# # Author:: Steven Danna (steve@chef.io) # Copyright:: Copyright 2012-2016, Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "spec_helper" require "chef/user_v1" require "tempfile" describe Chef::UserV1 do before(:each) do @user = Chef::UserV1.new end shared_examples_for "string fields with no contraints" do it "should let you set the public key" do expect(@user.send(method, "some_string")).to eq("some_string") end it "should return the current public key" do @user.send(method, "some_string") expect(@user.send(method)).to eq("some_string") end it "should throw an ArgumentError if you feed it something lame" do expect { @user.send(method, Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end shared_examples_for "boolean fields with no constraints" do it "should let you set the field" do expect(@user.send(method, true)).to eq(true) end it "should return the current field value" do @user.send(method, true) expect(@user.send(method)).to eq(true) end it "should return the false value when false" do @user.send(method, false) expect(@user.send(method)).to eq(false) end it "should throw an ArgumentError if you feed it anything but true or false" do expect { @user.send(method, Hash.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "initialize" do it "should be a Chef::UserV1" do expect(@user).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::UserV1) end end describe "username" do it "should let you set the username to a string" do expect(@user.username("ops_master")).to eq("ops_master") end it "should return the current username" do @user.username "ops_master" expect(@user.username).to eq("ops_master") end # It is not feasible to check all invalid characters. Here are a few # that we probably care about. it "should not accept invalid characters" do # capital letters expect { @user.username "Bar" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) # slashes expect { @user.username "foo/bar" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) # ? expect { @user.username "foo?" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) # & expect { @user.username "foo&" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should not accept spaces" do expect { @user.username "ops master" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should throw an ArgumentError if you feed it anything but a string" do expect { @user.username Hash.new }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "boolean fields" do describe "create_key" do it_should_behave_like "boolean fields with no constraints" do let(:method) { :create_key } end end end describe "string fields" do describe "public_key" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :public_key } end end describe "private_key" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :private_key } end end describe "display_name" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :display_name } end end describe "first_name" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :first_name } end end describe "middle_name" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :middle_name } end end describe "last_name" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :last_name } end end describe "email" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :email } end end describe "password" do it_should_behave_like "string fields with no contraints" do let(:method) { :password } end end end describe "when serializing to JSON" do before(:each) do @user.username("black") @json = @user.to_json end it "serializes as a JSON object" do expect(@json).to match(/^\{.+\}$/) end it "includes the username value" do expect(@json).to include(%q{"username":"black"}) end it "includes the display name when present" do @user.display_name("get_displayed") expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"display_name":"get_displayed"}) end it "does not include the display name if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("display_name") end it "includes the first name when present" do @user.first_name("char") expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"first_name":"char"}) end it "does not include the first name if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("first_name") end it "includes the middle name when present" do @user.middle_name("man") expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"middle_name":"man"}) end it "does not include the middle name if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("middle_name") end it "includes the last name when present" do @user.last_name("der") expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"last_name":"der"}) end it "does not include the last name if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("last_name") end it "includes the email when present" do @user.email("charmander@pokemon.poke") expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"email":"charmander@pokemon.poke"}) end it "does not include the email if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("email") end it "includes the public key when present" do @user.public_key("crowes") expect(@user.to_json).to include(%{"public_key":"crowes"}) end it "does not include the public key if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("public_key") end it "includes the private key when present" do @user.private_key("monkeypants") expect(@user.to_json).to include(%q{"private_key":"monkeypants"}) end it "does not include the private key if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("private_key") end it "includes the password if present" do @user.password "password" expect(@user.to_json).to include(%q{"password":"password"}) end it "does not include the password if not present" do expect(@json).not_to include("password") end include_examples "to_json equivalent to Chef::JSONCompat.to_json" do let(:jsonable) { @user } end end describe "when deserializing from JSON" do before(:each) do user = { "username" => "mr_spinks", "display_name" => "displayed", "first_name" => "char", "middle_name" => "man", "last_name" => "der", "email" => "charmander@pokemon.poke", "password" => "password", "public_key" => "turtles", "private_key" => "pandas", "create_key" => false, } @user = Chef::UserV1.from_json(Chef::JSONCompat.to_json(user)) end it "should deserialize to a Chef::UserV1 object" do expect(@user).to be_a_kind_of(Chef::UserV1) end it "preserves the username" do expect(@user.username).to eq("mr_spinks") end it "preserves the display name if present" do expect(@user.display_name).to eq("displayed") end it "preserves the first name if present" do expect(@user.first_name).to eq("char") end it "preserves the middle name if present" do expect(@user.middle_name).to eq("man") end it "preserves the last name if present" do expect(@user.last_name).to eq("der") end it "preserves the email if present" do expect(@user.email).to eq("charmander@pokemon.poke") end it "includes the password if present" do expect(@user.password).to eq("password") end it "preserves the public key if present" do expect(@user.public_key).to eq("turtles") end it "includes the private key if present" do expect(@user.private_key).to eq("pandas") end it "includes the create key status if not nil" do expect(@user.create_key).to be_falsey end end describe "Versioned API Interactions" do let(:response_406) { OpenStruct.new(code: "406") } let(:exception_406) { Net::HTTPClientException.new("406 Not Acceptable", response_406) } before (:each) do @user = Chef::UserV1.new allow(@user).to receive(:chef_root_rest_v0).and_return(double("chef rest root v0 object")) allow(@user).to receive(:chef_root_rest_v1).and_return(double("chef rest root v1 object")) end describe "update" do before do # populate all fields that are valid between V0 and V1 @user.username "some_username" @user.display_name "some_display_name" @user.first_name "some_first_name" @user.middle_name "some_middle_name" @user.last_name "some_last_name" @user.email "some_email" @user.password "some_password" end let(:payload) do { username: "some_username", display_name: "some_display_name", first_name: "some_first_name", middle_name: "some_middle_name", last_name: "some_last_name", email: "some_email", password: "some_password", } end context "when server API V1 is valid on the Chef Server receiving the request" do context "when the user submits valid data" do it "properly updates the user" do expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:put).with("users/some_username", payload).and_return({}) @user.update end end end context "when server API V1 is not valid on the Chef Server receiving the request" do let(:payload) do { username: "some_username", display_name: "some_display_name", first_name: "some_first_name", middle_name: "some_middle_name", last_name: "some_last_name", email: "some_email", password: "some_password", public_key: "some_public_key", } end before do @user.public_key "some_public_key" allow(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:put) end context "when the server returns a 400" do let(:response_400) { OpenStruct.new(code: "400") } let(:exception_400) { Net::HTTPClientException.new("400 Bad Request", response_400) } context "when the 400 was due to public / private key fields no longer being supported" do let(:response_body_400) { '{"error":["Since Server API v1, all keys must be updated via the keys endpoint. "]}' } before do allow(response_400).to receive(:body).and_return(response_body_400) allow(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:put).and_raise(exception_400) end it "proceeds with the V0 PUT since it can handle public / private key fields" do expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to receive(:put).with("users/some_username", payload).and_return({}) @user.update end it "does not call server_client_api_version_intersection, since we know to proceed with V0 in this case" do expect(@user).to_not receive(:server_client_api_version_intersection) allow(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to receive(:put).and_return({}) @user.update end end # when the 400 was due to public / private key fields context "when the 400 was NOT due to public / private key fields no longer being supported" do let(:response_body_400) { '{"error":["Some other error. "]}' } before do allow(response_400).to receive(:body).and_return(response_body_400) allow(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:put).and_raise(exception_400) end it "will not proceed with the V0 PUT since the original bad request was not key related" do expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to_not receive(:put).with("users/some_username", payload) expect { @user.update }.to raise_error(exception_400) end it "raises the original error" do expect { @user.update }.to raise_error(exception_400) end end end # when the server returns a 400 context "when the server returns a 406" do # from spec/support/shared/unit/api_versioning.rb it_should_behave_like "version handling" do let(:object) { @user } let(:method) { :update } let(:http_verb) { :put } let(:rest_v1) { @user.chef_root_rest_v1 } end context "when the server supports API V0" do before do allow(@user).to receive(:server_client_api_version_intersection).and_return([0]) allow(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:put).and_raise(exception_406) end it "properly updates the user" do expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to receive(:put).with("users/some_username", payload).and_return({}) @user.update end end # when the server supports API V0 end # when the server returns a 406 end # when server API V1 is not valid on the Chef Server receiving the request end # update describe "create" do let(:payload) do { username: "some_username", display_name: "some_display_name", first_name: "some_first_name", last_name: "some_last_name", email: "some_email", password: "some_password", } end before do @user.username "some_username" @user.display_name "some_display_name" @user.first_name "some_first_name" @user.last_name "some_last_name" @user.email "some_email" @user.password "some_password" end # from spec/support/shared/unit/user_and_client_shared.rb it_should_behave_like "user or client create" do let(:object) { @user } let(:error) { Chef::Exceptions::InvalidUserAttribute } let(:rest_v0) { @user.chef_root_rest_v0 } let(:rest_v1) { @user.chef_root_rest_v1 } let(:url) { "users" } end context "when handling API V1" do it "creates a new user via the API with a middle_name when it exists" do @user.middle_name "some_middle_name" expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:post).with("users", payload.merge({ middle_name: "some_middle_name" })).and_return({}) @user.create end end # when server API V1 is valid on the Chef Server receiving the request context "when API V1 is not supported by the server" do # from spec/support/shared/unit/api_versioning.rb it_should_behave_like "version handling" do let(:object) { @user } let(:method) { :create } let(:http_verb) { :post } let(:rest_v1) { @user.chef_root_rest_v1 } end end context "when handling API V0" do before do allow(@user).to receive(:server_client_api_version_intersection).and_return([0]) allow(@user.chef_root_rest_v1).to receive(:post).and_raise(exception_406) end it "creates a new user via the API with a middle_name when it exists" do @user.middle_name "some_middle_name" expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to receive(:post).with("users", payload.merge({ middle_name: "some_middle_name" })).and_return({}) @user.create end end # when server API V1 is not valid on the Chef Server receiving the request end # create # DEPRECATION # This can be removed after API V0 support is gone describe "reregister" do let(:payload) do { "username" => "some_username", } end before do @user.username "some_username" end context "when server API V0 is valid on the Chef Server receiving the request" do it "creates a new object via the API" do expect(@user.chef_root_rest_v0).to receive(:put).with("users/#{@user.username}", payload.merge({ "private_key" => true })).and_return({}) @user.reregister end end # when server API V0 is valid on the Chef Server receiving the request context "when server API V0 is not supported by the Chef Server" do # from spec/support/shared/unit/api_versioning.rb it_should_behave_like "user and client reregister" do let(:object) { @user } let(:rest_v0) { @user.chef_root_rest_v0 } end end # when server API V0 is not supported by the Chef Server end # reregister end # Versioned API Interactions describe "API Interactions" do before (:each) do @user = Chef::UserV1.new @user.username "foobar" @http_client = double("Chef::ServerAPI mock") allow(Chef::ServerAPI).to receive(:new).and_return(@http_client) end describe "list" do before(:each) do Chef::Config[:chef_server_url] = "http://www.example.com" @osc_response = { "admin" => "http://www.example.com/users/admin" } @ohc_response = [ { "user" => { "username" => "admin" } } ] allow(Chef::UserV1).to receive(:load).with("admin").and_return(@user) @osc_inflated_response = { "admin" => @user } end it "lists all clients on an OHC/OPC server" do allow(@http_client).to receive(:get).with("users").and_return(@ohc_response) # We expect that Chef::UserV1.list will give a consistent response # so OHC API responses should be transformed to OSC-style output. expect(Chef::UserV1.list).to eq(@osc_response) end it "inflate all clients on an OHC/OPC server" do allow(@http_client).to receive(:get).with("users").and_return(@ohc_response) expect(Chef::UserV1.list(true)).to eq(@osc_inflated_response) end end describe "read" do it "loads a named user from the API" do expect(@http_client).to receive(:get).with("users/foobar").and_return({ "username" => "foobar", "admin" => true, "public_key" => "pubkey" }) user = Chef::UserV1.load("foobar") expect(user.username).to eq("foobar") expect(user.public_key).to eq("pubkey") end end describe "destroy" do it "deletes the specified user via the API" do expect(@http_client).to receive(:delete).with("users/foobar") @user.destroy end end end end