# # Author:: Adam Jacob () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Opscode, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'spec_helper' require 'chef/role' describe Chef::Role do before(:each) do @role = Chef::Role.new @role.name("ops_master") end it "has a name" do @role.name("ops_master").should == "ops_master" end it "does not accept a name with spaces" do lambda { @role.name "ops master" }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not accept non-String objects for the name" do lambda { @role.name({}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe "when a run list is set" do before do @role.run_list(%w{ nginx recipe[ree] role[base]}) end it "returns the run list" do @role.run_list.should == %w{ nginx recipe[ree] role[base]} end describe "and per-environment run lists are set" do before do @role.name("base") @role.run_list(%w{ recipe[nagios::client] recipe[tims-acl::bork]}) @role.env_run_list["prod"] = Chef::RunList.new(*(@role.run_list.to_a << "recipe[prod-base]")) @role.env_run_list["dev"] = Chef::RunList.new end it "uses the default run list as *the* run_list" do @role.run_list.should == Chef::RunList.new("recipe[nagios::client]", "recipe[tims-acl::bork]") end it "gives the default run list as the when getting the _default run list" do @role.run_list_for("_default").should == @role.run_list end it "gives an environment specific run list" do @role.run_list_for("prod").should == Chef::RunList.new("recipe[nagios::client]", "recipe[tims-acl::bork]", "recipe[prod-base]") end it "gives the default run list when no run list exists for the given environment" do @role.run_list_for("qa").should == @role.run_list end it "gives the environment specific run list even if it is empty" do @role.run_list_for("dev").should == Chef::RunList.new end it "env_run_lists can only be set with _default run list in it" do long_exception_name = Chef::Exceptions::InvalidEnvironmentRunListSpecification lambda {@role.env_run_lists({})}.should raise_error(long_exception_name) end end describe "using the old #recipes API" do it "should let you set the recipe array" do @role.recipes([ "one", "two" ]).should == [ "one", "two" ] end it "should let you return the recipe array" do @role.recipes([ "one", "two" ]) @role.recipes.should == [ "one", "two" ] end it "should not list roles in the recipe array" do @role.run_list([ "one", "role[two]"]) @role.recipes.should == [ "recipe[one]", "role[two]" ] end end end describe "default_attributes" do it "should let you set the default attributes hash explicitly" do @role.default_attributes({ :one => 'two' }).should == { :one => 'two' } end it "should let you return the default attributes hash" do @role.default_attributes({ :one => 'two' }) @role.default_attributes.should == { :one => 'two' } end it "should throw an ArgumentError if we aren't a kind of hash" do lambda { @role.default_attributes(Array.new) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "override_attributes" do it "should let you set the override attributes hash explicitly" do @role.override_attributes({ :one => 'two' }).should == { :one => 'two' } end it "should let you return the override attributes hash" do @role.override_attributes({ :one => 'two' }) @role.override_attributes.should == { :one => 'two' } end it "should throw an ArgumentError if we aren't a kind of hash" do lambda { @role.override_attributes(Array.new) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "update_from!" do before(:each) do @role.name('mars_volta') @role.description('Great band!') @role.run_list('one', 'two', 'role[a]') @role.default_attributes({ :el_groupo => 'nuevo' }) @role.override_attributes({ :deloused => 'in the comatorium' }) @example = Chef::Role.new @example.name('newname') @example.description('Really Great band!') @example.run_list('alpha', 'bravo', 'role[alpha]') @example.default_attributes({ :el_groupo => 'nuevo dos' }) @example.override_attributes({ :deloused => 'in the comatorium XOXO' }) end it "should update all fields except for name" do @role.update_from!(@example) @role.name.should == "mars_volta" @role.description.should == @example.description @role.run_list.should == @example.run_list @role.default_attributes.should == @example.default_attributes @role.override_attributes.should == @example.override_attributes end end describe "when serialized as JSON", :json => true do before(:each) do @role.name('mars_volta') @role.description('Great band!') @role.run_list('one', 'two', 'role[a]') @role.default_attributes({ :el_groupo => 'nuevo' }) @role.override_attributes({ :deloused => 'in the comatorium' }) @serialized_role = Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@role) end it "should serialize to a json hash" do Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@role).should match(/^\{.+\}$/) end it "includes the name in the JSON output" do @serialized_role.should =~ /"name":"mars_volta"/ end it "includes its description in the JSON" do @serialized_role.should match(/"description":"Great band!"/) end it "should include 'default_attributes'" do @serialized_role.should =~ /"default_attributes":\{"el_groupo":"nuevo"\}/ end it "should include 'override_attributes'" do @serialized_role.should =~ /"override_attributes":\{"deloused":"in the comatorium"\}/ end it "should include 'run_list'" do #Activesupport messes with Chef json formatting #This test should pass with and without activesupport @serialized_role.should =~ /"run_list":\["recipe\[one\]","recipe\[two\]","role\[a\]"\]/ end describe "and it has per-environment run lists" do before do @role.env_run_lists("_default" => ['one', 'two', 'role[a]'], "production" => ['role[monitoring]', 'role[auditing]', 'role[apache]'], "dev" => ["role[nginx]"]) @serialized_role = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@role), :create_additions => false) end it "includes the per-environment run lists" do #Activesupport messes with Chef json formatting #This test should pass with and without activesupport @serialized_role["env_run_lists"]["production"].should == ['role[monitoring]', 'role[auditing]', 'role[apache]'] @serialized_role["env_run_lists"]["dev"].should == ["role[nginx]"] end it "does not include the default environment in the per-environment run lists" do @serialized_role["env_run_lists"].should_not have_key("_default") end end end describe "when created from JSON", :json => true do before(:each) do @role.name('mars_volta') @role.description('Great band!') @role.run_list('one', 'two', 'role[a]') @role.default_attributes({ 'el_groupo' => 'nuevo' }) @role.override_attributes({ 'deloused' => 'in the comatorium' }) @deserial = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(@role)) end it "should deserialize to a Chef::Role object" do @deserial.should be_a_kind_of(Chef::Role) end %w{ name description default_attributes override_attributes run_list }.each do |t| it "should preserves the '#{t}' attribute from the JSON object" do @deserial.send(t.to_sym).should == @role.send(t.to_sym) end end end describe "when loading from disk" do it "should return a Chef::Role object from JSON" do File.should_receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.json')).exactly(1).times.and_return(true) IO.should_receive(:read).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.json')).and_return('{"name": "ceiling_cat", "json_class": "Chef::Role" }') @role.should be_a_kind_of(Chef::Role) @role.class.from_disk("lolcat") end it "should return a Chef::Role object from a Ruby DSL" do File.should_receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.json')).exactly(1).times.and_return(false) File.should_receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.rb')).exactly(2).times.and_return(true) File.should_receive(:readable?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.rb')).exactly(1).times.and_return(true) ROLE_DSL=<<-EOR name "ceiling_cat" description "like Aliens, but furry" EOR IO.should_receive(:read).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.rb')).and_return(ROLE_DSL) @role.should be_a_kind_of(Chef::Role) @role.class.from_disk("lolcat") end it "should raise an exception if the file does not exist" do File.should_receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.json')).exactly(1).times.and_return(false) File.should_receive(:exists?).with(File.join(Chef::Config[:role_path], 'lolcat.rb')).exactly(1).times.and_return(false) lambda {@role.class.from_disk("lolcat")}.should raise_error(Chef::Exceptions::RoleNotFound) end end end