require "bundler" require "shellwords" module BundleUtil PLATFORMS = { "windows" => %w{ruby x86-mingw32} } def project_root File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__) end def bundle_platform File.join(project_root, "tasks", "bin", "bundle-platform") end # Parse the output of "bundle outdated" and get the list of gems that # were outdated def parse_bundle_outdated(bundle_outdated_output) result = [] bundle_outdated_output.each_line do |line| if line =~ /^\s*\* (.+) \(newest ([^,]+), installed ([^,)])*/ gem_name, newest_version, installed_version = $1, $2, $3 result << [ line, gem_name ] end end result end def with_bundle_unfrozen(cwd: nil, leave_frozen: false) bundle "config --delete frozen", cwd: cwd begin yield ensure bundle "config --local frozen 1", cwd: cwd unless leave_frozen end end # Run bundle-platform with the given ruby platform(s) def bundle(args, gemfile: nil, platform: nil, cwd: nil, extract_output: false, delete_gemfile_lock: false) args = args.split(/\s+/) if cwd prefix = "[#{cwd}] " end cwd = File.expand_path(cwd || ".", project_root) Bundler.with_clean_env do Dir.chdir(cwd) do gemfile ||= "Gemfile" gemfile = File.expand_path(gemfile, cwd) raise "No platform #{platform} (supported: #{PLATFORMS.keys.join(", ")})" if platform && !PLATFORMS[platform] # First delete the gemfile.lock if delete_gemfile_lock if File.exist?("#{gemfile}.lock") puts "Deleting #{gemfile}.lock ..." File.delete("#{gemfile}.lock") end end # Run the bundle command ruby_platforms = platform ? PLATFORMS[platform].join(" ") : "ruby" cmd = Shellwords.join([Gem.ruby, "-S", bundle_platform, ruby_platforms, *args]) puts "#{prefix}#{Shellwords.join(["bundle", *args])}#{platform ? " for #{platform} platform" : ""}:" with_gemfile(gemfile) do puts "#{prefix}BUNDLE_GEMFILE=#{gemfile}" puts "#{prefix}> #{cmd}" if extract_output `#{cmd}` else unless system(bundle_platform, ruby_platforms, *args) raise "#{bundle_platform} failed: exit code #{$?}" end end end end end end def with_gemfile(gemfile) old_gemfile = ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = gemfile begin yield ensure if old_gemfile ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = old_gemfile else ENV.delete("BUNDLE_GEMFILE") end end end def platforms PLATFORMS.keys end end