Provider::SnakeOil).to receive(:new).and_return(provider) allow(provider).to receive(:action_purr).and_raise(LoadError) expect(retriable_resource).not_to receive(:sleep) expect { retriable_resource.run_action(:purr) }.to raise_error(LoadError) end end it "runs an action by finding its provider, loading the current resource and then running the action" do skip end describe "when updated by a provider" do before do resource.updated_by_last_action(true) end it "records that it was updated" do expect(resource).to be_updated end it "records that the last action updated the resource" do expect(resource).to be_updated_by_last_action end describe "and then run again without being updated" do before do resource.updated_by_last_action(false) end it "reports that it is updated" do expect(resource).to be_updated end it "reports that it was not updated by the last action" do expect(resource).not_to be_updated_by_last_action end end end describe "when invoking its action" do let(:resource) do resource = Chef::Resource.new("provided", run_context) resource.provider = Chef::Provider::SnakeOil resource end before do node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "fubuntu" node.automatic_attrs[:platform_version] = "10.04" end it "does not run only_if if no only_if command is given" do expect_any_instance_of(Chef::Resource::Conditional).not_to receive(:evaluate) resource.only_if.clear resource.run_action(:purr) end it "runs runs an only_if when one is given" do snitch_variable = nil resource.only_if { snitch_variable = true } expect(resource.only_if.first.positivity).to eq(:only_if) # Chef::Mixin::Command.should_receive(:only_if).with(true, {}).and_return(false) resource.run_action(:purr) expect(snitch_variable).to be_truthy end it "runs multiple only_if conditionals" do snitch_var1, snitch_var2 = nil, nil resource.only_if { snitch_var1 = 1 } resource.only_if { snitch_var2 = 2 } resource.run_action(:purr) expect(snitch_var1).to eq(1) expect(snitch_var2).to eq(2) end it "accepts command options for only_if conditionals" do expect_any_instance_of(Chef::Resource::Conditional).to receive(:evaluate_command).at_least(1).times resource.only_if("true", cwd: "/tmp") expect(resource.only_if.first.command_opts).to eq({ cwd: "/tmp" }) resource.run_action(:purr) end it "runs not_if as a command when it is a string" do expect_any_instance_of(Chef::Resource::Conditional).to receive(:evaluate_command).at_least(1).times resource.not_if "pwd" resource.run_action(:purr) end it "runs not_if as a block when it is a ruby block" do expect_any_instance_of(Chef::Resource::Conditional).to receive(:evaluate_block).at_least(1).times resource.not_if { puts "foo" } resource.run_action(:purr) end it "does not run not_if if no not_if command is given" do expect_any_instance_of(Chef::Resource::Conditional).not_to receive(:evaluate) resource.not_if.clear resource.run_action(:purr) end it "accepts command options for not_if conditionals" do resource.not_if("pwd" , cwd: "/tmp") expect(resource.not_if.first.command_opts).to eq({ cwd: "/tmp" }) end it "accepts multiple not_if conditionals" do snitch_var1, snitch_var2 = true, true resource.not_if { snitch_var1 = nil } resource.not_if { snitch_var2 = false } resource.run_action(:purr) expect(snitch_var1).to be_nil expect(snitch_var2).to be_falsey end it "reports 0 elapsed time if actual elapsed time is < 0" do expected = Time.now allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(expected, expected - 1) resource.run_action(:purr) expect(resource.elapsed_time).to eq(0) end describe "guard_interpreter attribute" do it "should be set to :default by default" do expect(resource.guard_interpreter).to eq(:default) end it "if set to :default should return :default when read" do resource.guard_interpreter(:default) expect(resource.guard_interpreter).to eq(:default) end it "should raise Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed on an attempt to set the guard_interpreter attribute to something other than a Symbol" do expect { resource.guard_interpreter("command_dot_com") }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed) end it "should not raise an exception when setting the guard interpreter attribute to a Symbol" do allow(Chef::GuardInterpreter::ResourceGuardInterpreter).to receive(:new).and_return(nil) expect { resource.guard_interpreter(:command_dot_com) }.not_to raise_error end end end describe "should_skip?" do before do resource = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("sugar", run_context) end it "should return false by default" do expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_falsey end it "should return false when only_if is met" do resource.only_if { true } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_falsey end it "should return true when only_if is not met" do resource.only_if { false } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_truthy end it "should return true when not_if is met" do resource.not_if { true } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_truthy end it "should return false when not_if is not met" do resource.not_if { false } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_falsey end it "should return true when only_if is met but also not_if is met" do resource.only_if { true } resource.not_if { true } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_truthy end it "should return false when only_if is met and also not_if is not met" do resource.only_if { true } resource.not_if { false } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_falsey end it "should return true when one of multiple only_if's is not met" do resource.only_if { true } resource.only_if { false } resource.only_if { true } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_truthy end it "should return true when one of multiple not_if's is met" do resource.not_if { false } resource.not_if { true } resource.not_if { false } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_truthy end it "should return false when all of multiple only_if's are met" do resource.only_if { true } resource.only_if { true } resource.only_if { true } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_falsey end it "should return false when all of multiple not_if's are not met" do resource.not_if { false } resource.not_if { false } resource.not_if { false } expect(resource.should_skip?(:purr)).to be_falsey end it "should return true when action is :nothing" do expect(resource.should_skip?(:nothing)).to be_truthy end it "should return true when action is :nothing ignoring only_if/not_if conditionals" do resource.only_if { true } resource.not_if { false } expect(resource.should_skip?(:nothing)).to be_truthy end it "should print \"skipped due to action :nothing\" message for doc formatter when action is :nothing" do fdoc = Chef::Formatters.new(:doc, STDOUT, STDERR) allow(run_context).to receive(:events).and_return(fdoc) expect(fdoc).to receive(:puts).with(" (skipped due to action :nothing)", anything()) resource.should_skip?(:nothing) end end describe "when resource action is :nothing" do let(:resource1) do resource1 = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("sugar", run_context) resource1.action = :nothing resource1 end before do node.automatic_attrs[:platform] = "fubuntu" node.automatic_attrs[:platform_version] = "10.04" end it "should not run only_if/not_if conditionals (CHEF-972)" do snitch_var1 = 0 resource1.only_if { snitch_var1 = 1 } resource1.not_if { snitch_var1 = 2 } resource1.run_action(:nothing) expect(snitch_var1).to eq(0) end it "should run only_if/not_if conditionals when notified to run another action (CHEF-972)" do snitch_var1 = snitch_var2 = 0 runner = Chef::Runner.new(run_context) Chef::Provider::SnakeOil.provides :cat, __core_override__: true resource1.only_if { snitch_var1 = 1 } resource1.not_if { snitch_var2 = 2 } resource2 = Chef::Resource::Cat.new("coffee", run_context) resource2.notifies :purr, resource1 resource2.action = :purr run_context.resource_collection << resource1 run_context.resource_collection << resource2 runner.converge expect(snitch_var1).to eq(1) expect(snitch_var2).to eq(2) end end describe "building the platform map" do let(:klz) { Class.new(Chef::Resource) } before do Chef::Resource::Klz = klz end after do Chef::Resource.send(:remove_const, :Klz) end it "adds mappings for a single platform" do expect(Chef.resource_handler_map).to receive(:set).with( :dinobot, Chef::Resource::Klz, { platform: ["autobots"] } ) klz.provides :dinobot, platform: ["autobots"] end it "adds mappings for multiple platforms" do expect(Chef.resource_handler_map).to receive(:set).with( :energy, Chef::Resource::Klz, { platform: %w{autobots decepticons} } ) klz.provides :energy, platform: %w{autobots decepticons} end it "adds mappings for all platforms" do expect(Chef.resource_handler_map).to receive(:set).with( :tape_deck, Chef::Resource::Klz, {} ) klz.provides :tape_deck end end describe "resource_for_node" do describe "lookups from the platform map" do let(:klz1) { Class.new(Chef::Resource) } before(:each) do Chef::Resource::Klz1 = klz1 node = Chef::Node.new node.name("bumblebee") node.automatic[:platform] = "autobots" node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1" Object.const_set("Soundwave", klz1) klz1.provides :soundwave end after(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, :Soundwave) Chef::Resource.send(:remove_const, :Klz1) end it "returns a resource by short_name if nothing else matches" do expect(Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(:soundwave, node)).to eql(klz1) end end describe "lookups from the platform map" do let(:klz2) { Class.new(Chef::Resource) } before(:each) do Chef::Resource::Klz2 = klz2 node.name("bumblebee") node.automatic[:platform] = "autobots" node.automatic[:platform_version] = "6.1" klz2.provides :dinobot, platform: ["autobots"] Object.const_set("Grimlock", klz2) klz2.provides :grimlock end after(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, :Grimlock) Chef::Resource.send(:remove_const, :Klz2) end it "returns a resource by short_name and node" do expect(Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(:dinobot, node)).to eql(klz2) end end describe "chef_version constraints and the platform map" do let(:klz3) { Class.new(Chef::Resource) } it "doesn't wire up the provides when chef_version is < 1" do klz3.provides :bulbasaur, chef_version: "< 1.0" # this should be false expect { Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(:bulbasaur, node) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchResourceType) end it "wires up the provides when chef_version is > 1" do klz3.provides :bulbasaur, chef_version: "> 1.0" # this should be true expect(Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(:bulbasaur, node)).to eql(klz3) end it "wires up the default when chef_version is < 1" do klz3.chef_version_for_provides("< 1.0") # this should be false klz3.provides :bulbasaur expect { Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(:bulbasaur, node) }.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::NoSuchResourceType) end it "wires up the default when chef_version is > 1" do klz3.chef_version_for_provides("> 1.0") # this should be true klz3.provides :bulbasaur expect(Chef::Resource.resource_for_node(:bulbasaur, node)).to eql(klz3) end end end describe "when creating notifications" do describe "with a string resource spec" do it "creates a delayed notification when timing is not specified" do resource.notifies(:run, "execute[foo]") expect(run_context.delayed_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end it "creates a delayed notification when :delayed is not specified" do resource.notifies(:run, "execute[foo]", :delayed) expect(run_context.delayed_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end it "creates an immediate notification when :immediate is specified" do resource.notifies(:run, "execute[foo]", :immediate) expect(run_context.immediate_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end it "creates an immediate notification when :immediately is specified" do resource.notifies(:run, "execute[foo]", :immediately) expect(run_context.immediate_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end describe "with a syntax error in the resource spec" do it "raises an exception immmediately" do expect do resource.notifies(:run, "typo[missing-closing-bracket") end.to raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::InvalidResourceSpecification) end end end describe "with a resource reference" do let(:notified_resource) { Chef::Resource.new("punk", run_context) } it "creates a delayed notification when timing is not specified" do resource.notifies(:run, notified_resource) expect(run_context.delayed_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end it "creates a delayed notification when :delayed is not specified" do resource.notifies(:run, notified_resource, :delayed) expect(run_context.delayed_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end it "creates an immediate notification when :immediate is specified" do resource.notifies(:run, notified_resource, :immediate) expect(run_context.immediate_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end it "creates an immediate notification when :immediately is specified" do resource.notifies(:run, notified_resource, :immediately) expect(run_context.immediate_notification_collection.size).to eq(1) end end end describe "resource sensitive attribute" do let(:resource_file) { Chef::Resource::File.new("/nonexistent/CHEF-5098/file", run_context) } let(:action) { :create } def compiled_resource_data(resource, action, err) error_inspector = Chef::Formatters::ErrorInspectors::ResourceFailureInspector.new(resource, action, err) description = Chef::Formatters::ErrorDescription.new("test") error_inspector.add_explanation(description) Chef::Log.info("descrtiption: #{description.inspect},error_inspector: #{error_inspector}") description.sections[1]["Compiled Resource:"] end it "set to false by default" do expect(resource.sensitive).to be_falsey end it "when set to false should show compiled resource for failed resource" do expect { resource_file.run_action(action) }.to raise_error { |err| expect(compiled_resource_data(resource_file, action, err)).to match 'path "/nonexistent/CHEF-5098/file"' } end it "when set to true should show compiled resource for failed resource" do resource_file.sensitive true expect { resource_file.run_action(action) }.to raise_error { |err| expect(compiled_resource_data(resource_file, action, err)).to eql("suppressed sensitive resource output") } end end describe "#action" do let(:resource_class) do Class.new(described_class) do allowed_actions(%i{one two}) end end let(:resource) { resource_class.new("test", nil) } subject { resource.action } context "with a no action" do it { is_expected.to eq [:nothing] } end context "with a default action" do let(:resource_class) do Class.new(described_class) do default_action(:one) end end it { is_expected.to eq [:one] } end context "with a symbol action" do before { resource.action(:one) } it { is_expected.to eq [:one] } end context "with a string action" do before { resource.action("two") } it { is_expected.to eq [:two] } end context "with an array action" do before { resource.action([:two, :one]) } it { is_expected.to eq [:two, :one] } end context "with an assignment" do before { resource.action = :one } it { is_expected.to eq [:one] } end context "with an array assignment" do before { resource.action = [:two, :one] } it { is_expected.to eq [:two, :one] } end context "with an invalid action" do it { expect { resource.action(:three) }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed } end context "with an invalid assignment action" do it { expect { resource.action = :three }.to raise_error Chef::Exceptions::ValidationFailed } end end describe ".default_action" do let(:default_action) {} let(:resource_class) do actions = default_action Class.new(described_class) do default_action(actions) if actions end end subject { resource_class.default_action } context "with no default actions" do it { is_expected.to eq [:nothing] } end context "with a symbol default action" do let(:default_action) { :one } it { is_expected.to eq [:one] } end context "with a string default action" do let(:default_action) { "one" } it { is_expected.to eq [:one] } end context "with an array default action" do let(:default_action) { [:two, :one] } it { is_expected.to eq [:two, :one] } end end describe ".preview_resource" do let(:klass) { Class.new(Chef::Resource) } before do allow(Chef::DSL::Resources).to receive(:add_resource_dsl).with(:test_resource) end it "defaults to false" do expect(klass.preview_resource).to eq false end it "can be set to true" do klass.preview_resource(true) expect(klass.preview_resource).to eq true end it "does not affect provides by default" do expect(Chef.resource_handler_map).to receive(:set).with(:test_resource, klass, { canonical: true }) klass.resource_name(:test_resource) end it "adds allow_cookbook_override when true" do expect(Chef.resource_handler_map).to receive(:set).with(:test_resource, klass, { canonical: true, allow_cookbook_override: true }) klass.preview_resource(true) klass.resource_name(:test_resource) end it "allows manually overriding back to false" do expect(Chef.resource_handler_map).to receive(:set).with(:test_resource, klass, { allow_cookbook_override: false }) klass.preview_resource(true) klass.provides(:test_resource, allow_cookbook_override: false) end end describe "tagged" do let(:recipe) do Chef::Recipe.new("hjk", "test", run_context) end describe "with the default node object" do let(:node) { Chef::Node.new } it "should return false for any tags" do expect(resource.tagged?("foo")).to be(false) end end it "should return true from tagged? if node is tagged" do recipe.tag "foo" expect(resource.tagged?("foo")).to be(true) end it "should return false from tagged? if node is not tagged" do expect(resource.tagged?("foo")).to be(false) end end end