begin require "github_changelog_generator/task" require "mixlib/install" namespace :changelog do # Fetch the latest version from mixlib-install latest_stable_version = Mixlib::Install.available_versions("chef", "stable").last # Take the changelog from the latest stable release and put it into history. task :archive do changelog = Net::HTTP.get(URI("{latest_stable_version}/")).chomp.split("\n")"", "w+") { |f| f.write(changelog[2..-4].join("\n")) } end # Run this to just update the changelog for the current release. This will # take what is in HISTORY and generate a changelog of PRs between the most # recent stable version and HEAD. :update do |config| config.future_release = "v#{Chef::VERSION}" config.between_tags = ["v#{latest_stable_version}", "v#{Chef::VERSION}"] config.max_issues = 0 config.add_issues_wo_labels = false config.issues = false config.enhancement_labels = "enhancement,Enhancement,New Feature,Feature".split(",") config.bug_labels = "bug,Bug,Improvement,Upstream Bug".split(",") config.exclude_labels = "duplicate,question,invalid,wontfix,no_changelog,Exclude From Changelog,Question,Discussion,Meta: Exclude From Changelog".split(",") config.header = "This changelog reflects the current state of chef's master branch on github and may not reflect the current released version of chef, which is [![Gem Version](](" end end task :changelog => "changelog:update" rescue LoadError puts "github_changelog_generator is not available. gem install github_changelog_generator to generate changelogs" end