path: root/bench/example.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bench/example.rb')
1 files changed, 10070 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bench/example.rb b/bench/example.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c89d3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bench/example.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10070 @@
+module CodeRay
+ module Scanners
+class Ruby < Scanner
+ 'and', 'def', 'end', 'in', 'or', 'unless', 'begin',
+ 'defined?', 'ensure', 'module', 'redo', 'super', 'until',
+ 'BEGIN', 'break', 'do', 'next', 'rescue', 'then',
+ 'when', 'END', 'case', 'else', 'for', 'retry',
+ 'while', 'alias', 'class', 'elsif', 'if', 'not', 'return',
+ 'undef', 'yield',
+ ]
+ DEF_KEYWORDS = ['def']
+ MODULE_KEYWORDS = ['class', 'module']
+ add(DEF_KEYWORDS, :def_expected).
+ add(MODULE_KEYWORDS, :module_expected)
+ 'and', 'or', 'not', 'while', 'until', 'unless', 'if', 'elsif', 'when'
+ ]
+ 'nil', 'true', 'false', 'self',
+ 'DATA', 'ARGV', 'ARGF', '__FILE__', '__LINE__',
+ ]
+ add(RESERVED_WORDS, :reserved).
+ add(PREDEFINED_CONSTANTS, :pre_constant)
+ METHOD_NAME = / #{IDENT} [?!]? /xo
+ #{METHOD_NAME} # common methods: split, foo=, empty?, gsub!
+ | \*\*? # multiplication and power
+ | [-+~]@? # plus, minus
+ | [\/%&|^`] # division, modulo or format strings, &and, |or, ^xor, `system`
+ | \[\]=? # array getter and setter
+ | <=?>? | >=? # comparison, rocket operator
+ | << | >> # append or shift left, shift right
+ | ===? # simple equality and case equality
+ /ox
+ GLOBAL_VARIABLE = / \$ (?: #{IDENT} | \d+ | [~&+`'=\/,;_.<>!@0$?*":F\\] | -[a-zA-Z_0-9] ) /ox
+ DOUBLEQ = / " [^"\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$")? | \\. ) [^"\#\\]* )* "? /ox
+ SINGLEQ = / ' [^'\\]* (?: \\. [^'\\]* )* '? /ox
+ STRING = / #{SINGLEQ} | #{DOUBLEQ} /ox
+ SHELL = / ` [^`\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$`)? | \\. ) [^`\#\\]* )* `? /ox
+ REGEXP = / \/ [^\/\#\\]* (?: (?: \#\{.*?\} | \#(?:$\/)? | \\. ) [^\/\#\\]* )* \/? /ox
+ DECIMAL = /\d+(?:_\d+)*/ # doesn't recognize 09 as octal error
+ OCTAL = /0_?[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*/
+ HEXADECIMAL = /0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*/
+ BINARY = /0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*/
+ EXPONENT = / [eE] [+-]? #{DECIMAL} /ox
+ FLOAT = / #{DECIMAL} (?: #{EXPONENT} | \. #{DECIMAL} #{EXPONENT}? ) /
+ def reset
+ super
+ @regexp_allowed = false
+ end
+ def next_token
+ return if @scanner.eos?
+ kind = :error
+ if @scanner.scan(/\s+/) # in every state
+ kind = :space
+ @regexp_allowed = :set if @regexp_allowed or @scanner.matched.index(?\n) # delayed flag setting
+ elsif @state == :def_expected
+ if @scanner.scan(/ (?: (?:#{IDENT}(?:\.|::))* | (?:@@?|$)? #{IDENT}(?:\.|::) ) #{METHOD_NAME_EX} /ox)
+ kind = :method
+ @state = :initial
+ else
+ @scanner.getch
+ end
+ @state = :initial
+ elsif @state == :module_expected
+ if @scanner.scan(/<</)
+ kind = :operator
+ else
+ if @scanner.scan(/ (?: #{IDENT} (?:\.|::))* #{IDENT} /ox)
+ kind = :method
+ else
+ @scanner.getch
+ end
+ @state = :initial
+ end
+ elsif # state == :initial
+ if @scanner.scan(GLOBAL_VARIABLE)
+ kind = :global_variable
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/ @@ #{IDENT} /ox)
+ kind = :class_variable
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/ @ #{IDENT} /ox)
+ kind = :instance_variable
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/ __END__\n ( (?!\#CODE\#) .* )? | \#[^\n]* | =begin(?=\s).*? \n=end(?=\s|\z)(?:[^\n]*)? /mx)
+ kind = :comment
+ elsif @scanner.scan(METHOD_NAME)
+ if @last_token_dot
+ kind = :ident
+ else
+ matched = @scanner.matched
+ kind = IDENT_KIND[matched]
+ if kind == :ident and matched =~ /^[A-Z]/
+ kind = :constant
+ elsif kind == :reserved
+ @state = DEF_NEW_STATE[matched]
+ @regexp_allowed = REGEXP_ALLOWED[matched]
+ end
+ end
+ elsif @scanner.scan(STRING)
+ kind = :string
+ elsif @scanner.scan(SHELL)
+ kind = :shell
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/<<
+ (?:
+ ([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)
+ (?: .*? ^\1$ | .* )
+ |
+ -([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)
+ (?: .*? ^\s*\2$ | .* )
+ |
+ (["\'`]) (.+?) \3
+ (?: .*? ^\4$ | .* )
+ |
+ - (["\'`]) (.+?) \5
+ (?: .*? ^\s*\6$ | .* )
+ )
+ /mxo)
+ kind = :string
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/\//) and @regexp_allowed
+ @scanner.unscan
+ @scanner.scan(REGEXP)
+ kind = :regexp
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/:(?:#{GLOBAL_VARIABLE}|#{METHOD_NAME_EX}|#{STRING})/ox)
+ kind = :symbol
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/
+ \? (?:
+ [^\s\\]
+ |
+ \\ (?:M-\\C-|C-\\M-|M-\\c|c\\M-|c|C-|M-))? (?: \\ (?: . | [0-7]{3} | x[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f] )
+ )
+ /mox)
+ kind = :integer
+ elsif @scanner.scan(/ [-+*\/%=<>;,|&!()\[\]{}~?] | \.\.?\.? | ::? /x)
+ kind = :operator
+ @regexp_allowed = :set if @scanner.matched[-1,1] =~ /[~=!<>|&^,\(\[+\-\/\*%]\z/
+ elsif @scanner.scan(FLOAT)
+ kind = :float
+ elsif @scanner.scan(INTEGER)
+ kind = :integer
+ else
+ @scanner.getch
+ end
+ end
+ token = @scanner.matched, kind
+ if kind == :regexp
+ token.text << @scanner.scan(/[eimnosux]*/)
+ end
+ @regexp_allowed = (@regexp_allowed == :set) # delayed flag setting
+ token
+ end
+register Ruby, 'ruby', 'rb'
+ end
+class Set
+ include Enumerable
+ # Creates a new set containing the given objects.
+ def self.[](*ary)
+ new(ary)
+ end
+ # Creates a new set containing the elements of the given enumerable
+ # object.
+ #
+ # If a block is given, the elements of enum are preprocessed by the
+ # given block.
+ def initialize(enum = nil, &block) # :yields: o
+ @hash ||=
+ enum.nil? and return
+ if block
+ enum.each { |o| add(block[o]) }
+ else
+ merge(enum)
+ end
+ end
+ # Copy internal hash.
+ def initialize_copy(orig)
+ @hash = orig.instance_eval{@hash}.dup
+ end
+ # Returns the number of elements.
+ def size
+ @hash.size
+ end
+ alias length size
+ # Returns true if the set contains no elements.
+ def empty?
+ @hash.empty?
+ end
+ # Removes all elements and returns self.
+ def clear
+ @hash.clear
+ self
+ end
+ # Replaces the contents of the set with the contents of the given
+ # enumerable object and returns self.
+ def replace(enum)
+ if enum.class == self.class
+ @hash.replace(enum.instance_eval { @hash })
+ else
+ enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+ clear
+ enum.each { |o| add(o) }
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Converts the set to an array. The order of elements is uncertain.
+ def to_a
+ @hash.keys
+ end
+ def flatten_merge(set, seen =
+ set.each { |e|
+ if e.is_a?(Set)
+ if seen.include?(e_id = e.object_id)
+ raise ArgumentError, "tried to flatten recursive Set"
+ end
+ seen.add(e_id)
+ flatten_merge(e, seen)
+ seen.delete(e_id)
+ else
+ add(e)
+ end
+ }
+ self
+ end
+ protected :flatten_merge
+ # Returns a new set that is a copy of the set, flattening each
+ # containing set recursively.
+ def flatten
+ end
+ # Equivalent to Set#flatten, but replaces the receiver with the
+ # result in place. Returns nil if no modifications were made.
+ def flatten!
+ if detect { |e| e.is_a?(Set) }
+ replace(flatten())
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns true if the set contains the given object.
+ def include?(o)
+ @hash.include?(o)
+ end
+ alias member? include?
+ # Returns true if the set is a superset of the given set.
+ def superset?(set)
+ set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set"
+ return false if size < set.size
+ set.all? { |o| include?(o) }
+ end
+ # Returns true if the set is a proper superset of the given set.
+ def proper_superset?(set)
+ set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set"
+ return false if size <= set.size
+ set.all? { |o| include?(o) }
+ end
+ # Returns true if the set is a subset of the given set.
+ def subset?(set)
+ set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set"
+ return false if set.size < size
+ all? { |o| set.include?(o) }
+ end
+ # Returns true if the set is a proper subset of the given set.
+ def proper_subset?(set)
+ set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set"
+ return false if set.size <= size
+ all? { |o| set.include?(o) }
+ end
+ # Calls the given block once for each element in the set, passing
+ # the element as parameter.
+ def each
+ @hash.each_key { |o| yield(o) }
+ self
+ end
+ # Adds the given object to the set and returns self. Use +merge+ to
+ # add several elements at once.
+ def add(o)
+ @hash[o] = true
+ self
+ end
+ alias << add
+ # Adds the given object to the set and returns self. If the
+ # object is already in the set, returns nil.
+ def add?(o)
+ if include?(o)
+ nil
+ else
+ add(o)
+ end
+ end
+ # Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. Use +subtract+ to
+ # delete several items at once.
+ def delete(o)
+ @hash.delete(o)
+ self
+ end
+ # Deletes the given object from the set and returns self. If the
+ # object is not in the set, returns nil.
+ def delete?(o)
+ if include?(o)
+ delete(o)
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Deletes every element of the set for which block evaluates to
+ # true, and returns self.
+ def delete_if
+ @hash.delete_if { |o,| yield(o) }
+ self
+ end
+ # Do collect() destructively.
+ def collect!
+ set =
+ each { |o| set << yield(o) }
+ replace(set)
+ end
+ alias map! collect!
+ # Equivalent to Set#delete_if, but returns nil if no changes were
+ # made.
+ def reject!
+ n = size
+ delete_if { |o| yield(o) }
+ size == n ? nil : self
+ end
+ # Merges the elements of the given enumerable object to the set and
+ # returns self.
+ def merge(enum)
+ if enum.is_a?(Set)
+ @hash.update(enum.instance_eval { @hash })
+ else
+ enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+ enum.each { |o| add(o) }
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ # Deletes every element that appears in the given enumerable object
+ # and returns self.
+ def subtract(enum)
+ enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+ enum.each { |o| delete(o) }
+ self
+ end
+ # Returns a new set built by merging the set and the elements of the
+ # given enumerable object.
+ def |(enum)
+ enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+ dup.merge(enum)
+ end
+ alias + | ##
+ alias union | ##
+ # Returns a new set built by duplicating the set, removing every
+ # element that appears in the given enumerable object.
+ def -(enum)
+ enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+ dup.subtract(enum)
+ end
+ alias difference - ##
+ # Returns a new array containing elements common to the set and the
+ # given enumerable object.
+ def &(enum)
+ enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+ n =
+ enum.each { |o| n.add(o) if include?(o) }
+ n
+ end
+ alias intersection & ##
+ # Returns a new array containing elements exclusive between the set
+ # and the given enumerable object. (set ^ enum) is equivalent to
+ # ((set | enum) - (set & enum)).
+ def ^(enum)
+ enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+ n = dup
+ enum.each { |o| if n.include?(o) then n.delete(o) else n.add(o) end }
+ n
+ end
+ # Returns true if two sets are equal. The equality of each couple
+ # of elements is defined according to Object#eql?.
+ def ==(set)
+ equal?(set) and return true
+ set.is_a?(Set) && size == set.size or return false
+ hash = @hash.dup
+ set.all? { |o| hash.include?(o) }
+ end
+ def hash # :nodoc:
+ @hash.hash
+ end
+ def eql?(o) # :nodoc:
+ return false unless o.is_a?(Set)
+ @hash.eql?(o.instance_eval{@hash})
+ end
+ # Classifies the set by the return value of the given block and
+ # returns a hash of {value => set of elements} pairs. The block is
+ # called once for each element of the set, passing the element as
+ # parameter.
+ #
+ # e.g.:
+ #
+ # require 'set'
+ # files ="*.rb"))
+ # hash = files.classify { |f| File.mtime(f).year }
+ # p hash # => {2000=>#<Set: {"a.rb", "b.rb"}>,
+ # # 2001=>#<Set: {"c.rb", "d.rb", "e.rb"}>,
+ # # 2002=>#<Set: {"f.rb"}>}
+ def classify # :yields: o
+ h = {}
+ each { |i|
+ x = yield(i)
+ (h[x] ||=
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ # Divides the set into a set of subsets according to the commonality
+ # defined by the given block.
+ #
+ # If the arity of the block is 2, elements o1 and o2 are in common
+ # if, o2) is true. Otherwise, elements o1 and o2 are
+ # in common if ==
+ #
+ # e.g.:
+ #
+ # require 'set'
+ # numbers = Set[1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11]
+ # set = numbers.divide { |i,j| (i - j).abs == 1 }
+ # p set # => #<Set: {#<Set: {1}>,
+ # # #<Set: {11, 9, 10}>,
+ # # #<Set: {3, 4}>,
+ # # #<Set: {6}>}>
+ def divide(&func)
+ if func.arity == 2
+ require 'tsort'
+ class << dig = {} # :nodoc:
+ include TSort
+ alias tsort_each_node each_key
+ def tsort_each_child(node, &block)
+ fetch(node).each(&block)
+ end
+ end
+ each { |u|
+ dig[u] = a = []
+ each{ |v|, v) and a << v }
+ }
+ set =
+ dig.each_strongly_connected_component { |css|
+ set.add(
+ }
+ set
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ InspectKey = :__inspect_key__ # :nodoc:
+ # Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the
+ # set. ("#<Set: {element1, element2, ...}>")
+ def inspect
+ ids = (Thread.current[InspectKey] ||= [])
+ if ids.include?(object_id)
+ return sprintf('#<%s: {...}>',
+ end
+ begin
+ ids << object_id
+ return sprintf('#<%s: {%s}>', self.class, to_a.inspect[1..-2])
+ ensure
+ ids.pop
+ end
+ end
+ def pretty_print(pp) # :nodoc:
+ pp.text sprintf('#<%s: {',
+ pp.nest(1) {
+ pp.seplist(self) { |o|
+ pp.pp o
+ }
+ }
+ pp.text "}>"
+ end
+ def pretty_print_cycle(pp) # :nodoc:
+ pp.text sprintf('#<%s: {%s}>',, empty? ? '' : '...')
+ end
+# SortedSet implements a set which elements are sorted in order. See Set.
+class SortedSet < Set
+ @@setup = false
+ class << self
+ def [](*ary) # :nodoc:
+ new(ary)
+ end
+ def setup # :nodoc:
+ @@setup and return
+ begin
+ require 'rbtree'
+ module_eval %{
+ def initialize(*args, &block)
+ @hash =
+ super
+ end
+ }
+ rescue LoadError
+ module_eval %{
+ def initialize(*args, &block)
+ @keys = nil
+ super
+ end
+ def clear
+ @keys = nil
+ super
+ end
+ def replace(enum)
+ @keys = nil
+ super
+ end
+ def add(o)
+ @keys = nil
+ @hash[o] = true
+ self
+ end
+ alias << add
+ def delete(o)
+ @keys = nil
+ @hash.delete(o)
+ self
+ end
+ def delete_if
+ n = @hash.size
+ @hash.delete_if { |o,| yield(o) }
+ @keys = nil if @hash.size != n
+ self
+ end
+ def merge(enum)
+ @keys = nil
+ super
+ end
+ def each
+ to_a.each { |o| yield(o) }
+ end
+ def to_a
+ (@keys = @hash.keys).sort! unless @keys
+ @keys
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ @@setup = true
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(*args, &block) # :nodoc:
+ SortedSet.setup
+ initialize(*args, &block)
+ end
+module Enumerable
+ # Makes a set from the enumerable object with given arguments.
+ def to_set(klass = Set, *args, &block)
+, *args, &block)
+ end
+# =begin
+# == RestricedSet class
+# RestricedSet implements a set with restrictions defined by a given
+# block.
+# === Super class
+# Set
+# === Class Methods
+# --- RestricedSet::new(enum = nil) { |o| ... }
+# --- RestricedSet::new(enum = nil) { |rset, o| ... }
+# Creates a new restricted set containing the elements of the given
+# enumerable object. Restrictions are defined by the given block.
+# If the block's arity is 2, it is called with the RestrictedSet
+# itself and an object to see if the object is allowed to be put in
+# the set.
+# Otherwise, the block is called with an object to see if the object
+# is allowed to be put in the set.
+# === Instance Methods
+# --- restriction_proc
+# Returns the restriction procedure of the set.
+# =end
+# class RestricedSet < Set
+# def initialize(*args, &block)
+# @proc = block or raise ArgumentError, "missing a block"
+# if @proc.arity == 2
+# instance_eval %{
+# def add(o)
+# @hash[o] = true if, o)
+# self
+# end
+# alias << add
+# def add?(o)
+# if include?(o) || !, o)
+# nil
+# else
+# @hash[o] = true
+# self
+# end
+# end
+# def replace(enum)
+# enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+# clear
+# enum.each { |o| add(o) }
+# self
+# end
+# def merge(enum)
+# enum.is_a?(Enumerable) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be enumerable"
+# enum.each { |o| add(o) }
+# self
+# end
+# }
+# else
+# instance_eval %{
+# def add(o)
+# if
+# @hash[o] = true
+# end
+# self
+# end
+# alias << add
+# def add?(o)
+# if include?(o) || !
+# nil
+# else
+# @hash[o] = true
+# self
+# end
+# end
+# }
+# end
+# super(*args)
+# end
+# def restriction_proc
+# @proc
+# end
+# end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ eval, nil, $0, __LINE__+4
+# = rweb - CGI Support Library
+# Author:: Johannes Barre (
+# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2003, 04 by Johannes Barre
+# License:: GNU Lesser General Public License (COPYING,
+# Version:: 0.1.0
+# CVS-ID:: $Id: rweb.rb 6 2004-06-16 15:56:26Z igel $
+# == What is Rweb?
+# Rweb is a replacement for the cgi class included in the ruby distribution.
+# == How to use
+# === Basics
+# This class is made to be as easy as possible to use. An example:
+# require "rweb"
+# web =
+# web.out do
+# web.puts "Hello world!"
+# end
+# The visitor will get a simple "Hello World!" in his browser. Please notice,
+# that won't set html-tags for you, so you should better do something like this:
+# require "rweb"
+# web =
+# web.out do
+# web.puts "<html><body>Hello world!</body></html>"
+# end
+# === Set headers
+# Of course, it's also possible to tell the browser, that the content of this
+# page is plain text instead of html code:
+# require "rweb"
+# web =
+# web.out do
+# web.header("content-type: text/plain")
+# web.puts "Hello plain world!"
+# end
+# Please remember, headers can't be set after the page content has been send.
+# You have to set all nessessary headers before the first puts oder print. It's
+# possible to cache the content until everything is complete. Doing it this
+# way, you can set headers everywhere.
+# If you set a header twice, the second header will replace the first one. The
+# header name is not casesensitive, it will allways converted in to the
+# capitalised form suggested by the w3c (
+# === Set cookies
+# Setting cookies is quite easy:
+# include 'rweb'
+# web =
+#"Visits", web.cookies['visits'].to_i +1)
+# web.out do
+# web.puts "Welcome back! You visited this page #{web.cookies['visits'].to_i +1} times"
+# end
+# See the class Cookie for more details.
+# === Get form and cookie values
+# There are four ways to submit data from the browser to the server and your
+# ruby script: via GET, POST, cookies and file upload. Rweb doesn't support
+# file upload by now.
+# include 'rweb'
+# web =
+# web.out do
+# web.print "action: #{web.get['action']} "
+# web.puts "The value of the cookie 'visits' is #{web.cookies['visits']}"
+# web.puts "The post parameter 'test['x']' is #{['test']['x']}"
+# end
+RWEB_VERSION = "0.1.0"
+RWEB = "rweb/#{RWEB_VERSION}"
+#require 'rwebcookie' -> edit by bunny :-)
+class Rweb
+ # All parameter submitted via the GET method are available in attribute
+ # get. This is Hash, where every parameter is available as a key-value
+ # pair.
+ #
+ # If your input tag has a name like this one, it's value will be available
+ # as web.get["fieldname"]
+ # <input name="fieldname">
+ # You can submit values as a Hash
+ # <input name="text['index']">
+ # <input name="text['index2']">
+ # will be available as
+ # web.get["text"]["index"]
+ # web.get["text"]["index2"]
+ # Integers are also possible
+ # <input name="int[2]">
+ # <input name="int[3]['hi']>
+ # will be available as
+ # web.get["int"][2]
+ # web.get["int"][3]["hi"]
+ # If you specify no index, the lowest unused index will be used:
+ # <input name="int[]"><!-- First Field -->
+ # <input name="int[]"><!-- Second one -->
+ # will be available as
+ # web.get["int"][0] # First Field
+ # web.get["int"][1] # Second one
+ # Please notice, this doesn'd work like you might expect:
+ # <input name="text[index]">
+ # It will not be available as web.get["text"]["index"] but
+ # web.get["text[index]"]
+ attr_reader :get
+ # All parameters submitted via POST are available in the attribute post. It
+ # works like the get attribute.
+ # <input name="text[0]">
+ # will be available as
+ #["text"][0]
+ attr_reader :post
+ # All cookies submitted by the browser are available in cookies. This is a
+ # Hash, where every cookie is a key-value pair.
+ attr_reader :cookies
+ # The name of the browser identification is submitted as USER_AGENT and
+ # available in this attribute.
+ attr_reader :user_agent
+ # The IP address of the client.
+ attr_reader :remote_addr
+ # Creates a new Rweb object. This should only done once. You can set various
+ # options via the settings hash.
+ #
+ # "cache" => true: Everything you script send to the client will be cached
+ # until the end of the out block or until flush is called. This way, you
+ # can modify headers and cookies even after printing something to the client.
+ #
+ # "safe" => level: Changes the $SAFE attribute. By default, $SAFE will be set
+ # to 1. If $SAFE is already higher than this value, it won't be changed.
+ #
+ # "silend" => true: Normaly, Rweb adds automaticly a header like this
+ # "X-Powered-By: Rweb/x.x.x (Ruby/y.y.y)". With the silend option you can
+ # suppress this.
+ def initialize (settings = {})
+ # {{{
+ @header = {}
+ @cookies = {}
+ @get = {}
+ @post = {}
+ # Internal attributes
+ @status = nil
+ @reasonPhrase = nil
+ @setcookies = []
+ @output_started = false;
+ @output_allowed = false;
+ @mod_ruby = false
+ @env = ENV.to_hash
+ if defined?(MOD_RUBY)
+ @output_method = "mod_ruby"
+ @mod_ruby = true
+ elsif @env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] =~ /^Microsoft-IIS/i
+ @output_method = "nph"
+ else
+ @output_method = "ph"
+ end
+ unless settings.is_a?(Hash)
+ raise TypeError, "settings must be a Hash"
+ end
+ @settings = settings
+ unless @settings.has_key?("safe")
+ @settings["safe"] = 1
+ end
+ if $SAFE < @settings["safe"]
+ $SAFE = @settings["safe"]
+ end
+ unless @settings.has_key?("cache")
+ @settings["cache"] = false
+ end
+ # mod_ruby sets no QUERY_STRING variable, if no GET-Parameters are given
+ unless @env.has_key?("QUERY_STRING")
+ @env["QUERY_STRING"] = ""
+ end
+ # Now we split the QUERY_STRING by the seperators & and ; or, if
+ # specified, settings['get seperator']
+ unless @settings.has_key?("get seperator")
+ get_args = @env['QUERY_STRING'].split(/[&;]/)
+ else
+ get_args = @env['QUERY_STRING'].split(@settings['get seperator'])
+ end
+ get_args.each do | arg |
+ arg_key, arg_val = arg.split(/=/, 2)
+ arg_key = Rweb::unescape(arg_key)
+ arg_val = Rweb::unescape(arg_val)
+ # Parse names like name[0], name['text'] or name[]
+ pattern = /^(.+)\[("[^\]]*"|'[^\]]*'|[0-9]*)\]$/
+ keys = []
+ while match = pattern.match(arg_key)
+ arg_key = match[1]
+ keys = [match[2]] + keys
+ end
+ keys = [arg_key] + keys
+ akt = @get
+ last = nil
+ lastkey = nil
+ keys.each do |key|
+ if key == ""
+ # No key specified (like in "test[]"), so we use the
+ # lowerst unused Integer as key
+ key = 0
+ while akt.has_key?(key)
+ key += 1
+ end
+ elsif /^[0-9]*$/ =~ key
+ # If the index is numerical convert it to an Integer
+ key = key.to_i
+ elsif key[0].chr == "'" || key[0].chr == '"'
+ key = key[1, key.length() -2]
+ end
+ if !akt.has_key?(key) || !akt[key].class == Hash
+ # create an empty Hash if there isn't already one
+ akt[key] = {}
+ end
+ last = akt
+ lastkey = key
+ akt = akt[key]
+ end
+ last[lastkey] = arg_val
+ end
+ if @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST"
+ if @env.has_key?("CONTENT_TYPE") && @env['CONTENT_TYPE'] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" && @env.has_key?('CONTENT_LENGTH')
+ unless @settings.has_key?("post seperator")
+ post_args = $['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i).split(/[&;]/)
+ else
+ post_args = $['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i).split(@settings['post seperator'])
+ end
+ post_args.each do | arg |
+ arg_key, arg_val = arg.split(/=/, 2)
+ arg_key = Rweb::unescape(arg_key)
+ arg_val = Rweb::unescape(arg_val)
+ # Parse names like name[0], name['text'] or name[]
+ pattern = /^(.+)\[("[^\]]*"|'[^\]]*'|[0-9]*)\]$/
+ keys = []
+ while match = pattern.match(arg_key)
+ arg_key = match[1]
+ keys = [match[2]] + keys
+ end
+ keys = [arg_key] + keys
+ akt = @post
+ last = nil
+ lastkey = nil
+ keys.each do |key|
+ if key == ""
+ # No key specified (like in "test[]"), so we use
+ # the lowerst unused Integer as key
+ key = 0
+ while akt.has_key?(key)
+ key += 1
+ end
+ elsif /^[0-9]*$/ =~ key
+ # If the index is numerical convert it to an Integer
+ key = key.to_i
+ elsif key[0].chr == "'" || key[0].chr == '"'
+ key = key[1, key.length() -2]
+ end
+ if !akt.has_key?(key) || !akt[key].class == Hash
+ # create an empty Hash if there isn't already one
+ akt[key] = {}
+ end
+ last = akt
+ lastkey = key
+ akt = akt[key]
+ end
+ last[lastkey] = arg_val
+ end
+ else
+ # Maybe we should print a warning here?
+ $stderr.print("Unidentified form data recived and discarded.")
+ end
+ end
+ if @env.has_key?("HTTP_COOKIE")
+ cookie = @env['HTTP_COOKIE'].split(/; ?/)
+ cookie.each do | c |
+ cookie_key, cookie_val = c.split(/=/, 2)
+ @cookies [Rweb::unescape(cookie_key)] = Rweb::unescape(cookie_val)
+ end
+ end
+ if defined?(@env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])
+ @user_agent = @env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
+ else
+ @user_agent = nil;
+ end
+ if defined?(@env['REMOTE_ADDR'])
+ @remote_addr = @env['REMOTE_ADDR']
+ else
+ @remote_addr = nil
+ end
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Prints a String to the client. If caching is enabled, the String will
+ # buffered until the end of the out block ends.
+ def print(str = "")
+ # {{{
+ unless @output_allowed
+ raise "You just can write to output inside of a Rweb::out-block"
+ end
+ if @settings["cache"]
+ @buffer += [str.to_s]
+ else
+ unless @output_started
+ sendHeaders
+ end
+ $stdout.print(str)
+ end
+ nil
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Prints a String to the client and adds a line break at the end. Please
+ # remember, that a line break is not visible in HTML, use the <br> HTML-Tag
+ # for this. If caching is enabled, the String will buffered until the end
+ # of the out block ends.
+ def puts(str = "")
+ # {{{
+ self.print(str + "\n")
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Alias to print.
+ def write(str = "")
+ # {{{
+ self.print(str)
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # If caching is enabled, all cached data are send to the cliend and the
+ # cache emptied.
+ def flush
+ # {{{
+ unless @output_allowed
+ raise "You can't use flush outside of a Rweb::out-block"
+ end
+ buffer = @buffer.join
+ unless @output_started
+ sendHeaders
+ end
+ $stdout.print(buffer)
+ @buffer = []
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Sends one or more header to the client. All headers are cached just
+ # before body data are send to the client. If the same header are set
+ # twice, only the last value is send.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # web.header("Last-Modified: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 20:15:41 GMT")
+ # web.header("Location:")
+ #
+ # You can specify more than one header at the time by doing something like
+ # this:
+ # web.header("Content-Type: text/plain\nContent-Length: 383")
+ # or
+ # web.header(["Content-Type: text/plain", "Content-Length: 383"])
+ def header(str)
+ # {{{
+ if @output_started
+ raise "HTTP-Headers are already send. You can't change them after output has started!"
+ end
+ unless @output_allowed
+ raise "You just can set headers inside of a Rweb::out-block"
+ end
+ if str.is_a?Array
+ str.each do | value |
+ self.header(value)
+ end
+ elsif str.split(/\n/).length > 1
+ str.split(/\n/).each do | value |
+ self.header(value)
+ end
+ elsif str.is_a? String
+ str.gsub!(/\r/, "")
+ if (str =~ /^HTTP\/1\.[01] [0-9]{3} ?.*$/) == 0
+ pattern = /^HTTP\/1.[01] ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/
+ result = pattern.match(str)
+ self.setstatus(result[0], result[1])
+ elsif (str =~ /^status: [0-9]{3} ?.*$/i) == 0
+ pattern = /^status: ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/i
+ result = pattern.match(str)
+ self.setstatus(result[0], result[1])
+ else
+ a = str.split(/: ?/, 2)
+ @header[a[0].downcase] = a[1]
+ end
+ end
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Changes the status of this page. There are several codes like "200 OK",
+ # "302 Found", "404 Not Found" or "500 Internal Server Error". A list of
+ # all codes is available at
+ #
+ #
+ # You can just send the code number, the reason phrase will be added
+ # automaticly with the recommendations from the w3c if not specified. If
+ # you set the status twice or more, only the last status will be send.
+ # Examples:
+ # web.status("401 Unauthorized")
+ # web.status("410 Sad but true, this lonely page is gone :(")
+ # web.status(206)
+ # web.status("400")
+ #
+ # The default status is "200 OK". If a "Location" header is set, the
+ # default status is "302 Found".
+ def status(str)
+ # {{{
+ if @output_started
+ raise "HTTP-Headers are already send. You can't change them after output has started!"
+ end
+ unless @output_allowed
+ raise "You just can set headers inside of a Rweb::out-block"
+ end
+ if str.is_a?Integer
+ @status = str
+ elsif str.is_a?String
+ p1 = /^([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/
+ p2 = /^HTTP\/1\.[01] ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/
+ p3 = /^status: ([0-9]{3}) ?(.*)$/i
+ if (a = p1.match(str)) == nil
+ if (a = p2.match(str)) == nil
+ if (a = p3.match(str)) == nil
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument", caller
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @status = a[1].to_i
+ if a[2] != ""
+ @reasonPhrase = a[2]
+ else
+ @reasonPhrase = getReasonPhrase(@status)
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Argument of setstatus must be integer or string", caller
+ end
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Handles the output of your content and rescues all exceptions. Send all
+ # data in the block to this method. For example:
+ # web.out do
+ # web.header("Content-Type: text/plain")
+ # web.puts("Hello, plain world!")
+ # end
+ def out
+ # {{{
+ @output_allowed = true
+ @buffer = []; # We use an array as buffer, because it's more performant :)
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue Exception => exception
+ $stderr.puts "Ruby exception rescued (#{exception.class}): #{exception.message}"
+ $stderr.puts exception.backtrace.join("\n")
+ unless @output_started
+ self.setstatus(500)
+ @header = {}
+ end
+ unless (@settings.has_key?("hide errors") and @settings["hide errors"] == true)
+ unless @output_started
+ self.header("Content-Type: text/html")
+ self.puts "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN\" \"\">"
+ self.puts "<html>"
+ self.puts "<head>"
+ self.puts "<title>500 Internal Server Error</title>"
+ self.puts "</head>"
+ self.puts "<body>"
+ end
+ if @header.has_key?("content-type") and (@header["content-type"] =~ /^text\/html/i) == 0
+ self.puts "<h1>Internal Server Error</h1>"
+ self.puts "<p>The server encountered an exception and was unable to complete your request.</p>"
+ self.puts "<p>The exception has provided the following information:</p>"
+ self.puts "<pre style=\"background: #FFCCCC; border: black solid 2px; margin-left: 2cm; margin-right: 2cm; padding: 2mm;\"><b>#{exception.class}</b>: #{exception.message} <b>on</b>"
+ self.puts
+ self.puts "#{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}</pre>"
+ self.puts "</body>"
+ self.puts "</html>"
+ else
+ self.puts "The server encountered an exception and was unable to complete your request"
+ self.puts "The exception has provided the following information:"
+ self.puts "#{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"
+ self.puts
+ self.puts exception.backtrace.join("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if @settings["cache"]
+ buffer = @buffer.join
+ unless @output_started
+ unless @header.has_key?("content-length")
+ self.header("content-length: #{buffer.length}")
+ end
+ sendHeaders
+ end
+ $stdout.print(buffer)
+ elsif !@output_started
+ sendHeaders
+ end
+ @output_allowed = false;
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Decodes URL encoded data, %20 for example stands for a space.
+ def Rweb.unescape(str)
+ # {{{
+ if defined? str and str.is_a? String
+ str.gsub!(/\+/, " ")
+ str.gsub(/%.{2}/) do | s |
+ s[1,2].hex.chr
+ end
+ end
+ # }}}
+ end
+ protected
+ def sendHeaders
+ # {{{
+ Cookie.disallow # no more cookies can be set or modified
+ if !(@settings.has_key?("silent") and @settings["silent"] == true) and !@header.has_key?("x-powered-by")
+ if @mod_ruby
+ header("x-powered-by: #{RWEB} (Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}, #{MOD_RUBY})");
+ else
+ header("x-powered-by: #{RWEB} (Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION})");
+ end
+ end
+ if @output_method == "ph"
+ if ((@status == nil or @status == 200) and !@header.has_key?("content-type") and !@header.has_key?("location"))
+ header("content-type: text/html")
+ end
+ if @status != nil
+ $stdout.print "Status: #{@status} #{@reasonPhrase}\r\n"
+ end
+ @header.each do |key, value|
+ key = key *1 # "unfreeze" key :)
+ key[0] = key[0,1].upcase![0]
+ key = key.gsub(/-[a-z]/) do |char|
+ "-" + char[1,1].upcase
+ end
+ $stdout.print "#{key}: #{value}\r\n"
+ end
+ cookies = Cookie.getHttpHeader # Get all cookies as an HTTP Header
+ if cookies
+ $stdout.print cookies
+ end
+ $stdout.print "\r\n"
+ elsif @output_method == "nph"
+ elsif @output_method == "mod_ruby"
+ r = Apache.request
+ if ((@status == nil or @status == 200) and !@header.has_key?("content-type") and !@header.has_key?("location"))
+ header("text/html")
+ end
+ if @status != nil
+ r.status_line = "#{@status} #{@reasonPhrase}"
+ end
+ r.send_http_header
+ @header.each do |key, value|
+ key = key *1 # "unfreeze" key :)
+ key[0] = key[0,1].upcase![0]
+ key = key.gsub(/-[a-z]/) do |char|
+ "-" + char[1,1].upcase
+ end
+ puts "#{key}: #{value.class}"
+ #r.headers_out[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ @output_started = true
+ # }}}
+ end
+ def getReasonPhrase (status)
+ # {{{
+ if status == 100
+ "Continue"
+ elsif status == 101
+ "Switching Protocols"
+ elsif status == 200
+ "OK"
+ elsif status == 201
+ "Created"
+ elsif status == 202
+ "Accepted"
+ elsif status == 203
+ "Non-Authoritative Information"
+ elsif status == 204
+ "No Content"
+ elsif status == 205
+ "Reset Content"
+ elsif status == 206
+ "Partial Content"
+ elsif status == 300
+ "Multiple Choices"
+ elsif status == 301
+ "Moved Permanently"
+ elsif status == 302
+ "Found"
+ elsif status == 303
+ "See Other"
+ elsif status == 304
+ "Not Modified"
+ elsif status == 305
+ "Use Proxy"
+ elsif status == 307
+ "Temporary Redirect"
+ elsif status == 400
+ "Bad Request"
+ elsif status == 401
+ "Unauthorized"
+ elsif status == 402
+ "Payment Required"
+ elsif status == 403
+ "Forbidden"
+ elsif status == 404
+ "Not Found"
+ elsif status == 405
+ "Method Not Allowed"
+ elsif status == 406
+ "Not Acceptable"
+ elsif status == 407
+ "Proxy Authentication Required"
+ elsif status == 408
+ "Request Time-out"
+ elsif status == 409
+ "Conflict"
+ elsif status == 410
+ "Gone"
+ elsif status == 411
+ "Length Required"
+ elsif status == 412
+ "Precondition Failed"
+ elsif status == 413
+ "Request Entity Too Large"
+ elsif status == 414
+ "Request-URI Too Large"
+ elsif status == 415
+ "Unsupported Media Type"
+ elsif status == 416
+ "Requested range not satisfiable"
+ elsif status == 417
+ "Expectation Failed"
+ elsif status == 500
+ "Internal Server Error"
+ elsif status == 501
+ "Not Implemented"
+ elsif status == 502
+ "Bad Gateway"
+ elsif status == 503
+ "Service Unavailable"
+ elsif status == 504
+ "Gateway Time-out"
+ elsif status == 505
+ "HTTP Version not supported"
+ else
+ raise "Unknown Statuscode. See for more information."
+ end
+ # }}}
+ end
+class Cookie
+ attr_reader :name, :value, :maxage, :path, :domain, :secure, :comment
+ # Sets a cookie. Please see below for details of the attributes.
+ def initialize (name, value = nil, maxage = nil, path = nil, domain = nil, secure = false)
+ # {{{
+ # HTTP headers (Cookies are a HTTP header) can only set, while no content
+ # is send. So an exception will be raised, when @@allowed is set to false
+ # and a new cookie has set.
+ unless defined?(@@allowed)
+ @@allowed = true
+ end
+ unless @@allowed
+ raise "You can't set cookies after the HTTP headers are send."
+ end
+ unless defined?(@@list)
+ @@list = []
+ end
+ @@list += [self]
+ unless defined?(@@type)
+ @@type = "netscape"
+ end
+ unless name.class == String
+ raise TypeError, "The name of a cookie must be a string", caller
+ end
+ if value.class.superclass == Integer || value.class == Float
+ value = value.to_s
+ elsif value.class != String && value != nil
+ raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be a string, integer, float or nil", caller
+ end
+ if maxage.class == Time
+ maxage = maxage -
+ elsif !maxage.class.superclass == Integer || !maxage == nil
+ raise TypeError, "The maxage date of a cookie must be an Integer or Time object or nil.", caller
+ end
+ unless path.class == String || path == nil
+ raise TypeError, "The path of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller
+ end
+ unless domain.class == String || domain == nil
+ raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller
+ end
+ unless secure == true || secure == false
+ raise TypeError, "The secure field of a cookie must be true or false", caller
+ end
+ @name, @value, @maxage, @path, @domain, @secure = name, value, maxage, path, domain, secure
+ @comment = nil
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Modifies the value of this cookie. The information you want to store. If the
+ # value is nil, the cookie will be deleted by the client.
+ #
+ # This attribute can be a String, Integer or Float object or nil.
+ def value=(value)
+ # {{{
+ if value.class.superclass == Integer || value.class == Float
+ value = value.to_s
+ elsif value.class != String && value != nil
+ raise TypeError, "The value of a cookie must be a string, integer, float or nil", caller
+ end
+ @value = value
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Modifies the maxage of this cookie. This attribute defines the lifetime of
+ # the cookie, in seconds. A value of 0 means the cookie should be discarded
+ # imediatly. If it set to nil, the cookie will be deleted when the browser
+ # will be closed.
+ #
+ # Attention: This is different from other implementations like PHP, where you
+ # gives the seconds since 1/1/1970 0:00:00 GMT.
+ #
+ # This attribute must be an Integer or Time object or nil.
+ def maxage=(maxage)
+ # {{{
+ if maxage.class == Time
+ maxage = maxage -
+ elsif maxage.class.superclass == Integer || !maxage == nil
+ raise TypeError, "The maxage of a cookie must be an Interger or Time object or nil.", caller
+ end
+ @maxage = maxage
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Modifies the path value of this cookie. The client will send this cookie
+ # only, if the requested document is this directory or a subdirectory of it.
+ #
+ # The value of the attribute must be a String object or nil.
+ def path=(path)
+ # {{{
+ unless path.class == String || path == nil
+ raise TypeError, "The path of a cookie must be nil or a string", caller
+ end
+ @path = path
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Modifies the domain value of this cookie. The client will send this cookie
+ # only if it's connected with this domain (or a subdomain, if the first
+ # character is a dot like in "")
+ #
+ # The value of this attribute must be a String or nil.
+ def domain=(domain)
+ # {{{
+ unless domain.class == String || domain == nil
+ raise TypeError, "The domain of a cookie must be a String or nil.", caller
+ end
+ @domain = domain
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Modifies the secure flag of this cookie. If it's true, the client will only
+ # send this cookie if it is secured connected with us.
+ #
+ # The value od this attribute has to be true or false.
+ def secure=(secure)
+ # {{{
+ unless secure == true || secure == false
+ raise TypeError, "The secure field of a cookie must be true or false", caller
+ end
+ @secure = secure
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Modifies the comment value of this cookie. The comment won't be send, if
+ # type is "netscape".
+ def comment=(comment)
+ # {{{
+ unless comment.class == String || comment == nil
+ raise TypeError, "The comment of a cookie must be a string or nil", caller
+ end
+ @comment = comment
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Changes the type of all cookies.
+ # Allowed values are RFC2109 and netscape (default).
+ def Cookie.type=(type)
+ # {{{
+ unless @@allowed
+ raise "The cookies are allready send, so you can't change the type anymore."
+ end
+ unless type.downcase == "rfc2109" && type.downcase == "netscape"
+ raise "The type of the cookies must be \"RFC2109\" or \"netscape\"."
+ end
+ @@type = type;
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # After sending this message, no cookies can be set or modified. Use it, when
+ # HTTP-Headers are send. Rweb does this for you.
+ def Cookie.disallow
+ # {{{
+ @@allowed = false
+ true
+ # }}}
+ end
+ # Returns a HTTP header (type String) with all cookies. Rweb does this for
+ # you.
+ def Cookie.getHttpHeader
+ # {{{
+ if defined?(@@list)
+ if @@type == "netscape"
+ str = ""
+ @@list.each do |cookie|
+ if cookie.value == nil
+ cookie.maxage = 0
+ cookie.value = ""
+ end
+ # TODO: Name and value should be escaped!
+ str += "Set-Cookie: #{}=#{cookie.value}"
+ unless cookie.maxage == nil
+ expire = + cookie.maxage
+ expire.gmtime
+ str += "; Expire=#{expire.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z")}"
+ end
+ unless cookie.domain == nil
+ str += "; Domain=#{cookie.domain}"
+ end
+ unless cookie.path == nil
+ str += "; Path=#{cookie.path}"
+ end
+ if
+ str += "; Secure"
+ end
+ str += "\r\n"
+ end
+ return str
+ else # type == "RFC2109"
+ str = "Set-Cookie: "
+ comma = false;
+ @@list.each do |cookie|
+ if cookie.value == nil
+ cookie.maxage = 0
+ cookie.value = ""
+ end
+ if comma
+ str += ","
+ end
+ comma = true
+ str += "#{}=\"#{cookie.value}\""
+ unless cookie.maxage == nil
+ str += "; Max-Age=\"#{cookie.maxage}\""
+ end
+ unless cookie.domain == nil
+ str += "; Domain=\"#{cookie.domain}\""
+ end
+ unless cookie.path == nil
+ str += "; Path=\"#{cookie.path}\""
+ end
+ if
+ str += "; Secure"
+ end
+ unless cookie.comment == nil
+ str += "; Comment=\"#{cookie.comment}\""
+ end
+ str += "; Version=\"1\""
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ # }}}
+ end
+require 'strscan'
+module BBCode
+ DEBUG = true
+ use 'encoder', 'tags', 'tagstack', 'smileys'
+ The Parser class takes care of the encoding.
+ It scans the given BBCode (as plain text), finds tags
+ and smilies and also makes links of urls in text.
+ Normal text is send directly to the encoder.
+ If a tag was found, an instance of a Tag subclass is created
+ to handle the case.
+ The @tagstack manages tag nesting and ensures valid HTML.
+ class Parser
+ class Attribute
+ # flatten and use only one empty_arg
+ def self.create attr
+ attr = flatten attr
+ return @@empty_attr if attr.empty?
+ new attr
+ end
+ private_class_method :new
+ # remove leading and trailing whitespace; concat lines
+ def self.flatten attr
+ attr.strip.gsub(/\n/, ' ')
+ # -> ^ and $ can only match at begin and end now
+ end
+ (?!$) # don't match at end
+ \s*
+ ( # $1 = key
+ [^=\s\]"\\]*
+ (?:
+ (?: \\. | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"? )
+ [^=\s\]"\\]*
+ )*
+ )
+ (?:
+ =
+ ( # $2 = value
+ [^\s\]"\\]*
+ (?:
+ (?: \\. | "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"? )
+ [^\s\]"\\]*
+ )*
+ )?
+ )?
+ \s*
+ /x
+ def self.parse source
+ source = source.dup
+ # empty_tag: the tag looks like [... /]
+ # slice!: this deletes the \s*/] at the end
+ # \s+ because [url=] is NOT an empty tag.
+ # In RubyBBCode, you can use [url= /], and this has to be
+ # interpreted correctly.
+ empty_tag = source.sub!(/^:/, '=') or source.slice!(/\/$/)
+ debug 'PARSE: ' + source.inspect + ' => ' + empty_tag.inspect
+ #-> we have now an attr that's EITHER empty OR begins and ends with non-whitespace.
+ attr =
+ attr[:flags] = []
+ source.scan(ATTRIBUTE_SCAN) { |key, value|
+ if not value
+ attr[:flags] << unescape(key)
+ else
+ next if value.empty? and key.empty?
+ attr[unescape(key)] = unescape(value)
+ end
+ }
+ debug attr.inspect
+ return empty_tag, attr
+ end
+ def self.unescape_char esc
+ esc[1]
+ end
+ def self.unquote qt
+ qt[1..-1].chomp('"').gsub(/\\./) { |esc| unescape_char esc }
+ end
+ def self.unescape str
+ str.gsub(/ (\\.) | (" [^"\\]* (?:\\.[^"\\]*)* "?) /x) {
+ if $1
+ unescape_char $1
+ else
+ unquote $2
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ include Enumerable
+ def each &block
+ @args.each(&block)
+ end
+ attr_reader :source, :args, :value
+ def initialize source
+ @source = source
+ debug 'Attribute#new(%p)' % source
+ @empty_tag, @attr = Attribute.parse source
+ @value = @attr[''].to_s
+ end
+ def empty?
+ self == @@empty_attr
+ end
+ def empty_tag?
+ @empty_tag
+ end
+ def [] *keys
+ res = @attr[*keys]
+ end
+ def flags
+ attr[:flags]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @attr
+ end
+ def inspect
+ 'ATTR[' + @attr.inspect + (@empty_tag ? ' | empty tag' : '') + ']'
+ end
+ end
+ class Attribute
+ @@empty_attr = new ''
+ end
+ end
+ class Parser
+ def Parser.flatten str
+ # replace mac & dos newlines with unix style
+ str.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n")
+ end
+ def initialize input = ''
+ # input manager
+ @scanner = ''
+ # output manager
+ @encoder =
+ @output = ''
+ # tag manager
+ @tagstack =
+ @do_magic = true
+ # set the input
+ feed input
+ end
+ # if you want, you can feed a parser instance after creating,
+ # or even feed it repeatedly.
+ def feed food
+ @scanner.string = Parser.flatten food
+ end
+ # parse through the string using parse_token
+ def parse
+ parse_token until @scanner.eos?
+ @tagstack.close_all
+ @output = parse_magic @encoder.output
+ end
+ def output
+ @output
+ end
+ # ok, internals start here
+ private
+ # the default output functions. everything should use them or the tags.
+ def add_text text = @scanner.matched
+ @encoder.add_text text
+ end
+ # use this carefully
+ def add_html html
+ @encoder.add_html html
+ end
+ # highlights the text as error
+ def add_garbage garbage
+ add_html '<span class="error">' if DEBUG
+ add_text garbage
+ add_html '</span>' if DEBUG
+ end
+ # unknown and incorrectly nested tags are ignored and
+ # sent as plaintext (garbage in - garbage out).
+ # in debug mode, garbage is marked with lime background.
+ def garbage_out start
+ @scanner.pos = start
+ garbage = @scanner.scan(/./m)
+ debug 'GARBAGE: ' + garbage
+ add_garbage garbage
+ end
+ # simple text; everything but [, \[ allowed
+ [^\[\\]* # normal*
+ (?: # (
+ \\.? # special
+ [^\[\\]* # normal*
+ )* # )*
+ /mx
+ SIMPLE_TEXT_SCAN = /[^\[]+/
+ ==============
+ Tags in BBCode can be much more than just a simple [b].
+ I use many terms here to differ the parts of each tag.
+ Basic scheme:
+ [ code ]
+ Most tags need a second tag to close the range it opened.
+ This is done with CLOSING TAGS:
+ [/code]
+ or by using empty tags that have no content and close themselfes:
+ [ /]
+ You surely know this from HTML.
+ These slashes define the TAG KIND = normal|closing|empty and
+ cannot be used together.
+ Everything between [ and ] and expluding the slashes is called the
+ TAG INFO. This info may contain:
+ - TAG ID
+ - TAG NAME including the tag id
+ - attributes
+ The TAG ID is the first char of the info:
+ TAG | ID
+ ----------+----
+ [quote] | q
+ [&plusmn] | &
+ ["[b]"] | "
+ [/url] | u
+ [---] | -
+ As you can see, the tag id shows the TAG TYPE, it can be a
+ normal tag, a formatting tag or an entity.
+ Therefor, the parser first scans the id to decide how to go
+ on with parsing.
+ # tag
+ # TODO more complex expression allowing
+ # [quote="[ladico]"] and [quote=\[ladico\]] to be correct tags
+ \[ # tag start
+ ( \/ )? # $1 = closing tag?
+ ( [^\]] ) # $2 = tag id
+ /x
+ [^\]]* # rest that was not handled
+ \]? # tag end
+ /x
+ ( [^\]]* ) # $1 = the rest of the tag info
+ ( \/ )? # $2 = empty tag?
+ \]? # tag end
+ /x
+ CLASSIC_TAG_SCAN = / [a-z]* /ix
+ FORMAT_TAG_SCAN = / -- -* /x
+ ( # $1 = quoted text
+ [^"\\]* # normal*
+ (?: # (
+ \\. # special
+ [^"\\]* # normal*
+ )* # )*
+ )
+ "? # end quote "
+ /mx
+ ( [^;\]]+ ) # $1 = entity code
+ ;? # optional ending semicolon
+ /ix
+ # this is the main parser loop that separates
+ # text - everything until "["
+ # from
+ # tags - starting with "[", ending with "]"
+ def parse_token
+ if @scanner.scan(SIMPLE_TEXT_SCAN)
+ add_text
+ else
+ handle_tag
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_tag
+ tag_start = @scanner.pos
+ unless @scanner.scan TAG_BEGIN_SCAN
+ garbage_out tag_start
+ return
+ end
+ closing, id = @scanner[1], @scanner[2]
+ #debug 'handle_tag(%p)' % @scanner.matched
+ handled =
+ case id
+ when /[a-z]/i
+ if @scanner.scan(CLASSIC_TAG_SCAN)
+ if handle_classic_tag(id + @scanner.matched, closing)
+ already_closed = true
+ end
+ end
+ when '*'
+ if @scanner.scan(SEPARATOR_TAG_SCAN)
+ handle_asterisk tag_start, id + @scanner.matched
+ true
+ end
+ when '-'
+ if @scanner.scan(FORMAT_TAG_SCAN)
+ #format = id + @scanner.matched
+ @encoder.add_html "\n<hr>\n"
+ true
+ end
+ when '"'
+ if @scanner.scan(QUOTED_SCAN)
+ @encoder.add_text unescape(@scanner[1])
+ true
+ end
+ when '&'
+ if @scanner.scan(ENTITY_SCAN)
+ @encoder.add_entity @scanner[1]
+ true
+ end
+ @scanner.pos = @scanner.pos - 1 # (ungetch)
+ if @scanner.scan(SMILEY_SCAN)
+ @encoder.add_html Smileys.smiley_to_image(@scanner.matched)
+ true
+ end
+ end # case
+ return garbage_out(tag_start) unless handled
+ @scanner.scan(TAG_END_SCAN) unless already_closed
+ end
+ (
+ [^\]"\\]*
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ \\.
+ |
+ "
+ [^"\\]*
+ (?:
+ \\.
+ [^"\\]*
+ )*
+ "?
+ )
+ [^\]"\\]*
+ )*
+ )
+ \]?
+ /x
+ def handle_classic_tag name, closing
+ debug 'TAG: ' + (closing ? '/' : '') + name
+ # flatten
+ name.downcase!
+ tag_class = TAG_LIST[name]
+ return unless tag_class
+ #debug((opening ? 'OPEN ' : 'CLOSE ') +
+ # create an attribute object to handle it
+ @scanner.scan(ATTRIBUTES_SCAN)
+ #debug name + ':' + @scanner[1]
+ attr = Attribute.create @scanner[1]
+ #debug 'ATTRIBUTES %p ' % attr #unless attr.empty?
+ #debug 'closing: %p; name=%s, attr=%p' % [closing, name, attr]
+ # OPEN
+ if not closing and tag = @tagstack.try_open_class(tag_class, attr)
+ #debug 'opening'
+ tag.do_open @scanner
+ # this should be done by the tag itself.
+ if attr.empty_tag?
+ tag.handle_empty
+ @tagstack.close_tag
+ elsif tag.special_content?
+ handle_special_content(tag)
+ @tagstack.close_tag
+ # # ignore asterisks directly after the opening; these are phpBBCode
+ # elsif tag.respond_to? :asterisk
+ # debug 'SKIP ASTERISKS: ' if @scanner.skip(ASTERISK_TAGS_SCAN)
+ end
+ elsif @tagstack.try_close_class(tag_class)
+ #debug 'closing'
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def handle_asterisk tag_start, stars
+ #debug 'ASTERISK: ' + stars.to_s
+ # rule for asterisk tags: they belong to the last tag
+ # that handles them. tags opened after this tag are closed.
+ # if no open tag uses them, all are closed.
+ tag = @tagstack.close_all_until { |tag| tag.respond_to? :asterisk }
+ unless tag and tag.asterisk stars, @scanner
+ garbage_out tag_start
+ end
+ end
+ def handle_special_content tag
+ scanned = @scanner.scan_until(tag.closing_tag)
+ if scanned
+ scanned.slice!(-(@scanner.matched.size)..-1)
+ else
+ scanned = @scanner.scan(/.*/m).to_s
+ end
+ #debug 'SPECIAL CONTENT: ' + scanned
+ tag.handle_content(scanned)
+ end
+ def unescape text
+ # input: correctly formatted quoted string (without the quotes)
+ text.gsub(/\\(?:(["\\])|.)/) { $1 or $& }
+ end
+ URL_PATTERN = /(?:(?:www|ftp)\.|(?>\w{3,}):\/\/)\S+/
+ EMAIL_PATTERN = /(?>[\w\-_.]+)@[\w\-\.]+\.\w+/
+ HAS_MAGIC = /[&@#{Smileys::SMILEY_START_CHARS}]|(?i:www|ftp)/
+ MAGIC_PATTERN ='(\W|^)(%s)' %
+ pattern.to_s
+ }.join('|') )
+ IS_URL_PATTERN = /^(?:(?i:www|ftp)\.|(?>\w+):\/\/)/
+ IS_EMAIL_PATTERN = /^[\w\-_.]+@/
+ def to_magic text
+ # debug MAGIC_PATTERN.to_s
+ text.gsub!(MAGIC_PATTERN) {
+ magic = $2
+ $1 + case magic
+ Smileys.smiley_to_img magic
+ last = magic.slice_punctation! # no punctation in my URL
+ href = magic
+ href.insert(0, 'http://') unless magic =~ URL_STARTS_WITH_PROTOCOL
+ '<a href="' + href + '">' + magic + '</a>' + last
+ last = magic.slice_punctation!
+ '<a href="mailto:' + magic + '">' + magic + '</a>' + last
+ else
+ raise '{{{' + magic + '}}}'
+ end
+ }
+ text
+ end
+ # handles smileys and urls
+ def parse_magic html
+ return html unless @do_magic
+ scanner = html
+ out = ''
+ while
+ if scanner.scan(/ < (?: a\s .*? <\/a> | pre\W .*? <\/pre> | [^>]* > ) /mx)
+ out << scanner.matched
+ elsif scanner.scan(/ [^<]+ /x)
+ out << to_magic(scanner.matched)
+ # this should never happen
+ elsif scanner.scan(/./m)
+ raise 'ERROR: else case reached'
+ end
+ end
+ out
+ end
+ end # Parser
+class String
+ def slice_punctation!
+ slice!(/[.:,!\?]+$/).to_s # return '' instead of nil
+ end
+# = Grammar
+# An implementation of common algorithms on grammars.
+# This is used by Shinobu, a visualization tool for educating compiler-building.
+# Thanks to Andreas Kunert for his wonderful LR(k) Pamphlet (German, see, and Aho/Sethi/Ullman for their Dragon Book.
+# Homepage:: (not existing yet)
+# Author:: murphy (Kornelius Kalnbach)
+# Copyright:: (cc) 2005 cYcnus
+# License:: GPL
+# Version:: 0.2.0 (2005-03-27)
+require 'set_hash'
+require 'ctype'
+require 'tools'
+require 'rules'
+require 'trace'
+require 'first'
+require 'follow'
+# = Grammar
+# == Syntax
+# === Rules
+# Each line is a rule.
+# The syntax is
+# left - right
+# where +left+ and +right+ can be uppercase and lowercase letters,
+# and <code>-</code> can be any combination of <, >, - or whitespace.
+# === Symbols
+# Uppercase letters stand for meta symbols, lowercase for terminals.
+# You can make epsilon-derivations by leaving <code><right></code> empty.
+# === Example
+# S - Ac
+# A - Sc
+# A - b
+# A -
+class Grammar
+ attr_reader :tracer
+ # Creates a new Grammar.
+ # If $trace is true, the algorithms explain (textual) what they do to $stdout.
+ def initialize data, tracer =
+ @tracer = tracer
+ @rules =
+ @terminals, @meta_symbols =,
+ @start_symbol = nil
+ add_rules data
+ end
+ attr_reader :meta_symbols, :terminals, :rules, :start_symbol
+ alias_method :sigma, :terminals
+ alias_method :alphabet, :terminals
+ alias_method :variables, :meta_symbols
+ alias_method :nonterminals, :meta_symbols
+ # A string representation of the grammar for debugging.
+ def inspect productions_too = false
+ 'Grammar(meta symbols: %s; alphabet: %s; productions: [%s]; start symbol: %s)' %
+ [
+ meta_symbols.join(', '),
+ terminals.join(', '),
+ if productions_too
+ @rules.inspect
+ else
+ @rules.size
+ end,
+ start_symbol
+ ]
+ end
+ # Add rules to the grammar. +rules+ should be a String or respond to +scan+ in a similar way.
+ #
+ # Syntax: see Grammar.
+ def add_rules grammar
+ @rules = Rules.parse grammar do |rule|
+ @start_symbol ||= rule.left
+ @meta_symbols << rule.left
+ @terminals.merge rule.right.split('').select { |s| terminal? s }
+ end
+ @meta_symbols.uniq!
+ update
+ end
+ # Returns a hash acting as FIRST operator, so that
+ # <code>first["ABC"]</code> is FIRST(ABC).
+ # See "Constructing an LL(1) parsing table" for details.
+ def first
+ first_operator
+ end
+ # Returns a hash acting as FOLLOW operator, so that
+ # <code>first["A"]</code> is FOLLOW(A).
+ # See "Constructing an LL(1) parsing table" for details.
+ def follow
+ follow_operator
+ end
+ LLError =
+ LLErrorType1 =
+ LLErrorType2 =
+ # Tests if the grammar is LL(1).
+ def ll1?
+ begin
+ for meta in @meta_symbols
+ first_sets = @rules[meta].map { |alpha| first[alpha] }
+ first_sets.inject(Set[]) do |already_used, another_first_set|
+ unless already_used.disjoint? another_first_set
+ raise LLErrorType1
+ end
+ already_used.merge another_first_set
+ end
+ if first[meta].include? EPSILON and not first[meta].disjoint? follow[meta]
+ raise LLErrorType2
+ end
+ end
+ rescue LLError
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ def first_operator
+ @first ||= self
+ end
+ def follow_operator
+ @follow ||= self
+ end
+ def update
+ @first = @follow = nil
+ end
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ eval, nil, $0, __LINE__+4
+require 'test/unit'
+class TestCaseGrammar < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ include Grammar::Symbols
+ def fifo s
+ Set[*s.split('')]
+ end
+ def test_fifo
+ assert_equal Set[], fifo('')
+ assert_equal Set[EPSILON, END_OF_INPUT, 'x', 'Y'], fifo('?xY$')
+ end
+A - a
+A -
+B - b
+B -
+C - c
+C -
+D - S
+D -
+ def test_symbols
+ assert EPSILON
+ assert END_OF_INPUT
+ end
+ def test_first_1
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first }
+ assert_equal(Set['a', EPSILON], f['A'])
+ assert_equal(Set['b', EPSILON], f['B'])
+ assert_equal(Set['c', EPSILON], f['C'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', EPSILON], f['D'])
+ assert_equal(f['D'], f['S'])
+ end
+ def test_follow_1
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow }
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', END_OF_INPUT], f['A'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', END_OF_INPUT], f['B'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'b', 'c', END_OF_INPUT], f['C'])
+ assert_equal(Set[END_OF_INPUT], f['D'])
+ assert_equal(Set[END_OF_INPUT], f['S'])
+ end
+S - Ed
+E - EpT
+E - EmT
+E - T
+T - TuF
+T - TdF
+T - F
+F - i
+F - n
+F - aEz
+ def test_first_2
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first }
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['E'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['F'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['T'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'n', 'i'], f['S'])
+ end
+ def test_follow_2
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow }
+ assert_equal(Set['m', 'd', 'z', 'p'], f['E'])
+ assert_equal(Set['m', 'd', 'z', 'p', 'u'], f['F'])
+ assert_equal(Set['m', 'd', 'z', 'p', 'u'], f['T'])
+ assert_equal(Set[END_OF_INPUT], f['S'])
+ end
+ LLError = Grammar::LLError
+E - TD
+D - pTD
+D -
+T - FS
+S - uFS
+S -
+S - p
+F - aEz
+F - i
+ NoError =
+ def test_first_3
+ # Grammar 3 is LL(1), so all first-sets must be disjoint.
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first }
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['E'])
+ assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'p'], f['D'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['F'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['T'])
+ assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'u', 'p'], f['S'])
+ for m in g.meta_symbols
+ r = g.rules[m]
+ firsts = { |x| f[x] }.to_set
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ firsts.inject( do |already_used, another_first_set|
+ raise LLError, 'not disjoint!' unless already_used.disjoint? another_first_set
+ already_used.merge another_first_set
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_follow_3
+ # Grammar 3 is not LL(1), because epsilon is in FIRST(S),
+ # but FIRST(S) and FOLLOW(S) are not disjoint.
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow }
+ assert_equal(Set['z', END_OF_INPUT], f['E'])
+ assert_equal(Set['z', END_OF_INPUT], f['D'])
+ assert_equal(Set['z', 'p', 'u', END_OF_INPUT], f['F'])
+ assert_equal(Set['p', 'z', END_OF_INPUT], f['T'])
+ assert_equal(Set['p', 'z', END_OF_INPUT], f['S'])
+ for m in g.meta_symbols
+ first_m = g.first[m]
+ next unless first_m.include? EPSILON
+ assert_raise(m == 'S' ? LLError : NoError) do
+ if first_m.disjoint? f[m]
+ raise NoError # this is fun :D
+ else
+ raise LLError
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+E - TD
+D - pTD
+D - PTD
+D -
+T - FS
+S - uFS
+S -
+F - aEz
+F - i
+P - p
+ def test_first_3b
+ # Grammar 3b is NOT LL(1), since not all first-sets are disjoint.
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.first }
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['E'])
+ assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'p'], f['D'])
+ assert_equal(Set['p'], f['P'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['F'])
+ assert_equal(Set['a', 'i'], f['T'])
+ assert_equal(Set[EPSILON, 'u'], f['S'])
+ for m in g.meta_symbols
+ r = g.rules[m]
+ firsts = { |x| f[x] }
+ assert_raise(m == 'D' ? LLError : NoError) do
+ firsts.inject( do |already_used, another_first_set|
+ raise LLError, 'not disjoint!' unless already_used.disjoint? another_first_set
+ already_used.merge another_first_set
+ end
+ raise NoError
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_follow_3b
+ # Although Grammar 3b is NOT LL(1), the FOLLOW-condition is satisfied.
+ f = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { f = g.follow }
+ assert_equal(fifo('z$'), f['E'], 'E')
+ assert_equal(fifo('z$'), f['D'], 'D')
+ assert_equal(fifo('ai'), f['P'], 'P')
+ assert_equal(fifo('z$pu'), f['F'], 'F')
+ assert_equal(fifo('z$p'), f['T'], 'T')
+ assert_equal(fifo('z$p'), f['S'], 'S')
+ for m in g.meta_symbols
+ first_m = g.first[m]
+ next unless first_m.include? EPSILON
+ assert_raise(NoError) do
+ if first_m.disjoint? f[m]
+ raise NoError # this is fun :D
+ else
+ raise LLError
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_ll1?
+ assert_equal false,, 'Grammar 3'
+ assert_equal false,, 'Grammar 3b'
+ end
+ def test_new
+ assert_nothing_raised { '' }
+ assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_1 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_2 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_3 }
+ assert_nothing_raised { TEST_GRAMMAR_1 + TEST_GRAMMAR_2 + TEST_GRAMMAR_3 }
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 'S - ?' }
+ end
+# vim:foldmethod=syntax
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'fox12'
+include Fox
+class Window < FXMainWindow
+ def initialize(app)
+ super(app, app.appName + ": First Set Calculation", nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0, 800, 600, 0, 0)
+ # {{{ menubar
+ filemenu =
+, "&Start\tCtl-S\tStart the application.", nil, getApp()).connect(SEL_COMMAND, method(:start))
+, "&Quit\tAlt-F4\tQuit the application.", nil, getApp(), FXApp::ID_QUIT)
+, "&File", nil, filemenu)
+ # }}} menubar
+ # {{{ statusbar
+ # }}} statusbar
+ # {{{ window content
+ @productions.height = 100
+ @result =, nil, 0, LAYOUT_FILL)
+ @result.height = 200
+ @result.setTableSize(2, 2, false)
+ @result.rowHeaderWidth = 0
+ header = @result.columnHeader
+ header.setItemText 0, 'X'
+ header.setItemText 1, 'FIRST(X)'
+ for item in header
+ item.justification = FXHeaderItem::CENTER_X
+ end
+ @debug.height = 200
+ # }}} window content
+ end
+ def load_grammar grammar
+ @tracer =
+ @grammar = grammar, @tracer
+ @rules_indexes =
+ @grammar.rules.each_with_index do |rule, i|
+ @productions.appendItem rule.inspect
+ @rules_indexes[rule] = i
+ end
+ end
+ def create
+ super
+ end
+ def rule rule
+ @productions.selectItem @rules_indexes[rule]
+ sleep 0.1
+ end
+ def iterate i
+ setTitle i.to_s
+ sleep 0.1
+ end
+ def missing what
+ @debug.appendText what + "\n"
+ sleep 0.1
+ end
+ def start sender, sel, pointer
+ do
+ begin
+ @grammar.first
+ rescue => boom
+ @debug.appendText [boom.to_s, *boom.backtrace].join("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+$: << 'grammar'
+require 'grammar'
+require 'first_tracer'
+app ="Shinobu", "cYcnus")
+# fenster erzeugen
+window = app
+unless ARGV.empty?
+ grammar =
+ grammar = <<-EOG1
+Z --> S
+S --> Sb
+S --> bAa
+A --> aSc
+A --> a
+A --> aSb
+ EOG1
+window.load_grammar grammar
+require 'erb'
+require 'ftools'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'redcloth'
+module WhyTheLuckyStiff
+ class Book
+ attr_accessor :author, :title, :terms, :image, :teaser,
+ :chapters, :expansion_paks, :encoding, :credits
+ def [] x
+ @lang.fetch(x) do
+ warn warning = "[not translated: '#{x}'!]"
+ warning
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def Book::load( file_name )
+ YAML::load( file_name ) )
+ end
+ class Section
+ attr_accessor :index, :header, :content
+ def initialize( i, h, c )
+ @index, @header, @content = i, h, RedCloth::new( c.to_s )
+ end
+ end
+ class Sidebar
+ attr_accessor :title, :content
+ end
+ YAML::add_domain_type( ',2003', 'sidebar' ) do |taguri, val|
+ YAML::object_maker( Sidebar, 'title' => val.keys.first, 'content' => RedCloth::new( val.values.first ) )
+ end
+ class Chapter
+ attr_accessor :index, :title, :sections
+ def initialize( i, t, sects )
+ @index = i
+ @title = t
+ i = 0
+ @sections = sects.collect do |s|
+ if s.respond_to?( :keys )
+ i += 1
+ i, s.keys.first, s.values.first )
+ else
+ s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ YAML::add_domain_type( ',2003', 'book' ) do |taguri, val|
+ ['chapters', 'expansion_paks'].each do |chaptype|
+ i = 0
+ val[chaptype].collect! do |c|
+ i += 1
+ Chapter::new( i, c.keys.first, c.values.first )
+ end
+ end
+ val['teaser'].collect! do |t|
+ Section::new( 1, t.keys.first, t.values.first )
+ end
+ val['terms'] = RedCloth::new( val['terms'] )
+ YAML::object_maker( Book, val )
+ end
+ class Image
+ attr_accessor :file_name
+ end
+ YAML::add_domain_type( ',2003', 'img' ) do |taguri, val|
+ YAML::object_maker( Image, 'file_name' => "i/" + val )
+ end
+# Convert the book to HTML
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ unless ARGV[0]
+ puts "Usage: #{$0} [/path/to/save/html]"
+ exit
+ end
+ site_path = ARGV[0]
+ book = WhyTheLuckyStiff::Book::load( 'poignant.yml' )
+ chapter = nil
+ # Write index page
+ index_tpl = ERB::new( 'index.erb' ).read )
+ File.join( site_path, 'index.html' ), 'w' ) do |out|
+ out << index_tpl.result
+ end
+ book.chapters = book.chapters[0,3] if ARGV.include? '-fast'
+ # Write chapter pages
+ chapter_tpl = ERB::new( 'chapter.erb' ).read )
+ book.chapters.each do |chapter|
+ File.join( site_path, "chapter-#{ chapter.index }.html" ), 'w' ) do |out|
+ out << chapter_tpl.result
+ end
+ end
+ exit if ARGV.include? '-fast'
+ # Write expansion pak pages
+ expak_tpl = ERB::new( 'expansion-pak.erb' ).read )
+ book.expansion_paks.each do |pak|
+ File.join( site_path, "expansion-pak-#{ pak.index }.html" ), 'w' ) do |out|
+ out << expak_tpl.result( binding )
+ end
+ end
+ # Write printable version
+ print_tpl = ERB::new( 'print.erb' ).read )
+ File.join( site_path, "print.html" ), 'w' ) do |out|
+ out << print_tpl.result
+ end
+ # Copy css + images into site
+ copy_list = ["guide.css"] +
+ Dir["i/*"].find_all { |image| image =~ /\.(gif|jpg|png)$/ }
+ File.makedirs( File.join( site_path, "i" ) )
+ copy_list.each do |copy_file|
+ File.copy( copy_file, File.join( site_path, copy_file ) )
+ end
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'fox'
+ require 'opengl'
+rescue LoadError
+ require 'fox/missingdep'
+ MSG = <<EOM
+ Sorry, this example depends on the OpenGL extension. Please
+ check the Ruby Application Archives for an appropriate
+ download site.
+ missingDependency(MSG)
+include Fox
+include Math
+Deg2Rad = Math::PI / 180
+D_MAX = 6
+LAMBDA = D_MAX.to_f / 2
+class GLTestWindow < FXMainWindow
+ # How often our timer will fire (in milliseconds)
+ # Rotate the boxes when a timer message is received
+ def onTimeout(sender, sel, ptr)
+ @angle += 10.0
+# @size = 0.5 + 0.2 * Math.cos(Deg2Rad * @angle)
+ drawScene()
+ @timer = getApp().addTimeout(TIMER_INTERVAL, method(:onTimeout))
+ end
+ # Rotate the boxes when a chore message is received
+ def onChore(sender, sel, ptr)
+ @angle += 10.0
+# @angle %= 360.0
+# @size = 0.5 + 0.2 * Math.cos(Deg2Rad * @angle)
+ drawScene()
+ @chore = getApp().addChore(method(:onChore))
+ end
+ # Draw the GL scene
+ def drawScene
+ lightPosition = [15.0, 10.0, 5.0, 1.0]
+ lightAmbient = [ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0]
+ lightDiffuse = [ 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0]
+ redMaterial = [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ blueMaterial = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
+ width = @glcanvas.width.to_f
+ height = @glcanvas.height.to_f
+ aspect = width/height
+ # Make context current
+ @glcanvas.makeCurrent()
+ GL.Viewport(0, 0, @glcanvas.width, @glcanvas.height)
+ GL.ClearColor(1.0/256, 0.0, 5.0/256, 1.0)
+ GL.Disable(GL::DITHER)
+ GL.LoadIdentity()
+ GLU.Perspective(30.0, aspect, 1.0, 100.0)
+ GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW)
+ GL.LoadIdentity()
+ GLU.LookAt(5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+ GL.ShadeModel(GL::SMOOTH)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::POSITION, lightPosition)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::AMBIENT, lightAmbient)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::DIFFUSE, lightDiffuse)
+ GL.Enable(GL::LIGHT0)
+ GL.Rotated(0.1*@angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+ for x in -D_MAX..D_MAX
+ for y in -D_MAX..D_MAX
+ h1 = (x + y - 2).abs
+ h2 = (y - x + 1).abs
+ GL.PushMatrix
+ c = [1, 0, 0, 1]
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT, GL::AMBIENT, c)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT, GL::DIFFUSE, c)
+ GL.Translated(
+ )
+ GL.Normal(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ GL.End
+ GL.PopMatrix
+ GL.PushMatrix
+ c = [0, 0, 1, 1]
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT, GL::AMBIENT, c)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT, GL::DIFFUSE, c)
+ GL.Translated(
+ )
+ GL.Normal(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ GL.End
+ GL.PopMatrix
+ GL.PushMatrix
+ c = [0.0 + (x/10.0), 0.0 + (y/10.0), 0, 1]
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT, GL::AMBIENT, c)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT, GL::DIFFUSE, c)
+ GL.Translated(
+ 0,
+ )
+ GL.Normal(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ GL.End
+ GL.PopMatrix
+ end
+ end
+ # Swap if it is double-buffered
+ if @glvisual.isDoubleBuffer
+ @glcanvas.swapBuffers
+ end
+ # Make context non-current
+ @glcanvas.makeNonCurrent
+ end
+ def initialize(app)
+ # Invoke the base class initializer
+ super(app, "OpenGL Test Application", nil, nil, DECOR_ALL, 0, 0, 1024, 768)
+ # Construct the main window elements
+ frame.padLeft, frame.padRight = 0, 0
+ frame.padTop, frame.padBottom = 0, 0
+ # Left pane to contain the glcanvas
+ glcanvasFrame =,
+ glcanvasFrame.padLeft, glcanvasFrame.padRight = 10, 10
+ glcanvasFrame.padTop, glcanvasFrame.padBottom = 10, 10
+ # Label above the glcanvas
+, "OpenGL Canvas Frame", nil,
+ # Horizontal divider line
+ # Drawing glcanvas
+ glpanel.padLeft, glpanel.padRight = 0, 0
+ glpanel.padTop, glpanel.padBottom = 0, 0
+ # A visual to draw OpenGL
+ # Drawing glcanvas
+ @glcanvas =, @glvisual, nil, 0,
+ @glcanvas.connect(SEL_PAINT) {
+ drawScene
+ }
+ @glcanvas.connect(SEL_CONFIGURE) {
+ if @glcanvas.makeCurrent
+ GL.Viewport(0, 0, @glcanvas.width, @glcanvas.height)
+ @glcanvas.makeNonCurrent
+ end
+ }
+ # Right pane for the buttons
+ buttonFrame.padLeft, buttonFrame.padRight = 10, 10
+ buttonFrame.padTop, buttonFrame.padBottom = 10, 10
+ # Label above the buttons
+, "Button Frame", nil,
+ # Horizontal divider line
+ # Spin according to timer
+ spinTimerBtn =,
+ "Spin &Timer\tSpin using interval timers\nNote the app
+ blocks until the interal has elapsed...", nil,
+ spinTimerBtn.padLeft, spinTimerBtn.padRight = 10, 10
+ spinTimerBtn.padTop, spinTimerBtn.padBottom = 5, 5
+ spinTimerBtn.connect(SEL_COMMAND) {
+ @spinning = true
+ @timer = getApp().addTimeout(TIMER_INTERVAL, method(:onTimeout))
+ }
+ spinTimerBtn.connect(SEL_UPDATE) { |sender, sel, ptr|
+ @spinning ? sender.disable : sender.enable
+ }
+ # Spin according to chore
+ spinChoreBtn =,
+ "Spin &Chore\tSpin as fast as possible using chores\nNote even though the
+ app is very responsive, it never blocks;\nthere is always something to
+ do...", nil,
+ spinChoreBtn.padLeft, spinChoreBtn.padRight = 10, 10
+ spinChoreBtn.padTop, spinChoreBtn.padBottom = 5, 5
+ spinChoreBtn.connect(SEL_COMMAND) {
+ @spinning = true
+ @chore = getApp().addChore(method(:onChore))
+ }
+ spinChoreBtn.connect(SEL_UPDATE) { |sender, sel, ptr|
+ @spinning ? sender.disable : sender.enable
+ }
+ # Stop spinning
+ stopBtn =,
+ "&Stop Spin\tStop this mad spinning, I'm getting dizzy", nil,
+ stopBtn.padLeft, stopBtn.padRight = 10, 10
+ stopBtn.padTop, stopBtn.padBottom = 5, 5
+ stopBtn.connect(SEL_COMMAND) {
+ @spinning = false
+ if @timer
+ getApp().removeTimeout(@timer)
+ @timer = nil
+ end
+ if @chore
+ getApp().removeChore(@chore)
+ @chore = nil
+ end
+ }
+ stopBtn.connect(SEL_UPDATE) { |sender, sel, ptr|
+ @spinning ? sender.enable : sender.disable
+ }
+ # Exit button
+ exitBtn =, "&Exit\tExit the application", nil,
+ getApp(), FXApp::ID_QUIT,
+ exitBtn.padLeft, exitBtn.padRight = 10, 10
+ exitBtn.padTop, exitBtn.padBottom = 5, 5
+ # Make a tooltip
+ # Initialize private variables
+ @spinning = false
+ @chore = nil
+ @timer = nil
+ @angle = 0.0
+ @size = 0.5
+ end
+ # Create and initialize
+ def create
+ super
+ end
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ # Construct the application
+ application ="GLTest", "FoxTest")
+ # To ensure that the chores-based spin will run as fast as possible,
+ # we can disable the chore in FXRuby's event loop that tries to schedule
+ # other threads. This is OK for this program because there aren't any
+ # other Ruby threads running.
+ #application.disableThreads
+ # Construct the main window
+ # Create the app's windows
+ application.create
+ # Run the application
+class Facelet
+ attr_accessor :color
+ def initialize(color)
+ @color = color
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @color
+ end
+class Edge
+ attr_accessor :facelets, :colors
+ def initialize(facelets)
+ @facelets = facelets
+ @colors = { |fl| fl.color }
+ end
+ def apply(edge)
+ @facelets.each_with_index { |fl, i|
+ fl.color = edge.colors[i]
+ }
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "\n%s %s\n%s %s %s" % facelets
+ end
+class Side
+ attr_reader :num, :facelets
+ attr_accessor :sides
+ def initialize(num)
+ @num = num
+ @sides = []
+ @facelets = []
+ @fl_by_side = {}
+ end
+ # facelets & sides
+ # 0
+ # 0 1 2
+ # 3 3 4 5 1
+ # 6 7 8
+ # 2
+ def facelets=(facelets)
+ @facelets = { |c| }
+ init_facelet 0, 3,0
+ init_facelet 1, 0
+ init_facelet 2, 0,1
+ init_facelet 3, 3
+ init_facelet 5, 1
+ init_facelet 6, 2,3
+ init_facelet 7, 2
+ init_facelet 8, 1,2
+ end
+ def <=>(side)
+ self.num <=> side.num
+ end
+ def init_facelet(pos, *side_nums)
+ sides = { |num| @sides[num] }.sort
+ @fl_by_side[sides] = pos
+ end
+ def []=(color, *sides)
+ @facelets[@fl_by_side[sides.sort]].color = color
+ end
+ def values_at(*sides)
+ { |sides| @facelets[@fl_by_side[sides.sort]] }
+ end
+ def inspect(range=nil)
+ if range
+ @facelets.values_at(*(range.to_a)).join(' ')
+ else
+ <<-EOS.gsub(/\d/) { |num| @facelets[num.to_i] }.gsub(/[ABCD]/) { |side| @sides[side[0]-?A].num.to_s }
+ A
+ 0 1 2
+ D 3 4 5 B
+ 6 7 8
+ C
+ end
+ end
+ def get_edge(side)
+ trio = (-1..1).map { |x| (side + x) % 4 }
+ prev_side, this_side, next_side = @sides.values_at(*trio)
+ e =
+ self .values_at( [this_side], [this_side, next_side] ) +
+ this_side.values_at( [self, prev_side], [self ], [self, next_side] )
+ )
+ #puts 'Edge created for side %d: ' % side + e.inspect
+ e
+ end
+ def turn(dir)
+ #p 'turn side %d in %d' % [num, dir]
+ edges = (0..3).map { |n| get_edge n }
+ for i in 0..3
+ edges[i].apply edges[(i-dir) % 4]
+ end
+ end
+class Cube
+ def initialize
+ @sides = []
+ %w(left front right back top bottom).each_with_index { |side, i|
+ eval("@sides[#{i}] = @#{side} ={i})")
+ }
+ @left.sides = [@top, @front, @bottom, @back]
+ @front.sides = [@top, @right, @bottom, @left]
+ @right.sides = [@top, @back, @bottom, @front]
+ @back.sides = [@top, @left, @bottom, @right]
+ @top.sides = [@back, @right, @front, @left]
+ @bottom.sides = [@front, @right, @back, @left]
+ end
+ def read_facelets(fs)
+ pattern =<<-EOP.gsub(/\w/, '\w').gsub(/\s+/, '\s*'))
+ (w w w)
+ (w w w)
+ (w w w)
+(r r r) (g g g) (b b b) (o o o)
+(r r r) (g g g) (b b b) (o o o)
+(r r r) (g g g) (b b b) (o o o)
+ (y y y)
+ (y y y)
+ (y y y)
+ md = pattern.match(fs).to_a
+ @top.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(1,2,3))
+ @left.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(4,8,12))
+ @front.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(5,9,13))
+ @right.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(6,10,14))
+ @back.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(7,11,15))
+ @bottom.facelets = parse_facelets(md.values_at(16,17,18))
+ end
+ def turn(side, dir)
+ #p 'turn %d in %d' % [side, dir]
+ @sides[side].turn(dir)
+ #puts inspect
+ end
+ def inspect
+ <<-EOF.gsub(/(\d):(\d)-(\d)/) { @sides[$1.to_i].inspect($2.to_i, $3.to_i)) }
+ 4:0-2
+ 4:3-5
+ 4:6-8
+0:0-2 1:0-2 2:0-2 3:0-2
+0:3-5 1:3-5 2:3-5 3:3-5
+0:6-8 1:6-8 2:6-8 3:6-8
+ 5:0-2
+ 5:3-5
+ 5:6-8
+ end
+ def parse_facelets(rows)
+ rows.join.delete(' ').split(//)
+ end
+#$stdin = DATA
+gets.to_i.times do |i|
+ puts "Scenario ##{i+1}:"
+ fs = ''
+ 9.times { fs << gets }
+ cube =
+ cube.read_facelets fs
+ gets.to_i.times do |t|
+ side, dir = {|s| s.to_i}
+ cube.turn(side, dir)
+ end
+ puts cube.inspect
+ puts
+# 2004 by murphy <>
+# GPL
+class Scenario
+ class TimePoint
+ attr_reader :data
+ def initialize *data
+ @data = data
+ end
+ def [] i
+ @data[i] or 0
+ end
+ include Comparable
+ def <=> tp
+ r = 0
+ [@data.size,].max.times do |i|
+ r = self[i] <=> tp[i]
+ return r if r.nonzero?
+ end
+ 0
+ end
+ def - tp
+ r = []
+ [@data.size,].max.times do |i|
+ r << self[i] - tp[i]
+ end
+ r
+ end
+ def inspect
+ # 01/01/1800 00:00:00
+ '%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d' % @data.values_at(1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 5)
+ end
+ end
+ ONE_HOUR = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
+ ( \d{4} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s
+ ( \d{4} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} ) \s ( \d{2} )
+ /x
+ def initialize io
+ @team_size = io.gets.to_i
+ @data = [ [, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00), @team_size] ]
+ @team_size.times do # each team member
+ io.gets.to_i.times do # each appointment
+ m = APPOINTMENT_PATTERN.match io.gets
+ @data << [*m.captures[0,6].map { |x| x.to_i }), -1]
+ @data << [*m.captures[6,6].map { |x| x.to_i }), +1]
+ end
+ end
+ @data << [, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00), -@team_size]
+ end
+ def print_time_plan
+ n = 0
+ appointment = nil
+ no_appointment = true
+ @data.sort_by { |x| x[0] }.each do |x|
+ tp, action = *x
+ n += action
+ # at any time during the meeting, at least two team members need to be there
+ # and at most one team member is allowed to be absent
+ if n >= 2 and (@team_size - n) <= 1
+ appointment ||= tp
+ else
+ if appointment
+ # the meeting should be at least one hour in length
+ if*(tp - appointment)) >= ONE_HOUR
+ puts 'appointment possible from %p to %p' % [appointment, tp]
+ no_appointment = false
+ end
+ appointment = false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ puts 'no appointment possible' if no_appointment
+ end
+# read the data
+DATA.gets.to_i.times do |si| # each scenario
+ puts 'Scenario #%d:' % (si + 1)
+ sc = DATA
+ sc.print_time_plan
+ puts
+2002 06 28 15 00 00 2002 06 28 18 00 00 TUD Contest Practice Session
+2002 06 29 10 00 00 2002 06 29 15 00 00 TUD Contest
+2002 11 15 15 00 00 2002 11 17 23 00 00 NWERC Delft
+2002 06 25 13 30 00 2002 06 25 15 30 00 FIFA World Cup Semifinal I
+2002 06 26 13 30 00 2002 06 26 15 30 00 FIFA World Cup Semifinal II
+2002 06 29 13 00 00 2002 06 29 15 00 00 FIFA World Cup Third Place
+2002 06 30 13 00 00 2002 06 30 15 00 00 FIFA World Cup Final
+2002 06 01 00 00 00 2002 06 29 18 00 00 Preparation of Problem Set
+1800 01 01 00 00 00 2200 01 01 00 00 00 Solving Problem 8
+require 'token_consts'
+require 'symbol'
+require 'ctype'
+require 'error'
+class Fixnum
+ # Treat char as a digit and return it's value as Fixnum.
+ # Returns nonsense for non-digits.
+ # Examples:
+ # <code>
+ # RUBY_VERSION[0].digit == '1.8.2'[0].digit == 1
+ # </code>
+ #
+ # <code>
+ # ?6.digit == 6
+ # </code>
+ #
+ # <code>
+ # ?A.digit == 17
+ # </code>
+ def digit
+ self - ?0
+ end
+# Stellt einen einfachen Scanner für die lexikalische Analyse der Sprache Pas-0 dar.
+# @author Andreas Kunert
+# Ruby port by murphy
+class Scanner
+ include TokenConsts
+ attr_reader :line, :pos
+ # To allow without parameters.
+ DUMMY_INPUT = 'dummy file'
+ def DUMMY_INPUT.getc
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Erzeugt einen Scanner, der als Eingabe das übergebene IO benutzt.
+ def initialize input = DUMMY_INPUT
+ @line = 1
+ @pos = 0
+ begin
+ @input = input
+ @next_char = @input.getc
+ rescue IOError # TODO show the reason!
+ Error.ioError
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Liest das n
+ def read_next_char
+ begin
+ @pos += 1
+ @current_char = @next_char
+ @next_char = @input.getc
+ rescue IOError
+ Error.ioError
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sucht das nächste Symbol, identifiziert es, instantiiert ein entsprechendes
+ # PascalSymbol-Objekt und gibt es zurück.
+ # @see Symbol
+ # @return das gefundene Symbol als PascalSymbol-Objekt
+ def get_symbol
+ current_symbol = nil
+ until current_symbol
+ read_next_char
+ if @current_char.alpha?
+ identifier = @current_char.chr
+ while @next_char.alpha? or @next_char.digit?
+ identifier << @next_char
+ read_next_char
+ end
+ current_symbol = handle_identifier(identifier.upcase)
+ elsif @current_char.digit?
+ current_symbol = number
+ else
+ case @current_char
+ when ?\s
+ # ignore
+ when ?\n
+ new_line
+ when nil
+ current_symbol = EOP
+ when ?{
+ comment
+ when ?:
+ if @next_char == ?=
+ read_next_char
+ current_symbol = BECOMES
+ else
+ current_symbol = COLON
+ end
+ when ?<
+ if (@next_char == ?=)
+ read_next_char
+ current_symbol = LEQSY
+ elsif (@next_char == ?>)
+ read_next_char
+ current_symbol = NEQSY
+ else
+ current_symbol = LSSSY
+ end
+ when ?>
+ if (@next_char == ?=)
+ read_next_char
+ current_symbol = GEQSY
+ else
+ current_symbol = GRTSY
+ end
+ when ?. then current_symbol = PERIOD
+ when ?( then current_symbol = LPARENT
+ when ?, then current_symbol = COMMA
+ when ?* then current_symbol = TIMES
+ when ?/ then current_symbol = SLASH
+ when ?+ then current_symbol = PLUS
+ when ?- then current_symbol = MINUS
+ when ?= then current_symbol = EQLSY
+ when ?) then current_symbol = RPARENT
+ when ?; then current_symbol = SEMICOLON
+ else
+ Error.error(100, @line, @pos) if @current_char > ?\s
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ current_symbol
+ end
+ ##
+ # Versucht, in dem gegebenen String ein Schlüsselwort zu erkennen.
+ # Sollte dabei ein Keyword gefunden werden, so gibt er ein PascalSymbol-Objekt zurück, das
+ # das entsprechende Keyword repräsentiert. Ansonsten besteht die Rückgabe aus
+ # einem SymbolIdent-Objekt (abgeleitet von PascalSymbol), das den String 1:1 enthält
+ # @see symbol
+ # @return falls Keyword gefunden, zugehöriges PascalSymbol, sonst SymbolIdent
+ def handle_identifier identifier
+ if sym = KEYWORD_SYMBOLS[identifier]
+ sym
+ else
+ identifier
+ end
+ end
+ MAXINT = 2**31 - 1
+ ##
+ # Versucht, aus dem gegebenen Zeichen und den folgenden eine Zahl zusammenzusetzen.
+ # Dabei wird der relativ intuitive Algorithmus benutzt, die endgültige Zahl bei
+ # jeder weiteren Ziffer mit 10 zu multiplizieren und diese dann mit der Ziffer zu
+ # addieren. Sonderfälle bestehen dann nur noch in der Behandlung von reellen Zahlen.
+ # <BR>
+ # Treten dabei kein Punkt oder ein E auf, so gibt diese Methode ein SymbolIntCon-Objekt
+ # zurück, ansonsten (reelle Zahl) ein SymbolRealCon-Objekt. Beide Symbole enthalten
+ # jeweils die Zahlwerte.
+ # <BR>
+ # Anmerkung: Diese Funktion ist mit Hilfe der Java/Ruby-API deutlich leichter zu realisieren.
+ # Sie wurde dennoch so implementiert, um den Algorithmus zu demonstrieren
+ # @see symbol
+ # @return SymbolIntcon- oder SymbolRealcon-Objekt, das den Zahlwert enthält
+ def number
+ is_integer = true
+ integer_too_long = false
+ exponent = 0
+ exp_counter = -1
+ exp_sign = 1
+ integer_mantisse = @current_char.digit
+ while (@next_char.digit? and integer_mantisse < MAXINT_DIV_10) or
+ (integer_mantisse == MAXINT_DIV_10 and @next_char.digit <= MAXINT_MOD_10)
+ integer_mantisse *= 10
+ integer_mantisse += @next_char.digit
+ read_next_char
+ end
+ real_mantisse = integer_mantisse
+ while @next_char.digit?
+ integer_too_long = true
+ real_mantisse *= 10
+ real_mantisse += @next_char.digit
+ read_next_char
+ end
+ if @next_char == ?.
+ read_next_char
+ is_integer = false
+ unless @next_char.digit?
+ Error.error 101, @line, @pos
+ end
+ while @next_char.digit?
+ real_mantisse += @next_char.digit * (10 ** exp_counter)
+ read_next_char
+ exp_counter -= 1
+ end
+ end
+ if @next_char == ?E
+ is_integer = false
+ read_next_char
+ if @next_char == ?-
+ exp_sign = -1
+ read_next_char
+ end
+ unless @next_char.digit?
+ Error.error 101, @line, @pos
+ end
+ while @next_char.digit?
+ exponent *= 10
+ exponent += @next_char.digit
+ read_next_char
+ end
+ end
+ if is_integer
+ if integer_too_long
+ Error.error 102, @line, @pos
+ end
+ integer_mantisse
+ else
+ real_mantisse * (10 ** (exp_sign * exponent))
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sorgt für ein Überlesen von Kommentaren.
+ # Es werden einfach alle Zeichen bis zu einer schließenden Klammer eingelesen
+ # und verworfen.
+ def comment
+ while @current_char != ?}
+ forbid_eop
+ new_line if @current_char == ?\n
+ read_next_char
+ end
+ end
+ def new_line
+ @line += 1
+ @pos = 0
+ end
+ def forbid_eop
+ if eop?
+ Error.error 103, @line, @pos
+ end
+ exit
+ end
+ def eop?
+ @current_char.nil?
+ end
+# Läßt ein Testprogramm ablaufen.
+# Dieses erzeugt sich ein Scanner-Objekt und ruft an diesem kontinuierlich bis zum Dateiende
+# get_symbol auf.
+if $0 == __FILE__
+ scan =[0] || 'test.pas'))
+ loop do
+ c = scan.get_symbol
+ puts c
+ break if c.typ == TokenConsts::EOP
+ end
+# -*- ruby -*-
+# Local variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# ruby-indent-level: 4
+# End:
+# @@SKIP@@ Ruby
+# @@PLEAC@@_WEB
+# @@SKIP@@
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.0
+string = '\n' # two characters, \ and an n
+string = 'Jon \'Maddog\' Orwant' # literal single quotes
+string = "\n" # a "newline" character
+string = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant" # literal double quotes
+string = %q/Jon 'Maddog' Orwant/ # literal single quotes
+string = %q[Jon 'Maddog' Orwant] # literal single quotes
+string = %q{Jon 'Maddog' Orwant} # literal single quotes
+string = %q(Jon 'Maddog' Orwant) # literal single quotes
+string = %q<Jon 'Maddog' Orwant> # literal single quotes
+a = <<"EOF"
+This is a multiline here document
+terminated by EOF on a line by itself
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.1
+value = string[offset,count]
+value = string[offset..-1]
+string[offset,count] = newstring
+string[offset..-1] = newtail
+# in Ruby we can also specify intervals by their two offsets
+value = string[offset..offs2]
+string[offset..offs2] = newstring
+leading, s1, s2, trailing = data.unpack("A5 x3 A8 A8 A*")
+fivers = string.unpack("A5" * (string.length/5))
+chars = string.unpack("A1" * string.length)
+string = "This is what you have"
+# +012345678901234567890 Indexing forwards (left to right)
+# 109876543210987654321- Indexing backwards (right to left)
+# note that 0 means 10 or 20, etc. above
+first = string[0, 1] # "T"
+start = string[5, 2] # "is"
+rest = string[13..-1] # "you have"
+last = string[-1, 1] # "e"
+end_ = string[-4..-1] # "have"
+piece = string[-8, 3] # "you"
+string[5, 2] = "wasn't" # change "is" to "wasn't"
+string[-12..-1] = "ondrous" # "This wasn't wondrous"
+string[0, 1] = "" # delete first character
+string[-10..-1] = "" # delete last 10 characters
+if string[-10..-1] =~ /pattern/
+ puts "Pattern matches in last 10 characters"
+string[0, 5].gsub!(/is/, 'at')
+a = "make a hat"
+a[0, 1], a[-1, 1] = a[-1, 1], a[0, 1]
+a = "To be or not to be"
+b = a.unpack("x6 A6")
+b, c = a.unpack("x6 A2 X5 A2")
+puts "#{b}\n#{c}\n"
+def cut2fmt(*args)
+ template = ''
+ lastpos = 1
+ for place in args
+ template += "A" + (place - lastpos).to_s + " "
+ lastpos = place
+ end
+ template += "A*"
+ return template
+fmt = cut2fmt(8, 14, 20, 26, 30)
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.2
+# careful! "b is true" doesn't mean "b != 0" (0 is true in Ruby)
+# thus no problem of "defined" later since only nil is false
+# the following sets to `c' if `b' is nil or false
+a = b || c
+# if you need Perl's behaviour (setting to `c' if `b' is 0) the most
+# effective way is to use Numeric#nonzero? (thanks to Dave Thomas!)
+a = b.nonzero? || c
+# you will still want to use defined? in order to test
+# for scope existence of a given object
+a = defined?(b) ? b : c
+dir = ARGV.shift || "/tmp"
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.3
+v1, v2 = v2, v1
+alpha, beta, production = %w(January March August)
+alpha, beta, production = beta, production, alpha
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.4
+num = char[0]
+char = num.chr
+# Ruby also supports having a char from character constant
+num = ?r
+char = sprintf("%c", num)
+printf("Number %d is character %c\n", num, num)
+ascii = string.unpack("C*")
+string = ascii.pack("C*")
+hal = "HAL"
+ascii = hal.unpack("C*")
+# We can't use Array#each since we can't mutate a Fixnum
+ascii.collect! { |i|
+ i + 1 # add one to each ASCII value
+ibm = ascii.pack("C*")
+puts ibm
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.5
+array = string.split('')
+array = string.unpack("C*")
+string.scan(/./) { |b|
+ # do something with b
+string = "an apple a day"
+print "unique chars are: ", string.split('').uniq.sort, "\n"
+sum = 0
+for ascval in string.unpack("C*") # or use Array#each for a pure OO style :)
+ sum += ascval
+puts "sum is #{sum & 0xffffffff}" # since Ruby will go Bignum if necessary
+# @@INCLUDE@@ include/ruby/slowcat.rb
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.6
+revbytes = string.reverse
+revwords = string.split(" ").reverse.join(" ")
+revwords = string.split(/(\s+)/).reverse.join
+# using the fact that IO is Enumerable, you can directly "select" it
+long_palindromes ="/usr/share/dict/words").
+ select { |w| w.chomp!; w.reverse == w && w.length > 5 }
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.7
+while string.sub!("\t+") { ' ' * ($&.length * 8 - $`.length % 8) }
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.8
+'You owe #{debt} to me'.gsub(/\#{(\w+)}/) { eval($1) }
+rows, cols = 24, 80
+text = %q(I am #{rows} high and #{cols} long)
+text.gsub!(/\#{(\w+)}/) { eval("#{$1}") }
+puts text
+'I am 17 years old'.gsub(/\d+/) { 2 * $&.to_i }
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.9
+e = "bo peep".upcase
+"thIS is a loNG liNE".gsub!(/\w+/) { $&.capitalize }
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.10
+"I have #{n+1} guanacos."
+print "I have ", n+1, " guanacos."
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.11
+var = <<'EOF'.gsub(/^\s+/, '')
+ your text
+ goes here
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.12
+string = "Folding and splicing is the work of an editor,\n"+
+ "not a mere collection of silicon\n"+
+ "and\n"+
+ "mobile electrons!"
+def wrap(str, max_size)
+ all = []
+ line = ''
+ for l in str.split
+ if (line+l).length >= max_size
+ all.push(line)
+ line = ''
+ end
+ line += line == '' ? l : ' ' + l
+ end
+ all.push(line).join("\n")
+print wrap(string, 20)
+#=> Folding and
+#=> splicing is the
+#=> work of an editor,
+#=> not a mere
+#=> collection of
+#=> silicon and mobile
+#=> electrons!
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.13
+string = %q(Mom said, "Don't do that.")
+string.gsub(/['"]/) { '\\'+$& }
+string.gsub(/['"]/, '\&\&')
+string.gsub(/[^A-Z]/) { '\\'+$& }
+"is a test!".gsub(/\W/) { '\\'+$& } # no function like quotemeta?
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.14
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.15
+def parse_csv(text)
+ new = text.scan(/"([^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*)",?|([^,]+),?|,/)
+ new << nil if text[-1] == ?,
+ new.flatten.compact
+line = %q<XYZZY,"","O'Reilly, Inc","Wall, Larry","a \"glug\" bit,",5,"Error, Core Dumped">
+fields = parse_csv(line)
+fields.each_with_index { |v,i|
+ print "#{i} : #{v}\n";
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.16
+# Use the soundex.rb Library from Michael Neumann.
+require 'Soundex'
+code = Text::Soundex.soundex(string)
+codes = Text::Soundex.soundex(array)
+# substitution function for getpwent():
+# returns an array of user entries,
+# each entry contains the username and the full name
+def login_names
+ result = []
+"/etc/passwd") { |file|
+ file.each_line { |line|
+ next if line.match(/^#/)
+ cols = line.split(":")
+ result.push([cols[0], cols[4]])
+ }
+ }
+ result
+puts "Lookup user: "
+user = STDIN.gets
+exit unless user
+name_code = Text::Soundex.soundex(user)
+splitter ='(\w+)[^,]*\b(\w+)')
+for username, fullname in login_names do
+ firstname, lastname = splitter.match(fullname)[1,2]
+ if name_code == Text::Soundex.soundex(username)
+ || name_code == Text::Soundex.soundex(firstname)
+ || name_code == Text::Soundex.soundex(lastname)
+ then
+ puts "#{username}: #{firstname} #{lastname}"
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.17
+# @@INCLUDE@@ include/ruby/fixstyle.rb
+# @@PLEAC@@_1.18
+# @@INCLUDE@@ include/ruby/psgrep.rb
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.1
+# Matz tells that you can use Integer() for strict checked conversion.
+#=> `Integer': invalid value for Integer: "abc" (ArgumentError)
+#=> 567
+# You may use Float() for floating point stuff
+#=> `Integer': invalid value for Integer: "56.7" (ArgumentError)
+#=> 56.7
+# You may also use a regexp for that
+if string =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/
+ p 'is an integer'
+ p 'is not'
+if string =~ /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)$/
+ p 'is a decimal number'
+ p 'is not'
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.2
+# equal(num1, num2, accuracy) : returns true if num1 and num2 are
+# equal to accuracy number of decimal places
+def equal(i, j, a)
+ sprintf("%.#{a}g", i) == sprintf("%.#{a}g", j)
+wage = 536 # $5.36/hour
+week = 40 * wage # $214.40
+printf("One week's wage is: \$%.2f\n", week/100.0)
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.3
+num.round # rounds to integer
+a = 0.255
+b = sprintf("%.2f", a)
+print "Unrounded: #{a}\nRounded: #{b}\n"
+printf "Unrounded: #{a}\nRounded: %.2f\n", a
+print "number\tint\tfloor\tceil\n"
+a = [ 3.3 , 3.5 , 3.7, -3.3 ]
+for n in a
+ printf("% .1f\t% .1f\t% .1f\t% .1f\n", # at least I don't fake my output :)
+ n, n.to_i, n.floor, n.ceil)
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.4
+def dec2bin(n)
+ [n].pack("N").unpack("B32")[0].sub(/^0+(?=\d)/, '')
+def bin2dec(n)
+ [("0"*32+n.to_s)[-32..-1]].pack("B32").unpack("N")[0]
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.5
+for i in x .. y
+ # i is set to every integer from x to y, inclusive
+x.step(y,7) { |i|
+ # i is set to every integer from x to y, stepsize = 7
+print "Infancy is: "
+(0..2).each { |i|
+ print i, " "
+print "\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.6
+# We can add conversion methods to the Integer class,
+# this makes a roman number just a representation for normal numbers.
+class Integer
+ @@romanlist = [["M", 1000],
+ ["CM", 900],
+ ["D", 500],
+ ["CD", 400],
+ ["C", 100],
+ ["XC", 90],
+ ["L", 50],
+ ["XL", 40],
+ ["X", 10],
+ ["IX", 9],
+ ["V", 5],
+ ["IV", 4],
+ ["I", 1]]
+ def to_roman
+ remains = self
+ roman = ""
+ for sym, num in @@romanlist
+ while remains >= num
+ remains -= num
+ roman << sym
+ end
+ end
+ roman
+ end
+ def Integer.from_roman(roman)
+ ustr = roman.upcase
+ sum = 0
+ for entry in @@romanlist
+ sym, num = entry[0], entry[1]
+ while sym == ustr[0, sym.length]
+ sum += num
+ ustr.slice!(0, sym.length)
+ end
+ end
+ sum
+ end
+roman_fifteen = 15.to_roman
+puts "Roman for fifteen is #{roman_fifteen}"
+i = Integer.from_roman(roman_fifteen)
+puts "Converted back, #{roman_fifteen} is #{i}"
+# check
+for i in (1..3900)
+ r = i.to_roman
+ j = Integer.from_roman(r)
+ if i != j
+ puts "error: #{i} : #{r} - #{j}"
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.7
+random = rand(y-x+1)+x
+chars = ["A".."Z","a".."z","0".."9"].collect { |r| r.to_a }.join + %q(!@$%^&*)
+password = (1..8).collect { chars[rand(chars.size)] }.pack("C*")
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.8
+srand # uses a combination of the time, the process id, and a sequence number
+srand(val) # for repeatable behaviour
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.9
+# from the randomr lib:
+require 'random/mersenne_twister'
+mers = 123456789
+puts mers.rand(0) # 0.550321932544541
+puts mers.rand(10) # 2
+# using online sources of random data via the realrand package:
+# **Note**
+# The following online services are used in this package:
+# - source: atmospheric noise
+# - source: radioactive decay timings
+# - source: entropy from local and network noise
+# Please visit the sites and respect the rules of each service.
+require 'random/online'
+generator1 =
+puts generator1.randbyte(5).join(",")
+puts generator1.randnum(10, 1, 6).join(",") # Roll dice 10 times.
+generator2 =
+puts generator2.randbyte(5).join(",")
+# randnum is not supported.
+generator3 =
+puts generator3.randbyte(5).join(",")
+# randnum is not supported.
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.10
+def gaussian_rand
+ begin
+ u1 = 2 * rand() - 1
+ u2 = 2 * rand() - 1
+ w = u1*u1 + u2*u2
+ end while (w >= 1)
+ w = Math.sqrt((-2*Math.log(w))/w)
+ [ u2*w, u1*w ]
+mean = 25
+sdev = 2
+salary = gaussian_rand[0] * sdev + mean
+printf("You have been hired at \$%.2f\n", salary)
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.11
+def deg2rad(d)
+ (d/180.0)*Math::PI
+def rad2deg(r)
+ (r/Math::PI)*180
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.12
+sin_val = Math.sin(angle)
+cos_val = Math.cos(angle)
+tan_val = Math.tan(angle)
+# AFAIK Ruby's Math module doesn't provide acos/asin
+# While we're at it, let's also define missing hyperbolic functions
+module Math
+ def Math.asin(x)
+ atan2(x, sqrt(1 - x**2))
+ end
+ def Math.acos(x)
+ atan2(sqrt(1 - x**2), x)
+ end
+ def Math.atan(x)
+ atan2(x, 1)
+ end
+ def Math.sinh(x)
+ (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / 2
+ end
+ def Math.cosh(x)
+ (exp(x) + exp(-x)) / 2
+ end
+ def Math.tanh(x)
+ sinh(x) / cosh(x)
+ end
+# The support for Complex numbers is not built-in
+y = Math.acos(3.7)
+#=> in `sqrt': square root for negative number (ArgumentError)
+# There is an implementation of Complex numbers in 'complex.rb' in current
+# Ruby distro, but it doesn't support atan2 with complex args, so it doesn't
+# solve this problem.
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.13
+log_e = Math.log(val)
+log_10 = Math.log10(val)
+def log_base(base, val)
+ Math.log(val)/Math.log(base)
+answer = log_base(10, 10_000)
+puts "log10(10,000) = #{answer}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.14
+require 'matrix.rb'
+a = Matrix[[3, 2, 3], [5, 9, 8]]
+b = Matrix[[4, 7], [9, 3], [8, 1]]
+c = a * b
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.15
+require 'complex.rb'
+require 'rational.rb'
+a = Complex(3, 5) # 3 + 5i
+b = Complex(2, -2) # 2 - 2i
+puts "c = #{a*b}"
+c = a * b
+d = 3 + 4*Complex::I
+printf "sqrt(#{d}) = %s\n", Math.sqrt(d)
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.16
+number = hexadecimal.hex
+number = octal.oct
+print "Gimme a number in decimal, octal, or hex: "
+num = gets.chomp
+exit unless defined?(num)
+num = num.oct if num =~ /^0/ # does both oct and hex
+printf "%d %x %o\n", num, num, num
+print "Enter file permission in octal: "
+permissions = gets.chomp
+raise "Exiting ...\n" unless defined?(permissions)
+puts "The decimal value is #{permissions.oct}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.17
+def commify(n)
+ n.to_s =~ /([^\.]*)(\..*)?/
+ int, dec = $1.reverse, $2 ? $2 : ""
+ while int.gsub!(/(,|\.|^)(\d{3})(\d)/, '\1\2,\3')
+ end
+ int.reverse + dec
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.18
+printf "It took %d hour%s\n", time, time == 1 ? "" : "s"
+# dunno if an equivalent to Lingua::EN::Inflect exists...
+# @@PLEAC@@_2.19
+# bigfact - calculating prime factors
+def factorize(orig)
+ factors = {}
+ factors.default = 0 # return 0 instead nil if key not found in hash
+ n = orig
+ i = 2
+ sqi = 4 # square of i
+ while sqi <= n do
+ while n.modulo(i) == 0 do
+ n /= i
+ factors[i] += 1
+ # puts "Found factor #{i}"
+ end
+ # we take advantage of the fact that (i +1)**2 = i**2 + 2*i +1
+ sqi += 2 * i + 1
+ i += 1
+ end
+ if (n != 1) && (n != orig)
+ factors[n] += 1
+ end
+ factors
+def printfactorhash(orig, factorcount)
+ print format("%-10d ", orig)
+ if factorcount.length == 0
+ print "PRIME"
+ else
+ # sorts after number, because the hash keys are numbers
+ factorcount.sort.each { |factor,exponent|
+ print factor
+ if exponent > 1
+ print "**", exponent
+ end
+ print " "
+ }
+ end
+ puts
+for arg in ARGV
+ n = arg.to_i
+ mfactors = factorize(n)
+ printfactorhash(n, mfactors)
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.0
+print "Today is day ",, " of the current year.\n"
+print "Today is day ",, " of the current month.\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.1
+day, month, year =,,
+# or
+day, month, year =[3..5]
+tl =
+printf("The current date is %04d %02d %02d\n", tl.year, tl.month,
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.2
+Time.local(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).tv_sec, month, day, hour, minute, second).tv_sec
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.3
+sec, min, hour, day, month, year, wday, yday, isdst, zone =
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.4
+when_ = now + difference # now -> Time ; difference -> Numeric (delta in seconds)
+then_ = now - difference
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.5
+bree = 361535725
+nat = 96201950
+difference = bree - nat
+puts "There were #{difference} seconds between Nat and Bree"
+seconds = difference % 60
+difference = (difference - seconds) / 60
+minutes = difference % 60
+difference = (difference - minutes) / 60
+hours = difference % 24
+difference = (difference - hours) / 24
+days = difference % 7
+weeks = (difference - days) / 7
+puts "(#{weeks} weeks, #{days} days, #{hours}:#{minutes}:#{seconds})"
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.6
+monthday, weekday, yearday = date.mday, date.wday, date.yday
+# AFAIK the week number is not just a division since week boundaries are on sundays
+weeknum = d.strftime("%U").to_i + 1
+year = 1981
+month = "jun" # or `6' if you want to emulate a broken language
+day = 16
+t = Time.mktime(year, month, day)
+print "#{month}/#{day}/#{year} was a ", t.strftime("%A"), "\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.7
+yyyy, mm, dd = $1, $2, $3 if "1998-06-25" =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/
+epoch_seconds = Time.mktime(yyyy, mm, dd).tv_sec
+# dunno an equivalent to Date::Manip#ParseDate
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.8
+string = # gives: Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC 2009
+time = Time.mktime(1973, "jan", 18, 3, 45, 50)
+print "In localtime it gives: ", time.localtime, "\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.9
+# Ruby provides micro-seconds in Time object
+# Ruby gives the seconds in floating format when substracting two Time objects
+before =
+line = gets
+elapsed = - before
+puts "You took #{elapsed} seconds."
+# On my Celeron-400 with Linux-2.2.19-14mdk, average for three execs are:
+# This Ruby version: average 0.00321 sec
+# Cookbook's Perl version: average 0.00981 sec
+size = 500
+number_of_times = 100
+total_time = 0
+number_of_times.times {
+ # populate array
+ array = []
+ size.times { array << rand }
+ # sort it
+ begin_ =
+ array.sort!
+ time = - begin_
+ total_time += time
+printf "On average, sorting %d random numbers takes %.5f seconds\n",
+ size, (total_time/Float(number_of_times))
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.10
+sleep(0.005) # Ruby is definitely not as broken as Perl :)
+# (may be interrupted by sending the process a SIGALRM)
+# @@PLEAC@@_3.11
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# hopdelta - feed mail header, produce lines
+# showing delay at each hop.
+require 'time'
+class MailHopDelta
+ def initialize(mail)
+ @head = mail.gsub(/\n\s+/,' ')
+ @topline = %w-Sender Recipient Time Delta-
+ @start_from = mail.match(/^From.*\@([^\s>]*)/)[1]
+ @date = Time.parse(mail.match(/^Date:\s+(.*)/)[1])
+ end
+ def out(line)
+ "%-20.20s %-20.20s %-20.20s %s" % line
+ end
+ def hop_date(day)
+ day.strftime("%I:%M:%S %Y/%m/%d")
+ end
+ def puts_hops
+ puts out(@topline)
+ puts out(['Start', @start_from, hop_date(@date),''])
+ @head.split(/\n/).reverse.grep(/^Received:/).each do |hop|
+ hop.gsub!(/\bon (.*?) (id.*)/,'; \1')
+ whence = hop.match(/;\s+(.*)$/)[1]
+ unless whence
+ warn "Bad received line: #{hop}"
+ next
+ end
+ from = $+ if hop =~ /from\s+(\S+)|\((.*?)\)/
+ by = $1 if hop =~ /by\s+(\S+\.\S+)/
+ next unless now = Time.parse(whence).localtime
+ delta = now - @date
+ puts out([from, by, hop_date(now), hop_time(delta)])
+ @date = now
+ end
+ end
+ def hop_time(secs)
+ sign = secs < 0 ? -1 : 1
+ days, secs = secs.abs.divmod(60 * 60 * 24)
+ hours,secs = secs.abs.divmod(60 * 60)
+ mins, secs = secs.abs.divmod(60)
+ rtn = "%3ds" % [secs * sign]
+ rtn << "%3dm" % [mins * sign] if mins != 0
+ rtn << "%3dh" % [hours * sign] if hours != 0
+ rtn << "%3dd" % [days * sign] if days != 0
+ rtn
+ end
+$/ = ""
+mail =
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.0
+single_level = [ "this", "that", "the", "other" ]
+# Ruby directly supports nested arrays
+double_level = [ "this", "that", [ "the", "other" ] ]
+still_single_level = [ "this", "that", [ "the", "other" ] ].flatten
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.1
+a = [ "quick", "brown", "fox" ]
+a = %w(Why are you teasing me?)
+lines = <<"END_OF_HERE_DOC".gsub(/^\s*(.+)/, '\1')
+ The boy stood on the burning deck,
+ It was as hot as glass.
+bigarray = IO.readlines("mydatafile").collect { |l| l.chomp }
+name = "Gandalf"
+banner = %Q(Speak, #{name}, and welcome!)
+host_info = `host #{his_host}`
+%x(ps #{$$})
+banner = 'Costs only $4.95'.split(' ')
+rax = %w! ( ) < > { } [ ] !
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.2
+def commify_series(a)
+ a.size == 0 ? '' :
+ a.size == 1 ? a[0] :
+ a.size == 2 ? a.join(' and ') :
+ a[0..-2].join(', ') + ', and ' + a[-1]
+array = [ "red", "yellow", "green" ]
+print "I have ", array, " marbles\n"
+# -> I have redyellowgreen marbles
+# But unlike Perl:
+print "I have #{array} marbles\n"
+# -> I have redyellowgreen marbles
+# So, needs:
+print "I have #{array.join(' ')} marbles\n"
+# -> I have red yellow green marbles
+def commify_series(a)
+ sepchar = { |p| p =~ /,/ } != [] ? '; ' : ', '
+ a.size == 0 ? '' :
+ a.size == 1 ? a[0] :
+ a.size == 2 ? a.join(' and ') :
+ a[0..-2].join(sepchar) + sepchar + 'and ' + a[-1]
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.3
+# (note: AFAIK Ruby doesn't allow gory change of Array length)
+# grow the array by assigning nil to past the end of array
+ary[new_size-1] = nil
+# shrink the array by slicing it down
+# init the array with given size
+# assign to an element past the original end enlarges the array
+ary[index_new_last_elem] = value
+def what_about_that_array(a)
+ print "The array now has ", a.size, " elements.\n"
+ # Index of last element is not really interesting in Ruby
+ print "Element #3 is `#{a[3]}'.\n"
+people = %w(Crosby Stills Nash Young)
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.4
+# OO style
+bad_users.each { |user|
+ complain(user)
+# or, functional style
+for user in bad_users
+ complain(user)
+for var in ENV.keys.sort
+ puts "#{var}=#{ENV[var]}"
+for user in all_users
+ disk_space = get_usage(user)
+ if (disk_space > MAX_QUOTA)
+ complain(user)
+ end
+for l in IO.popen("who").readlines
+ print l if l =~ /^gc/
+# we can mimic the obfuscated Perl way
+while fh.gets # $_ is set to the line just read
+ chomp # $_ has a trailing \n removed, if it had one
+ split.each { |w| # $_ is split on whitespace
+ # but $_ is not set to each chunk as in Perl
+ print w.reverse
+ }
+# ...or use a cleaner way
+for l in fh.readlines
+ l.chomp.split.each { |w| print w.reverse }
+# same drawback as in problem 1.4, we can't mutate a Numeric...
+array.collect! { |v| v - 1 }
+a = [ .5, 3 ]; b = [ 0, 1 ]
+for ary in [ a, b ]
+ ary.collect! { |v| v * 7 }
+puts "#{a.join(' ')} #{b.join(' ')}"
+# we can mutate Strings, cool; we need a trick for the scalar
+for ary in [ [ scalar ], array, hash.values ]
+ ary.each { |v| v.strip! } # String#strip rules :)
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.5
+# not relevant in Ruby since we have always references
+for item in array
+ # do somethingh with item
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.6
+unique = list.uniq
+# generate a list of users logged in, removing duplicates
+users = `who`.collect { |l| l =~ /(\w+)/; $1 }.sort.uniq
+puts("users logged in: #{commify_series(users)}") # see 4.2 for commify_series
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.7
+a - b
+# [ 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5 ] - [ 1, 2, 4 ] -> [3, 5]
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.8
+union = a | b
+intersection = a & b
+difference = a - b
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.9
+# if you will assign to another object, better use:
+new_ary = array1 + array2
+members = [ "Time", "Flies" ]
+initiates = [ "An", "Arrow" ]
+members += initiates
+members = [ "Time", "Flies" ]
+initiates = [ "An", "Arrow" ]
+members[2,0] = [ "Like", initiates ].flatten
+members[0] = "Fruit"
+members[3,2] = "A", "Banana"
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.10
+reversed = ary.reverse
+ary.reverse_each { |e|
+ # do something with e
+descending = ary.sort.reverse
+descending = ary.sort { |a,b| b <=> a }
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.11
+# remove n elements from front of ary (shift n)
+front = ary.slice!(0, n)
+# remove n elements from the end of ary (pop n)
+end_ = ary.slice!(-n .. -1)
+# let's extend the Array class, to make that useful
+class Array
+ def shift2()
+ slice!(0 .. 1) # more symetric with pop2...
+ end
+ def pop2()
+ slice!(-2 .. -1)
+ end
+friends = %w(Peter Paul Mary Jim Tim)
+this, that = friends.shift2
+beverages = %w(Dew Jolt Cola Sprite Fresca)
+pair = beverages.pop2
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.12
+# use Enumerable#detect (or the synonym Enumerable#find)
+highest_eng = employees.detect { |emp| emp.category == 'engineer' }
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.13
+# use Enumerable#select (or the synonym Enumerable#find_all)
+bigs = { |i| i > 1_000_000 }
+pigs = { |k| users[k] > 1e7 }
+matching = `who`.select { |u| u =~ /^gnat / }
+engineers = { |e| e.position == 'Engineer' }
+secondary_assistance = { |a|
+ a.income >= 26_000 && a.income < 30_000
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.14
+# normally you would have an array of Numeric (Float or
+# Fixnum or Bignum), so you would use:
+sorted = unsorted.sort
+# if you have strings representing Integers or Floats
+# you may specify another sort method:
+sorted = unsorted.sort { |a,b| a.to_f <=> b.to_f }
+# let's use the list of my own PID's
+`ps ux`.split("\n")[1..-1].
+ select { |i| i =~ /^#{ENV['USER']}/ }.
+ collect { |i| i.split[1] }.
+ sort { |a,b| a.to_i <=> b.to_i }.each { |i| puts i }
+puts "Select a process ID to kill:"
+pid = gets.chomp
+raise "Exiting ... \n" unless pid && pid =~ /^\d+$/
+Process.kill('TERM', pid.to_i)
+sleep 2
+Process.kill('KILL', pid.to_i)
+descending = unsorted.sort { |a,b| b.to_f <=> a.to_f }
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.15
+ordered = unordered.sort { |a,b| compare(a,b) }
+precomputed = unordered.collect { |e| [compute, e] }
+ordered_precomputed = precomputed.sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }
+ordered = ordered_precomputed.collect { |e| e[1] }
+ordered = unordered.collect { |e| [compute, e] }.
+ sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.
+ collect { |e| e[1] }
+for employee in employees.sort { |a,b| <=> }
+ print, " earns \$ ", employee.salary, "\n"
+# Beware! `0' is true in Ruby.
+# For chaining comparisons, you may use Numeric#nonzero?, which
+# returns num if num is not zero, nil otherwise
+sorted = employees.sort { |a,b| ( <=> || b.age <=> a.age }
+users = []
+# getpwent is not wrapped in Ruby... let's fallback
+IO.readlines('/etc/passwd').each { |u| users << u.split(':') }
+users.sort! { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }
+for user in users
+ puts user[0]
+sorted = names.sort { |a,b| a[1, 1] <=> b[1, 1] }
+sorted = strings.sort { |a,b| a.length <=> b.length }
+# let's show only the compact version
+ordered = strings.collect { |e| [e.length, e] }.
+ sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.
+ collect { |e| e[1] }
+ordered = strings.collect { |e| [/\d+/.match(e)[0].to_i, e] }.
+ sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.
+ collect { |e| e[1] }
+print `cat /etc/passwd`.collect { |e| [e, e.split(':').indexes(3,2,0)].flatten }.
+ sort { |a,b| (a[1] <=> b[1]).nonzero? || (a[2] <=> b[2]).nonzero? || a[3] <=> b[3] }.
+ collect { |e| e[0] }
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.16
+circular.unshift(circular.pop) # the last shall be first
+circular.push(circular.shift) # and vice versa
+def grab_and_rotate(l)
+ l.push(ret = l.shift)
+ ret
+processes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+while (1)
+ process = grab_and_rotate(processes)
+ puts "Handling process #{process}"
+ sleep 1
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.17
+def fisher_yates_shuffle(a)
+ (a.size-1).downto(1) { |i|
+ j = rand(i+1)
+ a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] if i != j
+ }
+def naive_shuffle(a)
+ for i in 0...a.size
+ j = rand(a.size)
+ a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.18
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# example 4-2 words
+# words - gather lines, present in colums
+# class to encapsulate the word formatting from the input
+class WordFormatter
+ def initialize(cols)
+ @cols = cols
+ end
+ # helper to return the length of the longest word in the wordlist
+ def maxlen(wordlist)
+ max = 1
+ for word in wordlist
+ if word.length > max
+ max = word.length
+ end
+ end
+ max
+ end
+ # process the wordlist and print it formmated into columns
+ def output(wordlist)
+ collen = maxlen(wordlist) + 1
+ columns = @cols / collen
+ columns = 1 if columns == 0
+ rows = (wordlist.length + columns - 1) / columns
+ # now process each item, picking out proper piece for this position
+ 0.upto(rows * columns - 1) { |item|
+ target = (item % columns) * rows + (item / columns)
+ eol = ((item+1) % columns == 0)
+ piece = wordlist[target] || ""
+ piece = piece.ljust(collen) unless eol
+ print piece
+ puts if eol
+ }
+ # no need to finish it up, because eol is always true for the last element
+ end
+# get nr of chars that fit in window or console, see PLEAC 15.4
+# not portable -- linux only (?)
+def getWinCharWidth()
+ buf = "\0" * 8
+ $stdout.ioctl(0x5413, buf)
+ ws_row, ws_col, ws_xpixel, ws_ypixel = buf.unpack("$4")
+ ws_col || 80
+ 80
+# main program
+cols = getWinCharWidth()
+formatter =
+words = readlines()
+words.collect! { |line|
+ line.chomp
+# @@PLEAC@@_4.19
+# In ruby, Fixnum's are automatically converted to Bignum's when
+# needed, so there is no need for an extra module
+def factorial(n)
+ s = 1
+ while n > 0
+ s *= n
+ n -= 1
+ end
+ s
+puts factorial(500)
+# Example 4-3. tsc-permute
+# tsc_permute: permute each word of input
+def permute(items, perms)
+ unless items.length > 0
+ puts perms.join(" ")
+ else
+ for i in items
+ newitems = items.dup
+ newperms = perms.dup
+ newperms.unshift(newitems.delete(i))
+ permute(newitems, newperms)
+ end
+ end
+# In ruby the main program must be after all definitions it is using
+permute(ARGV, [])
+# mjd_permute: permute each word of input
+def factorial(n)
+ s = 1
+ while n > 0
+ s *= n
+ n -= 1
+ end
+ s
+# we use a class with a class variable store the private cache
+# for the results of the factorial function.
+class Factorial
+ @@fact = [ 1 ]
+ def Factorial.compute(n)
+ if @@fact[n]
+ @@fact[n]
+ else
+ @@fact[n] = n * Factorial.compute(n - 1)
+ end
+ end
+# Example 4-4- mjd-permute
+# n2pat(n, len): produce the N-th pattern of length len
+# We must use a lower case letter as parameter N, otherwise it is
+# handled as constant Length is the length of the resulting
+# array, not the index of the last element (length -1) like in
+# the perl example.
+def n2pat(n, length)
+ pat = []
+ i = 1
+ while i <= length
+ pat.push(n % i)
+ n /= i
+ i += 1
+ end
+ pat
+# pat2perm(pat): turn pattern returned by n2pat() into
+# permutation of integers.
+def pat2perm(pat)
+ source = (0 .. pat.length - 1).to_a
+ perm = []
+ perm.push(source.slice!(pat.pop)) while pat.length > 0
+ perm
+def n2perm(n, len)
+ pat2perm(n2pat(n,len))
+# In ruby the main program must be after all definitions
+while gets
+ data = split
+ # the perl solution has used $#data, which is length-1
+ num_permutations = Factorial.compute(data.length())
+ 0.upto(num_permutations - 1) do |i|
+ # in ruby we can not use an array as selector for an array
+ # but by exchanging the two arrays, we can use the collect method
+ # which returns an array with the result of all block invocations
+ permutation = n2perm(i, data.length).collect {
+ |j| data[j]
+ }
+ puts permutation.join(" ")
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.0
+age = { "Nat", 24,
+ "Jules", 25,
+ "Josh", 17 }
+age["Nat"] = 24
+age["Jules"] = 25
+age["Josh"] = 17
+food_color = {
+ "Apple" => "red",
+ "Banana" => "yellow",
+ "Lemon" => "yellow",
+ "Carrot" => "orange"
+ }
+# In Ruby, you cannot avoid the double or simple quoting
+# while manipulatin hashes
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.1
+hash[key] = value
+food_color["Raspberry"] = "pink"
+puts "Known foods:", food_color.keys
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.2
+# does hash have a value for key ?
+if (hash.has_key?(key))
+ # it exists
+ # it doesn't
+[ "Banana", "Martini" ].each { |name|
+ print name, " is a ", food_color.has_key?(name) ? "food" : "drink", "\n"
+age = {}
+age['Toddler'] = 3
+age['Unborn'] = 0
+age['Phantasm'] = nil
+for thing in ['Toddler', 'Unborn', 'Phantasm', 'Relic']
+ print "#{thing}: "
+ print "Has-key " if age.has_key?(thing)
+ print "True " if age[thing]
+ print "Nonzero " if age[thing] && age[thing].nonzero?
+ print "\n"
+# Toddler: Has-key True Nonzero
+# Unborn: Has-key True
+# Phantasm: Has-key
+# Relic:
+# You use Hash#has_key? when you use Perl's exists -> it checks
+# for existence of a key in a hash.
+# All Numeric are "True" in ruby, so the test doesn't have the
+# same semantics as in Perl; you would use Numeric#nonzero? to
+# achieve the same semantics (false if 0, true otherwise).
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.3
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.4
+hash.each { |key, value|
+ # do something with key and value
+hash.each_key { |key|
+ # do something with key
+food_color.each { |food, color|
+ puts "#{food} is #{color}"
+food_color.each_key { |food|
+ puts "#{food} is #{food_color[food]}"
+# IMO this demonstrates that OO style is by far more readable
+food_color.keys.sort.each { |food|
+ puts "#{food} is #{food_color[food]}."
+# countfrom - count number of messages from each sender
+# Default value is 0
+from =
+while gets
+ /^From: (.*)/ and from[$1] += 1
+# More useful to sort by number of received mail by person
+from.sort {|a,b| b[1]<=>a[1]}.each { |v|
+ puts "#{v[1]}: #{v[0]}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.5
+# You may use the built-in 'inspect' method this way:
+p hash
+# Or do it the Cookbook way:
+hash.each { |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}" }
+# Sorted by keys
+hash.sort.each { |e| puts "#{e[0]} => #{e[1]}" }
+# Sorted by values
+hash.sort{|a,b| a[1]<=>b[1]}.each { |e| puts "#{e[0]} => #{e[1]}" }
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.7
+ttys =
+for i in `who`
+ user, tty = i.split
+ (ttys[user] ||= []) << tty # see problems_ruby for more infos
+ttys.keys.sort.each { |k|
+ puts "#{k}: #{commify_series(ttys[k])}" # from 4.2
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.8
+surname = { "Mickey" => "Mantle", "Babe" => "Ruth" }
+puts surname.index("Mantle")
+# If you really needed to 'invert' the whole hash, use Hash#invert
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# foodfind - find match for food or color
+given = ARGV.shift or raise "usage: foodfind food_or_color"
+color = {
+ "Apple" => "red",
+ "Banana" => "yellow",
+ "Lemon" => "yellow",
+ "Carrot" => "orange",
+if (color.has_key?(given))
+ puts "#{given} is a food with color #{color[given]}."
+if (color.has_value?(given))
+ puts "#{color.index(given)} is a food with color #{given}."
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.9
+# Sorted by keys (Hash#sort gives an Array of pairs made of each key,value)
+food_color.sort.each { |f|
+ puts "#{f[0]} is #{f[1]}."
+# Sorted by values
+food_color.sort { |a,b| a[1] <=> b[1] }.each { |f|
+ puts "#{f[0]} is #{f[1]}."
+# Sorted by length of values
+food_color.sort { |a,b| a[1].length <=> b[1].length }.each { |f|
+ puts "#{f[0]} is #{f[1]}."
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.10
+merged = a.clone.update(b) # because Hash#update changes object in place
+drink_color = { "Galliano" => "yellow", "Mai Tai" => "blue" }
+ingested_color = drink_color.clone.update(food_color)
+substance_color = {}
+for i in [ food_color, drink_color ]
+ i.each_key { |k|
+ if substance_color.has_key?(k)
+ puts "Warning: #{k} seen twice. Using the first definition."
+ next
+ end
+ substance_color[k] = 1
+ }
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.11
+common = hash1.keys & hash2.keys
+this_not_that = hash1.keys - hash2.keys
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.12
+# no problem here, Ruby handles any kind of object for key-ing
+# (it takes Object#hash, which defaults to Object#id)
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.13
+# AFAIK, not possible in Ruby
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.14
+# Be careful, the following is possible only because Fixnum objects are
+# special (documentation says: there is effectively only one Fixnum object
+# instance for any given integer value).
+count =
+array.each { |e|
+ count[e] += 1
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.15
+father = {
+ "Cain" , "Adam",
+ "Abel" , "Adam",
+ "Seth" , "Adam",
+ "Enoch" , "Cain",
+ "Irad" , "Enoch",
+ "Mehujael" , "Irad",
+ "Methusael" , "Mehujael",
+ "Lamech" , "Methusael",
+ "Jabal" , "Lamech",
+ "Jubal" , "Lamech",
+ "Tubalcain" , "Lamech",
+ "Enos" , "Seth",
+while gets
+ chomp
+ begin
+ print $_, " "
+ end while $_ = father[$_]
+ puts
+children = {}
+father.each { |k,v|
+ (children[v] ||= []) << k
+while gets
+ chomp
+ puts "#{$_} begat #{(children[$_] || ['Nobody']).join(', ')}.\n"
+includes = {}
+files.each { |f|
+ begin
+ for l in IO.readlines(f)
+ next unless l =~ /^\s*#\s*include\s*<([^>]+)>/
+ (includes[$1] ||= []) << f
+ end
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ $stderr.puts "#$! (skipping)"
+ end
+include_free = includes.values.flatten.uniq - includes.keys
+# @@PLEAC@@_5.16
+# dutree - print sorted intented rendition of du output
+#% dutree
+#% dutree /usr
+#% dutree -a
+#% dutree -a /bin
+# The DuNode class collects all information about a directory,
+# and provides some convenience methods
+class DuNode
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_accessor :size
+ attr_accessor :kids
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ @kids = []
+ @size = 0
+ end
+ # support for sorting nodes with side
+ def size_compare(node2)
+ @size <=> node2.size
+ end
+ def basename
+ @name.sub(/.*\//, "")
+ end
+ #returns substring before last "/", nil if not there
+ def parent
+ p = @name.sub(/\/[^\/]+$/,"")
+ if p == @name
+ nil
+ else
+ p
+ end
+ end
+# The DuTree does the acdtual work of
+# getting the input, parsing it, builging up a tree
+# and format it for output
+class Dutree
+ attr_reader :topdir
+ def initialize
+ @nodes =
+ @dirsizes =
+ @kids =[])
+ end
+ # get a node by name, create it if it does not exist yet
+ def get_create_node(name)
+ if @nodes.has_key?(name)
+ @nodes[name]
+ else
+ node =
+ @nodes[name] = node
+ node
+ end
+ end
+ # run du, read in input, save sizes and kids
+ # stores last directory read in instance variable topdir
+ def input(arguments)
+ name = ""
+ cmd = "du " + arguments.join(" ")
+ IO.popen(cmd) { |pipe|
+ pipe.each { |line|
+ size, name = line.chomp.split(/\s+/, 2)
+ node = get_create_node(name)
+ node.size = size.to_i
+ @nodes[name] = node
+ parent = node.parent
+ if parent
+ get_create_node(parent).kids.push(node)
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ @topdir = @nodes[name]
+ end
+ # figure out how much is taken in each directory
+ # that isn't stored in the subdirectories. Add a new
+ # fake kid called "." containing that much.
+ def get_dots(node)
+ cursize = node.size
+ for kid in
+ cursize -= kid.size
+ get_dots(kid)
+ end
+ if node.size != cursize
+ newnode = get_create_node( + "/.")
+ newnode.size = cursize
+ end
+ end
+ # recursively output everything
+ # passing padding and number width as well
+ # on recursive calls
+ def output(node, prefix="", width=0)
+ line = sprintf("%#{width}d %s", node.size, node.basename)
+ puts(prefix + line)
+ prefix += line.sub(/\d /, "| ")
+ prefix.gsub!(/[^|]/, " ")
+ if > 0 # not a bachelor node
+ kids =
+ kids.sort! { |a,b|
+ b.size_compare(a)
+ }
+ width = kids[0].size.to_s.length
+ for kid in kids
+ output(kid, prefix, width)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+tree =
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.0
+# The verbose version are match, sub, gsub, sub! and gsub!;
+# pattern needs to be a Regexp object; it yields a MatchData
+# object.
+string.sub(pattern, replacement)
+string.gsub(pattern, replacement)
+# As usual in Ruby, sub! does the same as sub but also modifies
+# the object, the same for gsub!/gsub.
+# Sugared syntax yields the position of the match (or nil if no
+# match). Note that the object at the right of the operator needs
+# not to be a Regexp object (it can be a String). The "dont
+# match" operator yields true or false.
+meadow =~ /sheep/ # position of the match, nil if no match
+meadow !~ /sheep/ # true if doesn't match, false if it does
+# There is no sugared version for the substitution
+meadow =~ /\bovines?\b/i and print "Here be sheep!"
+string = "good food"
+string.sub!(/o*/, 'e')
+# % echo ababacaca | ruby -ne 'puts $& if /(a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+/'
+# ababa
+# The "global" (or "multiple") match is handled by String#scan
+scan (/(\d+)/) {
+ puts "Found number #{$1}"
+# String#scan yields an Array if not used with a block
+numbers = scan(/\d+/)
+digits = "123456789"
+nonlap = digits.scan(/(\d\d\d)/)
+yeslap = digits.scan(/(?=(\d\d\d))/)
+puts "Non-overlapping: #{nonlap.join(' ')}"
+puts "Overlapping: #{yeslap.join(' ')}";
+# Non-overlapping: 123 456 789
+# Overlapping: 123 234 345 456 567 678 789
+string = "And little lambs eat ivy"
+string =~ /l[^s]*s/
+puts "(#$`) (#$&) (#$')"
+# (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy)
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.1
+# Ruby doesn't have the same problem:
+dst = src.sub('this', 'that')
+progname = $0.sub('^.*/', '')
+bindirs = %w(/usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin)
+libdirs = { |l| l.sub('bin', 'lib') }
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.3
+/\S+/ # as many non-whitespace bytes as possible
+/[A-Za-z'-]+/ # as many letters, apostrophes, and hyphens
+/\b([A-Za-z]+)\b/ # usually best
+/\s([A-Za-z]+)\s/ # fails at ends or w/ punctuation
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.4
+require 'socket'
+str = ' and'
+re = /
+ ( # capture the hostname in $1
+ (?: # these parens for grouping only
+ (?! [-_] ) # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
+ [\w-] + # hostname component
+ \. # and the domain dot
+ ) + # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
+ [A-Za-z] # next must be a letter
+ [\w-] + # now trailing domain part
+ ) # end of $1 capture
+ /x # /x for nice formatting
+str.gsub! re do # pass a block to execute replacement
+ host = TCPsocket.gethostbyname($1)
+ "#{$1} [#{host[3]}]"
+puts str
+# to match whitespace or #-characters in an extended re you need to escape
+# them.
+foo = 42
+str = 'blah #foo# blah'
+str.gsub! %r/ # replace
+ \# # a pound sign
+ (\w+) # the variable name
+ \# # another pound sign
+ /x do
+ eval $1 # with the value of a local variable
+ end
+puts str # => blah 42 blah
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.5
+# The 'g' modifier doesn't exist in Ruby, a regexp can't be used
+# directly in a while loop; instead, use String#scan { |match| .. }
+fish = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
+WANT = 3
+count = 0
+fish.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i) {
+ if (count += 1) == WANT
+ puts "The third fish is a #{$1} one."
+ end
+if fish =~ /(?:\w+\s+fish\s+){2}(\w+)\s+fish/i
+ puts "The third fish is a #{$1} one."
+pond = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
+# String#scan without a block gives an array of matches, each match
+# being an array of all the specified groups
+colors = pond.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).flatten # get all matches
+color = colors[2] # then the one we want
+# or without a temporary array
+color = pond.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).flatten[2] # just grab element 3
+puts "The third fish in the pond is #{color}."
+count = 0
+fishes = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish'
+evens = fishes.scan(/(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).select { (count+=1) % 2 == 0 }
+print "Even numbered fish are #{evens.join(' ')}."
+count = 0
+ \b # makes next \w more efficient
+ ( \w+ ) # this is what we\'ll be changing
+ (
+ \s+ fish \b
+ )
+ /x) {
+ if (count += 1) == 4
+ 'sushi' + $2
+ else
+ $1 + $2
+ end
+pond = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here.'
+puts "Last fish is #{pond.scan(/\b(\w+)\s+fish\b/i).flatten[-1]}"
+ A # find some pattern A
+ (?! # mustn\'t be able to find
+ .* # something
+ A # and A
+ )
+ $ # through the end of the string
+# The "s" perl modifier is "m" in Ruby (not very nice since there is
+# also an "m" in perl..)
+pond = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here."
+if (pond =~ /
+ \b ( \w+) \s+ fish \b
+ (?! .* \b fish \b )
+ /mix)
+ puts "Last fish is #{$1}."
+ puts "Failed!"
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.6
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# killtags - very bad html killer
+$/ = nil; # each read is whole file
+while file = gets() do
+ file.gsub!(/<.*?>/m,''); # strip tags (terribly)
+ puts file # print file to STDOUT
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+#headerfy - change certain chapter headers to html
+$/ = ''
+while file = gets() do
+ pattern = /
+ \A # start of record
+ ( # capture in $1
+ Chapter # text string
+ \s+ # mandatory whitespace
+ \d+ # decimal number
+ \s* # optional whitespace
+ : # a real colon
+ . * # anything not a newline till end of line
+ )
+ /x
+ puts file.gsub(pattern,'<H1>\1</H1>')
+#% ruby -00pe "gsub!(/\A(Chapter\s+\d+\s*:.*)/,'<H1>\1</H1>')" datafile
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+for file in ARGV
+ file =
+ while file.gets('') do # each read is a paragraph
+ print "chunk #{$.} in $ARGV has <<#{$1}>>\n" while /^START(.*?)^END/m
+ end # /m activates the multiline mode
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.7
+$/ = nil;
+file ="datafile")
+chunks = file.gets.split(/pattern/)
+# .Ch, .Se and .Ss divide chunks of STDIN
+chunks = gets(nil).split(/^\.(Ch|Se|Ss)$/)
+print "I read #{chunks.size} chunks.\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.8
+while gets
+ if ~/BEGIN/ .. ~/END/
+ # line falls between BEGIN and END inclusive
+ end
+while gets
+ if ($. == firstnum) .. ($. == lastnum)
+ # operate between firstnum and lastnum line number
+ end
+# in ruby versions prior to 1.8, the above two conditional
+# expressions could be shortened to:
+# if /BEGIN/ .. /END/
+# and
+# if firstnum .. lastnum
+# but these now only work this way from the command line
+while gets
+ if ~/BEGIN/ ... ~/END/
+ # line falls between BEGIN and END on different lines
+ end
+while gets
+ if ($. == first) ... ($. == last)
+ # operate between first and last line number on different lines
+ end
+# command-line to print lines 15 through 17 inclusive (see below)
+ruby -ne 'print if 15 .. 17' datafile
+# print out all <XMP> .. </XMP> displays from HTML doc
+while gets
+ print if ~%r#<XMP>#i .. ~%r#</XMP>#i;
+# same, but as shell command
+# ruby -ne 'print if %r#<XMP>#i .. %r#</XMP>#i' document.html
+# ruby -ne 'BEGIN { $top=3; $bottom=5 }; \
+# print if $top .. $bottom' /etc/passwd # FAILS
+# ruby -ne 'BEGIN { $top=3; $bottom=5 }; \
+# print if $. == $top .. $. == $bottom' /etc/passwd # works
+# ruby -ne 'print if 3 .. 5' /etc/passwd # also works
+print if ~/begin/ .. ~/end/;
+print if ~/begin/ ... ~/end/;
+while gets
+ $in_header = $. == 1 .. ~/^$/ ? true : false
+ $in_body = ~/^$/ .. ARGF.eof ? true : false
+seen = {}
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ next unless line =~ /^From:?\s/i .. line =~ /^$/;
+ line.scan(%r/([^<>(),;\s]+\@[^<>(),;\s]+)/).each do |addr|
+ puts addr unless seen[addr]
+ seen[addr] ||= 1
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.9
+def glob2pat(globstr)
+ patmap = {
+ '*' => '.*',
+ '?' => '.',
+ '[' => '[',
+ ']' => ']',
+ }
+ globstr.gsub!(/(.)/) { |c| patmap[c] || Regexp::escape(c) }
+ '^' + globstr + '$'
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.10
+# avoid interpolating patterns like this if the pattern
+# isn't going to change:
+pattern = ARGV.shift
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ print line if line =~ /#{pattern}/
+# the above creates a new regex each iteration. Instead,
+# use the /o modifier so the regex is compiled only once
+pattern = ARGV.shift
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ print line if line =~ /#{pattern}/o
+# popgrep1 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
+# version 1: slow but obvious way
+popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN)
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ popstates.each do |state|
+ if line =~ /\b#{state}\b/
+ print line
+ last
+ end
+ end
+# popgrep2 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
+# version 2: eval strings; fast but hard to quote
+popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN)
+code = "ARGF.each do |line|\n"
+popstates.each do |state|
+ code += "\tif line =~ /\\b#{state}\\b/; print(line); next; end\n"
+code += "end\n"
+print "CODE IS\n---\n#{code}\n---\n" if false # turn on for debugging
+eval code
+# ---
+# ARGF.each do |line|
+# if line =~ /\bCO\b/; print(line); next; end
+# if line =~ /\bON\b/; print(line); next; end
+# if line =~ /\bMI\b/; print(line); next; end
+# if line =~ /\bWI\b/; print(line); next; end
+# if line =~ /\bMN\b/; print(line); next; end
+# end
+# ---
+## alternatively, the same idea as above but compiling
+## to a case statement: (not in perlcookbook)
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# popgrep2.5 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
+# version 2.5: eval strings; fast but hard to quote
+popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN)
+code = "ARGF.each do |line|\n case line\n"
+popstates.each do |state|
+ code += " when /\\b#{state}\\b/ : print line\n"
+code += " end\nend\n"
+print "CODE IS\n---\n#{code}\n---\n" if false # turn on for debugging
+eval code
+# ---
+# ARGF.each do |line|
+# case line
+# when /\bCO\b/ : print line
+# when /\bON\b/ : print line
+# when /\bMI\b/ : print line
+# when /\bWI\b/ : print line
+# when /\bMN\b/ : print line
+# end
+# end
+# ---
+# Note: (above) Ruby 1.8+ allows the 'when EXP : EXPR' on one line
+# with the colon separator.
+# popgrep3 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
+# version3: build a match_any function
+popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN)
+expr ={|e|"line =~ /\\b#{e}\\b/"}.join('||')
+eval "def match_any(line); #{expr};end"
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ print line if match_any(line)
+## building a match_all function is a trivial
+## substitution of && for ||
+## here is a generalized example:
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+## grepauth - print lines that mention both foo and bar
+class MultiMatch
+ def initialize(*patterns)
+ _any = build_match('||',patterns)
+ _all = build_match('&&',patterns)
+ eval "def match_any(line);#{_any};end\n"
+ eval "def match_all(line);#{_all};end\n"
+ end
+ def build_match(sym,args)
+{|e|"line =~ /#{e}/"}.join(sym)
+ end
+mm ='foo','bar')
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ print line if mm.match_all(line)
+# popgrep4 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
+# version4: pretty fast, but simple: compile all re's first:
+popstates = %w(CO ON MI WI MN)
+popstates ={|re| %r/\b#{re}\b/}
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ popstates.each do |state_re|
+ if line =~ state_re
+ print line
+ break
+ end
+ end
+## speeds trials on the jargon file(412): 26006 lines, 1.3MB
+## popgrep1 => 7.040s
+## popgrep2 => 0.656s
+## popgrep2.5 => 0.633s
+## popgrep3 => 0.675s
+## popgrep4 => 1.027s
+# unless speed is criticial, the technique in popgrep4 is a
+# reasonable balance between speed and logical simplicity.
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.11
+ print "Pattern? "
+ pat = $stdin.gets.chomp
+ warn "Invalid Pattern"
+ retry
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.13
+# uses the 'amatch' extension found on:
+require 'amatch'
+matcher ='balast')
+#$relative, $distance = 0, 1'/usr/share/dict/words').each_line do |line|
+ print line if <= 1
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.14
+str.scan(/\G(\d)/).each do |token|
+ puts "found #{token}"
+n = " 49 here"
+n.gsub!(/\G /,'0')
+puts n
+str = "3,4,5,9,120"
+str.scan(/\G,?(\d+)/).each do |num|
+ puts "Found number: #{num}"
+# Ruby doesn't have the String.pos or a /c re modifier like Perl
+# But it does have StringScanner in the standard library (strscn)
+# which allows similar functionality:
+require 'strscan'
+text = 'the year 1752 lost 10 days on the 3rd of September'
+sc =
+while sc.scan(/.*?(\d+)/)
+ print "found: #{sc[1]}\n"
+if sc.scan(/\S+/)
+ puts "Found #{sc[0]} after last number"
+# assuming continuing from above:
+puts "The position in 'text' is: #{sc.pos}"
+sc.pos = 30
+puts "The position in 'text' is: #{sc.pos}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.15
+# greedy pattern
+str.gsub!(/<.*>/m,'') # not good
+# non-greedy (minimal) pattern
+str.gsub!(/<.*?>/m,'') # not great
+#<b><i>this</i> and <i>that</i> are important</b> Oh, <b><i>me too!</i></b>
+%r{ <b><i>(.*?)</i></b> }mx
+%r{ <b><i>( (?: (?!</b>|</i>). )* ) </i></b> }mx
+%r{ <b><i>( (?: (?!</[ib]>). )* ) </i></b> }mx
+ <b><i>
+ [^<]* # stuff not possibly bad, and not possibly the end.
+ (?:
+ # at this point, we can have '<' if not part of something bad
+ (?! </?[ib]> ) # what we can't have
+ < # okay, so match the '<'
+ [^<]* # and continue with more safe stuff
+ ) *
+ </i></b>
+ }mx
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.16
+$/ = ""
+ARGF.each do |para|
+ para.scan %r/
+ \b # start at word boundary
+ (\S+) # find chunk of non-whitespace
+ \b # until a word boundary
+ (
+ \s+ # followed by whitespace
+ \1 # and that same chunk again
+ \b # and a word boundary
+ ) + # one or more times
+ /xi do
+ puts "dup word '#{$1}' at paragraph #{$.}"
+ end
+astr = 'nobody'
+bstr = 'bodysnatcher'
+if "#{astr} #{bstr}" =~ /^(\w+)(\w+) \2(\w+)$/
+ print "#{$2} overlaps in #{$1}-#{$2}-#{$3}"
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# prime_pattern -- find prime factors of argument using patterns
+ARGV << 180
+cap = 'o' * ARGV.shift
+while cap =~ /^(oo+?)\1+$/
+ print $1.size, " "
+ cap.gsub!(/#{$1}/,'o')
+puts cap.size
+# solve for 12x + 15y + 16z = 281, maximizing x
+if ('o' * 281).match(/^(o*)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$/)
+ x, y, z = $1.size, $2.size, $3.size
+ puts "One solution is: x=#{x}; y=#{y}; z=#{z}"
+ puts "No solution."
+# => One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2
+# using different quantifiers:
+('o' * 281).match(/^(o+)\1{11}(o+)\2{14}(o+)\3{15}$/)
+# => One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2
+('o' * 281).match(/^(o*?)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$/)
+# => One solution is: x=0; y=7; z=11
+('o' * 281).match(/^(o+?)\1{11}(o*)\2{14}(o*)\3{15}$/)
+# => One solution is: x=1; y=3; z=14
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.17
+# alpha OR beta
+# alpha AND beta
+# alpha AND beta, no overlap
+# NOT beta
+# NOT bad BUT good
+if !(string =~ /pattern/) # ugly
+ something()
+if string !~ /pattern/ # preferred
+ something()
+if string =~ /pat1/ && string =~ /pat2/
+ something()
+if string =~ /pat1/ || string =~ /pat2/
+ something()
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# minigrep - trivial grep
+pat = ARGV.shift
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ print line if line =~ /#{pat}/o
+ "labelled" =~ /^(?=.*bell)(?=.*lab)/m
+$string =~ /bell/ && $string =~ /lab/
+$murray_hill = "blah bell blah "
+if $murray_hill =~ %r{
+ ^ # start of string
+ (?= # zero-width lookahead
+ .* # any amount of intervening stuff
+ bell # the desired bell string
+ ) # rewind, since we were only looking
+ (?= # and do the same thing
+ .* # any amount of intervening stuff
+ lab # and the lab part
+ )
+ }mx # /m means . can match newline
+ print "Looks like Bell Labs might be in Murray Hill!\n";
+"labelled" =~ /(?:^.*bell.*lab)|(?:^.*lab.*bell)/
+$brand = "labelled";
+if $brand =~ %r{
+ (?: # non-capturing grouper
+ ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front
+ bell # look for a bell
+ .*? # followed by any amount of anything
+ lab # look for a lab
+ ) # end grouper
+ | # otherwise, try the other direction
+ (?: # non-capturing grouper
+ ^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front
+ lab # look for a lab
+ .*? # followed by any amount of anything
+ bell # followed by a bell
+ ) # end grouper
+ }mx # /m means . can match newline
+ print "Our brand has bell and lab separate.\n";
+$map =~ /^(?:(?!waldo).)*$/s
+$map = "the great baldo"
+if $map =~ %r{
+ ^ # start of string
+ (?: # non-capturing grouper
+ (?! # look ahead negation
+ waldo # is he ahead of us now?
+ ) # is so, the negation failed
+ . # any character (cuzza /s)
+ ) * # repeat that grouping 0 or more
+ $ # through the end of the string
+ }mx # /m means . can match newline
+ print "There's no waldo here!\n";
+ 7:15am up 206 days, 13:30, 4 users, load average: 1.04, 1.07, 1.04
+tchrist tty1 5:16pm 36days 24:43 0.03s xinit
+tchrist tty2 5:19pm 6days 0.43s 0.43s -tcsh
+tchrist ttyp0 chthon 7:58am 3days 23.44s 0.44s -tcsh
+gnat ttyS4 coprolith 2:01pm 13:36m 0.30s 0.30s -tcsh
+#% w | minigrep '^(?!.*ttyp).*tchrist'
+ ^ # anchored to the start
+ (?! # zero-width look-ahead assertion
+ .* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?)
+ ttyp # the string you don't want to find
+ ) # end look-ahead negation; rewind to start
+ .* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?)
+ tchrist # now try to find Tom
+#% w | grep tchrist | grep -v ttyp
+#% grep -i 'pattern' files
+#% minigrep '(?i)pattern' files
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.20
+ans = $stdin.gets.chomp
+re = %r/^#{Regexp.quote(ans)}/
+ when "SEND" =~ re : puts "Action is send"
+ when "STOP" =~ re : puts "Action is stop"
+ when "ABORT" =~ re : puts "Action is abort"
+ when "EDIT" =~ re : puts "Action is edit"
+require 'abbrev'
+table = Abbrev.abbrev %w-send stop abort edit-
+loop do
+ print "Action: "
+ ans = $stdin.gets.chomp
+ puts "Action for #{ans} is #{table[ans.downcase]}"
+# dummy values are defined for 'file', 'PAGER', and
+# the 'invoke_editor' and 'deliver_message' methods
+# do not do anything interesting in this example.
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+require 'abbrev'
+file = ''
+PAGER = 'less'
+def invoke_editor
+ puts "invoking editor"
+def deliver_message
+ puts "delivering message"
+actions = {
+ 'edit' => self.method(:invoke_editor),
+ 'send' => self.method(:deliver_message),
+ 'list' => proc {system(PAGER, file)},
+ 'abort' => proc {puts "See ya!"; exit},
+ "" => proc {puts "Unknown Command"}
+dtable = Abbrev.abbrev(actions.keys)
+loop do
+ print "Action: "
+ ans = $stdin.gets.chomp.delete(" \t")
+ actions[ dtable[ans.downcase] || "" ].call
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.19
+# basically, the Perl Cookbook categorizes this as an
+# unsolvable problem ...
+1 while addr.gsub!(/\([^()]*\)/,'')
+Please confirm the mail address you gave us Wed May 6 09:38:41
+MDT 1998 by replying to this message. Include the string
+"Rumpelstiltskin" in that reply, but spelled in reverse; that is,
+start with "Nik...". Once this is done, your confirmed address will
+be entered into our records.
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.21
+#% gunzip -c ~/mail/archive.gz | urlify > archive.urlified
+#% urlify ~/mail/*.inbox > ~/allmail.urlified
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# urlify - wrap HTML links around URL-like constructs
+urls = '(https?|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp)';
+ltrs = '\w';
+gunk = '/#~:.?+=&%@!\-';
+punc = '.:?\-';
+any = "#{ltrs}#{gunk}#{punc}";
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ line.gsub! %r/
+ \b # start at word boundary
+ ( # begin $1 {
+ #{urls} : # need resource and a colon
+ [#{any}] +? # followed by on or more
+ # of any valid character, but
+ # be conservative and take only
+ # what you need to....
+ ) # end $1 }
+ (?= # look-ahead non-consumptive assertion
+ [#{punc}]* # either 0 or more punctuation
+ [^#{any}] # followed by a non-url char
+ | # or else
+ $ # then end of the string
+ )
+ /iox do
+ %Q|<A HREF="#{$1}">#{$1}</A>|
+ end
+ print line
+# @@PLEAC@@_6.23
+str.sub!(/(\S+)(\s+)(\S+)/, '\3\2\1')
+%r/(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ # keyword is $1, value is $2
+%r|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)|
+str.gsub!(/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/){ $1.hex.chr }
+ /\* # Match the opening delimiter
+ .*? # Match a minimal number of characters
+ \*/ # Match the closing delimiter
+str.sub!(/^\s+/, '')
+str.sub!(/\s+$/, '')
+# but really, in Ruby we'd just do:
+str.sub!(/^.*::/, '')
+ ([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/x
+str.sub!(%r|^.*/|, '')
+cols = ( (ENV['TERMCAP'] || " ") =~ /:co#(\d+):/ ) ? $1 : 80;
+name = " #{$0} #{ARGV}".gsub(%r| /\S+/|, ' ')
+require 'rbconfig'
+include Config
+raise "This isn't Linux" unless CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /linux/i;
+str.gsub!(%r/\n\s+/, ' ')
+nums = str.scan(/(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)/)
+capwords = str.scan(%r/(\b[^\Wa-z0-9_]+\b)/)
+lowords = str.scan(%r/(\b[^\WA-Z0-9_]+\b)/)
+icwords = str.scan(%r/(\b[^\Wa-z0-9_][^\WA-Z0-9_]*\b)/)
+links = str.scan(%r/<A[^>]+?HREF\s*=\s*["']?([^'" >]+?)[ '"]?>/mi)
+initial = str =~ /^\S+\s+(\S)\S*\s+\S/ ? $1 : ""
+str.gsub!(%r/"([^"]*)"/, %q-``\1''-)
+$/ = ""
+sentences = []
+ARGF.each do |para|
+ para.gsub!(/\n/, ' ')
+ para.gsub!(/ {3,}/,' ')
+ sentences << para.scan(/(\S.*?[!?.])(?= |\Z)/)
+%r/(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/ # YYYY in $1, MM in $2, DD in $3
+%r/ ^
+ (?:
+ 1 \s (?: \d\d\d \s)? # 1, or 1 and area code
+ | # ... or ...
+ \(\d\d\d\) \s # area code with parens
+ | # ... or ...
+ (?: \+\d\d?\d? \s)? # optional +country code
+ \d\d\d ([\s\-]) # and area code
+ )
+ \d\d\d (\s|\1) # prefix (and area code separator)
+ \d\d\d\d # exchange
+ $
+ /x
+lines = []
+lines << $1 while input.sub!(/^([^\012\015]*)(\012\015?|\015\012?)/,'')
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.0
+# An IO object being Enumerable, we can use 'each' directly on it"/usr/local/widgets/data").each { |line|
+ puts line if line =~ /blue/
+logfile ="/var/log/rubylog.txt", "w")
+mysub($stdin, logfile)
+# The method IO#readline is similar to IO#gets
+# but throws an exception when it reaches EOF
+f ="bla.txt")
+ while (line = f.readline)
+ line.chomp
+ $stdout.print line if line =~ /blue/
+ end
+rescue EOFError
+ f.close
+while $stdin.gets # reads from STDIN
+ unless (/\d/)
+ $stderr.puts "No digit found." # writes to STDERR
+ end
+ puts "Read: #{$_}" # writes to STDOUT
+logfile ="/tmp/log", "w")
+# $defout (or its synonym '$>') is the destination of output
+# for Kernel#print, Kernel#puts, and family functions
+logfile ="log.txt", "w")
+old = $defout
+$defout = logfile # switch to logfile for output
+puts "Countdown initiated ..."
+$defout = old # return to original output
+puts "You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance."
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.1
+source =, "r") # open file "path" for reading only
+sink =, "w") # open file "path" for writing only
+source =, File::RDONLY) # open file "path" for reading only
+sink =, File::WRONLY) # open file "path" for writing only
+file =, "r+") # open "path" for reading and writing
+file =, flags) # open "path" with the flags "flags" (see examples below for flags)
+# open file "path" read only
+file =, "r")
+file =, File::RDONLY)
+# open file "path" write only, create it if it does not exist
+# truncate it to zero length if it exists
+file =, "w")
+file =, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT)
+file =, File::WRONLY|File::TRUNC|File::CREAT, 0666) # with permission 0666
+# open file "path" write only, fails if file exists
+file =, File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT)
+file =, File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT, 0666)
+# open file "path" for appending
+file =, "a")
+file =, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND|File::CREAT)
+file =, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND|File::CREAT, 0666)
+# open file "path" for appending only when file exists
+file =, File::WRONLY|File::APPEND)
+# open file "path" for reading and writing
+file =, "r+")
+file =, File::RDWR)
+# open file for reading and writing, create a new file if it does not exist
+file =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT)
+file =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0600)
+# open file "path" reading and writing, fails if file exists
+file =, File::RDWR|File::EXCL|File::CREAT)
+file =, File::RDWR|File::EXCL|File::CREAT, 0600)
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.2
+# No problem with Ruby since the filename doesn't contain characters with
+# special meaning; like Perl's sysopen, 'r')
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.3
+#=> "/root/tmp"
+#=> "/var/lib/nfs"
+# To expand ~/.. it explicitely needs the environment variable HOME
+#=> "/home/gc/tmp"
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.4
+# The exception raised in Ruby reports the filename'afile')
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.5
+# Standard Ruby distribution provides the following useful extension
+require 'tempfile'
+# With the Tempfile class, the file is automatically deleted on garbage
+# collection, so you won't need to remove it, later on.
+tf ='tmp') # a name is required to create the filename
+# If you need to pass the filename to an external program you can use
+# File#path, but don't forget to File#flush in order to flush anything
+# living in some buffer somewhere.
+system("/usr/bin/dowhatever #{tf.path}")
+fh ='tmp')
+fh.sync = true # autoflushes
+10.times { |i| fh.puts i }
+puts 'Tmp file has: ', fh.readlines
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.6
+while (DATA.gets) do
+ # process the line
+# your data goes here
+# __DATA__ doesn't exist in Ruby
+# get info about the script (size, date of last modification)
+kilosize = DATA.stat.size / 1024
+last_modif = DATA.stat.mtime
+puts "<P>Script size is #{kilosize}"
+puts "<P>Last script update: #{last_modif}"
+# Everything else in this file will be ignored.
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.7
+while line = gets do
+ # do something with line.
+# or
+while gets do
+ # do something with $_
+# or more rubyish
+$stdun.each do |line|
+ # do stuff with line
+# ARGF may makes this more easy
+# this is skipped if ARGV.size==0
+ARGV.each do |filename|
+ # closing and exception handling are done by the block
+ open(filename) do |fd|
+ fd.each do |line|
+ # do stuff with line
+ end
+ end rescue abort("can't open %s" % filename)
+# globbing is done in the Dir module
+ARGV = Dir["*.[Cch]"] if ARGV.empty?
+# note: optparse is the preferred way to handle this
+if (ARGV[0] == '-c')
+ chop_first += 1
+ ARGV.shift
+# processing numerical options
+if ARGV[0] =~ /^-(\d+)$/
+ columns = $1
+ ARGV.shift
+# again, better to use optparse:
+require 'optparse'
+nostdout = 0
+append = 0
+unbuffer = 0
+ignore_ints = 0
+ARGV.options do |opt|
+ opt.on('-n') { nostdout +=1 }
+ opt.on('-a') { append +=1 }
+ opt.on('-u') { unbuffer +=1 }
+ opt.on('-i') { ignore_ints +=1 }
+ opt.parse!
+end or abort("usage: " + __FILE__ + " [-ainu] [filenames]")
+# no need to do undef $/, we have
+str =[0])
+# again we have
+str =[0])
+# not sure what this should do:
+# I believe open the file, print filename, lineno and line:
+ARGF.each_with_index do |line, idx|
+ print ARGF.filename, ":", idx, ";", line
+# print all the lines in every file passed via command line that contains login
+ARGF.each do |line|
+ puts line if line =~ /login/
+# even this would fit
+#%ruby -ne "print if /f/" 2.log
+ARGF.each { |l| puts l.downcase! }
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -p
+# just like perl's -p
+# I don't know who should I trust.
+# perl's version splits on \w+ while python's on \w.
+chunks = 0
+[0]).split.each do |word|
+ next if word =~ /^#/
+ break if ["__DATA__", "__END__"].member? word
+ chunks += 1
+print "Found ", chunks, " chunks\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.8
+old =
+new =, "w")
+while old.gets do
+ # change $_, then...
+ new.print $_
+File.rename(old_file, "old.orig")
+File.rename(new_file, old_file)
+while old.gets do
+ if $. == 20 then # we are at the 20th line
+ new.puts "Extra line 1"
+ new.puts "Extra line 2"
+ end
+ new.print $_
+while old.gets do
+ next if 20..30 # skip the 20th line to the 30th
+ # Ruby (and Perl) permit to write if 20..30
+ # instead of if (20 <= $.) and ($. <= 30)
+ new.print $_
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.9
+#% ruby -i.orig -pe 'FILTER COMMAND' file1 file2 file3 ...
+##!/usr/bin/ruby -i.orig -p
+# filter commands go here
+#% ruby -pi.orig -e 'gsub!(/DATE/){'
+# effectively becomes:
+ARGV << 'I'
+oldfile = ""
+while gets
+ if ARGF.filename != oldfile
+ newfile = ARGF.filename
+ File.rename(newfile, newfile + ".orig")
+ $stdout =,'w')
+ oldfile = newfile
+ end
+ gsub!(/DATE/){}
+ print
+$stdout = STDOUT
+#% ruby -i.old -pe 'gsub!(%r{\bhisvar\b}, 'hervar')' *.[Cchy]
+# set up to iterate over the *.c files in the current directory,
+# editing in place and saving the old file with a .orig extension
+$-i = '.orig' # set up -i mode
+while gets
+ if $. == 1
+ print "This line should appear at the top of each file\n"
+ end
+ gsub!(/\b(p)earl\b/i, '\1erl') # Correct typos, preserving case
+ print
+ ARGF.close if ARGF.eof
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.10'itest', 'r+') do |f| # open file for update
+ lines = f.readlines # read into array of lines
+ lines.each do |it| # modify lines
+ it.gsub!(/foo/, 'QQQ')
+ end
+ f.pos = 0 # back to start
+ f.print lines # write out modified lines
+ f.truncate(f.pos) # truncate to new length
+end # file is automatically closed
+#-----------------------------'itest', 'r+') do |f|
+ out = ""
+ f.each do |line|
+ out << line.gsub(/DATE/) {}
+ end
+ f.pos = 0
+ f.print out
+ f.truncate(f.pos)
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.11'infile', 'r+') do |f|
+ f.flock File::LOCK_EX
+ # update file
+File::LOCK_SH # shared lock (for reading)
+File::LOCK_EX # exclusive lock (for writing)
+File::LOCK_NB # non-blocking request
+File::LOCK_UN # free lock
+unless f.flock File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB
+ warn "can't get immediate lock: blocking ..."
+ f.flock File::LOCK_EX
+#-----------------------------'numfile', File::RDWR|File::CREAT) do |f|
+ f.flock(File::LOCK_EX)
+ num = f.gets.to_i || 0
+ f.pos = 0
+ f.truncate 0
+ f.puts num + 1q
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.12
+output_handle.sync = true
+# Please note that like in Perl, $stderr is already unbuffered
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# seeme - demo stdio output buffering
+$stdout.sync = ARGV.size > 0
+print "Now you don't see it..."
+sleep 2
+puts "now you do"
+$stderr.sync = true
+afile.sync = false
+# assume 'remote_con' is an interactive socket handle,
+# but 'disk_file' is a handle to a regular file.
+remote_con.sync = true # unbuffer for clarity
+disk_file.sync = false # buffered for speed
+require 'socket'
+sock ='', 80)
+sock.sync = true
+sock.puts "GET /en/ HTTP/1.0 \n\n"
+resp =
+print "DOC IS: #{resp}\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_7.13
+# assumes fh1, fh2, fh2 are oen IO objects
+nfound = select([$stdin, fh1, fh2, fh3], nil, nil, 0)
+nfound[0].each do |file|
+ case file
+ when fh1
+ # do something with fh1
+ when fh2
+ # do something with fh2
+ when fh3
+ # do something with fh3
+ end
+input_files = []
+# repeat next line for all in-files to poll
+input_files << fh1
+if nfound = select(input_files, nil, nil, 0)
+ # input ready on files in nfound[0]
+# @@PLEAC@@_8.0
+# datafile is a file or IO object
+datafile.readlines.each { |line|
+ line.chomp!
+ size = line.length
+ puts size
+datafile.readlines.each { |line|
+ puts line.chomp!.length
+lines = datafile.readlines
+whole_file =
+# ruby -040 -e 'word = gets; puts "First word is #{word}"'
+# ruby -ne 'BEGIN { $/="%%\n" }; $_.chomp; puts $_ if( $_=~/Unix/i)' fortune.dat
+handle.print "one", "two", "three" # "onetwothree"
+puts "Baa baa black sheep." # sent to $stdout
+buffer =
+rv = buffer.length
+open("/tmp#{$$}.pid", 'w') { |handle| handle.truncate(length) }
+pos = datafile.pos # tell is an alias of pos
+puts "I'm #{pos} bytes from the start of datafile"
+#-----------------------------, IO::SEEK_END) # IO::SEEK_SET is the default, IO::SEEK_CUR)
+written = datafile.syswrite(mystring)
+raise RunTimeError unless written == mystring.length
+block = infile.sysread(256) # no equivalent to perl offset parameter in sysread
+puts "only read #{block.length} bytes" if 256 != block.length
+pos = handle.sysseek(0, IO::SEEK_CUR) # don't change position
+# @@PLEAC@@_8.1
+while (line = fh.gets)
+ line.chomp!
+ nextline = nil
+ line.gsub!(/\\$/) { |match| nextline = fh.gets; '' }
+ if (nextline != nil)
+ line += nextline
+ redo
+ end
+ # process full record in line here
+line.gsub!(/\\\s*$/, '') {
+ # as before
+# @@PLEAC@@_8.2
+count = `wc -l < #{filename}`
+fail "wc failed: #{$?}" if $? != 0
+count = 0, 'r') { |fh|
+ count += 1 while fh.gets
+# count now holds the number of lines read
+count = 0
+while (chunk = file.sysread(2**16))
+ count += chunk.count("\n")
+end rescue EOFError
+#-----------------------------,'r') { |fh|
+ count += 1 while fh.gets
+# count now holds the number of lines read
+# As ruby doesn't quite have an equivalent to using a for
+# statement as in perl, I threw this in
+count = File.readlines(filename).size
+1 while file.gets
+count = $.
+$/ = ''
+open(filename, 'r') { |fh|
+ 1 while fh.gets
+ para_count = $.
+} rescue fail("can't open #{filename}: $!")
+# ^^PLEAC^^_8.3
+while (gets)
+ split.each { |chunk|
+ # do something with chunk
+ }
+while (gets)
+ gsub(/(\w[\w'-]*)/) { |word|
+ # do something with word
+ }
+# Make a word frequency count
+# normally hashes can be created using {} or just
+# but we want the default value of an entry to be 0 instead
+# of nil. (nil can't be incremented)
+seen =
+while (gets)
+ gsub(/(\w[\w'-]*)/) { |word|
+ seen[word.downcase] += 1
+ }
+# output hash in a descending numeric sort of its values
+seen.sort { |a,b| b[1] <=> a[1] }.each do |k,v|
+ printf("%5d %s\n", v, k )
+# Line frequency count
+seen =
+while (gets)
+ seen[$_.downcase] += 1
+seen.sort { |a,b| b[1] <=> a[1] }.each do |k,v|
+ printf("%5d %s\n", v, k )
+# @@PLEAC@@_8.4
+# instead of file handle FILE, we can just
+# use a string containing the filename
+File.readlines(file).each { |line|
+ # do something with line
+File.readlines(file).reverse_each { |line|
+ # do something with line
+# the variable lines might have been created
+# this way
+# lines = File.readlines(file)
+# normally one would use the reverse_each, but
+# if you insist on using a numerical index to
+# iterate over the lines array...
+(lines.size - 1).downto(0) { |i|
+ line = lines[i]
+# the second readlines argument is a the
+# record separator $/, just like perl, a blank
+# separator splits the records into paragraphs
+File.readlines(file, '').each { |paragraph|
+ # do something with paragraph
+ puts "->Paragraph #{paragraph}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_8.6
+$/ = "%\n";
+'/usr/share/fortune/humorists').each do |line|
+ adage = line if rand($.) < 1
+puts adage;
+# @@PLEAC@@_8.10
+ fh =, "r+")
+ addr = fh.tell unless fh.eof while fh.gets
+ fh.truncate(addr)
+rescue SystemCallError
+ $stderr.puts "#$!"
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.0
+entry = File.stat("/usr/bin/vi")
+entry = File.stat("/usr/bin")
+entry = File.stat(INFILE)
+entry = File.stat("/usr/bin/vi")
+ctime = entry.ctime
+size = entry.size
+f =, "r")
+## There is no -T equivalent in Ruby, but we can still test emptiness
+if test(?s, filename)
+ puts "#{filename} doesn't have text in it."
+ exit
+"/usr/bin").each do |filename|
+ puts "Inside /usr/bin is something called #{filename}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.1
+file = File.stat("filename")
+readtime, writetime = file.atime, file.mtime
+file.utime(readtime, writetime)
+SECONDS_PER_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24
+file = File.stat("filename")
+atime, mtime = file.atime, file.mtime
+atime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY
+mtime -= 7 * SECONDS_PER_DAY
+File.utime(atime, mtime, file)
+mtime = File.stat(file).mtime
+File.utime(, mtime, file)
+File.utime(, File.stat("testfile").mtime, file)
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+## uvi - vi a file without changing it's access times
+if ARGV.length != 1
+ puts "usage: uvi filename"
+ exit
+file = ARGV[0]
+atime, mtime = File.stat(file).atime, File.stat(file).mtime
+system(ENV["EDITOR"] || "vi", file)
+File.utime(atime, mtime, file)
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.2
+err_flg = false
+filenames.each do |file|
+ begin
+ File.unlink(file)
+ rescue
+ err_flg = $!
+ end
+err_flg and raise "Couldn't unlink all of #{filenames.join(" ")}: #{err_flg}"
+count = filenames.length
+filenames.each do |file|
+ begin
+ File.unlink(file)
+ rescue
+ count -= 1
+ end
+if count != filenames.length
+ STDERR.puts "could only delete #{count} of #{filenames.length} files"
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.3
+require "ftools"
+File.copy(oldfile, newfile)
+infile =, "r")
+outfile =, "w")
+blksize = infile.stat.blksize
+# This doesn't handle partial writes or ^Z
+# like the Perl version does.
+while (line =
+ outfile.write(line)
+system("cp #{oldfile} #{newfile}") # unix
+system("copy #{oldfile} #{newfile}") # dos, vms
+require "ftools"
+File.copy("datafile.dat", "datafile.bak")
+File.move("", "datafile.dat")
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.4
+$seen = {} # must use global var to be seen inside of method below
+def do_my_thing(filename)
+ dev, ino = File.stat(filename).dev, File.stat(filename).ino
+ unless $seen[[dev, ino]]
+ # do something with $filename because we haven't
+ # seen it before
+ end
+ $seen[[dev, ino]] = $seen[[dev, ino]].to_i + 1
+files.each do |filename|
+ dev, ino = File.stat(filename).dev, File.stat(filename).ino
+ if !$seen.has_key?([dev, ino])
+ $seen[[dev, ino]] = []
+ end
+ $seen[[dev, ino]].push(filename)
+$seen.keys.sort.each do |devino|
+ ino, dev = devino
+ if $seen[devino].length > 1
+ # $seen[devino] is a list of filenames for the same file
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.5 do |dir|
+ dir.each do |file|
+ # do something with dirname/file
+ puts file
+ end
+# Dir.close is automatic
+# No -T equivalent in Ruby
+dir.each do |file|
+ next if file =~ /^\.\.?$/
+ # ...
+def plainfiles(dir)
+ dh =
+ dh.entries.grep(/^[^.]/).
+ map {|file| "#{dir}/#{file}"}.
+ find_all {|file| test(?f, file)}.
+ sort
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.6
+list = Dir.glob("*.c")
+dir =
+files = dir.entries.grep(/\.c$/)
+files = Dir.glob("*.c")
+files =\.[ch]$/i)
+dir =
+files = dir.entries.grep(/\.[ch]$/i)
+ d =
+rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ raise "Couldn't open #{dir} for reading: #{$!}"
+files = []
+d.each do |file|
+ puts file
+ next unless file =~ /\.[ch]$/i
+ filename = "#{dir}/#{file}"
+ # There is no -T equivalent in Ruby, but we can still test emptiness
+ files.push(filename) if test(?s, filename)
+ map { |file| [file, "#{path}/#{file}"]} .
+ select { |file| test(?d, file[1]) }.
+ sort { |a,b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.
+ map { |file| file[1] }
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.7
+require 'find'
+Find.find(dirlist) do |file|
+ # do whatever
+require 'find'
+argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV
+Find.find(*argv) do |file|
+ print file, (test(?d, file) ? "/\n" : "\n")
+require 'find'
+argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV
+sum = 0
+Find.find(*argv) do |file|
+ size = test(?s, file) || 0
+ sum += size
+puts "#{argv.join(' ')} contains #{sum} bytes"
+require 'find'
+argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV
+saved_size, saved_name = -1, ""
+Find.find(*argv) do |file|
+ size = test(?s, file) || 0
+ next unless test(?f, file) && size > saved_size
+ saved_size = size
+ saved_name = file
+puts "Biggest file #{saved_name} in #{argv.join(' ')} is #{saved_size}"
+require 'find'
+argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV
+age, name = nil
+Find.find(*argv) do |file|
+ mtime = File.stat(file).mtime
+ next if age && age > mtime
+ age = mtime
+ name = file
+puts "#{name} #{age}"
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# fdirs - find all directories
+require 'find'
+argv = ARGV.empty? ? %w{.} : ARGV
+File.find(*argv) { |file| puts file if test(?d, file) }
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.8
+require 'fileutils'
+puts "Usage #{$0} dir ..." if ARGV.empty?
+ARGV.each do |dir|
+ FileUtils.rmtree(dir)
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.9
+require 'ftools'
+names.each do |file|
+ newname = file
+ begin
+ File.move(file, newname)
+ rescue Errno::EPERM
+ $stderr.puts "Couldn't rename #{file} to #{newname}: #{$!}"
+ end
+require 'ftools'
+op = ARGV.empty? ? (raise "Usage: rename expr [files]\n") : ARGV.shift
+argv = ARGV.empty? ? $ { |f| f.chomp } : ARGV
+argv.each do |file|
+ was = file
+ file = eval("file.#{op}")
+ File.move(was, file) unless was == file
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.10
+base = File.basename(path)
+dir = File.dirname(path)
+# ruby has no fileparse equivalent
+dir, base = File.split(path)
+ext = base.scan(/\..*$/).to_s
+path = '/usr/lib/libc.a'
+file = File.basename(path)
+dir = File.dirname(path)
+puts "dir is #{dir}, file is #{file}"
+# dir is /usr/lib, file is libc.a
+path = '/usr/lib/libc.a'
+dir, filename = File.split(path)
+name, ext = filename.split(/(?=\.)/)
+puts "dir is #{dir}, name is #{name}, ext is #{ext}"
+# NOTE: The Ruby code prints
+# dir is /usr/lib, name is libc, extension is .a
+# while the Perl code prints a '/' after the directory name
+# dir is /usr/lib/, name is libc, extension is .a
+# No fileparse_set_fstype() equivalent in ruby
+def extension(path)
+ ext = path.scan(/\..*$/).to_s
+ ext.sub(/^\./, "")
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.11
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# symirror - build spectral forest of symlinks
+require 'find'
+require 'fileutils'
+raise "usage: #{$0} realdir mirrordir" unless ARGV.size == 2
+srcdir,dstdir = ARGV
+srcmode = File::stat(srcdir).mode
+Dir.mkdir(dstdir, srcmode & 07777) unless test(?d, dstdir)
+# fix relative paths
+Dir.chdir(srcdir) {srcdir = Dir.pwd}
+Dir.chdir(dstdir) {dstdir = Dir.pwd}
+Find.find(srcdir) do |srcfile|
+ if test(?d, srcfile)
+ dest = srcfile.sub(/^#{srcdir}/, dstdir)
+ dmode = File::stat(srcfile).mode & 07777
+ Dir.mkdir(dest, dmode) unless test(?d, dest)
+ a = Dir["#{srcfile}/*"].reject{|f| test(?d, f)}
+ FileUtils.ln_s(a, dest)
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_9.12
+# we use the Getopt/Declare library here for convenience:
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# lst - list sorted directory contents (depth first)
+require 'find'
+require 'etc'
+require "Getopt/Declare"
+# Note: in the option-spec below there must by at least one hard
+# tab in between each -option and its description. For example
+# -i <tab> read from stdin
+opts =<<'EOPARAM')
+ ============
+ Input Format:
+ -i read from stdin
+ ============
+ Output Format:
+ -l long listing
+ -r reverse listing
+ ============
+ Sort on: (one of)
+ -m mtime (modify time - default)
+ {$sort_criteria = :mtime}
+ -u atime (access time)
+ {$sort_criteria = :atime}
+ -c ctime (inode change time)
+ {$sort_criteria = :ctime}
+ -s size
+ {$sort_criteria = :size}
+ [mutex: -m -u -c -s]
+$sort_criteria ||= :mtime
+files = {}
+DIRS = opts['-i'] ? ${|f|f.chomp!} : ARGV
+DIRS.each do |dir|
+ Find.find(dir) do |ent|
+ files[ent] = File::stat(ent)
+ end
+entries = files.keys.sort_by{|f| files[f].send($sort_criteria)}
+entries = entries.reverse unless opts['-r']
+entries.each do |ent|
+ unless opts['-l']
+ puts ent
+ next
+ end
+ stats = files[ent]
+ ftime = stats.send($sort_criteria == :size ? :mtime : $sort_criteria)
+ printf "%6d %04o %6d %8s %8s %8d %s %s\n",
+ stats.ino,
+ stats.mode & 07777,
+ stats.nlink,
+ ETC::PASSWD[stats.uid].name,
+ ETC::GROUP[stats.gid].name,
+ stats.size,
+ ftime.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"),
+ ent
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.0
+def hello
+ $greeted += 1 # in Ruby, a variable beginning with $ is global (can be any type of course)
+ puts "hi there!"
+# We need to initialize $greeted before it can be used, because "+=" is waiting a Numeric object
+$greeted = 0
+hello # note that appending () is optional to function calls with no parameters
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.1
+# In Ruby, parameters are named anyway
+def hypotenuse(side1, side2)
+ Math.sqrt(side1**2 + side2**2) # the sqrt function comes from the Math module
+diag = hypotenuse(3, 4)
+puts hypotenuse(3, 4)
+a = [3, 4]
+print hypotenuse(*a) # the star operator will magically convert an Array into a "tuple"
+both = men + women
+# In Ruby, all objects are references, so the same problem arises; we then return a new object
+nums = [1.4, 3.5, 6.7]
+def int_all(n)
+ n.collect { |v| v.to_i }
+ints = int_all(nums)
+nums = [1.4, 3.5, 6.7]
+def trunc_em(n)
+ n.collect! { |v| v.to_i } # the bang-version of collect modifies the object
+# Ruby has two chomp version:
+# ``chomp'' chomps the record separator and returns what's expected
+# ``chomp!'' does the same but also modifies the parameter object
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.2
+def somefunc
+ variable = something # variable is local by default
+name, age = ARGV
+start = fetch_time
+a, b = pair # will succeed if pair is an Array object (like ARGV is)
+c = fetch_time
+# In ruby, run_check can't access a, b, or c until they are
+# explicitely defined global (using leading $), even if they are
+# both defined in the same scope
+def check_x(x)
+ y = "whatever"
+ run_check
+ if $condition
+ puts "got $x"
+ end
+# The following will keep a reference to the array, though the
+# results will be slightly different from perl: the last element
+# of $global_array will be itself an array
+def save_array(ary)
+ $global_array << ary
+# The following gives the same results as in Perl for $global_array,
+# though it doesn't illustrate anymore the way to keep a reference
+# to an object: $global_array is extended with the elements of ary
+def save_array(ary)
+ $global_array += ary
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.3
+# In Ruby, AFAIK a method cannot access "local variables" defined
+# upper scope; mostly because everything is an object, so you'll
+# do the same by defining an attribute or a static attribute
+# In Ruby the BEGIN also exists:
+BEGIN { puts "hello from BEGIN" }
+puts "hello from main"
+BEGIN { puts "hello from 2nd BEGIN" }
+# gives:
+# hello from BEGIN
+# hello from 2nd BEGIN
+# hello from main
+# In Ruby, it can be written as a static method and a static
+# variable
+class Counter
+ @@counter = 0
+ def Counter.next_counter; @@counter += 1; end
+# There is no need of BEGIN since the variable will get
+# initialized when parsing
+class Counter
+ @@counter = 42
+ def Counter.next_counter; @@counter += 1; end
+ def Counter.prev_counter; @@counter -= 1; end
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.4
+# You can either get the whole trace as an array of strings, each
+# string telling which file, line and method is calling:
+# ...or only the last caller
+# We need to extract just the method name of the backtrace:
+def whoami; caller()[0] =~ /in `([^']+)'/ ? $1 : '(anonymous)'; end
+def whowasi; caller()[1] =~ /in `([^']+)'/ ? $1 : '(anonymous)'; end
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.5
+# In Ruby, every value is a reference on an object, thus there is
+# no such problem
+array_diff(array1, array2)
+def add_vecpair(a1, a2)
+ results = []
+ a1.each_index { |i| results << (a1[i] + a2[i]) }
+ results
+a = [1, 2]
+b = [5, 8]
+c = add_vecpair(a, b)
+p c
+# Add this to the beginning of the function to check if we were
+# given two arrays
+a1.type == Array && a2.type == Array or
+ raise "usage: add_vecpair array1 array2 (was used with: #{a1.type} #{a2.type})"
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.6
+# There is no return context in Ruby
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.7
+# Like in Perl, we need to fake with a hash, but it's dirty :-(
+def thefunc(param_args)
+ args = { 'INCREMENT' => '10s', 'FINISH' => '0', 'START' => 0 }
+ args.update(param_args)
+ if (args['INCREMENT'] =~ /m$/ )
+ # .....
+ end
+thefunc({ 'INCREMENT' => '20s', 'START' => '+5m', 'FINISH' => '+30m' })
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.8
+# there is no "undef" direct equivalent but there is the slice equiv:
+a, c = func.indexes(0, 2)
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.9
+# Ruby has no such limitation:
+def somefunc
+ ary = []
+ hash = {}
+ # ...
+ return ary, hash
+arr, dict = somefunc
+array_of_hashes = fn
+h1, h2, h3 = fn
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.10
+# or (equivalent)
+return nil
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.11
+# You can't prototype in Ruby regarding types :-(
+# Though, you can force the number of arguments:
+def func_with_no_arg; end
+def func_with_no_arg(); end
+def func_with_one_arg(a1); end
+def func_with_two_args(a1, a2); end
+def func_with_any_number_of_args(*args); end
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.12
+raise "some message" # raise exception
+ val = func
+rescue Exception => msg
+ $stderr.puts "func raised an exception: #{msg}"
+# In Ruby the rescue statement uses an exception class, every
+# exception which is not matched is still continuing
+ val = func
+rescue FullMoonError
+ ...
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.13
+# Saving Global Values
+# Of course we can just save the value and restore it later:
+def print_age
+ puts "Age is #{$age}"
+$age = 18 # global variable
+if condition
+ safeage = $age
+ $age = 23
+ print_age()
+ $age = safeage
+# We can also use a method that saves the global variable and
+# restores it automatically when the block is left:
+def local(var)
+ eval("save = #{var.id2name}")
+ begin
+ result = yield
+ ensure
+ # we want to call this even if we got an exception
+ eval("#{var.id2name} = save")
+ end
+ result
+condition = true
+$age = 18
+if condition
+ local(:$age) {
+ $age = 23
+ print_age()
+ }
+# There is no need to use local() for filehandles or directory
+# handles in ruby because filehandles are normal objects.
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.14
+# In Ruby you may redefine a method [but not overload it :-(]
+# just by defining again with the same name.
+def foo; puts 'foo'; end
+def foo; puts 'bar'; end
+#=> bar
+# You can also take a reference to an existing method before
+# redefining a new one, using the `alias' keyword
+def foo; puts 'foo'; end
+alias foo_orig foo
+def foo; puts 'bar'; end
+#=> foo
+#=> bar
+# AFAIK, there is no direct way to create a new method whose name
+# comes from a variable, so use "eval"
+colors = %w(red blue green yellow orange purple violet)
+colors.each { |c|
+ eval <<-EOS
+ def #{c}(*a)
+ "<FONT COLOR='#{c}'>" + a.to_s + "</FONT>"
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.15
+def method_missing(name, *args)
+ "<FONT COLOR='#{name}'>" + args.join(' ') + "</FONT>"
+puts chartreuse("stuff")
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.16
+def outer(arg)
+ x = arg + 35
+ inner = proc { x * 19 }
+ x +
+# @@PLEAC@@_10.17
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# mailsort - sort mbox by different criteria
+require 'English'
+require 'Date'
+# Objects of class Mail represent a single mail.
+class Mail
+ attr_accessor :no
+ attr_accessor :subject
+ attr_accessor :fulltext
+ attr_accessor :date
+ def initialize
+ @fulltext = ""
+ @subject = ""
+ end
+ def append(para)
+ @fulltext << para
+ end
+ # this is called if you call puts(mail)
+ def to_s
+ @fulltext
+ end
+# represents a list of mails.
+class Mailbox < Array
+ Subjectpattern ='Subject:\s*(?:Re:\s*)*(.*)\n')
+ Datepattern ='Date:\s*(.*)\n')
+ # reads mails from open file and stores them
+ def read(file)
+ $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = '' # paragraph reads
+ msgno = -1
+ file.each { |para|
+ if para =~ /^From/
+ mail =
+ = (msgno += 1)
+ md = Subjectpattern.match(para)
+ if md
+ mail.subject = md[1]
+ end
+ md = Datepattern.match(para)
+ if md
+ = DateTime.parse(md[1])
+ else
+ =
+ end
+ self.push(mail)
+ end
+ mail.append(para) if mail
+ }
+ end
+ def sort_by_subject_and_no
+ self.sort_by { |m|
+ [m.subject,]
+ }
+ end
+ # sorts by a list of attributs of mail, given as symbols
+ def sort_by_attributs(*attrs)
+ # you can sort an Enumerable by an array of
+ # values, they would be compared
+ # from ary[0] to ary[n]t, say:
+ # ['b',1] > ['a',10] > ['a',9]
+ self.sort_by { |elem|
+ { |attr|
+ elem.send(attr)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+mailbox =
+# print only subjects sorted by subject and number
+for m in mailbox.sort_by_subject_and_no
+ puts(m.subject)
+# print complete mails sorted by date, then subject, then number
+for m in mailbox.sort_by_attributs(:date, :subject)
+ puts(m)
+# @@PLEAC@@_11.7
+def mkcounter(count)
+ start = count
+ bundle = {
+ "NEXT" => proc { count += 1 },
+ "PREV" => proc { count -= 1 },
+ "RESET" => proc { count = start }
+ }
+ bundle["LAST"] = bundle["PREV"]
+ return bundle
+c1 = mkcounter(20)
+c2 = mkcounter(77)
+puts "next c1: #{c1["NEXT"].call}" # 21
+puts "next c2: #{c2["NEXT"].call}" # 78
+puts "next c1: #{c1["NEXT"].call}" # 22
+puts "last c1: #{c1["PREV"].call}" # 21
+puts "last c1: #{c1["LAST"].call}" # 20
+puts "old c2: #{c2["RESET"].call}" # 77
+# @@PLEAC@@_11.15
+class Binary_tree
+ def initialize(val)
+ @value = val
+ @left = nil
+ @right = nil
+ end
+ # insert given value into proper point of
+ # provided tree. If no tree provided,
+ # use implicit pass by reference aspect of @_
+ # to fill one in for our caller.
+ def insert(val)
+ if val < @value then
+ if @left then
+ @left.insert(val)
+ else
+ @left =
+ end
+ elsif val > @value then
+ if @right then
+ @right.insert(val)
+ else
+ @right =
+ end
+ else
+ puts "double"
+ # do nothing, no double values
+ end
+ end
+ # recurse on left child,
+ # then show current value,
+ # then recurse on right child.
+ def in_order
+ @left.in_order if @left
+ print @value, " "
+ @right.in_order if @right
+ end
+ # show current value,
+ # then recurse on left child,
+ # then recurse on right child.
+ def pre_order
+ print @value, " "
+ @left.pre_order if @left
+ @right.pre_order if @right
+ end
+ # recurse on left child,
+ # then recurse on right child,
+ # then show current value.
+ def post_order
+ @left.post_order if @left
+ @right.post_order if @right
+ print @value, " "
+ end
+ # find out whether provided value is in the tree.
+ # if so, return the node at which the value was found.
+ # cut down search time by only looking in the correct
+ # branch, based on current value.
+ def search(val)
+ if val == @value then
+ return self
+ elsif val < @value then
+ return if @left
+ return nil
+ else
+ return if @right
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+# first generate 20 random inserts
+test =
+for a in 0..20
+ test.insert(rand(1000))
+# now dump out the tree all three ways
+print "Pre order: "; test.pre_order; puts ""
+print "In order: "; test.in_order; puts ""
+print "Post order: "; test.post_order; puts ""
+print "search?"
+while gets
+ print$_.to_i)
+ print "\nsearch?"
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.0
+# class and module names need to have the first letter capitalized
+module Alpha
+ NAME = 'first'
+module Omega
+ NAME = 'last'
+puts "Alpha is #{Alpha::NAME}, Omega is #{Omega::NAME}"
+# ruby doesn't differentiate beteen compile-time and run-time
+require 'getoptlong.rb'
+require 'getoptlong' # assumes the .rb
+require 'cards/poker.rb'
+require 'cards/poker' # assumes the .rb
+load 'cards/poker' # require only loads the file once
+module Cards
+ module Poker
+ @card_deck = # or @card_deck = []
+ def shuffle
+ end
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.1
+# a module exports all of its functions
+module Your_Module
+ def self.function
+ # this would be called as Your_Module.function
+ end
+ def Your_Module.another
+ # this is the same as above, but more specific
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.2
+ require 'nonexistent'
+rescue LoadError
+ puts "Couldn't load #{$!}" # $! contains the last error string
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.4
+# module variables are private unless access functions are defined
+module Alpha
+ @aa = 10
+ @bb = 11
+ def self.put_aa
+ puts @aa
+ end
+ def
+ @bb = val
+ end
+ = 12
+# Alpha.aa = 10 # error, no aa=method
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.5
+# caller provides a backtrace of the call stack
+module MyModule
+ def find_caller
+ caller
+ end
+ def find_caller2(i)
+ caller(i) # an argument limits the size of the stack returned
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.6
+ $logfile = '/tmp/mylog' unless defined? $logfile
+ $LF =$logfile, 'a')
+module Logger
+ def self.logmsg(msg)
+ $LF.puts msg
+ end
+ logmsg('startup')
+END {
+ Logger::logmsg('shutdown')
+ $LF.close
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.7
+# results may be different on your system
+# % ruby -e "$LOAD_PATH.each_index { |i| printf("%d %s\n", i, $LOAD_PATH[i] }
+#0 /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.6
+#1 /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.6/i386-linux
+#2 /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/
+#3 /usr/lib/ruby/1.6
+#4 /usr/lib/ruby/1.6/i136-linux
+#5 .
+# syntax for sh, bash, ksh, or zsh
+#$ export RUBYLIB=$HOME/rubylib
+# syntax for csh or tcsh
+# % setenv RUBYLIB ~/rubylib
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift "/projects/spectre/lib";
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.8
+# equivalents in ruby are mkmf, SWIG, or Ruby/DL depending on usage
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.9
+# no equivalent in ruby
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.10
+# no equivalent in ruby
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.11
+module FineTime
+ def self.time
+ # to be defined later
+ end
+module FineTime
+ def self.time
+ "its a fine time"
+ end
+puts FineTime.time #=> "its a fine time"
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.12
+def even_only(n)
+ raise "#{n} is not even" if (n & 1) != 0 # one way to test
+ # ...
+def even_only(n)
+ $stderr.puts "#{n} is not even" if (n & 1) != 0
+ # ...
+# @@PLEAC@@_12.17
+# The library archive for ruby is called Ruby Application archive,
+# or shorter RAA, and can be found at
+# A typical library is installed like this:
+# % gunzip some-module-4.54.tar.gz
+# % tar xf some-module-4.54.tar
+# % cd some-module-4.54.tar
+# % ruby install.rb config
+# % ruby install.rb setup
+# get superuser previleges here if needed for next step
+# % ruby install.rb install
+# Some modules use a different process,
+# you should find details in the documentation
+# Here is an example of such a different process
+# % ruby extconf.rb
+# % make
+# % make install
+# If you want the module installed in your own directory:
+# For ruby version specific libraries
+# % ruby install.rb config --site-ruby=~/lib
+# For version independent libraries
+# % ruby install.rb config --site-ruby-common=~/lib
+# Information about possible options for config
+# % ruby install.rb --help
+# If you have your own complete distribution
+# % ruby install.rb --prefix=path=~/ruby-private
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.0
+# Classes and objects in Ruby are rather straigthforward
+class Person
+ # Class variables (also called static attributes) are prefixed by @@
+ @@person_counter=0
+ # object constructor
+ def initialize(age, name, alive = true) # Default arg like in C++
+ @age, @name, @alive = age, name, alive # Object attributes are prefixed by '@'
+ @@person_counter += 1
+ # There is no '++' operator in Ruby. The '++'/'--' operators are in fact
+ # hidden assignments which affect variables, not objects. You cannot accomplish
+ # assignment via method. Since everything in Ruby is object, '++' and '--'
+ # contradict Ruby OO ideology. Instead '-=' and '+=' are used.
+ end
+ attr_accessor :name, :age # This creates setter and getter methods for @name
+ # and @age. See 13.3 for detailes.
+ # methods modifying the receiver object usually have the '!' suffix
+ def die!
+ @alive = false
+ puts "#{@name} has died at the age of #{@age}."
+ @alive
+ end
+ def kill(anotherPerson)
+ print @name, ' is killing ',, ".\n"
+ anotherPerson.die!
+ end
+ # methods used as queries
+ # usually have the '?' suffix
+ def alive?
+ @alive && true
+ end
+ def year_of_birth
+ - @age
+ end
+ # Class method (also called static method)
+ def Person.number_of_people
+ @@person_counter
+ end
+# Using the class:
+# Create objects of class Person
+lecter =, 'Hannibal')
+starling =, 'Clarice', true)
+pazzi =, 'Rinaldo', true)
+# Calling a class method
+print "There are ", Person.number_of_people, " Person objects\n"
+print, ' is ', (pazzi.alive?) ? 'alive' : 'dead', ".\n"
+print, ' is ', (pazzi.alive?) ? 'alive' : 'dead', ".\n"
+print , ' was born in ', starling.year_of_birth, "\n"
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.1
+# If you don't need any initialisation in the constructor,
+# you don't need to write a constructor.
+class MyClass
+class MyClass
+ def initialize
+ @start =
+ @age = 0
+ end
+class MyClass
+ def initialize(inithash)
+ @start =
+ @age = 0
+ for key, value in inithash
+ instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value)
+ end
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.2
+# Objects are destroyed by the garbage collector.
+# The time of destroying is not predictable.
+# The ruby garbage collector can handle circular references,
+# so there is no need to write destructor for that.
+# There is no direct support for destructor.
+# You can call a custom function, or more specific a proc object, when the
+# garbage collector is about to destruct the object, but it is unpredictable
+# when this occurs.
+# Also if such a finalizer object has a reference to the orignal object,
+# this may prevent the original object to get garbage collected.
+# Because of this problem the finalize method below is
+# a class method and not a instance method.
+# So if you need to free resources for an object, like
+# closing a socket or kill a spawned subprocess,
+# you should do it explicitly.
+class MyClass
+ def initialize
+ ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self,
+ self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc)
+ end
+ def MyClass.finalize(id)
+ puts "Object #{id} dying at #{}"
+ end
+# test code
+3.times {
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.3
+# You can write getter and setter methods in a natural way:
+class Person
+ def name
+ @name
+ end
+ def name=(name)
+ @name = name
+ end
+# But there is a better and shorter way
+class Person
+ attr_reader :age
+ attr_writer :name
+ # attr_reader and attr_writer are actually methods in class Class
+ # which set getter and setter methods for you.
+# There is also attr_accessor to create both setters and getters
+class Person
+ attr_accessor :age, :name
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.4
+class Person
+ # Class variables (also called static attributes) are prefixed by @@
+ @@person_counter = 0
+ def Person.population
+ @@person_counter
+ end
+ def initialize
+ @@person_counter += 1
+ ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self,
+ self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc)
+ end
+ def Person.finalize(id)
+ @@person_counter -= 1
+ end
+people = []
+10.times {
+ people.push(
+printf("There are %d people alive", Person.population)
+FixedArray.class_max_bounds = 100
+alpha =
+puts "Bound on alpha is #{alpha.max_bounds}"
+beta =
+beta.max_bounds = 50 # calls the instance method
+beta.class.class_max_bounds = 50 # alternative, calls the class method
+puts "Bound on alpha is #{alpha.max_bounds}"
+class FixedArray
+ @@bounds = 7
+ def max_bounds
+ @@max_bounds
+ end
+ # instance method, which sets the class variable
+ def max_bounds=(value)
+ @@max_bounds = value
+ end
+ # class method. This can only be called on a class,
+ # but not on the instances
+ def FixedArray.class_max_bounds=(value)
+ @@max_bounds = value
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.5
+PersonStruct ="Person", :name, :age, :peers)
+# creates a class "Person::Struct", which is accessiable with the
+# constant "PersonStruct"
+p =
+p = # alternative using the classname = "Jason Smythe"
+p.age = 13
+p.peers = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"]
+p[:peers] = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] # alternative access using symbol
+p["peers"] = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] # alternative access using name of field
+p[2] = ["Wilbur", "Ralph", "Fred"] # alternative access using index of field
+puts "At age #{p.age}, #{}'s first friend is #{p.peers[0]}"
+# The fields of a struct have no special type, like other ruby variables
+# you can put any objects in. Therefore the discussions how to specify
+# the types of the fields do not apply to ruby.
+FamilyStruct ="Family", :head, :address, :members)
+folks =
+folks.head =
+dad = folks.head = "John"
+dad.age = 34
+# supply of own accessor method for the struct for error checking
+class PersonStruct
+ def age=(value)
+ if !value.kind_of?(Integer)
+ raise(ArgumentError, "Age #{value} isn't an Integer")
+ elsif value > 150
+ raise(ArgumentError, "Age #{value} is unreasonable")
+ end
+ @age = value
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.6
+# The ruby Object class defines a dup and a clone method.
+# The dup method is recommended for prototype object creation.
+# The default implementation makes a shallow copy,
+# but each class can override it, for example to make a deep copy.
+# If you want to call 'new' directly on the instances,
+# you can create a instance method "new", which returns a new duplicate.
+# This method is distinct from the class method new.
+class A
+ def new
+ dup
+ end
+ob1 =
+# later on
+ob2 =
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.7
+methname = 'flicker'
+obj.send(methname, 10) # calls obj.flicker(10)
+# call three methods on the object, by name
+['start', 'run', 'stop'].each do |method_string|
+ obj.send(method_string)
+# Another way is to create a Method object
+method_obj = obj.method('flicker')
+# And then call it
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.8
+# All classes in Ruby inherit from class Object
+# and thus all objects share methods defined in this class
+# the class of the object
+puts any_object.type
+# Ruby classes are actually objects of class Class and they
+# respond to methods defined in Object class as well
+# the superclass of this class
+puts any_object.class.superclass
+# ask an object whether it is an instance of particular class
+n = 4.7
+puts n.instance_of?(Float) # true
+puts n.instance_of?(Numeric) # false
+# ask an object whether it is an instance of class, one of the
+# superclasses of the object, or modules included in it
+puts n.kind_of?(Float) # true (the class)
+puts n.kind_of?(Numeric) # true (an ancestor class)
+puts n.kind_of?(Comparable) # true (a mixin module)
+puts n.kind_of?(String) # false
+# ask an object whether it can respond to a particular method
+puts n.respond_to?('+') # true
+puts n.respond_to?('length') # false
+# all methods an object can respond to
+'just a string'.methods.each { |m| puts m }
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.9
+# Actually any class in Ruby is inheritable
+class Person
+ attr_accessor :age, :name
+ def initialize
+ @name
+ @age
+ end
+dude = = 'Jason'
+dude.age = 23
+printf "%s is age %d.\n",, dude.age
+# Inheriting from Person
+class Employee < Person
+ attr_accessor :salary
+empl = = 'Jason'
+empl.age = 23
+empl.salary = 200
+printf "%s is age %d, the salary is %d.\n",, empl.age, empl.salary
+# Any built-in class can be inherited the same way
+class WeirdString < String
+ def initialize(obj)
+ super obj
+ end
+ def +(anotherObj) # + method in this class is overridden
+ # to return the sum of string lengths
+ self.length + anotherObj.length # 'self' can be omitted
+ end
+a ='hello')
+b ='bye')
+puts a + b # the overridden +
+#=> 8
+puts a.length # method from the superclass, String
+#=> 5
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.11
+# In ruby you can override the method_missing method
+# to have a solution similar to perls AUTOLOAD.
+class Person
+ def initialize
+ @ok_fields = %w(name age peers parent)
+ end
+ def valid_attribute?(name)
+ @ok_fields.include?(name)
+ end
+ def method_missing(namesymbol, *params)
+ name = namesymbol.to_s
+ return if name =~ /^A-Z/
+ if name.to_s[-1] == ('='[0]) # we have a setter
+ isSetter = true
+ name.sub!(/=$/, '')
+ end
+ if valid_attribute?(name)
+ if isSetter
+ instance_variable_set("@#{name}", *params)
+ else
+ instance_variable_get("@#{name}", *params)
+ end
+ else
+ # if no annestor is responsible,
+ # the Object class will throw a NoMethodError exception
+ super(namesymbol, *params)
+ end
+ end
+ def new
+ kid =
+ kid.parent = self
+ kid
+ end
+dad = = "Jason"
+dad.age = 23
+kid = = "Rachel"
+kid.age = 2
+puts "Kid's parent is #{}"
+puts dad
+puts kid
+class Employee < Person
+ def initialize
+ super
+ @ok_fields.push("salary", "boss")
+ end
+ def ok_fields
+ @ok_fields
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.13
+# The ruby garbage collector pretends to cope with circular structures.
+# You can test it with this code:
+class RingNode
+ attr_accessor :next
+ attr_accessor :prev
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(aName)
+ @name = aName
+ ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self,
+ self.class.method(:finalize).to_proc)
+ end
+ def RingNode.finalize(id)
+ puts "Node #{id} dying"
+ end
+ def RingNode.show_all_objects
+ ObjectSpace.each_object {|id|
+ puts if id.class == RingNode
+ }
+ end
+def create_test
+ a ="Node A")
+ b ="Node B")
+ c ="Node C")
+ = b
+ = c
+ = a
+ a.prev = c
+ c.prev = b
+ b.prev = a
+ a = nil
+ b = nil
+ c = nil
+puts "After garbage collection"
+# @@PLEAC@@_13.14
+class String
+ def <=>(other)
+ self.casecmp other
+ end
+# There is no way to directly overload the '""' (stringify)
+# operator in Ruby. However, by convention, classes which
+# can reasonably be converted to a String will define a
+# 'to_s' method as in the TimeNumber class defined below.
+# The 'puts' method will automatcally call an object's
+# 'to_s' method as is demonstrated below.
+# Furthermore, if a class defines a to_str method, an object of that
+# class can be used most any place where the interpreter is looking
+# for a String value.
+# NOTE: Ruby has a builtin Time class which would usually be used
+# to manipulate time objects, the following is supplied for
+# educational purposes to demonstrate operator overloading.
+class TimeNumber
+ attr_accessor :hours,:minutes,:seconds
+ def initialize( hours, minutes, seconds)
+ @hours = hours
+ @minutes = minutes
+ @seconds = seconds
+ end
+ def to_s
+ return sprintf( "%d:%02d:%02d", @hours, @minutes, @seconds)
+ end
+ def to_str
+ to_s
+ end
+ def +( other)
+ seconds = @seconds + other.seconds
+ minutes = @minutes + other.minutes
+ hours = @hours + other.hours
+ if seconds >= 60
+ seconds %= 60
+ minutes += 1
+ end
+ if minutes >= 60
+ minutes %= 60
+ hours += 1
+ end
+ return, minutes, seconds)
+ end
+ def -(other)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ def *(other)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+ def /( other)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
+t1 =, 58, 59)
+sec =, 0, 1)
+min =, 1, 0)
+puts t1 + sec + min + min
+# StrNum class example: Ruby's builtin String class already has the
+# capabilities outlined in StrNum Perl example, however the '*' operator
+# on Ruby's String class acts differently: It creates a string which
+# is the original string repeated N times.
+# Using Ruby's String class as is in this example:
+x = "Red"; y = "Black"
+z = x+y
+r = z*3 # r is "RedBlackRedBlackRedBlack"
+puts "values are #{x}, #{y}, #{z}, and #{r}"
+print "#{x} is ", x < y ? "LT" : "GE", " #{y}\n"
+# prints:
+# values are Red, Black, RedBlack, and RedBlackRedBlackRedBlack
+# Red is GE Black
+class FixNum
+ REGEX = /(\.\d*)/
+ attr_accessor :value, :places
+ def initialize(value, places = nil)
+ @value = value
+ if places
+ @places = places
+ else
+ m = REGEX.match(value.to_s)
+ if m
+ @places = m[0].length - 1
+ else
+ @places = DEFAULT_PLACES
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def +(other)
+ + other.value, max(@places, other.places))
+ end
+ def *(other)
+ * other.value, max(@places, other.places))
+ end
+ def /(other)
+ puts "Divide: #{@value.to_f/other.value.to_f}"
+ result =
+ result.places = max(result.places,other.places)
+ result
+ end
+ def to_s
+ sprintf("STR%s: %.*f", self.class.to_s , @places, @value) #.
+ end
+ def to_str
+ to_s
+ end
+ def to_i #convert to int
+ @value.to_i
+ end
+ def to_f #convert to float`
+ @value.to_f
+ end
+ private
+ def max(a,b)
+ a > b ? a : b
+ end
+def demo()
+ x =
+ y =, 0)
+ puts "sum of #{x} and #{y} is #{x+y}"
+ puts "product of #{x} and #{y} is #{x*y}"
+ z = x/y
+ puts "#{z} has #{z.places} places"
+ unless z.places
+ z.places = 2
+ end
+ puts "div of #{x} by #{y} is #{z}"
+ puts "square of that is #{z*z}"
+if __FILE__ == $0
+ demo()
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.1
+# There are dbm, sdbm, gdbm modules
+# and the bdb module for accessing the berkeley db
+# sdbm seem to be available on the most systems,
+# so we use it here
+require "sdbm""filename", 0666) { |dbobj|
+ # raises exception if open error
+ # the returned sdbm-dbobj has most of the methods of a hash
+ v = dbobj["key"]
+ dbobj["key"] = "newvalue"
+ if dbobj.has_key?("key")
+ # ...
+ end
+ dbobj.delete("key2")
+# database is open only inside the block.
+# It is also possible to use a open .. close pair:
+dbobj ="filename", 0666)
+#.. do something with dbobj
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# userstats - generate statistics on who is logged in
+# call with usernames as argument to display the totals
+# for the given usernames, call with "ALL" to display all users
+require "sdbm"
+filename = '/tmp/userstats.db', 0666) { |dbobj|
+ if ARGV.length > 0
+ if ARGV[0] == "ALL"
+ # ARGV is constant, so we need the variable userlist
+ userlist = dbobj.keys().sort()
+ else
+ userlist = ARGV
+ end
+ userlist.each { |user|
+ print "#{user}\t#{dbobj[user]}\n"
+ }
+ else
+ who = `who`
+ who.split("\n").each { |line|
+ md = /^(\S+)/.match(line)
+ raise "Bad line from who: #{line}" unless md
+ # sdbm stores only strings, so "+=" doesn't work,
+ # we need to convert them expicitly back to integer.
+ if dbobj.has_key?(md[0])
+ dbobj[md[0]] = dbobj[md[0]].to_i + 1
+ else
+ dbobj[md[0]] = "1"
+ end
+ }
+ end
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.2
+# using open and clear
+dbobj ="filename", 0666)
+# deleting file and recreating it
+# the filenames depend on the flavor of dbm you use,
+# for example sdbm has two files named filename.pag and filename.dir,
+# so you need to delete both files
+ File.delete("filename")
+ # raises Exception if not exist
+ dbobj ="filename", 0666)
+ # add error handling here
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.3
+# sdbm2gdbm: converts sdbm database to a gdbm database
+require "sdbm"
+require "gdbm"
+unless ARGV.length == 2
+ fail "usage: sdbm2gdbm infile outfile"
+infile = ARGV[0]
+outfile = ARGV[1]
+sdb =
+gdb =, 0666)
+sdb.each { |key, val|
+ gdb[key] = val
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.4
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# dbmmerge: merges two dbm databases
+require "sdbm"
+unless ARGV.length == 3
+ fail "usage: dbmmerge indb1 indb2 outdb"
+infile1 = ARGV[0]
+infile2 = ARGV[0]
+outfile = ARGV[2]
+in1 =, nil)
+in2 =, nil)
+outdb =, 0666)
+[in1, in2].each { |indb|
+ indb.each { |key, val|
+ if outdb.has_key?(key)
+ # decide which value to set.
+ # set outdb[key] if necessary
+ else
+ outdb[key] = val
+ end
+ }
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.7
+# we write a tie method that extends the Array class.
+# It reads the file into the memory, executes the code block
+# in which you can manipulate the array as needed, and writes
+# the array back to the file after the end of the block execution
+class Array
+ def tie(filename, flags)
+, flags) { |f|
+ f.each_line { |line|
+ self.push(line.chomp)
+ }
+ yield
+ f.rewind
+ each { |line|
+ if line
+ f.puts(line)
+ else
+ f.puts ""
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ end
+array =
+array.tie("/tmp/textfile.txt", File::RDWR|File::CREAT) {
+ array[4] = "a new line 4"
+# The tied array can be manipulated like a normal array,
+# so there is no need for a special API, and the recno_demo program
+# to demonstrate is API is useless
+# tied array demo: show how to use array with a tied file
+filename = "db_file.txt"
+lines =
+File.unlink(filename) if File.exists?(filename)
+lines.tie(filename, File::RDWR | File::CREAT) {
+ # first create a textfile to play with
+ lines[0] = "zero"
+ lines[1] = "one"
+ lines[2] = "two"
+ lines[3] = "three"
+ lines[4] = "four"
+ # print the records in order.
+ # Opposed to perl, the tied array behaves exactly as a normal array
+ puts "\nOriginal"
+ for i in 0..(lines.length-1)
+ puts "#{i}: #{lines[i]}"
+ end
+ #use push and pop
+ a = lines.pop
+ lines.push("last")
+ puts("The last line was [#{a}]")
+ #use shift and unshift
+ a = lines.shift
+ lines.unshift("first")
+ puts("The first line was [#{a}]")
+ # add record after record 2
+ i = 2
+ lines.insert(i + 1, "Newbie")
+ # add record before record one
+ i = 1
+ lines.insert(i, "New One")
+ # delete record 3
+ lines.delete_at(3)
+ #now print the records in reverse order
+ puts "\nReverse"
+ (lines.length - 1).downto(0){ |i|
+ puts "#{i}: #{lines[i]}"
+ }
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.8
+# example to store complex data in a database
+# uses marshall from the standard library
+require "sdbm"
+db ="pleac14-8-database", 0666)
+# convert the Objects into strings and back by using the Marshal module.
+# Most normal objects can be converted out of the box,
+# but not special things like procedure objects,
+# IO instance variables, singleton objects
+db["Tom Christiansen"] = Marshal.dump(["book author", ""])
+db["Tom Boutell"] = Marshal.dump(["shareware author",
+name1 = "Tom Christiansen"
+name2 = "Tom Boutell"
+tom1 = Marshal.load(db[name1])
+tom2 = Marshal.load(db[name2])
+puts "Two Toming: #{tom1} #{tom2}"
+if tom1[0] == tom2[0] && tom1[1] == tom2[1]
+ puts "You're having runtime fun with one Tom made two."
+ puts "No two Toms are ever alike"
+# To change parts of an entry, get the whole entry, change the parts,
+# and save the whole entry back
+entry = Marshal.load(db["Tom Boutell"])
+entry[0] = "Poet Programmer"
+db["Tom Boutell"] = Marshal.dump(entry)
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.9
+# example to make data persistent
+# uses Marshal from the standard lib
+# Stores the data in a simple file,
+# see 14.8 on how to store it in a dbm file
+# The BEGIN block is executed before the rest of the script
+# we use global variables here because local variables
+# will go out of scope and are not accessible from the main script
+ $persistent_store = "persitence.dat"
+ begin
+$persistent_store) do |f|
+ $stringvariable1 = Marshal.load(f)
+ $arrayvariable2 = Marshal.load(f)
+ end
+ rescue
+ puts "Can not open #{$persistent_store}"
+ # Initialisation if this script runs the first time
+ $stringvariable1 = ""
+ $arrayvariable2 = []
+ end
+END {
+$persistent_store, "w+") do |f|
+ Marshal.dump($stringvariable1, f)
+ Marshal.dump($arrayvariable2, f)
+ end
+# simple test program
+puts $stringvariable1
+puts $arrayvariable2
+$stringvariable1 = "Hello World"
+puts $stringvariable1
+puts $arrayvariable2
+# @@PLEAC@@_14.10
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# Ruby has a dbi module with an architecture similar
+# to the Perl dbi module: the dbi module provides an unified
+# interface and uses specialized drivers for each dbms vendor
+ DBI.connect("DBI:driver:driverspecific", "username", "auth") {
+ |dbh|
+ dbh.prepare(SQL2){ |sth|
+ sth.execute
+ sth.fetch {|row|
+ # ...
+ }
+ } # end of block finishes the statement handle
+ } # end of block closes the database connection
+rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
+ puts "dbi error occurred"
+ puts "Error code: #{e.err}"
+ puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}"
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+# dbusers - example for mysql which creates a table,
+# fills it with values, retrieves the values back,
+# and finally destroys the table.
+require "dbi"
+# replacement for the User::pwnt module
+def getpwent
+ result = []
+"/etc/passwd") {|file|
+ file.each_line {|line|
+ next if line.match(/^#/)
+ cols = line.split(":")
+ result.push([cols[2], cols[0]])
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ DBI.connect("DBI:Mysql:pleacdatabase", "pleac", "pleacpassword") {
+ |conn|
+"CREATE TABLE users (uid INT, login CHAR(8))")
+ users = getpwent
+ conn.prepare("INSERT INTO users VALUES (?,?)") {|sth|
+ users.each {|entry|
+ sth.execute(entry[0], entry[1])
+ }
+ }
+ conn.execute("SELECT uid, login FROM users WHERE uid < 50") {|sth|
+ sth.fetch {|row|
+ puts row.collect {|col|
+ if col.nil?
+ "(null)"
+ else
+ col
+ end
+ }.join(", ")
+ }
+ }
+"DROP TABLE users")
+ }
+rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
+ puts "dbi error occurred"
+ puts "Error code: #{e.err}"
+ puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_15.1
+# This test program demonstrates parsing program arguments.
+# It uses the optparse library, which is included with ruby 1.8
+# It handles classic unix style and gnu style options
+require 'optparse'
+@debugmode = false
+@verbose = false
+ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: ruby #{$0} [OPTIONS] INPUTFILES"
+ opts.on("-h", "--help", "show this message") {
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ }
+ # The OptionParser#on method is called with a specification of short
+ # options, of long options, a data type spezification and user help
+ # messages for this option.
+ # The method analyses the given parameter and decides what it is,
+ # so you can leave out the long option if you don't need it
+ opts.on("-v", "--[no-]verbose=[FLAG]", TrueClass, "run verbosly") {
+ |@verbose| # sets @verbose to true or false
+ }
+ opts.on("-D", "--DEBUG", TrueClass, "turns on debug mode" ){
+ |@debugmode| # sets @debugmode to true
+ }
+ opts.on("-c", "--count=NUMBER", Integer, "how many times we do it" ){
+ |@count| # sets @count to given integer
+ }
+ opts.on("-o", "--output=FILE", String, "file to write output to"){
+ |@outputfile| # sets @outputfile to given string
+ }
+ opts.parse!
+# example to use the options in the main program
+puts "Verbose is on" if @verbose
+puts "Debugmode is on" if @debugmode
+puts "Outfile is #{@outputfile}" if defined? @outputfile
+puts "Count is #{@count}" if defined? @count
+ARGV.each { |param|
+ puts "Got parameter #{param}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_15.4
+buf = "\0" * 8
+$stdout.ioctl(0x5413, buf)
+ws_row, ws_col, ws_xpixel, ws_ypixel = buf.unpack("S4")
+raise "You must have at least 20 characters" unless ws_col >= 20
+max = 0
+values = (1..5).collect { rand(20) } # generate an array[5] of rand values
+for i in values
+ max = i if max < i
+ratio = Float(ws_col-12)/max # chars per unit
+for i in values
+ printf "%8.1f %s\n", i, "*" * (ratio*i)
+# gives, for example:
+# 15.0 *******************************
+# 10.0 *********************
+# 5.0 **********
+# 14.0 *****************************
+# 18.0 **************************************
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.1
+output = `program args` # collect output into one multiline string
+output = `program args`.split # collect output into array, one line per
+readme = IO.popen("ls")
+output = ""
+while readme.gets do
+ output += $_
+`fsck -y /dev/rsd1a` # BAD AND SCARY in Perl because it's managed by the shell
+ # I donna in Ruby ...
+# so the "clean and secure" version
+readme, writeme = IO.pipe
+pid = fork {
+ # child
+ $stdout = writeme
+ readme.close
+ exec('find', '..')
+# parent
+Process.waitpid(pid, 0)
+while readme.gets do
+ # do something with $_
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.2
+status = system("xemacs #{myfile}")
+status = system("xemacs", myfile)
+system("cmd1 args | cmd2 | cmd3 >outfile")
+system("cmd args <infile >outfile 2>errfile")
+# stop if the command fails
+raise "$program exited funny: #{$?}" unless system("cmd", "args1", "args2")
+# get the value of the signal sent to the child
+# even if it is a SIGINT or SIGQUIT
+raise "program killed by signal #{$?}" if ($? & 127) != 0
+pid = fork {
+ trap("SIGINT", "IGNORE")
+ exec("sleep", "10")
+trap ("SIGINT") {
+ puts "Tsk tsk, no process interruptus"
+Process.waitpid(pid, 0)
+# Ruby doesn't permit to lie to the program called by a 'system'.
+# (ie specify what return argv[0] in C, $0 in Perl/Ruby ...)
+# A (dirty) way is to create a link (under Unix), run this link and
+# erase it. Somebody has a best idea ?
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.3
+exec("archive *.data")
+exec("archive", "")
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.4
+# read the output of a program
+IO.popen("ls") {|readme|
+ while readme.gets do
+ # ...
+ end
+# or
+readme = IO.popen("ls")
+while readme.gets do
+ # ...
+# "write" in a program
+IO.popen("cmd args","w") {|pipe|
+ pipe.puts("data")
+ pipe.puts("foo")
+# close wait for the end of the process
+read = IO.popen("sleep 10000") # child goes to sleep
+read.close # and the parent goes to lala land
+writeme = IO.popen("cmd args", "w")
+writeme.puts "hello" # program will get hello\n on STDIN
+writeme.close # program will get EOF on STDIN
+# send in a pager (eg less) all output
+$stdout = IO.popen("/usr/bin/less","w")
+print "huge string\n" * 10000
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.5
+def head(lines = 20)
+ pid = open("|-","w")
+ if pid == nil
+ return
+ else
+ while gets() do
+ pid.print
+ lines -= 1
+ break if lines == 0
+ end
+ end
+ exit
+while gets() do
+ print
+1: > Welcome to Linux, version 2.0.33 on a i686
+2: >
+3: > "The software required `Windows 95 or better',
+4: > so I installed Linux."
+> 1: Welcome to Linux, Kernel version 2.0.33 on a i686
+> 2:
+> 3: "The software required `Windows 95 or better',
+> 4: so I installed Linux."
+# qnumcat - demo additive output filters
+def number()
+ pid = open("|-","w")
+ if pid == nil
+ return
+ else
+ while gets() do pid.printf("%d: %s", $., $_); end
+ end
+ exit
+def quote()
+ pid = open("|-","w")
+ if pid == nil
+ return
+ else
+ while gets() do pid.print "> #{$_}" end
+ end
+ exit
+while gets() do
+ print
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.6! { |arg|
+ arg =~ /\.(gz|Z)$/ ? "|gzip -dc #{arg}" : arg
+for file in ARGV
+ fh = open(file)
+ while fh.gets() do
+ # .......
+ end
+#-----------------------------! { |arg|
+ arg =~ %r#^\w+://# ? "|GET #{arg}" : arg #
+for file in ARGV
+ fh = open(file)
+ while fh.gets() do
+ # .......
+ end
+pwdinfo = (`domainname` =~ /^(\(none\))?$/) ? '/etc/passwd' : '|ypcat passwd';
+pwd = open(pwdinfo);
+puts "File, please? ";
+file = gets().chomp();
+fh = open(file);
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.7
+output = `cmd 2>&1` # with backticks
+# or
+ph = open("|cmd 2>&1") # with an open pipe
+while ph.gets() { } # plus a read
+output = `cmd 2>/dev/null` # with backticks
+# or
+ph = open("|cmd 2>/dev/null") # with an open pipe
+while ph.gets() { } # plus a read
+output = `cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null` # with backticks
+# or
+ph = open("|cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null") # with an open pipe
+while ph.gets() { } # plus a read
+output = `cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-` # with backticks
+# or
+ph = open("|cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-") # with an open pipe
+while ph.gets() { } # plus a read
+system("program args 1>/tmp/program.stdout 2>/tmp/program.stderr")
+output = `cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-`
+fd3 = fd1
+fd1 = fd2
+fd2 = fd3
+fd3 = undef
+system("prog args 1>tmpfile 2>&1")
+system("prog args 2>&1 1>tmpfile")
+# system ("prog args 1>tmpfile 2>&1")
+fd1 = "tmpfile" # change stdout destination first
+fd2 = fd1 # now point stderr there, too
+# system("prog args 2>&1 1>tmpfile")
+fd2 = fd1 # stderr same destination as stdout
+fd1 = "tmpfile" # but change stdout destination
+# It is often better not to rely on the shell,
+# because of portability, possible security problems
+# and bigger resource usage. So, it is often better to use the open3 library.
+# See below for an example.
+# opening stdin, stdout, stderr
+require "open3"
+stdin, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen('cmd')
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.8
+# Contrary to perl, we don't need to use a module in Ruby
+fh ="|" + program, "w+")
+fh.puts "here's your input\n"
+output = fh.gets()
+#-----------------------------"|program"),"w+") # RIGHT !
+# Ruby has already object methods for I/O handles
+ fh ="|" + program_and_options, "w+")
+ if ($@ ~= /^open/)
+ $stderr.puts "open failed : #{$!} \n #{$@} \n"
+ break
+ end
+ raise # reraise unforseen exception
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.13
+#% kill -l
+#% ruby -e 'puts Signal.list.keys.join(" ")'
+# After that, the perl script create an hash equivalent to Signal.list,
+# and an array. The array can be obtained by :
+signame = []
+Signal.list.each { |name, i| signame[i] = name }
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.14
+Process.kill(9, pid) # send $pid a signal 9
+Process.kill(-1, Process.getpgrp()) # send whole job a signal 1
+Process.kill("USR1", $$) # send myself a SIGUSR1
+Process.kill("HUP", pid1, pid2, pid3) # send a SIGHUP to processes in @pids
+ Process.kill(0, minion)
+ puts "#{minion} is alive!"
+rescue Errno::EPERM # changed uid
+ puts "#{minion} has escaped my control!";
+rescue Errno::ESRCH
+ puts "#{minion} is deceased."; # or zombied
+ puts "Odd; I couldn't check the status of #{minion} : #{$!}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.15
+Kernel.trap("QUIT", got_sig_quit) # got_sig_quit = { puts "Quit\n" }
+trap("PIPE", "got_sig_quit") # def got_sig_pipe ...
+trap("INT") { ouch++ } # increment ouch for every SIGINT
+trap("INT", "IGNORE") # ignore the signal INT
+trap("STOP", "DEFAULT") # restore default STOP signal handling
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.16
+# the signal handler
+def ding
+ trap("INT", "ding")
+ puts "\aEnter your name!"
+# prompt for name, overriding SIGINT
+def get_name
+ save = trap("INT", "ding")
+ puts "Kindly Stranger, please enter your name: "
+ name = gets().chomp()
+ trap("INT", save)
+ name
+# @@PLEAC@@_16.21
+# implemented thanks to
+require 'timeout'
+# we'll do something vastly more useful than cookbook to demonstrate timeouts
+ timeout(5) {
+ waitsec = rand(10)
+ puts "Let's see if a sleep of #{waitsec} seconds is longer than 5 seconds..."
+ system("sleep #{waitsec}")
+ }
+ puts "Timeout didn't occur"
+rescue Timeout::Error
+ puts "Timed out!"
+# @@PLEAC@@_17.1
+# A basic TCP client connection
+require 'socket'
+ t ='', 'www')
+ puts "error: #{$!}"
+ # ... do something with the socket
+ t.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"
+ answer = t.gets(nil)
+ # and terminate the connection when we're done
+ t.close
+# Using the evil low level socket API
+require 'socket'
+# create a socket
+s =, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+# build the address of the remote machine
+sockaddr_server = [Socket::AF_INET, 80,
+ Socket.gethostbyname('')[3],
+ 0, 0].pack("snA4NN")
+# connect
+ s.connect(sockaddr_server)
+ puts "error: #{$!}"
+ # ... do something with the socket
+ s.print "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"
+ # and terminate the connection when we're done
+ s.close
+# TCP connection with management of error (DNS)
+require 'socket'
+ client ='does not exists', 'www')
+ puts "error: #{$!}"
+# TCP connection with a time out
+require 'socket'
+require 'timeout'
+ timeout(1) do #the server has one second to answer
+ client ='', 'www')
+ end
+ puts "error: #{$!}"
+# @@PLEAC@@_17.12
+require 'socket'
+class Preforker
+ attr_reader (:child_count)
+ def initialize(prefork, max_clients_per_child, port, client_handler)
+ @prefork = prefork
+ @max_clients_per_child = max_clients_per_child
+ @port = port
+ @child_count = 0
+ @reaper = proc {
+ trap('CHLD', @reaper)
+ pid = Process.wait
+ @child_count -= 1
+ }
+ @huntsman = proc {
+ trap('CHLD', 'IGNORE')
+ trap('INT', 'IGNORE')
+ Process.kill('INT', 0)
+ exit
+ }
+ @client_handler=client_handler
+ end
+ def child_handler
+ trap('INT', 'EXIT')
+ @client_handler.setUp
+ # wish: sigprocmask UNblock SIGINT
+ @max_clients_per_child.times {
+ client = @server.accept or break
+ @client_handler.handle_request(client)
+ client.close
+ }
+ @client_handler.tearDown
+ end
+ def make_new_child
+ # wish: sigprocmask block SIGINT
+ @child_count += 1
+ pid = fork do
+ child_handler
+ end
+ # wish: sigprocmask UNblock SIGINT
+ end
+ def run
+ @server =
+ trap('CHLD', @reaper)
+ trap('INT', @huntsman)
+ loop {
+ (@prefork - @child_count).times { |i|
+ make_new_child
+ }
+ sleep .1
+ }
+ end
+require 'Preforker'
+class ClientHandler
+ def setUp
+ end
+ def tearDown
+ end
+ def handle_request(client)
+ # do stuff
+ end
+server =, 100, 3102,
+# @@PLEAC@@_18.2
+require 'net/ftp'
+ ftp = Net::FTP::new("")
+ ftp.login(username,password)
+ ftp.chdir(directory)
+ ftp.get(filename)
+ ftp.put(filename)
+rescue Net::FTPError
+ $stderr.print "FTP failed: " + $!
+ ftp.close() if ftp
+# A better solution for a local use could be :
+Net::FTP::new("") do |ftp|
+ ftp.login(username,password)
+ ftp.chdir(directory)
+ ftp.get(filename)
+ ftp.put(filename)
+# If you have only one file to get, there is a simple solution :
+require 'open-uri'
+open("") do |fh|
+ # read from filehandle fh
+# to wait a defined time for the connection,
+# use the timeout module
+require 'timeout'
+ timeout(30){
+ ftp = Net::FTP::new("")
+ ftp.debug_mode = true
+ }
+rescue Net::FTPError
+ $stderr.puts "Couldn't connect."
+rescue Timeout::Error
+ $stderr.puts "Timeout while connecting to server."
+ ftp.login()
+rescue Net::FTPError
+ $stderr.print "Couldn't authentificate.\n"
+ ftp.login(username)
+rescue Net::FTPError
+ $stderr.print "Still couldn't authenticate.\n"
+ ftp.login(username, password)
+rescue Net::FTPError
+ $stderr.print "Couldn't authenticate, even with explicit
+ username and password.\n"
+ ftp.login(username, password, account)
+rescue Net::FTPError
+ $stderr.print "No dice. It hates me.\n"
+ftp.put(localfile, remotefile)
+# Sending data from STDIN is not directly supported
+# by the ftp library module. A possible way to do it is to use the
+# storlines method directly to send raw commands to the ftp server.
+ftp.get(remotefile, localfile)
+ftp.get(remotefile) { |data| puts data }
+print "I'm in the directory ", ftp.pwd(), "\n"
+lines ="/pub/ruby/")
+# => ["drwxr-xr-x 2 matz users 4096 July 17 1998 1.0", ... ]
+latest = ftp.dir("/pub/ruby/*.tgz").sort.last
+# => ["/pub/ruby/1.0", ... ]
+# @@PLEAC@@_18.6
+require 'net/telnet'
+t = Net::Telnet::new( "Timeout" => 10,
+ "Prompt" => /%/,
+ "Host" => host )
+t.login(username, password)
+files = t.cmd("ls")
+process_string = t.waitfor(/\d+ processes/)
+/[$%#>] \z/n
+# In case of an error, the telnet module throws an exception.
+# For control of the behavior in case of an error,
+# you just need to catch the exceptions and do your custom
+# error handling.
+ telnet.login(username, password)
+rescue TimeoutError
+ fail "Login failed !\n"
+telnet.waitfor(String => 'greasy smoke', Timeout => 30)
+# @@PLEAC@@_18.7
+require 'ping'
+puts "#{host} is alive.\n" if Ping.pingecho(host);
+# the ping module only use TCP ping, not ICMP even if we are root
+if Ping.pingecho("")
+ puts "The giant ape lives!\n";
+ puts "All hail mighty Gamera, friend of children!\n";
+# @@PLEAC@@_19.1
+#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
+# hiweb - load CGI class to decode information given by web server
+require 'cgi'
+cgi ='html3')
+# get a parameter from a form
+value = cgi.params['PARAM_NAME'][0]
+# output a document
+cgi.out {
+ cgi.html {
+ cgi.head { cgi.title { "Howdy there!" } } +
+ cgi.body { cgi.p { "You typed: " + {
+ CGI.escapeHTML(value) } } }
+ }
+require 'cgi'
+cgi =
+who = cgi.param["Name"][0] # first param in list
+phone = cgi.param["Number"][0]
+picks = cgi.param["Choices"] # complete list
+print cgi.header( 'type' => 'text/plain',
+ 'expires' => + (3 * 24 * 60 * 60) )
+# @@PLEAC@@_19.3
+#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
+# webwhoami - show web user's id
+require 'etc'
+print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"
+print "Running as " + + "\n"
+# % ruby -wc cgi-script # just check syntax
+# % ruby -w cgi-script # params from stdin
+# (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)
+# name=joe
+# number=10
+# ^D
+# % ruby -w cgi-script name=joe number=10 # run with mock form input
+# % ruby -d cgi-script name=joe number=10 # ditto, under the debugger
+# POST method script in csh
+# % (setenv HTTP_METHOD POST; ruby -w cgi-script name=joe number=10)
+# POST method script in sh
+# % HTTP_METHOD=POST perl -w cgi-script name=joe number=10
+# @@PLEAC@@_19.4
+# ruby has several security levels, the level "1" is similar to perls taint mode.
+# It can be switched on by providing the -T command line parameter
+# or by setting $SAFE to 1. Setting $SAFE to 2,3 or 4 restricts possible
+# harmful operations further.
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -T
+$SAFE = 1[0], "w")
+# ruby warns with:
+# taint1.rb:2:in `initialize': Insecure operation - initialize (SecurityError)
+$SAFE = 1
+file = ARGV[0]
+unless /^([\w.-]+)$/.match(file)
+ raise "filename #{file} has invalid characters"
+file = $1
+# In ruby, even the back reference from a regular expression stays tainted.
+# you need to explicitly untaint the variable:
+file.untaint, "w")
+# Race condition exists like in perl:
+unless File.exists(filename) # Wrong because of race condition
+, "w")
+# @@PLEAC@@_19.10
+preference_value = cgi.cookies["preference name"][0]
+packed_cookie ="name" => "preference name",
+ "value" => "whatever you'd like",
+ "expires" => Time.local( + 2,
+,,,, )
+cgi.header("cookie" => [packed_cookie])
+#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
+# ic_cookies - sample CGI script that uses a cookie
+require 'cgi'
+cgi ='html3')
+cookname = "favorite ice cream"
+favorite = cgi.params["flavor"][0]
+tasty = cgi.cookies[cookname][0] || 'mint'
+unless favorite
+ cgi.out {
+ cgi.html {
+ cgi.head { cgi.title { "Ice Cookies" } } +
+ cgi.body {
+ cgi.h1 { "Hello Ice Cream" } +
+ +
+ cgi.form {
+ cgi.p { "Please select a flavor: " +
+ cgi.text_field("flavor", tasty ) }
+ } +
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cookie = "name" => cookname,
+ "value" => favorite,
+ "expires" => Time.local( + 2,,,,, )
+ cgi.out("cookie" => [cookie]) {
+ cgi.html {
+ cgi.head { cgi.title { "Ice Cookies" } } +
+ cgi.body {
+ cgi.h1 { "Hello Ice Cream" } +
+ cgi.p { "You chose as your favorite flavor `#{favorite}'." }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# @@PLEAC@@_20.9
+def templatefile(filename, fillings)
+ aFile =, "r")
+ text =
+ aFile.close()
+ pattern ='%%(.*?)%%')
+ text.gsub!(pattern) {
+ fillings[$1] || ""
+ }
+ text
+fields = {
+ 'username' => whats_his_name,
+ 'count' => login_count,
+ 'total' => minutes_used
+puts templatefile('simple.template', fields)
+# An example using databases is missing