diff options
4 files changed, 1526 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index 51a0ca1..b57a604 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
= CodeRay
+You might want to see the original version of this documentation on
+ (use Ctrl+Click to open it in its own frame.)
== About
CodeRay is a Ruby library for syntax highlighting.
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index de890c1..498e124 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ :rdoc do |rd|
rd.options << '--fmt' << 'html_coderay'
rd.template = 'rake_helpers/coderay_rdoc_template.rb'
rd.rdoc_files.add ROOT + 'README'
- rd.rdoc_files.add *Dir[LIB_ROOT + '**/*.rb']
+ rd.rdoc_files.add *Dir[LIB_ROOT + '*.rb']
# rd.rdoc_files.include ROOT + 'coderay/scanners/*.rb'
# rd.rdoc_files.include ROOT + 'coderay/scanners/helpers/*.rb'
# rd.rdoc_files.include ROOT + 'coderay/encoders/*.rb'
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ def gemspec
# Credits = 'murphy' = ''
- s.homepage = ''
+ s.homepage = ''
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ task :make_gemspec do
gemtask.version = s.version = $version
-GEMDIR = 'gem_server\gems'
+GEMDIR = 'gem_server/gems'
task :copy_gem do
$gemfile = "coderay-#$version.gem"
cp "pkg/#$gemfile", GEMDIR
- system 'ruby -S generate_yaml_index.rb -d \gem_server'
+ system 'ruby -S generate_yaml_index.rb -d gem_server'
def g msg
@@ -164,9 +164,10 @@ end
task :upload_gem do
gn 'Uploading gem:'
- Dir.chdir '\gem_server' do
+ Dir.chdir 'gem_server' do
cYcnus_ftp do |ftp|
uploader = proc do |f|
+ raise 'File %s not found!' % f unless File.exist? f
g 'Uploading %s...' % f
ftp.putbinaryfile f, f
diff --git a/build b/build
index 8e2afd3..25bf17f 100644
--- a/build
+++ b/build
@@ -1 +1 @@
-17 \ No newline at end of file
+18 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rake_helpers/html_coderay_generator.rb b/rake_helpers/html_coderay_generator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d31419a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rake_helpers/html_coderay_generator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1516 @@
+# We're responsible for generating all the HTML files
+# from the object tree defined in code_objects.rb. We
+# generate:
+# [files] an html file for each input file given. These
+# input files appear as objects of class
+# TopLevel
+# [classes] an html file for each class or module encountered.
+# These classes are not grouped by file: if a file
+# contains four classes, we'll generate an html
+# file for the file itself, and four html files
+# for the individual classes.
+# [indices] we generate three indices for files, classes,
+# and methods. These are displayed in a browser
+# like window with three index panes across the
+# top and the selected description below
+# Method descriptions appear in whatever entity (file, class,
+# or module) that contains them.
+# We generate files in a structure below a specified subdirectory,
+# normally +doc+.
+# opdir
+# |
+# |___ files
+# | |__ per file summaries
+# |
+# |___ classes
+# |__ per class/module descriptions
+# HTML is generated using the Template class.
+require 'ftools'
+require 'rdoc/options'
+require 'rdoc/template'
+require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup'
+require 'rdoc/markup/simple_markup/to_html'
+require 'cgi'
+module Generators
+ # Name of sub-direcories that hold file and class/module descriptions
+ FILE_DIR = "files"
+ CLASS_DIR = "classes"
+ CSS_NAME = "rdoc-style.css"
+ ##
+ # Build a hash of all items that can be cross-referenced.
+ # This is used when we output required and included names:
+ # if the names appear in this hash, we can generate
+ # an html cross reference to the appropriate description.
+ # We also use this when parsing comment blocks: any decorated
+ # words matching an entry in this list are hyperlinked.
+ class AllReferences
+ @@refs = {}
+ def AllReferences::reset
+ @@refs = {}
+ end
+ def AllReferences.add(name, html_class)
+ @@refs[name] = html_class
+ end
+ def AllReferences.[](name)
+ @@refs[name]
+ end
+ def AllReferences.keys
+ @@refs.keys
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Subclass of the SM::ToHtml class that supports looking
+ # up words in the AllReferences list. Those that are
+ # found (like AllReferences in this comment) will
+ # be hyperlinked
+ class HyperlinkHtml < SM::ToHtml
+ # We need to record the html path of our caller so we can generate
+ # correct relative paths for any hyperlinks that we find
+ def initialize(from_path, context)
+ super()
+ @from_path = from_path
+ @parent_name = context.parent_name
+ @parent_name += "::" if @parent_name
+ @context = context
+ end
+ # We're invoked when any text matches the CROSSREF pattern
+ # (defined in MarkUp). If we fine the corresponding reference,
+ # generate a hyperlink. If the name we're looking for contains
+ # no punctuation, we look for it up the module/class chain. For
+ # example, HyperlinkHtml is found, even without the Generators::
+ # prefix, because we look for it in module Generators first.
+ def handle_special_CROSSREF(special)
+ name = special.text
+ if name[0,1] == '#'
+ lookup = name[1..-1]
+ name = lookup unless Options.instance.show_hash
+ else
+ lookup = name
+ end
+ if /([A-Z].*)[.\#](.*)/ =~ lookup
+ container = $1
+ method = $2
+ ref = @context.find_symbol(container, method)
+ else
+ ref = @context.find_symbol(lookup)
+ end
+ if ref and ref.document_self
+ "<a href=\"#{ref.as_href(@from_path)}\">#{name}</a>"
+ else
+ name
+ end
+ end
+ # Generate a hyperlink for url, labeled with text. Handle the
+ # special cases for img: and link: described under handle_special_HYPEDLINK
+ def gen_url(url, text)
+ if url =~ /([A-Za-z]+):(.*)/
+ type = $1
+ path = $2
+ else
+ type = "http"
+ path = url
+ url = "http://#{url}"
+ end
+ if type == "link"
+ if path[0,1] == '#' # is this meaningful?
+ url = path
+ else
+ url = HTMLGenerator.gen_url(@from_path, path)
+ end
+ end
+ if (type == "http" || type == "link") &&
+ url =~ /\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|bmp)$/
+ "<img src=\"#{url}\">"
+ else
+ "<a href=\"#{url}\">#{text.sub(%r{^#{type}:/*}, '')}</a>"
+ end
+ end
+ # And we're invoked with a potential external hyperlink mailto:
+ # just gets inserted. http: links are checked to see if they
+ # reference an image. If so, that image gets inserted using an
+ # <img> tag. Otherwise a conventional <a href> is used. We also
+ # support a special type of hyperlink, link:, which is a reference
+ # to a local file whose path is relative to the --op directory.
+ def handle_special_HYPERLINK(special)
+ url = special.text
+ gen_url(url, url)
+ end
+ # HEre's a hypedlink where the label is different to the URL
+ # <label>[url]
+ #
+ def handle_special_TIDYLINK(special)
+ text = special.text
+# unless text =~ /(\S+)\[(.*?)\]/
+ unless text =~ /\{(.*?)\}\[(.*?)\]/ or text =~ /(\S+)\[(.*?)\]/
+ return text
+ end
+ label = $1
+ url = $2
+ gen_url(url, label)
+ end
+ end
+ #####################################################################
+ #
+ # Handle common markup tasks for the various Html classes
+ #
+ module MarkUp
+ # Convert a string in markup format into HTML. We keep a cached
+ # SimpleMarkup object lying around after the first time we're
+ # called per object.
+ def markup(str, remove_para=false)
+ return '' unless str
+ unless defined? @markup
+ @markup =
+ # class names, variable names, file names, or instance variables
+ @markup.add_special(/(
+ \b([A-Z]\w*(::\w+)*[.\#]\w+) # A::B.meth
+ | \b([A-Z]\w+(::\w+)*) # A::B..
+ | \#\w+[!?=]? # #meth_name
+ | \b\w+([_\/\.]+\w+)+[!?=]? # meth_name
+ )/x,
+ # external hyperlinks
+ @markup.add_special(/((link:|https?:|mailto:|ftp:|www\.)\S+\w)/, :HYPERLINK)
+ # and links of the form <text>[<url>]
+ @markup.add_special(/(((\{.*?\})|\b\S+?)\[\S+?\.\S+?\])/, :TIDYLINK)
+# @markup.add_special(/\b(\S+?\[\S+?\.\S+?\])/, :TIDYLINK)
+ end
+ unless defined? @html_formatter
+ @html_formatter =, self)
+ end
+ # Convert leading comment markers to spaces, but only
+ # if all non-blank lines have them
+ if str =~ /^(?>\s*)[^\#]/
+ content = str
+ else
+ content = str.gsub(/^\s*(#+)/) { $'#',' ') }
+ end
+ res = @markup.convert(content, @html_formatter)
+ if remove_para
+ res.sub!(/^<p>/, '')
+ res.sub!(/<\/p>$/, '')
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ # Qualify a stylesheet URL; if if +css_name+ does not begin with '/' or
+ # 'http[s]://', prepend a prefix relative to +path+. Otherwise, return it
+ # unmodified.
+ def style_url(path, css_name=nil)
+# $stderr.puts "style_url( #{path.inspect}, #{css_name.inspect} )"
+ css_name ||= CSS_NAME
+ if %r{^(https?:/)?/} =~ css_name
+ return css_name
+ else
+ return HTMLGenerator.gen_url(path, css_name)
+ end
+ end
+ # Build a webcvs URL with the given 'url' argument. URLs with a '%s' in them
+ # get the file's path sprintfed into them; otherwise they're just catenated
+ # together.
+ def cvs_url(url, full_path)
+ if /%s/ =~ url
+ return sprintf( url, full_path )
+ else
+ return url + full_path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #####################################################################
+ #
+ # A Context is built by the parser to represent a container: contexts
+ # hold classes, modules, methods, require lists and include lists.
+ # ClassModule and TopLevel are the context objects we process here
+ #
+ class ContextUser
+ include MarkUp
+ attr_reader :context
+ def initialize(context, options)
+ @context = context
+ @options = options
+ end
+ # convenience method to build a hyperlink
+ def href(link, cls, name)
+ %{<a href="#{link}" class="#{cls}">#{name}</a>} #"
+ end
+ # return a reference to outselves to be used as an href=
+ # the form depends on whether we're all in one file
+ # or in multiple files
+ def as_href(from_path)
+ if @options.all_one_file
+ "#" + path
+ else
+ HTMLGenerator.gen_url(from_path, path)
+ end
+ end
+ # Create a list of HtmlMethod objects for each method
+ # in the corresponding context object. If the @options.show_all
+ # variable is set (corresponding to the <tt>--all</tt> option,
+ # we include all methods, otherwise just the public ones.
+ def collect_methods
+ list = @context.method_list
+ unless @options.show_all
+ list = list.find_all {|m| m.visibility == :public || m.force_documentation }
+ end
+ @methods = list.collect {|m|, self, @options) }
+ end
+ # Build a summary list of all the methods in this context
+ def build_method_summary_list(path_prefix="")
+ collect_methods unless @methods
+ meths = @methods.sort
+ res = []
+ meths.each do |meth|
+ res << {
+ "name" => CGI.escapeHTML(,
+ "aref" => "#{path_prefix}\##{meth.aref}"
+ }
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ # Build a list of aliases for which we couldn't find a
+ # corresponding method
+ def build_alias_summary_list(section)
+ values = []
+ @context.aliases.each do |al|
+ next unless al.section == section
+ res = {
+ 'old_name' => al.old_name,
+ 'new_name' => al.new_name,
+ }
+ if al.comment && !al.comment.empty?
+ res['desc'] = markup(al.comment, true)
+ end
+ values << res
+ end
+ values
+ end
+ # Build a list of constants
+ def build_constants_summary_list(section)
+ values = []
+ @context.constants.each do |co|
+ next unless co.section == section
+ res = {
+ 'name' =>,
+ 'value' => CGI.escapeHTML(co.value)
+ }
+ res['desc'] = markup(co.comment, true) if co.comment && !co.comment.empty?
+ values << res
+ end
+ values
+ end
+ def build_requires_list(context)
+ potentially_referenced_list(context.requires) {|fn| [fn + ".rb"] }
+ end
+ def build_include_list(context)
+ potentially_referenced_list(context.includes)
+ end
+ # Build a list from an array of <i>Htmlxxx</i> items. Look up each
+ # in the AllReferences hash: if we find a corresponding entry,
+ # we generate a hyperlink to it, otherwise just output the name.
+ # However, some names potentially need massaging. For example,
+ # you may require a Ruby file without the .rb extension,
+ # but the file names we know about may have it. To deal with
+ # this, we pass in a block which performs the massaging,
+ # returning an array of alternative names to match
+ def potentially_referenced_list(array)
+ res = []
+ array.each do |i|
+ ref = AllReferences[]
+# if !ref
+# container = @context.parent
+# while !ref && container
+# name = + "::" +
+# ref = AllReferences[name]
+# container = container.parent
+# end
+# end
+ ref = @context.find_symbol(
+ ref = ref.viewer if ref
+ if !ref && block_given?
+ possibles = yield(
+ while !ref and !possibles.empty?
+ ref = AllReferences[possibles.shift]
+ end
+ end
+ h_name = CGI.escapeHTML(
+ if ref and ref.document_self
+ path = url(ref.path)
+ res << { "name" => h_name, "aref" => path }
+ else
+ res << { "name" => h_name }
+ end
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ # Build an array of arrays of method details. The outer array has up
+ # to six entries, public, private, and protected for both class
+ # methods, the other for instance methods. The inner arrays contain
+ # a hash for each method
+ def build_method_detail_list(section)
+ outer = []
+ methods = @methods.sort
+ for singleton in [true, false]
+ for vis in [ :public, :protected, :private ]
+ res = []
+ methods.each do |m|
+ if m.section == section and
+ m.document_self and
+ m.visibility == vis and
+ m.singleton == singleton
+ row = {}
+ if m.call_seq
+ row["callseq"] = m.call_seq.gsub(/->/, '&rarr;')
+ else
+ row["name"] = CGI.escapeHTML(
+ row["params"] = m.params
+ end
+ desc = m.description.strip
+ row["m_desc"] = desc unless desc.empty?
+ row["aref"] = m.aref
+ row["visibility"] = m.visibility.to_s
+ alias_names = []
+ m.aliases.each do |other|
+ if other.viewer # won't be if the alias is private
+ alias_names << {
+ 'name' =>,
+ 'aref' => other.viewer.as_href(path)
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ unless alias_names.empty?
+ row["aka"] = alias_names
+ end
+ if @options.inline_source
+ code = m.source_code
+ row["sourcecode"] = code if code
+ else
+ code = m.src_url
+ if code
+ row["codeurl"] = code
+ row["imgurl"] = m.img_url
+ end
+ end
+ res << row
+ end
+ end
+ if res.size > 0
+ outer << {
+ "type" => vis.to_s.capitalize,
+ "category" => singleton ? "Class" : "Instance",
+ "methods" => res
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ outer
+ end
+ # Build the structured list of classes and modules contained
+ # in this context.
+ def build_class_list(level, from, section, infile=nil)
+ res = ""
+ prefix = "&nbsp;&nbsp;::" * level;
+ from.modules.sort.each do |mod|
+ next unless mod.section == section
+ next if infile && !mod.defined_in?(infile)
+ if mod.document_self
+ res <<
+ prefix <<
+ "Module " <<
+ href(url(mod.viewer.path), "link", mod.full_name) <<
+ "<br />\n" <<
+ build_class_list(level + 1, mod, section, infile)
+ end
+ end
+ from.classes.sort.each do |cls|
+ next unless cls.section == section
+ next if infile && !cls.defined_in?(infile)
+ if cls.document_self
+ res <<
+ prefix <<
+ "Class " <<
+ href(url(cls.viewer.path), "link", cls.full_name) <<
+ "<br />\n" <<
+ build_class_list(level + 1, cls, section, infile)
+ end
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def url(target)
+ HTMLGenerator.gen_url(path, target)
+ end
+ def aref_to(target)
+ if @options.all_one_file
+ "#" + target
+ else
+ url(target)
+ end
+ end
+ def document_self
+ @context.document_self
+ end
+ def diagram_reference(diagram)
+ res = diagram.gsub(/((?:src|href)=")(.*?)"/) {
+ $1 + url($2) + '"'
+ }
+ res
+ end
+ # Find a symbol in ourselves or our parent
+ def find_symbol(symbol, method=nil)
+ res = @context.find_symbol(symbol, method)
+ if res
+ res = res.viewer
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ # create table of contents if we contain sections
+ def add_table_of_sections
+ toc = []
+ @context.sections.each do |section|
+ if section.title
+ toc << {
+ 'secname' => section.title,
+ 'href' => section.sequence
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ @values['toc'] = toc unless toc.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ #####################################################################
+ #
+ # Wrap a ClassModule context
+ class HtmlClass < ContextUser
+ attr_reader :path
+ def initialize(context, html_file, prefix, options)
+ super(context, options)
+ @html_file = html_file
+ @is_module = context.is_module?
+ @values = {}
+ context.viewer = self
+ if options.all_one_file
+ @path = context.full_name
+ else
+ @path = http_url(context.full_name, prefix)
+ end
+ collect_methods
+ AllReferences.add(name, self)
+ end
+ # return the relative file name to store this class in,
+ # which is also its url
+ def http_url(full_name, prefix)
+ path = full_name.dup
+ if path['<<']
+ path.gsub!(/<<\s*(\w*)/) { "from-#$1" }
+ end
+ File.join(prefix, path.split("::")) + ".html"
+ end
+ def name
+ @context.full_name
+ end
+ def parent_name
+ @context.parent.full_name
+ end
+ def index_name
+ name
+ end
+ def write_on(f)
+ value_hash
+ template =,
+ RDoc::Page::CLASS_PAGE,
+ RDoc::Page::METHOD_LIST)
+ template.write_html_on(f, @values)
+ end
+ def value_hash
+ class_attribute_values
+ add_table_of_sections
+ @values["charset"] = @options.charset
+ @values["style_url"] = style_url(path, @options.css)
+ d = markup(@context.comment)
+ @values["description"] = d unless d.empty?
+ ml = build_method_summary_list
+ @values["methods"] = ml unless ml.empty?
+ il = build_include_list(@context)
+ @values["includes"] = il unless il.empty?
+ @values["sections"] = do |section|
+ secdata = {
+ "sectitle" => section.title,
+ "secsequence" => section.sequence,
+ "seccomment" => markup(section.comment)
+ }
+ al = build_alias_summary_list(section)
+ secdata["aliases"] = al unless al.empty?
+ co = build_constants_summary_list(section)
+ secdata["constants"] = co unless co.empty?
+ al = build_attribute_list(section)
+ secdata["attributes"] = al unless al.empty?
+ cl = build_class_list(0, @context, section)
+ secdata["classlist"] = cl unless cl.empty?
+ mdl = build_method_detail_list(section)
+ secdata["method_list"] = mdl unless mdl.empty?
+ secdata
+ end
+ @values
+ end
+ def build_attribute_list(section)
+ atts = @context.attributes.sort
+ res = []
+ atts.each do |att|
+ next unless att.section == section
+ if att.visibility == :public || @options.show_all
+ entry = {
+ "name" => CGI.escapeHTML(,
+ "rw" =>,
+ "a_desc" => markup(att.comment, true)
+ }
+ unless att.visibility == :public
+ entry["rw"] << "-"
+ end
+ res << entry
+ end
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def class_attribute_values
+ h_name = CGI.escapeHTML(name)
+ @values["classmod"] = @is_module ? "Module" : "Class"
+ @values["title"] = "#{@values['classmod']}: #{h_name}"
+ c = @context
+ c = c.parent while c and !c.diagram
+ if c && c.diagram
+ @values["diagram"] = diagram_reference(c.diagram)
+ end
+ @values["full_name"] = h_name
+ parent_class = @context.superclass
+ if parent_class
+ @values["parent"] = CGI.escapeHTML(parent_class)
+ if parent_name
+ lookup = parent_name + "::" + parent_class
+ else
+ lookup = parent_class
+ end
+ parent_url = AllReferences[lookup] || AllReferences[parent_class]
+ if parent_url and parent_url.document_self
+ @values["par_url"] = aref_to(parent_url.path)
+ end
+ end
+ files = []
+ @context.in_files.each do |f|
+ res = {}
+ full_path = CGI.escapeHTML(f.file_absolute_name)
+ res["full_path"] = full_path
+ res["full_path_url"] = aref_to(f.viewer.path) if f.document_self
+ if @options.webcvs
+ res["cvsurl"] = cvs_url( @options.webcvs, full_path )
+ end
+ files << res
+ end
+ @values['infiles'] = files
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ <=>
+ end
+ end
+ #####################################################################
+ #
+ # Handles the mapping of a file's information to HTML. In reality,
+ # a file corresponds to a +TopLevel+ object, containing modules,
+ # classes, and top-level methods. In theory it _could_ contain
+ # attributes and aliases, but we ignore these for now.
+ class HtmlFile < ContextUser
+ attr_reader :path
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(context, options, file_dir)
+ super(context, options)
+ @values = {}
+ if options.all_one_file
+ @path = filename_to_label
+ else
+ @path = http_url(file_dir)
+ end
+ @name = @context.file_relative_name
+ collect_methods
+ AllReferences.add(name, self)
+ context.viewer = self
+ end
+ def http_url(file_dir)
+ File.join(file_dir,'.', '_')) +
+ ".html"
+ end
+ def filename_to_label
+ @context.file_relative_name.gsub(/%|\/|\?|\#/) {|s| '%' + ("%x" % s[0]) }
+ end
+ def index_name
+ name
+ end
+ def parent_name
+ nil
+ end
+ def value_hash
+ file_attribute_values
+ add_table_of_sections
+ @values["charset"] = @options.charset
+ @values["href"] = path
+ @values["style_url"] = style_url(path, @options.css)
+ if @context.comment
+ d = markup(@context.comment)
+ @values["description"] = d if d.size > 0
+ end
+ ml = build_method_summary_list
+ @values["methods"] = ml unless ml.empty?
+ il = build_include_list(@context)
+ @values["includes"] = il unless il.empty?
+ rl = build_requires_list(@context)
+ @values["requires"] = rl unless rl.empty?
+ if @options.promiscuous
+ file_context = nil
+ else
+ file_context = @context
+ end
+ @values["sections"] = do |section|
+ secdata = {
+ "sectitle" => section.title,
+ "secsequence" => section.sequence,
+ "seccomment" => markup(section.comment)
+ }
+ cl = build_class_list(0, @context, section, file_context)
+ @values["classlist"] = cl unless cl.empty?
+ mdl = build_method_detail_list(section)
+ secdata["method_list"] = mdl unless mdl.empty?
+ al = build_alias_summary_list(section)
+ secdata["aliases"] = al unless al.empty?
+ co = build_constants_summary_list(section)
+ @values["constants"] = co unless co.empty?
+ secdata
+ end
+ @values
+ end
+ def write_on(f)
+ value_hash
+ template =,
+ RDoc::Page::FILE_PAGE,
+ RDoc::Page::METHOD_LIST)
+ template.write_html_on(f, @values)
+ end
+ def file_attribute_values
+ full_path = @context.file_absolute_name
+ short_name = File.basename(full_path)
+ @values["title"] = CGI.escapeHTML("File: #{short_name}")
+ if @context.diagram
+ @values["diagram"] = diagram_reference(@context.diagram)
+ end
+ @values["short_name"] = CGI.escapeHTML(short_name)
+ @values["full_path"] = CGI.escapeHTML(full_path)
+ @values["dtm_modified"] = @context.file_stat.mtime.to_s
+ if @options.webcvs
+ @values["cvsurl"] = cvs_url( @options.webcvs, @values["full_path"] )
+ end
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ <=>
+ end
+ end
+ #####################################################################
+ class HtmlMethod
+ include MarkUp
+ attr_reader :context
+ attr_reader :src_url
+ attr_reader :img_url
+ attr_reader :source_code
+ @@seq = "M000000"
+ @@all_methods = []
+ def HtmlMethod::reset
+ @@all_methods = []
+ end
+ def initialize(context, html_class, options)
+ @context = context
+ @html_class = html_class
+ @options = options
+ @@seq = @@seq.succ
+ @seq = @@seq
+ @@all_methods << self
+ context.viewer = self
+ if (ts = @context.token_stream)
+ @source_code = markup_code(ts)
+ unless @options.inline_source
+ @src_url = create_source_code_file(@source_code)
+ @img_url = HTMLGenerator.gen_url(path, 'source.png')
+ end
+ end
+ AllReferences.add(name, self)
+ end
+ # return a reference to outselves to be used as an href=
+ # the form depends on whether we're all in one file
+ # or in multiple files
+ def as_href(from_path)
+ if @options.all_one_file
+ "#" + path
+ else
+ HTMLGenerator.gen_url(from_path, path)
+ end
+ end
+ def name
+ end
+ def section
+ @context.section
+ end
+ def index_name
+ "#{} (#{})"
+ end
+ def parent_name
+ if @context.parent.parent
+ @context.parent.parent.full_name
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def aref
+ @seq
+ end
+ def path
+ if @options.all_one_file
+ aref
+ else
+ @html_class.path + "#" + aref
+ end
+ end
+ def description
+ markup(@context.comment)
+ end
+ def visibility
+ @context.visibility
+ end
+ def singleton
+ @context.singleton
+ end
+ def call_seq
+ cs = @context.call_seq
+ if cs
+ cs.gsub(/\n/, "<br />\n")
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def params
+ # params coming from a call-seq in 'C' will start with the
+ # method name
+ p = @context.params
+ if p !~ /^\w/
+ p = @context.params.gsub(/\s*\#.*/, '')
+ p ="\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
+ p = "(" + p + ")" unless p[0] == ?(
+ if (block = @context.block_params)
+ # If this method has explicit block parameters, remove any
+ # explicit &block
+ p.sub!(/,?\s*&\w+/, '')
+ block.gsub!(/\s*\#.*/, '')
+ block ="\n", " ").squeeze(" ")
+ if block[0] == ?(
+ block.sub!(/^\(/, '').sub!(/\)/, '')
+ end
+ p << " {|#{block.strip}| ...}"
+ end
+ end
+ CGI.escapeHTML(p)
+ end
+ def create_source_code_file(code_body)
+ meth_path = @html_class.path.sub(/\.html$/, '.src')
+ File.makedirs(meth_path)
+ file_path = File.join(meth_path, @seq) + ".html"
+ template =
+, "w") do |f|
+ values = {
+ 'title' => CGI.escapeHTML(index_name),
+ 'code' => code_body,
+ 'style_url' => style_url(file_path, @options.css),
+ 'charset' => @options.charset
+ }
+ template.write_html_on(f, values)
+ end
+ HTMLGenerator.gen_url(path, file_path)
+ end
+ def HtmlMethod.all_methods
+ @@all_methods
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ @context <=> other.context
+ end
+ ##
+ # Given a sequence of source tokens, mark up the source code
+ # to make it look purty.
+ def old_markup_code(tokens)
+ src = ""
+ tokens.each do |t|
+ next unless t
+ # p t.class
+# style = STYLE_MAP[t.class]
+ style = case t
+ when RubyToken::TkCONSTANT then "ruby-constant"
+ when RubyToken::TkKW then "ruby-keyword kw"
+ when RubyToken::TkIVAR then "ruby-ivar"
+ when RubyToken::TkOp then "ruby-operator"
+ when RubyToken::TkId then "ruby-identifier"
+ when RubyToken::TkNode then "ruby-node"
+ when RubyToken::TkCOMMENT then "ruby-comment cmt"
+ when RubyToken::TkREGEXP then "ruby-regexp re"
+ when RubyToken::TkSTRING then "ruby-value str"
+ when RubyToken::TkVal then "ruby-value"
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ text = CGI.escapeHTML(t.text)
+ if style
+ src << "<span class=\"#{style}\">#{text}</span>"
+ else
+ src << text
+ end
+ end
+ add_line_numbers(src) if Options.instance.include_line_numbers
+ src
+ end
+ $: << 'L:/root/trunk/lib'
+ require 'coderay'
+ def markup_code(tokens)
+ code = { |t| t.text }.join
+ options = {
+ :css => :class,
+ :line_numbers_offset => code[/\A.*?, line (\d+)/,1].to_i - 1,
+ :bold_every => :no_bolding,
+ }
+ options[:line_numbers] = nil unless Options.instance.include_line_numbers
+ out = CodeRay.scan(code, :ruby).div(options)
+ out.wrap! :div
+ end
+ # we rely on the fact that the first line of a source code
+ # listing has
+ # # File xxxxx, line dddd
+ def add_line_numbers(src)
+ if src =~ /\A.*, line (\d+)/
+ first = $1.to_i - 1
+ last = first + src.count("\n")
+ size = last.to_s.length
+ real_fmt = "%#{size}d: "
+ fmt = " " * (size+2)
+ src.gsub!(/^/) do
+ res = sprintf(fmt, first)
+ first += 1
+ fmt = real_fmt
+ res
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def document_self
+ @context.document_self
+ end
+ def aliases
+ @context.aliases
+ end
+ def find_symbol(symbol, method=nil)
+ res = @context.parent.find_symbol(symbol, method)
+ if res
+ res = res.viewer
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ end
+ #####################################################################
+ class HTMLGenerator
+ include MarkUp
+ ##
+ # convert a target url to one that is relative to a given
+ # path
+ def HTMLGenerator.gen_url(path, target)
+ from = File.dirname(path)
+ to, to_file = File.split(target)
+ from = from.split("/")
+ to = to.split("/")
+ while from.size > 0 and to.size > 0 and from[0] == to[0]
+ from.shift
+ to.shift
+ end
+ from.fill("..")
+ from.concat(to)
+ from << to_file
+ File.join(*from)
+ end
+ # Generators may need to return specific subclasses depending
+ # on the options they are passed. Because of this
+ # we create them using a factory
+ def HTMLGenerator.for(options)
+ AllReferences::reset
+ HtmlMethod::reset
+ if options.all_one_file
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ class <<self
+ protected :new
+ end
+ # Set up a new HTML generator. Basically all we do here is load
+ # up the correct output temlate
+ def initialize(options) #:not-new:
+ @options = options
+ load_html_template
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build the initial indices and output objects
+ # based on an array of TopLevel objects containing
+ # the extracted information.
+ def generate(toplevels)
+ @toplevels = toplevels
+ @files = []
+ @classes = []
+ write_style_sheet
+ gen_sub_directories()
+ build_indices
+ generate_html
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Load up the HTML template specified in the options.
+ # If the template name contains a slash, use it literally
+ #
+ def load_html_template
+ template = @options.template
+ unless template =~ %r{/|\\}
+ template = File.join("rdoc/generators/template",
+ @options.generator.key, template)
+ end
+ require template
+ extend RDoc::Page
+ rescue LoadError
+ $stderr.puts "Could not find HTML template '#{template}'"
+ exit 99
+ end
+ ##
+ # Write out the style sheet used by the main frames
+ #
+ def write_style_sheet
+ template =
+ unless @options.css
+, "w") do |f|
+ values = { "fonts" => RDoc::Page::FONTS }
+ template.write_html_on(f, values)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # See the comments at the top for a description of the
+ # directory structure
+ def gen_sub_directories
+ File.makedirs(FILE_DIR, CLASS_DIR)
+ rescue
+ $stderr.puts $!.message
+ exit 1
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate:
+ #
+ # * a list of HtmlFile objects for each TopLevel object.
+ # * a list of HtmlClass objects for each first level
+ # class or module in the TopLevel objects
+ # * a complete list of all hyperlinkable terms (file,
+ # class, module, and method names)
+ def build_indices
+ @toplevels.each do |toplevel|
+ @files <<, @options, FILE_DIR)
+ end
+ RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each do |cls|
+ build_class_list(cls, @files[0], CLASS_DIR)
+ end
+ end
+ def build_class_list(from, html_file, class_dir)
+ @classes <<, html_file, class_dir, @options)
+ from.each_classmodule do |mod|
+ build_class_list(mod, html_file, class_dir)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate all the HTML
+ #
+ def generate_html
+ # the individual descriptions for files and classes
+ gen_into(@files)
+ gen_into(@classes)
+ # and the index files
+ gen_file_index
+ gen_class_index
+ gen_method_index
+ gen_main_index
+ # this method is defined in the template file
+ write_extra_pages if defined? write_extra_pages
+ end
+ def gen_into(list)
+ list.each do |item|
+ if item.document_self
+ op_file = item.path
+ File.makedirs(File.dirname(op_file))
+, "w") { |file| item.write_on(file) }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def gen_file_index
+ gen_an_index(@files, 'Files',
+ RDoc::Page::FILE_INDEX,
+ "fr_file_index.html")
+ end
+ def gen_class_index
+ gen_an_index(@classes, 'Classes',
+ RDoc::Page::CLASS_INDEX,
+ "fr_class_index.html")
+ end
+ def gen_method_index
+ gen_an_index(HtmlMethod.all_methods, 'Methods',
+ "fr_method_index.html")
+ end
+ def gen_an_index(collection, title, template, filename)
+ template =, template)
+ res = []
+ collection.sort.each do |f|
+ if f.document_self
+ res << { "href" => f.path, "name" => f.index_name }
+ end
+ end
+ values = {
+ "entries" => res,
+ 'list_title' => CGI.escapeHTML(title),
+ 'index_url' => main_url,
+ 'charset' => @options.charset,
+ 'style_url' => style_url('', @options.css),
+ }
+, "w") do |f|
+ template.write_html_on(f, values)
+ end
+ end
+ # The main index page is mostly a template frameset, but includes
+ # the initial page. If the <tt>--main</tt> option was given,
+ # we use this as our main page, otherwise we use the
+ # first file specified on the command line.
+ def gen_main_index
+ template =
+"index.html", "w") do |f|
+ values = {
+ "initial_page" => main_url,
+ 'title' => CGI.escapeHTML(@options.title),
+ 'charset' => @options.charset
+ }
+ if @options.inline_source
+ values['inline_source'] = true
+ end
+ template.write_html_on(f, values)
+ end
+ end
+ # return the url of the main page
+ def main_url
+ main_page = @options.main_page
+ ref = nil
+ if main_page
+ ref = AllReferences[main_page]
+ if ref
+ ref = ref.path
+ else
+ $stderr.puts "Could not find main page #{main_page}"
+ end
+ end
+ unless ref
+ for file in @files
+ if file.document_self
+ ref = file.path
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unless ref
+ $stderr.puts "Couldn't find anything to document"
+ $stderr.puts "Perhaps you've used :stopdoc: in all classes"
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ ref
+ end
+ end
+ HTML_CODERAYGenerator = HTMLGenerator
+ ######################################################################
+ class HTMLGeneratorInOne < HTMLGenerator
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build the initial indices and output objects
+ # based on an array of TopLevel objects containing
+ # the extracted information.
+ def generate(info)
+ @toplevels = info
+ @files = []
+ @classes = []
+ @hyperlinks = {}
+ build_indices
+ generate_xml
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate:
+ #
+ # * a list of HtmlFile objects for each TopLevel object.
+ # * a list of HtmlClass objects for each first level
+ # class or module in the TopLevel objects
+ # * a complete list of all hyperlinkable terms (file,
+ # class, module, and method names)
+ def build_indices
+ @toplevels.each do |toplevel|
+ @files <<, @options, FILE_DIR)
+ end
+ RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_and_modules.each do |cls|
+ build_class_list(cls, @files[0], CLASS_DIR)
+ end
+ end
+ def build_class_list(from, html_file, class_dir)
+ @classes <<, html_file, class_dir, @options)
+ from.each_classmodule do |mod|
+ build_class_list(mod, html_file, class_dir)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate all the HTML. For the one-file case, we generate
+ # all the information in to one big hash
+ #
+ def generate_xml
+ values = {
+ 'charset' => @options.charset,
+ 'files' => gen_into(@files),
+ 'classes' => gen_into(@classes),
+ 'title' => CGI.escapeHTML(@options.title),
+ }
+ # this method is defined in the template file
+ write_extra_pages if defined? write_extra_pages
+ template =
+ if @options.op_name
+ opfile =, "w")
+ else
+ opfile = $stdout
+ end
+ template.write_html_on(opfile, values)
+ end
+ def gen_into(list)
+ res = []
+ list.each do |item|
+ res << item.value_hash
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ def gen_file_index
+ gen_an_index(@files, 'Files')
+ end
+ def gen_class_index
+ gen_an_index(@classes, 'Classes')
+ end
+ def gen_method_index
+ gen_an_index(HtmlMethod.all_methods, 'Methods')
+ end
+ def gen_an_index(collection, title)
+ res = []
+ collection.sort.each do |f|
+ if f.document_self
+ res << { "href" => f.path, "name" => f.index_name }
+ end
+ end
+ return {
+ "entries" => res,
+ 'list_title' => title,
+ 'index_url' => main_url,
+ }
+ end
+ end