# # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2016 Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "bundle_util" require_relative "../version_policy" require "fileutils" desc "Tasks to work with the main Gemfile and Gemfile." namespace :bundle do desc "Update Gemfile.lock and all Gemfile..locks (or one or more gems via bundle:update gem1 gem2 ...)." task :update, [:args] do |t, rake_args| extend BundleUtil args = rake_args[:args] || "" with_bundle_unfrozen do puts "" puts "-------------------------------------------------------------------" puts "Updating Gemfile.lock ..." puts "-------------------------------------------------------------------" bundle "install #{args}", delete_gemfile_lock: true platforms.each do |platform| bundle "lock", platform: platform end end end desc "Conservatively update Gemfile.lock and all Gemfile..locks" task :install, [:args] do |t, rake_args| extend BundleUtil args = rake_args[:args] || "" with_bundle_unfrozen do puts "" puts "-------------------------------------------------------------------" puts "Updating Gemfile.lock ..." puts "-------------------------------------------------------------------" bundle "install #{args}" platforms.each do |platform| bundle "lock", platform: platform end end end # Find out if we're using the latest gems we can (so we don't regress versions) desc "Check for gems that are not at the latest released version, and report if anything not in ACCEPTABLE_OUTDATED_GEMS (version_policy.rb) is out of date." task :outdated do extend BundleUtil puts "" puts "-------------------------------------------------------------------" puts "Checking for outdated gems ..." puts "-------------------------------------------------------------------" # TODO check for outdated windows gems too with_bundle_unfrozen do bundle_outdated = bundle("outdated", extract_output: true) puts bundle_outdated outdated_gems = parse_bundle_outdated(bundle_outdated).map { |line, gem_name| gem_name } # Weed out the acceptable ones outdated_gems = outdated_gems.reject { |gem_name| ACCEPTABLE_OUTDATED_GEMS.include?(gem_name) } if outdated_gems.empty? puts "" puts "SUCCESS!" else raise "ERROR: outdated gems: #{outdated_gems.join(", ")}. Either fix them or add them to ACCEPTABLE_OUTDATED_GEMS in #{__FILE__}." end end end end desc "Run bundle with arbitrary args against the given platform; e.g. rake bundle[show]. No platform to run against the main bundle; bundle[show,windows] to run the windows one; bundle[show,*] to run against all non-default platforms." task :bundle, [:args, :platform] do |t, rake_args| extend BundleUtil args = rake_args[:args] || "" platform = rake_args[:platform] with_bundle_unfrozen do if platform == "*" platforms.each do |platform| bundle args, platform: platform end elsif platform bundle args, platform: platform else bundle args end end end