namespace :docs_site do desc "Generate resource documentation pages in a docs_site directory" task :resources do Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 $:.unshift(File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "lib"))) require "chef/resource_inspector" require "fileutils" require "yaml" # @return [String, nil] a pretty defaul value string or nil if we want to skip it def pretty_default(default) return nil if default.nil? || default == "" || default == "lazy default" if default.is_a?(String) # .inspect wraps the value in quotes which we want for strings, but not sentences or symbols as strings return default.inspect unless default[0] == ":" || default.end_with?(".") end default end # generate the top example resource block example text # @param properties Array # @return String def generate_resource_block(resource_name, properties, default_action) padding_size = largest_property_name(properties) + 6 # build the resource string with property spacing between property names and comments text = "" text << "#{resource_name} 'name' do\n" properties.each do |p| text << " #{p["name"].ljust(padding_size)}" text << friendly_types_list(p["is"]) text << " # default value: 'name' unless specified" if p["name_property"] text << " # default value: #{pretty_default(p["default"])}" unless pretty_default(p["default"]).nil? text << "\n" end text << " #{"action".ljust(padding_size)}Symbol # defaults to :#{default_action.first} if not specified\n" text << "end" text end # we need to know how much space to leave so columns line up # @return String def largest_property_name(properties) if properties.empty? 6 # we'll include "action" even without properties and it's 6 chars long else properties.max_by { |x| x["name"].size }["name"].size end end def friendly_full_property_list(name, properties) [ "`#{name}` is the resource.", "`name` is the name given to the resource block.", "`action` identifies which steps Chef Infra Client will take to bring the node into the desired state.", friendly_property_list(properties), ] end # given an array of properties print out a single comma separated string # handling commas and plural vs. singular wording depending # on the number of properties # @return String def friendly_property_list(arr) return nil if arr.empty? # resources w/o properties props = { |x| "``#{x["name"]}``" } # build the text string containing all properties bolded w/ punctuation if props.size > 1 props[-1] = "and #{props[-1]}" end text = props.size == 2 ? props.join(" ") : props.join(", ") text << ( props.size > 1 ? " are the properties" : " is the property" ) text << " available to this resource." text end # given an array of types print out a single comma separated string # handling a nil value that needs to be printed as "nil" and TrueClass/FalseClass # which needs to be "true" and "false" # @return String # TODO: # - still does not include nil (?) def friendly_types_list(arr) fixed_arr = Array(arr).map do |x| case x when "TrueClass" "true" when "FalseClass" "false" when "NilClass", nil "nil" else x end end fixed_arr.compact.join(", ") end # Makes sure the resource name is bolded within the description # @return String def bolded_description(name, description) return nil if description.nil? # handle resources missing descriptions # we only want to bold occurences of the resource name in the first 5 words so treat it as an array desc_array = description.split(" ") desc_array = desc_array[0..4].map! { |x| name == x ? "**#{x}**" : x } + desc_array[5..-1] # strip out notes and return just the description desc_array.join(" ").split("Note: ").first.strip end def note_text(description) return nil if description.nil? note = description.split("Note: ")[1] if note <<-HEREDOC .. note:: #{note} HEREDOC end end # build the menu entry for this resource def build_menu_item(name) { "infra" => { "title" => name, "identifier" => "chef_infra/cookbook_reference/resources/#{name} #{name}", "parent" => 'chef_infra/cookbook_reference/resources', "weight" => @weight, } } end # TODO: # - what to do about "lazy default" for default? def properties_list(properties) do |property| { property: property["name"], ruby_type: friendly_types_list(property["is"]), required: property["required"], default_value: property["default"], new_in: property["introduced"], description_list: [{ markdown: property["description"] }], } end end def special_properties(name, data) properties = {} properties["common_resource_functionality_multiple_packages"] = case name when "yum_package", "apt_package", "zypper_package", "homebrew_package", "dnf_package", "pacman_package" true when "package" nil else false end properties["common_resource_functionality_resources_common_windows_security"] = name == "remote_directory" properties["cookbook_file_specificity"] = name == "cookbook_file" properties["debug_recipes_chef_shell"] = name == "breakpoint" properties["handler_custom"] = name == "chef_handler" properties["handler_types"] = name == "chef_handler" properties["nameless_apt_update"] = name == "apt_update" properties["nameless_build_essential"] = name == "build_essential" properties["properties_multiple_packages"] = ["dnf_package", "package", "zypper_package"].include?(name) properties["properties_resources_common_windows_security"] = ["cookbook_file", "file", "template", "remote_file", "directory"].include?(name) properties["properties_shortcode"] = case name when "breakpoint" "" when "ohai" "" when "log" "" else nil end properties["ps_credential_helper"] = name == "dsc_script" properties["registry_key"] = name == "registry_key" properties["remote_directory_recursive_directories"] = name == "remote_directory" properties["remote_file_prevent_re_downloads"] = name == "remote_file" properties["remote_file_unc_path"] = name == "remote_file" properties["resource_directory_recursive_directories"] = ["directory", "remote_directory"].include?(name) properties["resource_package_options"] = name == "package" properties["resources_common_atomic_update"] = ["cookbook_file", "file", "template", "remote_file"].include?(name) properties["resources_common_guard_interpreter"] = name == "script" properties["resources_common_guards"] = !["ruby_block", "chef_acl", "chef_environment", "chef_data_bag", "chef_mirror", "chef_container", "chef_client", "chef_organization", "remote_file", "chef_node", "chef_group", "breakpoint", "chef_role", "registry_key", "chef_data_bag_item", "chef_user", "package"].include?(name) properties["resources_common_notification"] = !["ruby_block", "chef_acl", "python", "chef_environment", "chef_data_bag", "chef_mirror", "perl", "chef_container", "chef_client", "chef_organization", "remote_file", "chef_node", "chef_group", "breakpoint", "chef_role", "registry_key", "chef_data_bag_item", "chef_user", "ruby", "package"].include?(name) properties["resources_common_properties"] = !["ruby_block", "chef_acl", "python", "chef_environment", "chef_data_bag", "chef_mirror", "perl", "chef_container", "chef_client", "chef_organization", "remote_file", "chef_node", "chef_group", "breakpoint", "chef_role", "registry_key", "chef_data_bag_item", "chef_user", "ruby", "package"].include?(name) properties["ruby_style_basics_chef_log"] = name == "log" properties["syntax_shortcode"] = case name when "breakpoint" "" when "log" "" else nil end properties["template_requirements"] = name == "template" properties["unit_file_verification"] = name == "systemd_unit" properties end # the main method that builds what will become the yaml file def build_resource_data(name, data) properties = data["properties"].reject { |v| v["name"] == "name" }.sort_by! { |v| v["name"] } r = {} # These properties are always set to these values. r['draft'] = false r['resource_reference'] = true r['robots'] = nil r['syntax_code_block'] = nil # These properties are set to special values for only a few resources. r.merge!(special_properties(name, data)) r['title'] = "#{name} resource" r['resource'] = name r['aliases'] = ["/resource_#{name}.html"] r['menu'] = build_menu_item(name) r['resource_description_list'] = {} r['resource_description_list'] = [{ "markdown" => data['description'] }] r['resource_new_in'] = data["introduced"] r['syntax_full_code_block'] = generate_resource_block(name, properties, data["default_action"]) r['syntax_properties_list'] = nil r['syntax_full_properties_list'] = friendly_full_property_list(name, properties) r['properties_list'] = properties_list(properties) #require 'pry'; binding.pry r end FileUtils.mkdir_p "docs_site" resources = Chef::JSONCompat.parse(ResourceInspector.inspect) # sort the hash so we can generate the menu weights later resources = Hash[resources.sort] # weight is used to build the menu order. We start at 70 and increment by 10 each time @weight = 70 resources.each do |resource, data| # skip some resources we don't directly document next if ["scm", "whyrun_safe_ruby_block", "l_w_r_p_base", "user_resource_abstract_base_class", "linux_user", "pw_user", "aix_user", "dscl_user", "solaris_user", "windows_user", ""].include?(resource) next unless resource == ENV["DEBUG"] if ENV["DEBUG"] resource_data = build_resource_data(resource, data) if ENV["DEBUG"] require 'pp' pp resource puts "==========" pp data puts "==========" pp resource_data else puts "Writing out #{resource}." FileUtils.mkdir_p "docs_site/#{resource}""docs_site/#{resource}/", "w") { |f| f.write(resource_data.to_yaml) } end @weight += 10 end end end