path: root/Changes-pre-1.0.textile
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authorKornelius Kalnbach <>2011-10-26 13:03:07 +0200
committerKornelius Kalnbach <>2011-10-26 13:03:07 +0200
commit103ba91ff14e886968a4a0be5e121b9cacf13ade (patch)
tree2017e6b3613011f7e428403d3b949082fb820231 /Changes-pre-1.0.textile
parentcd6b93ac6432af89769a2e649024699a29da589a (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'Changes-pre-1.0.textile')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Changes-pre-1.0.textile b/Changes-pre-1.0.textile
index cdbfdd9..d094ff3 100644
--- a/Changes-pre-1.0.textile
+++ b/Changes-pre-1.0.textile
@@ -15,27 +15,27 @@ h3. Rake tasks
h3. @Scanners::Scanner@
* *NEW* method @#scan_rest@ replaces @scan_until(/\z/)@, which is broken in JRuby 1.6 --1.9 mode.
- See "#297":
+ See "#297":
h3. @Scanners::CSS@
* *FIXED* LOC counting (should be 0).
- See "#296":
+ See "#296":
h3. @Scanners::Ruby@
* *FIXED* the @IDENT@ pattern not to use character properties, which are broken in JRuby 1.6 --1.9 mode.
- See "#297":, thanks to banister for reporting!
+ See "#297":, thanks to banister for reporting!
h3. @Scanners::SQL@
* *ADDED* more keywords: @between@, @databases@, @distinct@, @fields@, @full@, @having@, @is@, @prompt@, @tables@.
- See "#221":, thanks to Etienne Massip again.
+ See "#221":, thanks to Etienne Massip again.
h3. @FileType@
* *NEW* regonizes ColdFusion file type extensions @.cfm@ and @.cfc@ as XML.
- See "#298":, thanks to Emidio Stani.
+ See "#298":, thanks to Emidio Stani.
h2. Changes in 0.9.7 "Etienne" [2011-01-14]
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ h3. Tests
h3. @Scanners::JavaScript@
- See "#264":, thanks to Etienne Massip!
+ See "#264":, thanks to Etienne Massip!
h2. Changes in 0.9.6 "WoNáDo" [2010-11-25]
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ h3. @Scanners::Ruby@
h2. Changes in 0.9.5 "Germany.rb" [2010-09-28]
-Support for Rubinius ("#251":, improved mutlibyte handling, Ruby 1.9 syntax, and valid HTML.
+Support for Rubinius ("#251":, improved mutlibyte handling, Ruby 1.9 syntax, and valid HTML.
h3. @Encoders::HTML@
-* *FIXED*: Line tokens use @span@ with @display: block@ instead of @div@, which was invalid HTML ("#255":
+* *FIXED*: Line tokens use @span@ with @display: block@ instead of @div@, which was invalid HTML ("#255":
h3. @Scanner::Scanner@
@@ -94,18 +94,18 @@ h3. @Scanners::PHP@
h3. @Scanners::Ruby@
-* *ADDED* support for some Ruby 1.9 syntax ("#254":
+* *ADDED* support for some Ruby 1.9 syntax ("#254":
** the @->@ lambda shortcut
** new Hash syntax using colons (@{ a: b }@)
* *FIXED*: Use @UTF-8@ encoding.
-* *IMPROVED* unicode support on Ruby 1.8 ("#253":
-* *FIXED* recognition of non-ASCII identifiers in Ruby 1.9, JRuby, and Rubinius ("#253":
+* *IMPROVED* unicode support on Ruby 1.8 ("#253":
+* *FIXED* recognition of non-ASCII identifiers in Ruby 1.9, JRuby, and Rubinius ("#253":
* *CHANGED* heredoc recognition to ignore delimiters starting with a digit. This is incorrect, but causes less false positives.
h3. @Scanners::SQL@
* *FIXED* scanning of comments; nice catch, Rubinius!
- ("#252":
+ ("#252":
h2. Changes in 0.9.4 "Ramadan" [2010-08-31]
@@ -115,28 +115,28 @@ Updated command line interface and minor scanner fixes for the Diff, HTML, and R
h3. @coderay@ executable
* *FIXED*: Partly rewritten, simplified, fixed.
- ("#244":
+ ("#244":
h3. @Scanners::Diff@
* *FIXED* handling of change headers with code on the same line as the @@ marker.
- ("#247":
+ ("#247":
h3. @Scanners::HTML@
* *FIXED* a missing regexp modifier that slowed down the scanning.
- ("#245":
+ ("#245":
h3. @Scanners::RHTML@
* *FIXED* highlighting of ERB comment blocks.
- ("#246":
+ ("#246":
h2. Changes in 0.9.3 "Eyjafjallajökull" [2010-04-18]
* *FIXED*: Documentation of Tokens.
- ("#218":
+ ("#218":
h3. @coderay@ executable
@@ -160,18 +160,18 @@ h2. Changes in 0.9.2 "Flameeyes" [2010-03-14]
* *NEW* Basic tests and a _Rakefile_ are now included in the Gem. [Flameeyes]
A @doc@ task is also included.
* *FIXED* Use @$CODERAY_DEBUG@ for debugging instead of @$DEBUG@. [Trans]
- ("#192":
+ ("#192":
* *REMOVED* @Term::Ansicolor@ was bundled under _lib/_, but not used. [Flameeyes]
- ("#205":
+ ("#205":
* *WORKAROUND* for Ruby bug
h3. @Encoders::Term@
* *FIXED* strings are closed correctly
- ("#138":
+ ("#138":
* *FIXED* several token kinds had no associated color
- ("#139":
+ ("#139":
* *NEW* alias @terminal@
*NOTE:* This encoder will be renamed to @Encoders::Terminal@ in the next release.
@@ -183,17 +183,17 @@ h3. @Scanners::Debug@
h3. @Scanners::Groovy@
* *FIXED* token kind of closing brackets is @:operator@ instead of @nil@
- ("#148":
+ ("#148":
h3. @Scanners::PHP@
* *FIXED* allow @\@ operator (namespace separator)
- ("#209":
+ ("#209":
h3. @Scanners::YAML@
* *FIXED* doesn't send debug tokens when @$DEBUG@ is true [Trans]
- ("#149":
+ ("#149":
h2. Changes in 0.9.1 [2009-12-31]
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ h3. @Encoders::Text@
h3. @Encoders::XML@
-* @FIXED@ ("#94":
+* @FIXED@ ("#94":
It didn't work at all.
@@ -404,13 +404,13 @@ h3. @FileType@
h3. @CaseIgnoringWordList@
-* *FIXED* ("#97":
+* *FIXED* ("#97":
The default value is no longer ignored.
h3. @ForRedCloth@
-* *FIXED* for RedCloth versions 4.2.0+ ("#119":
+* *FIXED* for RedCloth versions 4.2.0+ ("#119":
h3. Cleanups