path: root/etc/todo/scanners/php.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'etc/todo/scanners/php.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 282 deletions
diff --git a/etc/todo/scanners/php.rb b/etc/todo/scanners/php.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 239fbf8..0000000
--- a/etc/todo/scanners/php.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-class Regexp
- def |(other)
- Regexp.union(self, other)
- end
- def +(other)
- /#{self}#{other}/
- end
-module CodeRay
-module Scanners
- load :html
- class PHP < Scanner
- register_for :php
- def setup
- @html_scanner = CodeRay.scanner :html, :tokens => @tokens, :keep_tokens => true, :keep_state => true
- end
- def reset_instance
- super
- @html_scanner.reset
- end
- module Words
- ControlKeywords = %w!
- if else elseif while do for switch case default declare foreach as
- endif endwhile endfor endforeach endswitch enddeclare return break
- continue exit die try catch throw
- !
- OtherKeywords = %w!
- function class extends implements instanceof parent self var const
- private public protected static abstract final global new echo include
- require include_once require_once eval print use unset isset empty
- interface list array clone null true false
- !
- SpecialConstants = %w! __LINE__ __FILE__ __CLASS__
- !
- IdentKinds =
- add(ControlKeywords, :reserved).
- add(OtherKeywords, :pre_type).
- add(SpecialConstants, :pre_constant)
- end
- module RE
- def self.build_alternatives(array)
- { |s| Regexp.escape(s) }.join('|') , Regexp::IGNORECASE)
- end
- PHPStart = /
- <script language="php"> |
- <script language='php'> |
- <\?php |
- <\?(?!xml) |
- <%
- /xi
- PHPEnd = %r!
- </script> |
- \?> |
- %>
- !xi
- IChar = /[a-z0-9_\x80-\xFF]/i
- IStart = /[a-z_\x80-\xFF]/i
- Identifier = /#{IStart}#{IChar}*/
- Variable = /\$#{Identifier}/
- Typecasts = build_alternatives %w!
- float double real int integer bool boolean string array object null
- !.map{|s| "(#{s})"}
- OneLineComment1 = %r!//.*?(?=#{PHPEnd}|$)!
- OneLineComment2 = %r!#.*?(?=#{PHPEnd}|$)!
- OneLineComment = OneLineComment1 | OneLineComment2
- HereDoc = /<<</ + Identifier
- binops = %w!
- + - * / << >> & | ^ . %
- !
- ComparisionOperator = build_alternatives %w$
- === !== == != <= >=
- $
- IncDecOperator = build_alternatives %w! ++ -- !
- BinaryOperator = build_alternatives binops
- AssignOperator = build_alternatives {|s| "${s}=" }
- LogicalOperator = build_alternatives %w! and or xor not !
- ObjectOperator = build_alternatives %w! -> :: !
- OtherOperator = build_alternatives %w$ => = ? : [ ] ( ) ; , ~ ! @ > <$
- Operator = ComparisionOperator | IncDecOperator | LogicalOperator |
- ObjectOperator | AssignOperator | BinaryOperator | OtherOperator
- S = /\s+/
- Integer = /-?0x[0-9a-fA-F]/ | /-?\d+/
- Float = /-?(?:\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)(?:e[+-]\d+)?/
- end
- def scan_tokens tokens, options
- states = [:php, :html]
- heredocdelim = nil
- until eos?
- match = nil
- kind = nil
- case states.last
- when :html
- if scan RE::PHPStart
- kind = :delimiter
- states.pop
- else
- match = scan_until(/(?=#{RE::PHPStart})/o) || scan_until(/\z/)
- @html_scanner.tokenize match if not match.empty?
- kind = :space
- match = ''
- end
- when :php
- if scan RE::PHPEnd
- kind = :delimiter
- states.push :html
- elsif scan RE::S
- kind = :space
- elsif scan /\/\*/
- kind = :comment
- states.push :mlcomment
- elsif scan RE::OneLineComment
- kind = :comment
- elsif match = scan(RE::Identifier)
- kind = Words::IdentKinds[match]
- if kind == :ident and check(/:(?!:)/) and tokens[-2][0] == 'case'
-# match << scan(/:/)
- kind = :label
- elsif kind == :ident and match =~ /^[A-Z]/
- kind = :constant
- end
- elsif scan RE::Integer
- kind = :integer
- elsif scan RE::Float
- kind = :float
- elsif scan /'/
- kind = :delimiter
- states.push :sqstring
- elsif scan /"/
- kind = :delimiter
- states.push :dqstring
- elsif match = scan(RE::HereDoc)
- heredocdelim = match[RE::Identifier]
- kind = :delimiter
- states.push = :heredocstring
- elsif scan RE::Variable
- kind = :local_variable
- elsif scan /\{/
- kind = :operator
- states.push :php
- elsif scan /\}/
- if states.length == 1
- kind = :error
- else
- kind = :operator
- states.pop
- end
- elsif scan RE::Operator
- kind = :operator
- else
- getch
- kind = :error
- end
- when :mlcomment
- if scan /(?:[^\n\r\f*]|\*(?!\/))+/
- kind = :comment
- elsif scan /\*\//
- kind = :comment
- states.pop
- elsif scan /[\r\n\f]+/
- kind = :space
- end
- when :sqstring
- if scan /[^\r\n\f'\\]+/
- kind = :string
- elsif match = scan(/\\\\|\\'/)
- kind = :char
- elsif scan /\\/
- kind = :string
- elsif scan /[\r\n\f ]+/
- kind = :space
- elsif scan /'/
- kind = :delimiter
- states.pop
- end
- when :dqstring
-#todo: $foo[bar] kind of stuff
- if scan /[^\r\n\f"${\\]+/
- kind = :string
- elsif scan /\\x[a-fA-F]{2}/
- kind = :char
- elsif scan /\\\d{3}/
- kind = :char
- elsif scan /\\["\\abcfnrtyv]/
- kind = :char
- elsif scan /\\/
- kind = :string
- elsif scan /[\r\n\f]+/
- kind = :space
- elsif match = scan(RE::Variable)
- kind = :local_variable
- if check(/\[#{RE::Identifier}\]/)
- match << scan(/\[#{RE::Identifier}\]/)
- elsif check(/\[/)
- match << scan(/\[#{RE::Identifier}?/)
- kind = :error
- elsif check(/->#{RE::Identifier}/)
- match << scan(/->#{RE::Identifier}/)
- end
- elsif scan /\{/
- if check(/\$/)
- kind = :operator
- states.push :php
- else
- kind = :string
- end
- match = '{'
- elsif scan /\$\{#{RE::Identifier}\}/
- kind = :local_variable
- elsif scan /\$/
- kind = :string
- elsif scan /"/
- kind = :delimiter
- states.pop
- end
- else
- raise "Unknown state!"
- end
- match ||= matched
- if $DEBUG and not kind
- raise_inspect 'Error token %p in line %d' %
- [[match, kind], line], tokens
- end
- raise_inspect 'Empty token', tokens unless match
- tokens << [match, kind]
- end
- tokens
- end
- end