path: root/lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb
diff options
authorKornelius Kalnbach <>2013-06-11 18:10:54 +0200
committerKornelius Kalnbach <>2013-06-11 18:10:54 +0200
commit916711c9983483c39f9a68c29e21a0ed40004bd2 (patch)
treea3a98ac92db67a75625525b4d559b7db7ac89965 /lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb
parent0c98047ea276f393daa8249cf9c124ebc08266d2 (diff)
parent2e4e83bf84282d6ce7fbc9eeff2cbe1c79788a9b (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into paint-integration
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..167051d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+module CodeRay
+module Scanners
+ # A scanner for Sass.
+ class Sass < CSS
+ register_for :sass
+ file_extension 'sass'
+ "'" => /(?:[^\n\'\#]+|\\\n|#{RE::Escape}|#(?!\{))+/,
+ '"' => /(?:[^\n\"\#]+|\\\n|#{RE::Escape}|#(?!\{))+/,
+ }
+ protected
+ def setup
+ @state = :initial
+ end
+ def scan_tokens encoder, options
+ states = Array(options[:state] || @state)
+ string_delimiter = nil
+ until eos?
+ if bol? && (match = scan(/(?>( +)?(\/[\*\/])(.+)?)(?=\n)/))
+ encoder.text_token self[1], :space if self[1]
+ encoder.begin_group :comment
+ encoder.text_token self[2], :delimiter
+ encoder.text_token self[3], :content if self[3]
+ if match = scan(/(?:\n+#{self[1]} .*)+/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :content
+ end
+ encoder.end_group :comment
+ elsif match = scan(/\n|[^\n\S]+\n?/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :space
+ if match.index(/\n/)
+ value_expected = false
+ states.pop if states.last == :include
+ end
+ elsif states.last == :sass_inline && (match = scan(/\}/))
+ encoder.text_token match, :inline_delimiter
+ encoder.end_group :inline
+ states.pop
+ elsif case states.last
+ when :initial, :media, :sass_inline
+ if match = scan(/(?>#{RE::Ident})(?!\()/ox)
+ encoder.text_token match, value_expected ? :value : (check(/.*:/) ? :key : :tag)
+ next
+ elsif !value_expected && (match = scan(/\*/))
+ encoder.text_token match, :tag
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::Class)
+ encoder.text_token match, :class
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::Id)
+ encoder.text_token match, :id
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::PseudoClass)
+ encoder.text_token match, :pseudo_class
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::AttributeSelector)
+ # TODO: Improve highlighting inside of attribute selectors.
+ encoder.text_token match[0,1], :operator
+ encoder.text_token match[1..-2], :attribute_name if match.size > 2
+ encoder.text_token match[-1,1], :operator if match[-1] == ?]
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/(\=|@mixin +)#{RE::Ident}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :function
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/@import\b/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :directive
+ states << :include
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/@media\b/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :directive
+ # states.push :media_before_name
+ next
+ end
+ when :block
+ if match = scan(/(?>#{RE::Ident})(?!\()/ox)
+ if value_expected
+ encoder.text_token match, :value
+ else
+ encoder.text_token match, :key
+ end
+ next
+ end
+ when :string
+ if match = scan(STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN[string_delimiter])
+ encoder.text_token match, :content
+ elsif match = scan(/['"]/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :delimiter
+ encoder.end_group :string
+ string_delimiter = nil
+ states.pop
+ elsif match = scan(/#\{/)
+ encoder.begin_group :inline
+ encoder.text_token match, :inline_delimiter
+ states.push :sass_inline
+ elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
+ encoder.end_group :string
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
+ states.pop
+ else
+ raise_inspect "else case #{string_delimiter} reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder
+ end
+ when :include
+ if match = scan(/[^\s'",]+/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :include
+ next
+ end
+ else
+ #:nocov:
+ raise_inspect 'Unknown state', encoder
+ #:nocov:
+ end
+ elsif match = scan(/\$#{RE::Ident}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :variable
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/&/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :local_variable
+ elsif match = scan(/\+#{RE::Ident}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :include
+ value_expected = true
+ elsif match = scan(/\/\*(?:.*?\*\/|.*)|\/\/.*/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :comment
+ elsif match = scan(/#\{/)
+ encoder.begin_group :inline
+ encoder.text_token match, :inline_delimiter
+ states.push :sass_inline
+ elsif match = scan(/\{/)
+ value_expected = false
+ encoder.text_token match, :operator
+ states.push :block
+ elsif match = scan(/\}/)
+ value_expected = false
+ encoder.text_token match, :operator
+ if states.last == :block || states.last == :media
+ states.pop
+ end
+ elsif match = scan(/['"]/)
+ encoder.begin_group :string
+ string_delimiter = match
+ encoder.text_token match, :delimiter
+ if states.include? :sass_inline
+ content = scan_until(/(?=#{string_delimiter}|\}|\z)/)
+ encoder.text_token content, :content unless content.empty?
+ encoder.text_token string_delimiter, :delimiter if scan(/#{string_delimiter}/)
+ encoder.end_group :string
+ else
+ states.push :string
+ end
+ elsif match = scan(/#{RE::Function}/o)
+ encoder.begin_group :function
+ start = match[/^[-\w]+\(/]
+ encoder.text_token start, :delimiter
+ if match[-1] == ?)
+ encoder.text_token match[start.size..-2], :content
+ encoder.text_token ')', :delimiter
+ else
+ encoder.text_token match[start.size..-1], :content
+ end
+ encoder.end_group :function
+ elsif match = scan(/[a-z][-a-z_]*(?=\()/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :predefined
+ elsif match = scan(/(?: #{RE::Dimension} | #{RE::Percentage} | #{RE::Num} )/ox)
+ encoder.text_token match, :float
+ elsif match = scan(/#{RE::HexColor}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :color
+ elsif match = scan(/! *(?:important|optional)/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :important
+ elsif match = scan(/(?:rgb|hsl)a?\([^()\n]*\)?/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :color
+ elsif match = scan(/@else if\b|#{RE::AtKeyword}/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :directive
+ value_expected = true
+ elsif match = scan(/ == | != | [-+*\/>~:;,.=()] /x)
+ if match == ':'
+ value_expected = true
+ elsif match == ';'
+ value_expected = false
+ end
+ encoder.text_token match, :operator
+ else
+ encoder.text_token getch, :error
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:keep_state]
+ @state = states
+ end
+ encoder
+ end
+ end