path: root/lib/coderay/encoders
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/coderay/encoders')
17 files changed, 922 insertions, 922 deletions
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/_map.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/_map.rb
index 13c4a9d..a22a951 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/_map.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/_map.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- map :stats => :statistic,
- :plain => :text
+ map :stats => :statistic,
+ :plain => :text
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb
index c662ead..6885541 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/count.rb
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- class Count < Encoder
+ class Count < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :count
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :count
- protected
+ protected
- def setup options
- @out = 0
- end
+ def setup options
+ @out = 0
+ end
- def token text, kind
- @out += 1
- end
- end
+ def token text, kind
+ @out += 1
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb
index d6aac8b..2639e1f 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/debug.rb
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- # = Debug Encoder
- #
- # Fast encoder producing simple debug output.
- #
- # It is readable and diff-able and is used for testing.
- #
- # You cannot fully restore the tokens information from the
- # output, because consecutive :space tokens are merged.
- # Use Tokens#dump for caching purposes.
- class Debug < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :debug
- FILE_EXTENSION = 'raydebug'
- protected
- def text_token text, kind
- @out <<
- if kind == :space
- text
- else
- text = text.gsub(/[)\\]/, '\\\\\0')
- "#{kind}(#{text})"
- end
- end
- def block_token action, kind
- @out << super
- end
- def open_token kind
- "#{kind}<"
- end
- def close_token kind
- ">"
- end
- end
+ # = Debug Encoder
+ #
+ # Fast encoder producing simple debug output.
+ #
+ # It is readable and diff-able and is used for testing.
+ #
+ # You cannot fully restore the tokens information from the
+ # output, because consecutive :space tokens are merged.
+ # Use Tokens#dump for caching purposes.
+ class Debug < Encoder
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :debug
+ FILE_EXTENSION = 'raydebug'
+ protected
+ def text_token text, kind
+ @out <<
+ if kind == :space
+ text
+ else
+ text = text.gsub(/[)\\]/, '\\\\\0')
+ "#{kind}(#{text})"
+ end
+ end
+ def block_token action, kind
+ @out << super
+ end
+ def open_token kind
+ "#{kind}<"
+ end
+ def close_token kind
+ ">"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/div.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/div.rb
index c389a0d..ce558f2 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/div.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/div.rb
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- load :html
- class Div < HTML
+ load :html
- FILE_EXTENSION = 'div.html'
+ class Div < HTML
- register_for :div
+ FILE_EXTENSION = 'div.html'
- :css => :style,
- :wrap => :div,
- })
+ register_for :div
- end
+ :css => :style,
+ :wrap => :div,
+ })
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb
index 15ccbc7..60c56c1 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/html.rb
@@ -1,245 +1,245 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- # = HTML Encoder
- #
- # This is CodeRay's most important highlighter:
- # It provides save, fast XHTML generation and CSS support.
- #
- # == Usage
- #
- # require 'coderay'
- # puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).html #-> a HTML page
- # puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).html(:wrap => :span) #-> <span class="CodeRay"><span class="co">Some</span> /code/</span>
- # puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).span #-> the same
- #
- # puts CodeRay.scan('Some code', :ruby).html(
- # :wrap => nil,
- # :line_numbers => :inline,
- # :css => :style
- # )
- # #-> <span class="no">1</span> <span style="color:#036; font-weight:bold;">Some</span> code
- #
- # == Options
- #
- # === :tab_width
- # Convert \t characters to +n+ spaces (a number.)
- # Default: 8
- #
- # === :css
- # How to include the styles; can be :class or :style.
- #
- # Default: :class
- #
- # === :wrap
- # Wrap in :page, :div, :span or nil.
- #
- # You can also use Encoders::Div and Encoders::Span.
- #
- # Default: nil
- #
- # === :line_numbers
- # Include line numbers in :table, :inline, :list or nil (no line numbers)
- #
- # Default: nil
- #
- # === :line_number_start
- # Where to start with line number counting.
- #
- # Default: 1
- #
- # === :bold_every
- # Make every +n+-th number appear bold.
- #
- # Default: 10
- #
- # === :hint
- # Include some information into the output using the title attribute.
- # Can be :info (show token type on mouse-over), :info_long (with full path) or :debug (via inspect).
- #
- # Default: false
- class HTML < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :html
- :tab_width => 8,
- :level => :xhtml,
- :css => :class,
- :style => :cycnus,
- :wrap => nil,
- :line_numbers => nil,
- :line_number_start => 1,
- :bold_every => 10,
- :hint => false,
- }
- helper :classes, :output, :css
- attr_reader :css
- protected
- HTML_ESCAPE = { #:nodoc:
- '&' => '&amp;',
- '"' => '&quot;',
- '>' => '&gt;',
- '<' => '&lt;',
- }
- # This was to prevent illegal HTML.
- # Strange chars should still be avoided in codes.
- evil_chars = Array(0x00...0x20) - [?\n, ?\t, ?\s]
- evil_chars.each { |i| HTML_ESCAPE[i.chr] = ' ' }
- #ansi_chars = Array(0x7f..0xff)
- #ansi_chars.each { |i| HTML_ESCAPE[i.chr] = '&#%d;' % i }
- # \x9 (\t) and \xA (\n) not included
- #HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = /[\t&"><\0-\x8\xB-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/
- HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = /[\t"&><\0-\x8\xB-\x1f]/
- TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO = { |h, kind|
- h[kind] =
- case kind
- when :pre_constant
- 'Predefined constant'
- else
- kind.to_s.gsub(/_/, ' ').gsub(/\b\w/) { $&.capitalize }
- end
- }
- # Generate a hint about the given +classes+ in a +hint+ style.
- #
- # +hint+ may be :info, :info_long or :debug.
- def self.token_path_to_hint hint, classes
- return '' unless hint
- title =
- case hint
- when :info
- TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO[classes.first]
- when :info_long
- { |kind| TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO[kind] }.join('/')
- when :debug
- classes.inspect
- end
- " title=\"#{title}\""
- end
- def setup options
- super
- @HTML_ESCAPE["\t"] = ' ' * options[:tab_width]
- @opened = [nil]
- @css = options[:style]
- hint = options[:hint]
- if hint and not [:debug, :info, :info_long].include? hint
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value %p for :hint; expected :info, :debug, false or nil." % hint
- end
- case options[:css]
- when :class
- @css_style = do |h, k|
- if k.is_a? Array
- type = k.first
- else
- type = k
- end
- c = ClassOfKind[type]
- if c == :NO_HIGHLIGHT and not hint
- h[k] = false
- else
- title = HTML.token_path_to_hint hint, (k[1..-1] << k.first)
- h[k] = '<span%s class="%s">' % [title, c]
- end
- end
- when :style
- @css_style = do |h, k|
- if k.is_a? Array
- styles = k.dup
- else
- styles = [k]
- end
- type = styles.first
- classes = { |c| ClassOfKind[c] }
- if classes.first == :NO_HIGHLIGHT and not hint
- h[k] = false
- else
- styles.shift if [:delimiter, :modifier, :content, :escape].include? styles.first
- title = HTML.token_path_to_hint hint, styles
- classes.delete 'il'
- style = @css[*classes]
- h[k] =
- if style
- '<span%s style="%s">' % [title, style]
- else
- false
- end
- end
- end
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value %p for :css." % options[:css]
- end
- end
- def finish options
- not_needed = @opened.shift
- @out << '</span>' * @opened.size
- warn '%d tokens still open' % @opened.size unless @opened.empty?
- @out.extend Output
- @out.css = @css
- @out.numerize! options[:line_numbers], options
- @out.wrap! options[:wrap]
- super
- end
- def token text, type
- if text.is_a? ::String
- if text =~ /#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o
- text = text.gsub(/#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o) { |m| @HTML_ESCAPE[m] }
- end
- @opened[0] = type
- if style = @css_style[@opened]
- @out << style << text << '</span>'
- else
- @out << text
- end
- else
- case text
- when :open
- @opened[0] = type
- @out << (@css_style[@opened] || '<span>')
- @opened << type
- when :close
- unless @opened.empty?
- raise 'Malformed token stream: Trying to close a token that was never opened.' unless @opened.size > 1
- @out << '</span>'
- @opened.pop
- end
- when nil
- raise 'Token with nil as text was given: %p' % [[text, type]]
- else
- raise 'unknown token kind: %p' % text
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ # = HTML Encoder
+ #
+ # This is CodeRay's most important highlighter:
+ # It provides save, fast XHTML generation and CSS support.
+ #
+ # == Usage
+ #
+ # require 'coderay'
+ # puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).html #-> a HTML page
+ # puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).html(:wrap => :span) #-> <span class="CodeRay"><span class="co">Some</span> /code/</span>
+ # puts CodeRay.scan('Some /code/', :ruby).span #-> the same
+ #
+ # puts CodeRay.scan('Some code', :ruby).html(
+ # :wrap => nil,
+ # :line_numbers => :inline,
+ # :css => :style
+ # )
+ # #-> <span class="no">1</span> <span style="color:#036; font-weight:bold;">Some</span> code
+ #
+ # == Options
+ #
+ # === :tab_width
+ # Convert \t characters to +n+ spaces (a number.)
+ # Default: 8
+ #
+ # === :css
+ # How to include the styles; can be :class or :style.
+ #
+ # Default: :class
+ #
+ # === :wrap
+ # Wrap in :page, :div, :span or nil.
+ #
+ # You can also use Encoders::Div and Encoders::Span.
+ #
+ # Default: nil
+ #
+ # === :line_numbers
+ # Include line numbers in :table, :inline, :list or nil (no line numbers)
+ #
+ # Default: nil
+ #
+ # === :line_number_start
+ # Where to start with line number counting.
+ #
+ # Default: 1
+ #
+ # === :bold_every
+ # Make every +n+-th number appear bold.
+ #
+ # Default: 10
+ #
+ # === :hint
+ # Include some information into the output using the title attribute.
+ # Can be :info (show token type on mouse-over), :info_long (with full path) or :debug (via inspect).
+ #
+ # Default: false
+ class HTML < Encoder
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :html
+ :tab_width => 8,
+ :level => :xhtml,
+ :css => :class,
+ :style => :cycnus,
+ :wrap => nil,
+ :line_numbers => nil,
+ :line_number_start => 1,
+ :bold_every => 10,
+ :hint => false,
+ }
+ helper :classes, :output, :css
+ attr_reader :css
+ protected
+ HTML_ESCAPE = { #:nodoc:
+ '&' => '&amp;',
+ '"' => '&quot;',
+ '>' => '&gt;',
+ '<' => '&lt;',
+ }
+ # This was to prevent illegal HTML.
+ # Strange chars should still be avoided in codes.
+ evil_chars = Array(0x00...0x20) - [?\n, ?\t, ?\s]
+ evil_chars.each { |i| HTML_ESCAPE[i.chr] = ' ' }
+ #ansi_chars = Array(0x7f..0xff)
+ #ansi_chars.each { |i| HTML_ESCAPE[i.chr] = '&#%d;' % i }
+ # \x9 (\t) and \xA (\n) not included
+ #HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = /[\t&"><\0-\x8\xB-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/
+ HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN = /[\t"&><\0-\x8\xB-\x1f]/
+ TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO = { |h, kind|
+ h[kind] =
+ case kind
+ when :pre_constant
+ 'Predefined constant'
+ else
+ kind.to_s.gsub(/_/, ' ').gsub(/\b\w/) { $&.capitalize }
+ end
+ }
+ # Generate a hint about the given +classes+ in a +hint+ style.
+ #
+ # +hint+ may be :info, :info_long or :debug.
+ def self.token_path_to_hint hint, classes
+ return '' unless hint
+ title =
+ case hint
+ when :info
+ TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO[classes.first]
+ when :info_long
+ { |kind| TOKEN_KIND_TO_INFO[kind] }.join('/')
+ when :debug
+ classes.inspect
+ end
+ " title=\"#{title}\""
+ end
+ def setup options
+ super
+ @HTML_ESCAPE["\t"] = ' ' * options[:tab_width]
+ @opened = [nil]
+ @css = options[:style]
+ hint = options[:hint]
+ if hint and not [:debug, :info, :info_long].include? hint
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value %p for :hint; expected :info, :debug, false or nil." % hint
+ end
+ case options[:css]
+ when :class
+ @css_style = do |h, k|
+ if k.is_a? Array
+ type = k.first
+ else
+ type = k
+ end
+ c = ClassOfKind[type]
+ if c == :NO_HIGHLIGHT and not hint
+ h[k] = false
+ else
+ title = HTML.token_path_to_hint hint, (k[1..-1] << k.first)
+ h[k] = '<span%s class="%s">' % [title, c]
+ end
+ end
+ when :style
+ @css_style = do |h, k|
+ if k.is_a? Array
+ styles = k.dup
+ else
+ styles = [k]
+ end
+ type = styles.first
+ classes = { |c| ClassOfKind[c] }
+ if classes.first == :NO_HIGHLIGHT and not hint
+ h[k] = false
+ else
+ styles.shift if [:delimiter, :modifier, :content, :escape].include? styles.first
+ title = HTML.token_path_to_hint hint, styles
+ classes.delete 'il'
+ style = @css[*classes]
+ h[k] =
+ if style
+ '<span%s style="%s">' % [title, style]
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value %p for :css." % options[:css]
+ end
+ end
+ def finish options
+ not_needed = @opened.shift
+ @out << '</span>' * @opened.size
+ warn '%d tokens still open' % @opened.size unless @opened.empty?
+ @out.extend Output
+ @out.css = @css
+ @out.numerize! options[:line_numbers], options
+ @out.wrap! options[:wrap]
+ super
+ end
+ def token text, type
+ if text.is_a? ::String
+ if text =~ /#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o
+ text = text.gsub(/#{HTML_ESCAPE_PATTERN}/o) { |m| @HTML_ESCAPE[m] }
+ end
+ @opened[0] = type
+ if style = @css_style[@opened]
+ @out << style << text << '</span>'
+ else
+ @out << text
+ end
+ else
+ case text
+ when :open
+ @opened[0] = type
+ @out << (@css_style[@opened] || '<span>')
+ @opened << type
+ when :close
+ unless @opened.empty?
+ raise 'Malformed token stream: Trying to close a token that was never opened.' unless @opened.size > 1
+ @out << '</span>'
+ @opened.pop
+ end
+ when nil
+ raise 'Token with nil as text was given: %p' % [[text, type]]
+ else
+ raise 'unknown token kind: %p' % text
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/classes.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/classes.rb
index e21fce8..8493fa0 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/classes.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/classes.rb
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- class HTML
+ class HTML
- ClassOfKind = {
- :attribute_name => 'an',
- :attribute_name_fat => 'af',
- :attribute_value => 'av',
- :attribute_value_fat => 'aw',
- :bin => 'bi',
- :char => 'ch',
- :class => 'cl',
- :class_variable => 'cv',
- :color => 'cr',
- :comment => 'c',
- :constant => 'co',
- :content => 'k',
- :definition => 'df',
- :delimiter => 'dl',
- :directive => 'di',
- :doc => 'do',
- :doc_string => 'ds',
- :entity => 'en',
- :error => 'er',
- :escape => 'e',
- :exception => 'ex',
- :float => 'fl',
- :function => 'fu',
- :global_variable => 'gv',
- :hex => 'hx',
- :include => 'ic',
- :inline => 'il',
- :instance_variable => 'iv',
- :integer => 'i',
- :interpreted => 'in',
- :label => 'la',
- :local_variable => 'lv',
- :modifier => 'mod',
- :oct => 'oc',
- :operator_name => 'on',
- :pre_constant => 'pc',
- :pre_type => 'pt',
- :predefined => 'pd',
- :preprocessor => 'pp',
- :regexp => 'rx',
- :reserved => 'r',
- :shell => 'sh',
- :string => 's',
- :symbol => 'sy',
- :tag => 'ta',
- :tag_fat => 'tf',
- :tag_special => 'ts',
- :type => 'ty',
- :variable => 'v',
- :xml_text => 'xt',
+ ClassOfKind = {
+ :attribute_name => 'an',
+ :attribute_name_fat => 'af',
+ :attribute_value => 'av',
+ :attribute_value_fat => 'aw',
+ :bin => 'bi',
+ :char => 'ch',
+ :class => 'cl',
+ :class_variable => 'cv',
+ :color => 'cr',
+ :comment => 'c',
+ :constant => 'co',
+ :content => 'k',
+ :definition => 'df',
+ :delimiter => 'dl',
+ :directive => 'di',
+ :doc => 'do',
+ :doc_string => 'ds',
+ :entity => 'en',
+ :error => 'er',
+ :escape => 'e',
+ :exception => 'ex',
+ :float => 'fl',
+ :function => 'fu',
+ :global_variable => 'gv',
+ :hex => 'hx',
+ :include => 'ic',
+ :inline => 'il',
+ :instance_variable => 'iv',
+ :integer => 'i',
+ :interpreted => 'in',
+ :label => 'la',
+ :local_variable => 'lv',
+ :modifier => 'mod',
+ :oct => 'oc',
+ :operator_name => 'on',
+ :pre_constant => 'pc',
+ :pre_type => 'pt',
+ :predefined => 'pd',
+ :preprocessor => 'pp',
+ :regexp => 'rx',
+ :reserved => 'r',
+ :shell => 'sh',
+ :string => 's',
+ :symbol => 'sy',
+ :tag => 'ta',
+ :tag_fat => 'tf',
+ :tag_special => 'ts',
+ :type => 'ty',
+ :variable => 'v',
+ :xml_text => 'xt',
- :ident => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, # 'id'
- #:operator => 'op',
- :operator => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, # 'op'
- :space => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, # 'sp'
- :plain => :NO_HIGHLIGHT,
- }
- ClassOfKind[:procedure] = ClassOfKind[:method] = ClassOfKind[:function]
- ClassOfKind[:open] = ClassOfKind[:close] = ClassOfKind[:delimiter]
- ClassOfKind[:nesting_delimiter] = ClassOfKind[:delimiter]
- ClassOfKind[:escape] = ClassOfKind[:delimiter]
- ClassOfKind.default = ClassOfKind[:error] or raise 'no class found for :error!'
+ :ident => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, # 'id'
+ #:operator => 'op',
+ :operator => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, # 'op'
+ :space => :NO_HIGHLIGHT, # 'sp'
+ :plain => :NO_HIGHLIGHT,
+ }
+ ClassOfKind[:procedure] = ClassOfKind[:method] = ClassOfKind[:function]
+ ClassOfKind[:open] = ClassOfKind[:close] = ClassOfKind[:delimiter]
+ ClassOfKind[:nesting_delimiter] = ClassOfKind[:delimiter]
+ ClassOfKind[:escape] = ClassOfKind[:delimiter]
+ ClassOfKind.default = ClassOfKind[:error] or raise 'no class found for :error!'
- end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb
index fcd9859..b76d682 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/css.rb
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- class HTML
- class CSS
+ class HTML
+ class CSS
- attr :stylesheet
+ attr :stylesheet
- def CSS.load_stylesheet style = nil
- CodeRay::Styles[style]
- end
- def initialize style = :default
- @classes =
- style = CSS.load_stylesheet style
- @stylesheet = [
- style::TOKEN_COLORS.gsub(/^(?!$)/, '.CodeRay ')
- ].join("\n")
- parse style::TOKEN_COLORS
- end
+ def CSS.load_stylesheet style = nil
+ CodeRay::Styles[style]
+ end
+ def initialize style = :default
+ @classes =
+ style = CSS.load_stylesheet style
+ @stylesheet = [
+ style::TOKEN_COLORS.gsub(/^(?!$)/, '.CodeRay ')
+ ].join("\n")
+ parse style::TOKEN_COLORS
+ end
+ def [] *styles
+ cl = @classes[styles.first]
+ return '' unless cl
+ style = ''
+ 1.upto(styles.size) do |offset|
+ break if style = cl[styles[offset .. -1]]
+ end
+ raise 'Style not found: %p' % [styles] if $DEBUG and style.empty?
+ return style
+ end
+ private
+ ( (?: # $1 = classes
+ \s* \. [-\w]+
+ )+ )
+ \s* \{ \s*
+ ( [^\}]+ )? # $2 = style
+ \s* \} \s*
+ |
+ ( . ) # $3 = error
+ /mx
+ def parse stylesheet
+ stylesheet.scan CSS_CLASS_PATTERN do |classes, style, error|
+ raise "CSS parse error: '#{error.inspect}' not recognized" if error
+ styles = classes.scan(/[-\w]+/)
+ cl = styles.pop
+ @classes[cl] ||=
+ @classes[cl][styles] = style.to_s.strip
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- def [] *styles
- cl = @classes[styles.first]
- return '' unless cl
- style = ''
- 1.upto(styles.size) do |offset|
- break if style = cl[styles[offset .. -1]]
- end
- raise 'Style not found: %p' % [styles] if $DEBUG and style.empty?
- return style
- end
- private
- ( (?: # $1 = classes
- \s* \. [-\w]+
- )+ )
- \s* \{ \s*
- ( [^\}]+ )? # $2 = style
- \s* \} \s*
- |
- ( . ) # $3 = error
- /mx
- def parse stylesheet
- stylesheet.scan CSS_CLASS_PATTERN do |classes, style, error|
- raise "CSS parse error: '#{error.inspect}' not recognized" if error
- styles = classes.scan(/[-\w]+/)
- cl = styles.pop
- @classes[cl] ||=
- @classes[cl][styles] = style.to_s.strip
- end
- end
- end
- end
if $0 == __FILE__
- require 'pp'
- pp
+ require 'pp'
+ pp
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/numerization.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/numerization.rb
index 1e1f952..2960f87 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/numerization.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/numerization.rb
@@ -1,122 +1,122 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- class HTML
- module Output
- def numerize *args
- clone.numerize!(*args)
- end
- :table => [:div, :page, nil],
- :inline => :all,
- :list => [:div, :page, nil]
- }
- def numerize! mode = :table, options = {}
- return self unless mode
- options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge options
- start = options[:line_number_start]
- unless start.is_a? Integer
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value %p for :line_number_start; Integer expected." % start
- end
- #allowed_wrappings = NUMERIZABLE_WRAPPINGS[mode]
- #unless allowed_wrappings == :all or allowed_wrappings.include? options[:wrap]
- # raise ArgumentError, "Can't numerize, :wrap must be in %p, but is %p" % [NUMERIZABLE_WRAPPINGS, options[:wrap]]
- #end
- bold_every = options[:bold_every]
- bolding =
- if bold_every == false
- proc { |line| line.to_s }
- elsif bold_every.is_a? Integer
- raise ArgumentError, ":bolding can't be 0." if bold_every == 0
- proc do |line|
- if line % bold_every == 0
- "<strong>#{line}</strong>" # every bold_every-th number in bold
- else
- line.to_s
- end
- end
- else
- raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid value %p for :bolding; false or Integer expected.' % bold_every
- end
- case mode
- when :inline
- max_width = (start + line_count).to_s.size
- line = start
- gsub!(/^/) do
- line_number = line
- indent = ' ' * (max_width - line.to_s.size)
- res = "<span class=\"no\">#{indent}#{line_number}</span> "
- line += 1
- res
- end
- when :table
- # This is really ugly.
- # Because even monospace fonts seem to have different heights when bold,
- # I make the newline bold, both in the code and the line numbers.
- # FIXME Still not working perfect for Mr. Internet Exploder
- # FIXME Firefox struggles with very long codes (> 200 lines)
- line_numbers = (start ... start + line_count)"\n")
- line_numbers << "\n" # also for Mr. MS Internet Exploder :-/
- line_numbers.gsub!(/\n/) { "<tt>\n</tt>" }
- line_numbers_table_tpl = TABLE.apply('LINE_NUMBERS', line_numbers)
- gsub!(/\n/) { "<tt>\n</tt>" }
- wrap_in! line_numbers_table_tpl
- @wrapped_in = :div
- when :list
- opened_tags = []
- gsub!(/^.*$\n?/) do |line|
- line.chomp!
- open = opened_tags.join
- line.scan(%r!<(/)?span[^>]*>?!) do |close,|
- if close
- opened_tags.pop
- else
- opened_tags << $&
- end
- end
- close = '</span>' * opened_tags.size
- "<li>#{open}#{line}#{close}</li>"
- end
- wrap_in! LIST
- @wrapped_in = :div
- else
- raise ArgumentError, 'Unknown value %p for mode: expected one of %p' %
- [mode, [:table, :list, :inline]]
- end
- self
- end
- def line_count
- line_count = count("\n")
- position_of_last_newline = rindex(?\n)
- if position_of_last_newline
- after_last_newline = self[position_of_last_newline + 1 .. -1]
- ends_with_newline = after_last_newline[/\A(?:<\/span>)*\z/]
- line_count += 1 if not ends_with_newline
- end
- line_count
- end
- end
- end
+ class HTML
+ module Output
+ def numerize *args
+ clone.numerize!(*args)
+ end
+ :table => [:div, :page, nil],
+ :inline => :all,
+ :list => [:div, :page, nil]
+ }
+ def numerize! mode = :table, options = {}
+ return self unless mode
+ options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge options
+ start = options[:line_number_start]
+ unless start.is_a? Integer
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value %p for :line_number_start; Integer expected." % start
+ end
+ #allowed_wrappings = NUMERIZABLE_WRAPPINGS[mode]
+ #unless allowed_wrappings == :all or allowed_wrappings.include? options[:wrap]
+ # raise ArgumentError, "Can't numerize, :wrap must be in %p, but is %p" % [NUMERIZABLE_WRAPPINGS, options[:wrap]]
+ #end
+ bold_every = options[:bold_every]
+ bolding =
+ if bold_every == false
+ proc { |line| line.to_s }
+ elsif bold_every.is_a? Integer
+ raise ArgumentError, ":bolding can't be 0." if bold_every == 0
+ proc do |line|
+ if line % bold_every == 0
+ "<strong>#{line}</strong>" # every bold_every-th number in bold
+ else
+ line.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Invalid value %p for :bolding; false or Integer expected.' % bold_every
+ end
+ case mode
+ when :inline
+ max_width = (start + line_count).to_s.size
+ line = start
+ gsub!(/^/) do
+ line_number = line
+ indent = ' ' * (max_width - line.to_s.size)
+ res = "<span class=\"no\">#{indent}#{line_number}</span> "
+ line += 1
+ res
+ end
+ when :table
+ # This is really ugly.
+ # Because even monospace fonts seem to have different heights when bold,
+ # I make the newline bold, both in the code and the line numbers.
+ # FIXME Still not working perfect for Mr. Internet Exploder
+ # FIXME Firefox struggles with very long codes (> 200 lines)
+ line_numbers = (start ... start + line_count)"\n")
+ line_numbers << "\n" # also for Mr. MS Internet Exploder :-/
+ line_numbers.gsub!(/\n/) { "<tt>\n</tt>" }
+ line_numbers_table_tpl = TABLE.apply('LINE_NUMBERS', line_numbers)
+ gsub!(/\n/) { "<tt>\n</tt>" }
+ wrap_in! line_numbers_table_tpl
+ @wrapped_in = :div
+ when :list
+ opened_tags = []
+ gsub!(/^.*$\n?/) do |line|
+ line.chomp!
+ open = opened_tags.join
+ line.scan(%r!<(/)?span[^>]*>?!) do |close,|
+ if close
+ opened_tags.pop
+ else
+ opened_tags << $&
+ end
+ end
+ close = '</span>' * opened_tags.size
+ "<li>#{open}#{line}#{close}</li>"
+ end
+ wrap_in! LIST
+ @wrapped_in = :div
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Unknown value %p for mode: expected one of %p' %
+ [mode, [:table, :list, :inline]]
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def line_count
+ line_count = count("\n")
+ position_of_last_newline = rindex(?\n)
+ if position_of_last_newline
+ after_last_newline = self[position_of_last_newline + 1 .. -1]
+ ends_with_newline = after_last_newline[/\A(?:<\/span>)*\z/]
+ line_count += 1 if not ends_with_newline
+ end
+ line_count
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb
index 203caca..61258ee 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/html/output.rb
@@ -1,195 +1,195 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- class HTML
- # This module is included in the output String from thew HTML Encoder.
- #
- # It provides methods like wrap, div, page etc.
- #
- # Remember to use #clone instead of #dup to keep the modules the object was
- # extended with.
- #
- # TODO: more doc.
- module Output
- require 'coderay/encoders/html/numerization.rb'
- attr_accessor :css
- class << self
- # This makes Output look like a class.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # a = '<span class="co">Code</span>'
- # a.wrap! :page
- def new string, css =, element = nil
- output = string.clone.extend self
- output.wrapped_in = element
- output.css = css
- output
- end
- # Raises an exception if an object that doesn't respond to to_str is extended by Output,
- # to prevent users from misuse. Use Module#remove_method to disable.
- def extended o
- warn "The Output module is intended to extend instances of String, not #{o.class}." unless o.respond_to? :to_str
- end
- def make_stylesheet css, in_tag = false
- sheet = css.stylesheet
- sheet = <<-CSS if in_tag
+ class HTML
+ # This module is included in the output String from thew HTML Encoder.
+ #
+ # It provides methods like wrap, div, page etc.
+ #
+ # Remember to use #clone instead of #dup to keep the modules the object was
+ # extended with.
+ #
+ # TODO: more doc.
+ module Output
+ require 'coderay/encoders/html/numerization.rb'
+ attr_accessor :css
+ class << self
+ # This makes Output look like a class.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # a = '<span class="co">Code</span>'
+ # a.wrap! :page
+ def new string, css =, element = nil
+ output = string.clone.extend self
+ output.wrapped_in = element
+ output.css = css
+ output
+ end
+ # Raises an exception if an object that doesn't respond to to_str is extended by Output,
+ # to prevent users from misuse. Use Module#remove_method to disable.
+ def extended o
+ warn "The Output module is intended to extend instances of String, not #{o.class}." unless o.respond_to? :to_str
+ end
+ def make_stylesheet css, in_tag = false
+ sheet = css.stylesheet
+ sheet = <<-CSS if in_tag
<style type="text/css">
- sheet
- end
- def page_template_for_css css
- sheet = make_stylesheet css
- PAGE.apply 'CSS', sheet
- end
- # Define a new wrapper. This is meta programming.
- def wrapper *wrappers
- wrappers.each do |wrapper|
- define_method wrapper do |*args|
- wrap wrapper, *args
- end
- define_method "#{wrapper}!".to_sym do |*args|
- wrap! wrapper, *args
- end
- end
- end
- end
- wrapper :div, :span, :page
- def wrapped_in? element
- wrapped_in == element
- end
- def wrapped_in
- @wrapped_in ||= nil
- end
- attr_writer :wrapped_in
- def wrap_in template
- clone.wrap_in! template
- end
- def wrap_in! template
- Template.wrap! self, template, 'CONTENT'
- self
- end
- def wrap! element, *args
- return self if not element or element == wrapped_in
- case element
- when :div
- raise "Can't wrap %p in %p" % [wrapped_in, element] unless wrapped_in? nil
- wrap_in! DIV
- when :span
- raise "Can't wrap %p in %p" % [wrapped_in, element] unless wrapped_in? nil
- wrap_in! SPAN
- when :page
- wrap! :div if wrapped_in? nil
- raise "Can't wrap %p in %p" % [wrapped_in, element] unless wrapped_in? :div
- wrap_in! Output.page_template_for_css(@css)
- when nil
- return self
- else
- raise "Unknown value %p for :wrap" % element
- end
- @wrapped_in = element
- self
- end
- def wrap *args
- clone.wrap!(*args)
- end
- def stylesheet in_tag = false
- Output.make_stylesheet @css, in_tag
- end
- class Template < String
- def self.wrap! str, template, target
- target ="<%#{target}%>"))
- if template =~ target
- str[0,0] = $`
- str << $'
- else
- raise "Template target <%%%p%%> not found" % target
- end
- end
- def apply target, replacement
- target ="<%#{target}%>"))
- if self =~ target
-$` + replacement + $')
- else
- raise "Template target <%%%p%%> not found" % target
- end
- end
- module Simple
- def ` str #`
- str
- end
- end
- end
- extend Template::Simple
+ sheet
+ end
+ def page_template_for_css css
+ sheet = make_stylesheet css
+ PAGE.apply 'CSS', sheet
+ end
+ # Define a new wrapper. This is meta programming.
+ def wrapper *wrappers
+ wrappers.each do |wrapper|
+ define_method wrapper do |*args|
+ wrap wrapper, *args
+ end
+ define_method "#{wrapper}!".to_sym do |*args|
+ wrap! wrapper, *args
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ wrapper :div, :span, :page
+ def wrapped_in? element
+ wrapped_in == element
+ end
+ def wrapped_in
+ @wrapped_in ||= nil
+ end
+ attr_writer :wrapped_in
+ def wrap_in template
+ clone.wrap_in! template
+ end
+ def wrap_in! template
+ Template.wrap! self, template, 'CONTENT'
+ self
+ end
+ def wrap! element, *args
+ return self if not element or element == wrapped_in
+ case element
+ when :div
+ raise "Can't wrap %p in %p" % [wrapped_in, element] unless wrapped_in? nil
+ wrap_in! DIV
+ when :span
+ raise "Can't wrap %p in %p" % [wrapped_in, element] unless wrapped_in? nil
+ wrap_in! SPAN
+ when :page
+ wrap! :div if wrapped_in? nil
+ raise "Can't wrap %p in %p" % [wrapped_in, element] unless wrapped_in? :div
+ wrap_in! Output.page_template_for_css(@css)
+ when nil
+ return self
+ else
+ raise "Unknown value %p for :wrap" % element
+ end
+ @wrapped_in = element
+ self
+ end
+ def wrap *args
+ clone.wrap!(*args)
+ end
+ def stylesheet in_tag = false
+ Output.make_stylesheet @css, in_tag
+ end
+ class Template < String
+ def self.wrap! str, template, target
+ target ="<%#{target}%>"))
+ if template =~ target
+ str[0,0] = $`
+ str << $'
+ else
+ raise "Template target <%%%p%%> not found" % target
+ end
+ end
+ def apply target, replacement
+ target ="<%#{target}%>"))
+ if self =~ target
+$` + replacement + $')
+ else
+ raise "Template target <%%%p%%> not found" % target
+ end
+ end
+ module Simple
+ def ` str #` <-- for stupid editors
+ str
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ extend Template::Simple
#-- don't include the templates in docu
- SPAN = `<span class="CodeRay"><%CONTENT%></span>`
- DIV = <<-`DIV`
+ SPAN = `<span class="CodeRay"><%CONTENT%></span>`
+ DIV = <<-`DIV`
<div class="CodeRay">
- <div class="code"><pre><%CONTENT%></pre></div>
+ <div class="code"><pre><%CONTENT%></pre></div>
- TABLE = <<-`TABLE`
+ TABLE = <<-`TABLE`
<table class="CodeRay"><tr>
- <td class="line_numbers" title="click to toggle" onclick="with ( { display = (display == '') ? 'none' : '' }"><pre><%LINE_NUMBERS%></pre></td>
- <td class="code"><pre ondblclick="with ( { overflow = (overflow == 'auto' || overflow == '') ? 'visible' : 'auto' }"><%CONTENT%></pre></td>
+ <td class="line_numbers" title="click to toggle" onclick="with ( { display = (display == '') ? 'none' : '' }"><pre><%LINE_NUMBERS%></pre></td>
+ <td class="code"><pre ondblclick="with ( { overflow = (overflow == 'auto' || overflow == '') ? 'visible' : 'auto' }"><%CONTENT%></pre></td>
- # title="double click to expand"
+ # title="double click to expand"
- LIST = <<-`LIST`
+ LIST = <<-`LIST`
<ol class="CodeRay"><%CONTENT%></ol>
- PAGE = <<-`PAGE`
+ PAGE = <<-`PAGE`
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "">
+ "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="de">
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
- <title>CodeRay HTML Encoder Example</title>
- <style type="text/css">
+ <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+ <title>CodeRay HTML Encoder Example</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
- </style>
+ </style>
<body style="background-color: white;">
- end
+ end
- end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/null.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/null.rb
index 0e3d073..96d81fe 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/null.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/null.rb
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- # = Null Encoder
- #
- # Does nothing and returns an empty string.
- class Null < Encoder
+ # = Null Encoder
+ #
+ # Does nothing and returns an empty string.
+ class Null < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :null
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :null
- # Defined for faster processing
- def to_proc
- proc {}
- end
+ # Defined for faster processing
+ def to_proc
+ proc {}
+ end
- protected
+ protected
- def token(*)
- # do nothing
- end
+ def token(*)
+ # do nothing
+ end
- end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/page.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/page.rb
index 74bdc55..1ed7985 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/page.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/page.rb
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- load :html
- class Page < HTML
+ load :html
+ class Page < HTML
- register_for :page
- :css => :class,
- :wrap => :page,
- :line_numbers => :table
- })
+ register_for :page
- end
+ :css => :class,
+ :wrap => :page,
+ :line_numbers => :table
+ })
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/span.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/span.rb
index 4d74277..e892cb2 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/span.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/span.rb
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- load :html
+ load :html
- class Span < HTML
+ class Span < HTML
- FILE_EXTENSION = 'span.html'
+ FILE_EXTENSION = 'span.html'
- register_for :span
+ register_for :span
- :css => :style,
- :wrap => :span,
- })
+ :css => :style,
+ :wrap => :span,
+ })
- end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb
index 0cf8831..f80d5c8 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/statistic.rb
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- # Makes a statistic for the given tokens.
- class Statistic < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :stats, :statistic
- attr_reader :type_stats, :real_token_count
- protected
- TypeStats = :count, :size
- def setup options
- @type_stats = { |h, k| h[k] = 0, 0 }
- @real_token_count = 0
- end
- def generate tokens, options
- @tokens = tokens
- super
- end
- def text_token text, kind
- @real_token_count += 1 unless kind == :space
- @type_stats[kind].count += 1
- @type_stats[kind].size += text.size
- @type_stats['TOTAL'].size += text.size
- end
- # TODO Hierarchy handling
- def block_token action, kind
- #@content_type = kind
- @type_stats['open/close'].count += 1
- end
- def token text, kind
- super
- @type_stats['TOTAL'].count += 1
- end
+ # Makes a statistic for the given tokens.
+ class Statistic < Encoder
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :stats, :statistic
+ attr_reader :type_stats, :real_token_count
+ protected
+ TypeStats = :count, :size
+ def setup options
+ @type_stats = { |h, k| h[k] = 0, 0 }
+ @real_token_count = 0
+ end
+ def generate tokens, options
+ @tokens = tokens
+ super
+ end
+ def text_token text, kind
+ @real_token_count += 1 unless kind == :space
+ @type_stats[kind].count += 1
+ @type_stats[kind].size += text.size
+ @type_stats['TOTAL'].size += text.size
+ end
+ # TODO Hierarchy handling
+ def block_token action, kind
+ #@content_type = kind
+ @type_stats['open/close'].count += 1
+ end
+ def token text, kind
+ super
+ @type_stats['TOTAL'].count += 1
+ end
Code Statistics
@@ -53,29 +53,29 @@ Token Types (%d):
type count ratio size (average)
# space 12007 33.81 % 1.7
%-20s %8d %6.2f %% %5.1f
- def finish options
- all = @type_stats['TOTAL']
- all_count, all_size = all.count, all.size
- @type_stats.each do |type, stat|
- stat.size /= stat.count.to_f
- end
- types_stats = @type_stats.sort_by { |k, v| [-v.count, k.to_s] }.map do |k, v|
- TOKEN_TYPES_ROW % [k, v.count, 100.0 * v.count / all_count, v.size]
- end.join
- STATS % [
- all_count, @real_token_count, all_size,
- @type_stats.delete_if { |k, v| k.is_a? String }.size,
- types_stats
- ]
- end
- end
+ def finish options
+ all = @type_stats['TOTAL']
+ all_count, all_size = all.count, all.size
+ @type_stats.each do |type, stat|
+ stat.size /= stat.count.to_f
+ end
+ types_stats = @type_stats.sort_by { |k, v| [-v.count, k.to_s] }.map do |k, v|
+ TOKEN_TYPES_ROW % [k, v.count, 100.0 * v.count / all_count, v.size]
+ end.join
+ STATS % [
+ all_count, @real_token_count, all_size,
+ @type_stats.delete_if { |k, v| k.is_a? String }.size,
+ types_stats
+ ]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb
index 02f76cb..31661ef 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/text.rb
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- class Text < Encoder
+ class Text < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :text
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :text
- :separator => ''
- }
+ :separator => ''
+ }
- protected
- def setup options
- super
- @sep = options[:separator]
- end
+ protected
+ def setup options
+ super
+ @sep = options[:separator]
+ end
- def token text, kind
- return unless text.respond_to? :to_str
- @out << text + @sep
- end
+ def token text, kind
+ return unless text.respond_to? :to_str
+ @out << text + @sep
+ end
- def finish options
- @out.chomp @sep
- end
+ def finish options
+ @out.chomp @sep
+ end
- end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/tokens.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/tokens.rb
index 2bcca40..743cc0e 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/tokens.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/tokens.rb
@@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- # The Tokens encoder converts the tokens to a simple
- # readable format. It doesn't use colors and is mainly
- # intended for console output.
- #
- # The tokens are converted with Tokens.write_token.
- #
- # The format is:
- #
- # <token-kind> \t <escaped token-text> \n
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # require 'coderay'
- # puts CodeRay.scan("puts 3 + 4", :ruby).tokens
- #
- # prints:
- #
- # ident puts
- # space
- # integer 3
- # space
- # operator +
- # space
- # integer 4
- #
- class Tokens < Encoder
+ # The Tokens encoder converts the tokens to a simple
+ # readable format. It doesn't use colors and is mainly
+ # intended for console output.
+ #
+ # The tokens are converted with Tokens.write_token.
+ #
+ # The format is:
+ #
+ # <token-kind> \t <escaped token-text> \n
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # require 'coderay'
+ # puts CodeRay.scan("puts 3 + 4", :ruby).tokens
+ #
+ # prints:
+ #
+ # ident puts
+ # space
+ # integer 3
+ # space
+ # operator +
+ # space
+ # integer 4
+ #
+ class Tokens < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :tokens
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :tokens
- protected
- def token *args
- @out << CodeRay::Tokens.write_token(*args)
- end
+ protected
+ def token *args
+ @out << CodeRay::Tokens.write_token(*args)
+ end
- end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb
index 246fe0a..21ef0cf 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/xml.rb
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- # = XML Encoder
- #
- # Uses REXML. Very slow.
- class XML < Encoder
+ # = XML Encoder
+ #
+ # Uses REXML. Very slow.
+ class XML < Encoder
- include Streamable
- register_for :xml
+ include Streamable
+ register_for :xml
- require 'rexml/document'
+ require 'rexml/document'
- :tab_width => 8,
- :pretty => -1,
- :transitive => false,
- }
+ :tab_width => 8,
+ :pretty => -1,
+ :transitive => false,
+ }
- protected
- def setup options
- @out = ''
- @doc =
- @doc <<
- @tab_width = options[:tab_width]
- @root = @node = @doc.add_element('coderay-tokens')
- end
- def finish options
- @doc.write @out, options[:pretty], options[:transitive], true
- @out
- end
- def text_token text, kind
- if kind == :space
- token = @node
- else
- token = @node.add_element kind.to_s
- end
- text.scan(/(\x20+)|(\t+)|(\n)|[^\x20\t\n]+/) do |space, tab, nl|
- case
- when space
- token <<, true)
- when tab
- token <<, true)
- when nl
- token <<, true)
- else
- token <<$&)
- end
- end
- end
+ protected
- def open_token kind
- @node = @node.add_element kind.to_s
- end
+ def setup options
+ @out = ''
+ @doc =
+ @doc <<
+ @tab_width = options[:tab_width]
+ @root = @node = @doc.add_element('coderay-tokens')
+ end
- def close_token kind
- if @node == @root
- raise 'no token to close!'
- end
- @node = @node.parent
- end
+ def finish options
+ @doc.write @out, options[:pretty], options[:transitive], true
+ @out
+ end
- end
+ def text_token text, kind
+ if kind == :space
+ token = @node
+ else
+ token = @node.add_element kind.to_s
+ end
+ text.scan(/(\x20+)|(\t+)|(\n)|[^\x20\t\n]+/) do |space, tab, nl|
+ case
+ when space
+ token <<, true)
+ when tab
+ token <<, true)
+ when nl
+ token <<, true)
+ else
+ token <<$&)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def open_token kind
+ @node = @node.add_element kind.to_s
+ end
+ def close_token kind
+ if @node == @root
+ raise 'no token to close!'
+ end
+ @node = @node.parent
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb b/lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb
index b842647..47f64a4 100644
--- a/lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb
+++ b/lib/coderay/encoders/yaml.rb
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
module CodeRay
module Encoders
- # = YAML Encoder
- #
- # Slow.
- class YAML < Encoder
+ # = YAML Encoder
+ #
+ # Slow.
+ class YAML < Encoder
- register_for :yaml
+ register_for :yaml
- protected
- def compile tokens, options
- require 'yaml'
- @out = tokens.to_a.to_yaml
- end
+ protected
+ def compile tokens, options
+ require 'yaml'
+ @out = tokens.to_a.to_yaml
+ end
- end
+ end