path: root/lib/coderay
diff options
authorKornelius Kalnbach <>2013-06-11 18:10:54 +0200
committerKornelius Kalnbach <>2013-06-11 18:10:54 +0200
commit916711c9983483c39f9a68c29e21a0ed40004bd2 (patch)
treea3a98ac92db67a75625525b4d559b7db7ac89965 /lib/coderay
parent0c98047ea276f393daa8249cf9c124ebc08266d2 (diff)
parent2e4e83bf84282d6ce7fbc9eeff2cbe1c79788a9b (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into paint-integration
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/coderay')
22 files changed, 518 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb
index 95d6138..c03d3fb 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb
@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ module Encoders
def text_token text, kind
+ raise 'empty token' if $CODERAY_DEBUG && text.empty?
if kind == :space
@out << text
# TODO: Escape (
- text = text.gsub(/[)\\]/, '\\\\\0') # escape ) and \
+ text = text.gsub(/[)\\]/, '\\\\\0') if text.index(/[)\\]/)
@out << kind.to_s << '(' << text << ')'
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb
index 635a4d8..b897f5e 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb
@@ -126,22 +126,21 @@ module Encoders
- HTML_ESCAPE = { #:nodoc:
- '&' => '&amp;',
- '"' => '&quot;',
- '>' => '&gt;',
- '<' => '&lt;',
- }
+ def self.make_html_escape_hash
+ {
+ '&' => '&amp;',
+ '"' => '&quot;',
+ '>' => '&gt;',
+ '<' => '&lt;',
+ # "\t" => will be set to ' ' * options[:tab_width] during setup
+ }.tap do |hash|
+ # Escape ASCII control codes except \x9 == \t and \xA == \n.
+ (Array(0x00..0x8) + Array(0xB..0x1F)).each { |invalid| hash[invalid.chr] = ' ' }
+ end
+ end
- # This was to prevent illegal HTML.
- # Strange chars should still be avoided in codes.
- evil_chars = Array(0x00...0x20) - [?\n, ?\t, ?\s]
- evil_chars.each { |i| HTML_ESCAPE[i.chr] = ' ' }
- #ansi_chars = Array(0x7f..0xff)
- #ansi_chars.each { |i| HTML_ESCAPE[i.chr] = '&#%d;' % i }
- # \x9 (\t) and \xA (\n) not included
- #HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = /[\t&"><\0-\x8\xB-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/
- HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = /[\t"&><\0-\x8\xB-\x1f]/
+ HTML_ESCAPE = make_html_escape_hash
+ HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = /[\t"&><\0-\x8\xB-\x1F]/
TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO = do |h, kind|
h[kind] = kind.to_s.gsub(/_/, ' ').gsub(/\b\w/) { $&.capitalize }
@@ -172,59 +171,22 @@ module Encoders
def setup options
+ check_options! options
if options[:wrap] || options[:line_numbers]
@real_out = @out
@out = ''
- options[:break_lines] = true if options[:line_numbers] == :inline
@break_lines = (options[:break_lines] == true)
- @HTML_ESCAPE["\t"] = ' ' * options[:tab_width]
+ @HTML_ESCAPE = HTML_ESCAPE.merge("\t" => ' ' * options[:tab_width])
@opened = []
@last_opened = nil
@css = options[:style]
- hint = options[:hint]
- if hint && ![:debug, :info, :info_long].include?(hint)
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value %p for :hint; \
- expected :info, :info_long, :debug, false, or nil." % hint
- end
- css_classes = TokenKinds
- case options[:css]
- when :class
- @span_for_kind = do |h, k|
- if k.is_a? ::Symbol
- kind = k_dup = k
- else
- kind = k.first
- k_dup = k.dup
- end
- if kind != :space && (hint || css_class = css_classes[kind])
- title = HTML.token_path_to_hint hint, k if hint
- css_class ||= css_classes[kind]
- h[k_dup] = "<span#{title}#{" class=\"#{css_class}\"" if css_class}>"
- else
- h[k_dup] = nil
- end
- end
- when :style
- @span_for_kind = do |h, k|
- kind = k.is_a?(Symbol) ? k : k.first
- h[k.is_a?(Symbol) ? k : k.dup] =
- if kind != :space && (hint || css_classes[kind])
- title = HTML.token_path_to_hint hint, k if hint
- style = @css.get_style Array(k).map { |c| css_classes[c] }
- "<span#{title}#{" style=\"#{style}\"" if style}>"
- end
- end
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value %p for :css." % options[:css]
- end
+ @span_for_kinds = make_span_for_kinds(options[:css], options[:hint])
@set_last_opened = options[:hint] || options[:css] == :style
@@ -255,20 +217,10 @@ module Encoders
def text_token text, kind
- if text =~ /#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o
- text = text.gsub(/#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o) { |m| @HTML_ESCAPE[m] }
- end
+ style = @span_for_kinds[@last_opened ? [kind, *@opened] : kind]
- style = @span_for_kind[@last_opened ? [kind, *@opened] : kind]
- if @break_lines && (i = text.index("\n")) && (c = @opened.size + (style ? 1 : 0)) > 0
- close = '</span>' * c
- reopen = ''
- @opened.each_with_index do |k, index|
- reopen << (@span_for_kind[index > 0 ? [k, *@opened[0 ... index ]] : k] || '<span>')
- end
- text[i .. -1] = text[i .. -1].gsub("\n", "#{close}\n#{reopen}#{style}")
- end
+ text = text.gsub(/#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o) { |m| @HTML_ESCAPE[m] } if text =~ /#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o
+ text = break_lines(text, style) if @break_lines && (style || @opened.size > 0) && text.index("\n")
if style
@out << style << text << '</span>'
@@ -279,25 +231,19 @@ module Encoders
# token groups, eg. strings
def begin_group kind
- @out << (@span_for_kind[@last_opened ? [kind, *@opened] : kind] || '<span>')
+ @out << (@span_for_kinds[@last_opened ? [kind, *@opened] : kind] || '<span>')
@opened << kind
@last_opened = kind if @set_last_opened
def end_group kind
- if $CODERAY_DEBUG && (@opened.empty? || @opened.last != kind)
- warn 'Malformed token stream: Trying to close a token (%p) ' \
- 'that is not open. Open are: %p.' % [kind, @opened[1..-1]]
- end
- if @opened.pop
- @out << '</span>'
- @last_opened = @opened.last if @last_opened
- end
+ check_group_nesting 'token group', kind if $CODERAY_DEBUG
+ close_span
# whole lines to be highlighted, eg. a deleted line in a diff
def begin_line kind
- if style = @span_for_kind[@last_opened ? [kind, *@opened] : kind]
+ if style = @span_for_kinds[@last_opened ? [kind, *@opened] : kind]
if style['class="']
@out << style.sub('class="', 'class="line ')
@@ -311,16 +257,71 @@ module Encoders
def end_line kind
- if $CODERAY_DEBUG && (@opened.empty? || @opened.last != kind)
- warn 'Malformed token stream: Trying to close a line (%p) ' \
- 'that is not open. Open are: %p.' % [kind, @opened[1..-1]]
+ check_group_nesting 'line', kind if $CODERAY_DEBUG
+ close_span
+ end
+ protected
+ def check_options! options
+ unless [false, nil, :debug, :info, :info_long].include? options[:hint]
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value %p for :hint; expected :info, :info_long, :debug, false, or nil." % [options[:hint]]
+ end
+ unless [:class, :style].include? options[:css]
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Unknown value %p for :css.' % [options[:css]]
+ end
+ options[:break_lines] = true if options[:line_numbers] == :inline
+ end
+ def css_class_for_kinds kinds
+ TokenKinds[kinds.is_a?(Symbol) ? kinds : kinds.first]
+ end
+ def style_for_kinds kinds
+ css_classes = kinds.is_a?(Array) ? { |c| TokenKinds[c] } : [TokenKinds[kinds]]
+ @css.get_style_for_css_classes css_classes
+ end
+ def make_span_for_kinds method, hint
+ do |h, kinds|
+ h[kinds.is_a?(Symbol) ? kinds : kinds.dup] = begin
+ css_class = css_class_for_kinds(kinds)
+ title = HTML.token_path_to_hint hint, kinds if hint
+ if css_class || title
+ if method == :style
+ style = style_for_kinds(kinds)
+ "<span#{title}#{" style=\"#{style}\"" if style}>"
+ else
+ "<span#{title}#{" class=\"#{css_class}\"" if css_class}>"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def check_group_nesting name, kind
+ if @opened.empty? || @opened.last != kind
+ warn "Malformed token stream: Trying to close a #{name} (%p) that is not open. Open are: %p." % [kind, @opened[1..-1]]
+ end
+ def break_lines text, style
+ reopen = ''
+ @opened.each_with_index do |k, index|
+ reopen << (@span_for_kinds[index > 0 ? [k, *@opened[0...index]] : k] || '<span>')
+ end
+ text.gsub("\n", "#{'</span>' * @opened.size}#{'</span>' if style}\n#{reopen}#{style}")
+ end
+ def close_span
if @opened.pop
@out << '</span>'
@last_opened = @opened.last if @last_opened
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb
index 6de4b46..164d7f8 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module Encoders
def initialize style = :default
- @classes =
+ @styles =
style = CSS.load_stylesheet style
@stylesheet = [
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Encoders
parse style::TOKEN_COLORS
- def get_style styles
- cl = @classes[styles.first]
+ def get_style_for_css_classes css_classes
+ cl = @styles[css_classes.first]
return '' unless cl
style = ''
- 1.upto styles.size do |offset|
- break if style = cl[styles[offset .. -1]]
+ 1.upto css_classes.size do |offset|
+ break if style = cl[css_classes[offset .. -1]]
# warn 'Style not found: %p' % [styles] if style.empty?
return style
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ module Encoders
for selector in selectors.split(',')
classes = selector.scan(/[-\w]+/)
cl = classes.pop
- @classes[cl] ||=
- @classes[cl][classes] = style.to_s.strip.delete(' ').chomp(';')
+ @styles[cl] ||=
+ @styles[cl][classes] = style.to_s.strip.delete(' ').chomp(';')
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb
index a0ceb3c..500e5d8 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/terminal.rb
@@ -19,73 +19,73 @@ module CodeRay
register_for :terminal
- :annotation => '35',
- :attribute_name => '33',
- :attribute_value => '31',
- :binary => '1;35',
+ :annotation => "\e[35m",
+ :attribute_name => "\e[33m",
+ :attribute_value => "\e[31m",
+ :binary => "\e[1;35m",
:char => {
- :self => '36', :delimiter => '1;34'
+ :self => "\e[36m", :delimiter => "\e[1;34m"
- :class => '1;35',
- :class_variable => '36',
- :color => '32',
- :comment => '37',
- :complex => '1;34',
- :constant => ['1;34', '4'],
- :decoration => '35',
- :definition => '1;32',
- :directive => ['32', '4'],
- :doc => '46',
- :doctype => '1;30',
- :doc_string => ['31', '4'],
- :entity => '33',
- :error => ['1;33', '41'],
- :exception => '1;31',
- :float => '1;35',
- :function => '1;34',
- :global_variable => '42',
- :hex => '1;36',
- :include => '33',
- :integer => '1;34',
- :key => '35',
- :label => '1;15',
- :local_variable => '33',
- :octal => '1;35',
- :operator_name => '1;29',
- :predefined_constant => '1;36',
- :predefined_type => '1;30',
- :predefined => ['4', '1;34'],
- :preprocessor => '36',
- :pseudo_class => '1;34',
+ :class => "\e[1;35m",
+ :class_variable => "\e[36m",
+ :color => "\e[32m",
+ :comment => "\e[37m",
+ :complex => "\e[1;34m",
+ :constant => "\e[1;34m\e[4m",
+ :decoration => "\e[35m",
+ :definition => "\e[1;32m",
+ :directive => "\e[32m\e[4m",
+ :doc => "\e[46m",
+ :doctype => "\e[1;30m",
+ :doc_string => "\e[31m\e[4m",
+ :entity => "\e[33m",
+ :error => "\e[1;33m\e[41m",
+ :exception => "\e[1;31m",
+ :float => "\e[1;35m",
+ :function => "\e[1;34m",
+ :global_variable => "\e[42m",
+ :hex => "\e[1;36m",
+ :include => "\e[33m",
+ :integer => "\e[1;34m",
+ :key => "\e[35m",
+ :label => "\e[1;15m",
+ :local_variable => "\e[33m",
+ :octal => "\e[1;35m",
+ :operator_name => "\e[1;29m",
+ :predefined_constant => "\e[1;36m",
+ :predefined_type => "\e[1;30m",
+ :predefined => "\e[4m\e[1;34m",
+ :preprocessor => "\e[36m",
+ :pseudo_class => "\e[1;34m",
:regexp => {
- :self => '31',
- :content => '31',
- :delimiter => '1;29',
- :modifier => '35',
+ :self => "\e[31m",
+ :content => "\e[31m",
+ :delimiter => "\e[1;29m",
+ :modifier => "\e[35m",
- :reserved => '1;31',
+ :reserved => "\e[1;31m",
:shell => {
- :self => '42',
- :content => '1;29',
- :delimiter => '37',
+ :self => "\e[42m",
+ :content => "\e[1;29m",
+ :delimiter => "\e[37m",
:string => {
- :self => '32',
- :modifier => '1;32',
- :escape => '1;36',
- :delimiter => '1;32',
- :char => '1;36',
+ :self => "\e[32m",
+ :modifier => "\e[1;32m",
+ :escape => "\e[1;36m",
+ :delimiter => "\e[1;32m",
+ :char => "\e[1;36m",
- :symbol => '1;32',
- :tag => '1;34',
- :type => '1;34',
- :value => '36',
- :variable => '1;34',
+ :symbol => "\e[1;32m",
+ :tag => "\e[1;34m",
+ :type => "\e[1;34m",
+ :value => "\e[36m",
+ :variable => "\e[1;34m",
- :insert => '42',
- :delete => '41',
- :change => '44',
- :head => '45'
+ :insert => "\e[42m",
+ :delete => "\e[41m",
+ :change => "\e[44m",
+ :head => "\e[45m"
TOKEN_COLORS[:keyword] = TOKEN_COLORS[:reserved]
TOKEN_COLORS[:method] = TOKEN_COLORS[:function]
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ module CodeRay
- @out << ansi_colorize(color)
- @out << text.gsub("\n", ansi_clear + "\n" + ansi_colorize(color))
- @out << ansi_clear
- @out << ansi_colorize(@subcolors[:self]) if @subcolors && @subcolors[:self]
+ @out << color
+ @out << text.gsub("\n", "\e[0m\n" + color)
+ @out << "\e[0m"
+ @out << @subcolors[:self] if @subcolors
@out << text
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ module CodeRay
# nothing to close
- @out << ansi_clear
+ @out << "\e[0m"
@out << open_token(@opened.last)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ module CodeRay
# whole lines to be highlighted,
# eg. added/modified/deleted lines in a diff
- @out << "\t" * 100 + ansi_clear
+ @out << (@line_filler ||= "\t" * 100 + "\e[0m")
@out << open_token(@opened.last)
@@ -157,23 +157,16 @@ module CodeRay
if color = TOKEN_COLORS[kind]
if Hash === color
@subcolors = color
- ansi_colorize(color[:self]) if color[:self]
+ color[:self]
@subcolors = {}
- ansi_colorize(color)
+ color
@subcolors = nil
- def ansi_colorize(color)
- Array(color).map { |c| "\e[#{c}m" }.join
- end
- def ansi_clear
- ansi_colorize(0)
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb b/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
index 637001b..a5d83ff 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/helpers/file_type.rb
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ module CodeRay
'mab' => :ruby,
'pas' => :delphi,
'patch' => :diff,
+ 'phtml' => :php,
'php' => :php,
'php3' => :php,
'php4' => :php,
@@ -116,10 +117,10 @@ module CodeRay
'rpdf' => :ruby,
'ru' => :ruby,
'rxml' => :ruby,
- # 'sch' => :scheme,
+ 'sass' => :sass,
'sql' => :sql,
- # 'ss' => :scheme,
'tmproj' => :xml,
+ 'xaml' => :xml,
'xhtml' => :html,
'xml' => :xml,
'yaml' => :yaml,
diff --git a/lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb b/lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb
index 137c1ab..d14c5a9 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/helpers/plugin.rb
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ module CodeRay
# A Hash of plugion_id => Plugin pairs.
def plugin_hash
- @plugin_hash ||= make_plugin_hash
+ @plugin_hash ||= (@plugin_hash = make_plugin_hash).tap { load_plugin_map }
# Returns an array of all .rb files in the plugin path.
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ module CodeRay
# This is done automatically when plugin_path is called.
def load_plugin_map
mapfile = path_to '_map'
- @plugin_map_loaded = true
if File.exist? mapfile
require mapfile
@@ -171,23 +170,16 @@ module CodeRay
# Return a plugin hash that automatically loads plugins.
def make_plugin_hash
- @plugin_map_loaded ||= false do |h, plugin_id|
id = validate_id(plugin_id)
path = path_to id
require path
rescue LoadError => boom
- if @plugin_map_loaded
- if h.has_key?(:default)
- warn '%p could not load plugin %p; falling back to %p' % [self, id, h[:default]]
- h[:default]
- else
- raise PluginNotFound, '%p could not load plugin %p: %s' % [self, id, boom]
- end
+ if h.has_key?(:default)
+ h[:default]
- load_plugin_map
- h[plugin_id]
+ raise PluginNotFound, '%p could not load plugin %p: %s' % [self, id, boom]
# Plugin should have registered by now
@@ -271,7 +263,6 @@ module CodeRay
def aliases
- plugin_host.load_plugin_map
plugin_host.plugin_hash.inject [] do |aliases, (key, _)|
aliases << key if plugin_host[key] == self
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanner.rb b/lib/coderay/scanner.rb
index 907cf00..b3f7e17 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanner.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanner.rb
@@ -182,16 +182,9 @@ module CodeRay
# Scan the code and returns all tokens in a Tokens object.
def tokenize source = nil, options = {}
options = @options.merge(options)
- @tokens = options[:tokens] || @tokens ||
- @tokens.scanner = self if @tokens.respond_to? :scanner=
- case source
- when Array
- self.string = self.class.normalize(source.join)
- when nil
- reset
- else
- self.string = self.class.normalize(source)
- end
+ set_tokens_from_options options
+ set_string_from_source source
scan_tokens @tokens, options
@@ -261,6 +254,22 @@ module CodeRay
def setup # :doc:
+ def set_string_from_source source
+ case source
+ when Array
+ self.string = self.class.normalize(source.join)
+ when nil
+ reset
+ else
+ self.string = self.class.normalize(source)
+ end
+ end
+ def set_tokens_from_options options
+ @tokens = options[:tokens] || @tokens ||
+ @tokens.scanner = self if @tokens.respond_to? :scanner=
+ end
# This is the central method, and commonly the only one a
# subclass implements.
@@ -277,19 +286,15 @@ module CodeRay
@binary_string = nil if defined? @binary_string
- # Scanner error with additional status information
- def raise_inspect msg, tokens, state = self.state || 'No state given!', ambit = 30, backtrace = caller
- raise ScanError, <<-EOE % [
-***ERROR in %s: %s (after %d tokens)
+***ERROR in %s: %s (after %s tokens)
-current line: %d column: %d pos: %d
-matched: %p state: %p
-bol? = %p, eos? = %p
surrounding code:
%p ~~ %p
@@ -297,16 +302,43 @@ surrounding code:
- File.basename(caller[0]),
- msg,
- tokens.respond_to?(:size) ? tokens.size : 0,
- tokens.respond_to?(:last) ? tokens.last(10).map { |t| t.inspect }.join("\n") : '',
- line, column, pos,
- matched, state, bol?, eos?,
+ def raise_inspect_arguments message, tokens, state, ambit
+ return File.basename(caller[0]),
+ message,
+ tokens_size(tokens),
+ tokens_last(tokens, 10).map(&:inspect).join("\n"),
+ scanner_state_info(state),
binary_string[pos - ambit, ambit],
- binary_string[pos, ambit],
- ], backtrace
+ binary_string[pos, ambit]
+ end
+current line: %d column: %d pos: %d
+matched: %p state: %p
+bol?: %p, eos?: %p
+ def scanner_state_info state
+ line, column, pos,
+ matched, state || 'No state given!',
+ bol?, eos?,
+ ]
+ end
+ # Scanner error with additional status information
+ def raise_inspect message, tokens, state = self.state, ambit = 30, backtrace = caller
+ raise ScanError, SCAN_ERROR_MESSAGE % raise_inspect_arguments(message, tokens, state, ambit), backtrace
+ end
+ def tokens_size tokens
+ tokens.size if tokens.respond_to?(:size)
+ end
+ def tokens_last tokens, n
+ tokens.respond_to?(:last) ? tokens.last(n) : []
# Shorthand for scan_until(/\z/).
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb
index 8d24b99..84b6e8e 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/c.rb
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ module Scanners
encoder.text_token match, :char
elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
encoder.end_group :string
- encoder.text_token match, :error
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
state = :initial
label_expected = false
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/cpp.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/cpp.rb
index 9da62f4..e61f56f 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/cpp.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/cpp.rb
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ module Scanners
encoder.text_token match, :char
elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
encoder.end_group :string
- encoder.text_token match, :error
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
state = :initial
label_expected = false
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb
index 7b731ef..732f9c5 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/css.rb
@@ -7,27 +7,25 @@ module Scanners
- :class, :pseudo_class, :type,
- :constant, :directive,
+ :class, :pseudo_class, :tag,
+ :id, :directive,
:key, :value, :operator, :color, :float, :string,
- :error, :important,
+ :error, :important, :type,
] # :nodoc:
module RE # :nodoc:
Hex = /[0-9a-fA-F]/
- Unicode = /\\#{Hex}{1,6}(?:\r\n|\s)?/ # differs from standard because it allows uppercase hex too
- Escape = /#{Unicode}|\\[^\r\n\f0-9a-fA-F]/
- NMChar = /[-_a-zA-Z0-9]|#{Escape}/
- NMStart = /[_a-zA-Z]|#{Escape}/
- NL = /\r\n|\r|\n|\f/
- String1 = /"(?:[^\n\r\f\\"]|\\#{NL}|#{Escape})*"?/ # TODO: buggy regexp
- String2 = /'(?:[^\n\r\f\\']|\\#{NL}|#{Escape})*'?/ # TODO: buggy regexp
+ Unicode = /\\#{Hex}{1,6}\b/ # differs from standard because it allows uppercase hex too
+ Escape = /#{Unicode}|\\[^\n0-9a-fA-F]/
+ NMChar = /[-_a-zA-Z0-9]/
+ NMStart = /[_a-zA-Z]/
+ String1 = /"(?:[^\n\\"]+|\\\n|#{Escape})*"?/ # TODO: buggy regexp
+ String2 = /'(?:[^\n\\']+|\\\n|#{Escape})*'?/ # TODO: buggy regexp
String = /#{String1}|#{String2}/
HexColor = /#(?:#{Hex}{6}|#{Hex}{3})/
- Color = /#{HexColor}/
- Num = /-?(?:[0-9]+|[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)/
+ Num = /-?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)/
Name = /#{NMChar}+/
Ident = /-?#{NMStart}#{NMChar}*/
AtKeyword = /@#{Ident}/
@@ -35,16 +33,15 @@ module Scanners
reldimensions = %w[em ex px]
absdimensions = %w[in cm mm pt pc]
- Unit = Regexp.union(*(reldimensions + absdimensions + %w[s]))
+ Unit = Regexp.union(*(reldimensions + absdimensions + %w[s dpi dppx deg]))
Dimension = /#{Num}#{Unit}/
- Comment = %r! /\* (?: .*? \*/ | .* ) !mx
- Function = /(?:url|alpha|attr|counters?)\((?:[^)\n\r\f]|\\\))*\)?/
+ Function = /(?:url|alpha|attr|counters?)\((?:[^)\n]|\\\))*\)?/
- Id = /##{Name}/
+ Id = /(?!#{HexColor}\b(?!-))##{Name}/
Class = /\.#{Name}/
- PseudoClass = /:#{Name}/
+ PseudoClass = /::?#{Ident}/
AttributeSelector = /\[[^\]]*\]?/
@@ -52,7 +49,7 @@ module Scanners
def setup
@state = :initial
- @value_expected = nil
+ @value_expected = false
def scan_tokens encoder, options
@@ -67,13 +64,13 @@ module Scanners
elsif case states.last
when :initial, :media
if match = scan(/(?>#{RE::Ident})(?!\()|\*/ox)
- encoder.text_token match, :type
+ encoder.text_token match, :tag
elsif match = scan(RE::Class)
encoder.text_token match, :class
elsif match = scan(RE::Id)
- encoder.text_token match, :constant
+ encoder.text_token match, :id
elsif match = scan(RE::PseudoClass)
encoder.text_token match, :pseudo_class
@@ -158,7 +155,7 @@ module Scanners
elsif match = scan(/(?: #{RE::Dimension} | #{RE::Percentage} | #{RE::Num} )/ox)
encoder.text_token match, :float
- elsif match = scan(/#{RE::Color}/o)
+ elsif match = scan(/#{RE::HexColor}/o)
encoder.text_token match, :color
elsif match = scan(/! *important/)
@@ -170,7 +167,7 @@ module Scanners
elsif match = scan(RE::AtKeyword)
encoder.text_token match, :directive
- elsif match = scan(/ [+>:;,.=()\/] /x)
+ elsif match = scan(/ [+>~:;,.=()\/] /x)
if match == ':'
value_expected = true
elsif match == ';'
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb
index 38efaf4..af0f755 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/diff.rb
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module Scanners
if match = scan(/--- |\+\+\+ |=+|_+/)
encoder.begin_line line_kind = :head
encoder.text_token match, :head
- if match = scan(/.*?(?=$|[\t\n\x00]| \(revision)/)
+ if match = scan(/[^\x00\n]+?(?=$|[\t\n]| \(revision)/)
encoder.text_token match, :filename
if options[:highlight_code] && match != '/dev/null'
file_type = CodeRay::FileType.fetch(match, :text)
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb
index c1490ac..b282864 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/java.rb
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ module Scanners
elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
encoder.end_group state
state = :initial
- encoder.text_token match, :error
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb
index 43ecb18..9eb0a0a 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/java_script.rb
@@ -54,10 +54,17 @@ module Scanners
+ def setup
+ @state = :initial
+ end
def scan_tokens encoder, options
- state = :initial
- string_delimiter = nil
+ state, string_delimiter = options[:state] || @state
+ if string_delimiter
+ encoder.begin_group state
+ end
value_expected = true
key_expected = false
function_expected = false
@@ -72,9 +79,10 @@ module Scanners
value_expected = true if !value_expected && match.index(?\n)
encoder.text_token match, :space
- elsif match = scan(%r! // [^\n\\]* (?: \\. [^\n\\]* )* | /\* (?: .*? \*/ | .* ) !mx)
+ elsif match = scan(%r! // [^\n\\]* (?: \\. [^\n\\]* )* | /\* (?: .*? \*/ | .*() ) !mx)
value_expected = true
encoder.text_token match, :comment
+ state = :open_multi_line_comment if self[1]
elsif check(/\.?\d/)
key_expected = value_expected = false
@@ -175,20 +183,36 @@ module Scanners
encoder.text_token match, :content
elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
encoder.end_group state
- encoder.text_token match, :error
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
+ string_delimiter = nil
key_expected = value_expected = false
state = :initial
- raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder
+ raise_inspect "else case #{string_delimiter} reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder
+ when :open_multi_line_comment
+ if match = scan(%r! .*? \*/ !mx)
+ state = :initial
+ else
+ match = scan(%r! .+ !mx)
+ end
+ value_expected = true
+ encoder.text_token match, :comment if match
- raise_inspect 'Unknown state', encoder
+ #:nocov:
+ raise_inspect 'Unknown state: %p' % [state], encoder
+ #:nocov:
+ if options[:keep_state]
+ @state = state, string_delimiter
+ end
if [:string, :regexp].include? state
encoder.end_group state
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb
index 0c90c34..4e0f462 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/json.rb
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ module Scanners
encoder.text_token match, :content
elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
encoder.end_group state
- encoder.text_token match, :error
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
state = :initial
raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb
index cbdbbdb..a9492ab 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/python.rb
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ module Scanners
elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
encoder.end_group string_type
string_type = nil
- encoder.text_token match, :error
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
state = :initial
raise_inspect "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder, state
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb
index c5cf1e2..c282f31 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/ruby.rb
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ module Scanners
kind = patterns::IDENT_KIND[match]
- if kind == :ident && value_expected != :colon_expected && scan(/:(?!:)/)
+ if value_expected != :colon_expected && scan(/:(?!:)/)
value_expected = true
encoder.text_token match, :key
encoder.text_token ':', :operator
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..167051d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/sass.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+module CodeRay
+module Scanners
+ # A scanner for Sass.
+ class Sass < CSS
+ register_for :sass
+ file_extension 'sass'
+ "'" => /(?:[^\n\'\#]+|\\\n|#{RE::Escape}|#(?!\{))+/,
+ '"' => /(?:[^\n\"\#]+|\\\n|#{RE::Escape}|#(?!\{))+/,
+ }
+ protected
+ def setup
+ @state = :initial
+ end
+ def scan_tokens encoder, options
+ states = Array(options[:state] || @state)
+ string_delimiter = nil
+ until eos?
+ if bol? && (match = scan(/(?>( +)?(\/[\*\/])(.+)?)(?=\n)/))
+ encoder.text_token self[1], :space if self[1]
+ encoder.begin_group :comment
+ encoder.text_token self[2], :delimiter
+ encoder.text_token self[3], :content if self[3]
+ if match = scan(/(?:\n+#{self[1]} .*)+/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :content
+ end
+ encoder.end_group :comment
+ elsif match = scan(/\n|[^\n\S]+\n?/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :space
+ if match.index(/\n/)
+ value_expected = false
+ states.pop if states.last == :include
+ end
+ elsif states.last == :sass_inline && (match = scan(/\}/))
+ encoder.text_token match, :inline_delimiter
+ encoder.end_group :inline
+ states.pop
+ elsif case states.last
+ when :initial, :media, :sass_inline
+ if match = scan(/(?>#{RE::Ident})(?!\()/ox)
+ encoder.text_token match, value_expected ? :value : (check(/.*:/) ? :key : :tag)
+ next
+ elsif !value_expected && (match = scan(/\*/))
+ encoder.text_token match, :tag
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::Class)
+ encoder.text_token match, :class
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::Id)
+ encoder.text_token match, :id
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::PseudoClass)
+ encoder.text_token match, :pseudo_class
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(RE::AttributeSelector)
+ # TODO: Improve highlighting inside of attribute selectors.
+ encoder.text_token match[0,1], :operator
+ encoder.text_token match[1..-2], :attribute_name if match.size > 2
+ encoder.text_token match[-1,1], :operator if match[-1] == ?]
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/(\=|@mixin +)#{RE::Ident}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :function
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/@import\b/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :directive
+ states << :include
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/@media\b/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :directive
+ # states.push :media_before_name
+ next
+ end
+ when :block
+ if match = scan(/(?>#{RE::Ident})(?!\()/ox)
+ if value_expected
+ encoder.text_token match, :value
+ else
+ encoder.text_token match, :key
+ end
+ next
+ end
+ when :string
+ if match = scan(STRING_CONTENT_PATTERN[string_delimiter])
+ encoder.text_token match, :content
+ elsif match = scan(/['"]/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :delimiter
+ encoder.end_group :string
+ string_delimiter = nil
+ states.pop
+ elsif match = scan(/#\{/)
+ encoder.begin_group :inline
+ encoder.text_token match, :inline_delimiter
+ states.push :sass_inline
+ elsif match = scan(/ \\ | $ /x)
+ encoder.end_group :string
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
+ states.pop
+ else
+ raise_inspect "else case #{string_delimiter} reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder
+ end
+ when :include
+ if match = scan(/[^\s'",]+/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :include
+ next
+ end
+ else
+ #:nocov:
+ raise_inspect 'Unknown state', encoder
+ #:nocov:
+ end
+ elsif match = scan(/\$#{RE::Ident}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :variable
+ next
+ elsif match = scan(/&/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :local_variable
+ elsif match = scan(/\+#{RE::Ident}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :include
+ value_expected = true
+ elsif match = scan(/\/\*(?:.*?\*\/|.*)|\/\/.*/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :comment
+ elsif match = scan(/#\{/)
+ encoder.begin_group :inline
+ encoder.text_token match, :inline_delimiter
+ states.push :sass_inline
+ elsif match = scan(/\{/)
+ value_expected = false
+ encoder.text_token match, :operator
+ states.push :block
+ elsif match = scan(/\}/)
+ value_expected = false
+ encoder.text_token match, :operator
+ if states.last == :block || states.last == :media
+ states.pop
+ end
+ elsif match = scan(/['"]/)
+ encoder.begin_group :string
+ string_delimiter = match
+ encoder.text_token match, :delimiter
+ if states.include? :sass_inline
+ content = scan_until(/(?=#{string_delimiter}|\}|\z)/)
+ encoder.text_token content, :content unless content.empty?
+ encoder.text_token string_delimiter, :delimiter if scan(/#{string_delimiter}/)
+ encoder.end_group :string
+ else
+ states.push :string
+ end
+ elsif match = scan(/#{RE::Function}/o)
+ encoder.begin_group :function
+ start = match[/^[-\w]+\(/]
+ encoder.text_token start, :delimiter
+ if match[-1] == ?)
+ encoder.text_token match[start.size..-2], :content
+ encoder.text_token ')', :delimiter
+ else
+ encoder.text_token match[start.size..-1], :content
+ end
+ encoder.end_group :function
+ elsif match = scan(/[a-z][-a-z_]*(?=\()/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :predefined
+ elsif match = scan(/(?: #{RE::Dimension} | #{RE::Percentage} | #{RE::Num} )/ox)
+ encoder.text_token match, :float
+ elsif match = scan(/#{RE::HexColor}/o)
+ encoder.text_token match, :color
+ elsif match = scan(/! *(?:important|optional)/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :important
+ elsif match = scan(/(?:rgb|hsl)a?\([^()\n]*\)?/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :color
+ elsif match = scan(/@else if\b|#{RE::AtKeyword}/)
+ encoder.text_token match, :directive
+ value_expected = true
+ elsif match = scan(/ == | != | [-+*\/>~:;,.=()] /x)
+ if match == ':'
+ value_expected = true
+ elsif match == ';'
+ value_expected = false
+ end
+ encoder.text_token match, :operator
+ else
+ encoder.text_token getch, :error
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:keep_state]
+ @state = states
+ end
+ encoder
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb b/lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb
index bcbffd5..b757278 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/scanners/sql.rb
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ module CodeRay module Scanners
encoder.text_token string_content, :content
string_content = ''
- encoder.text_token match, :error
+ encoder.text_token match, :error unless match.empty?
state = :initial
raise "else case \" reached; %p not handled." % peek(1), encoder
diff --git a/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb b/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb
index 8506d10..a21fbf1 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/styles/alpha.rb
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ table.CodeRay td { padding: 2px 4px; vertical-align: top; }
color: gray !important;
text-decoration: none !important;
+.CodeRay .line-numbers pre {
+ word-break: normal;
.CodeRay .line-numbers a:target { color: blue !important; }
.CodeRay .line-numbers .highlighted { color: red !important; }
.CodeRay .line-numbers .highlighted a { color: red !important; }
@@ -78,14 +81,17 @@ table.CodeRay td { padding: 2px 4px; vertical-align: top; }
.exception { color:#C00; font-weight:bold }
.float { color:#60E }
.function { color:#06B; font-weight:bold }
+.function .delimiter { color:#024; font-weight:bold }
.global-variable { color:#d70 }
.hex { color:#02b } { color:#33D; font-weight:bold }
.imaginary { color:#f00 }
.include { color:#B44; font-weight:bold }
.inline { background-color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.07); color: black }
.inline-delimiter { font-weight: bold; color: #666 }
.instance-variable { color:#33B }
.integer { color:#00D }
+.important { color:#D00 }
.key .char { color: #60f }
.key .delimiter { color: #404 }
.key { color: #606 }
diff --git a/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb b/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb
index 3b8d07e..bd8fd6c 100755
--- a/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/token_kinds.rb
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ module CodeRay
:function => 'function',
:global_variable => 'global-variable',
:hex => 'hex',
+ :id => 'id',
:imaginary => 'imaginary',
:important => 'important',
:include => 'include',
@@ -85,6 +86,4 @@ module CodeRay
TokenKinds[:method] = TokenKinds[:function]
TokenKinds[:escape] = TokenKinds[:delimiter]
TokenKinds[:docstring] = TokenKinds[:comment]
- TokenKinds.freeze
diff --git a/lib/coderay/tokens.rb b/lib/coderay/tokens.rb
index c747017..6957d69 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/tokens.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/tokens.rb
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ module CodeRay
# This method is used by @Scanner#tokenize@ when called with an Array
# of source strings. The Diff encoder uses it for inline highlighting.
def split_into_parts *sizes
+ return { } if size == 2 && first == ''
parts = []
opened = []
content = nil
diff --git a/lib/coderay/version.rb b/lib/coderay/version.rb
index bfb5f24..4b4f085 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/version.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
module CodeRay
- VERSION = '1.0.9'
+ VERSION = '1.1.0'